Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1982 Immersive Three Old Men

In fact, Chinese medicine has no such explanation for so-called incurable diseases in Western medicine. They believe that the human body is like a machine, and the reason why we live depends on the repeated circulation of Qi and blood.

What is called a tumor in Western medicine is called "blood stasis" in Chinese medicine. It's like a river that is blocked by debris and sediment in a relatively narrow area.

The approach of Western medicine is surgery to dig out the congestion. It seems that this is the fastest way to solve the problem. However, when a person's Qi and blood are insufficient, if you dig out a place, it will inevitably become blocked later. If there are too many blocked places, surgery will not be possible. It makes sense.

Therefore, the approach of traditional Chinese medicine is to find ways to increase the flow rate of the river, use the power of the river itself to break away these congestions, and let the entire river run again.

Liu Xiangdong and Ye Wancheng discussed these theories in detail with John. John was naturally unconvinced. He insisted that tumors were not congestion, but poisonous cells growing on their own in the river bed. It was like a tree growing out of thin air. To cure it, the tree must be killed and the tangled roots must be removed. Dig it out, so that the root effect can be achieved.

The three old men often argue over each other's theories. Don't forget that they are all professors in medical schools now, so their theories will naturally influence their students.

As a result, a debate started among the medical students of Junken University, that is, whether the tumor is caused by washed-in sand or whether it is a tree that grows on its own.

Until cancer is conquered, this debate will never come to a conclusion. But the three old men reached a consensus on one thing, that is, the identification of effective traditional Chinese medicine to conquer tumors.

Yew, ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Hedyotis diffusa, Astragalus, Scutellaria barbata and Aloe vera, etc.

In fact, many of the ingredients in these drugs are very effective in treating tumors. But the trouble with traditional Chinese medicine is that treatment is per person.

That is to say, everyone is a different individual. For example, a cold is called wind-cold in Chinese medicine. According to Western medicine, just take cold medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine, on the other hand, has to prescribe prescriptions by deleting various ingredients according to the individual's constitution. This is also the reason why it is difficult to quantify the treatment of Chinese medicine.

It is precisely because of this that the proportion of Western medicine is getting larger and larger in reality, while the market for traditional Chinese medicine is getting smaller and smaller. This is actually a contradiction that is difficult to resolve.

There is no way, medical schools can mass-produce more and more Western medicine doctors, but traditional Chinese medicine cannot do it at all. A good Chinese medicine doctor does not have decades of master's words and deeds, and a large number of cases accumulated. He couldn't even learn to take a pulse.

You must know that Western medicine has various instruments and equipment, but Chinese medicine only has four words: "look, smell, ask, and feel."

That is, the doctor only relies on his own eyes and nose, plus taking the pulse. It can diagnose diseases that are difficult to detect with sophisticated equipment. If you think about it carefully, how can such skills be mass-produced in a medical school?

Therefore, now, it is not that traditional Chinese medicine is no longer good, but that the way of inheritance is wrong. However, those traditional Chinese medicine doctors who are quite famous among the people are prohibited from practicing medicine because of their academic qualifications.

After a period of time like this, the inheritance will be cut off. Which young person would waste time and learn something that is completely useless?

Ye Wancheng and the others naturally have no way to solve these problems, and currently they can only adopt a compromise approach to develop a spectrum anti-tumor drug, according to John.

That is a drug that not only increases the flow rate of rivers, but also digs up tree roots. The difficulty has undoubtedly increased several times. Of course, can this study produce results? It's hard to say.

There are many scientists who have spent their entire lives unable to solve this problem, and compared with them, the three old men are not outstanding. But nothing is absolute. Otherwise, why would they win the Nobel Prize?

Therefore, although hard work is the primary condition for success, hard work does not necessarily lead to success. It also involves many factors, such as the right time, right place, right people, and even luck. If one of them is missing, you are just a Yang Bailao.

The three old men entered the immersion mode, and Ruyi felt relieved. Although he was not in a sanatorium, he was in the Pharmaceutical Research Institute and could go for check-ups at any time. At present, these three elders and Mr. Ni are the national treasure pandas in Junken City. How can they dare to neglect them?

With the end of the Spring Festival, everything is on track. Wang Shuqin's burden is getting heavier and heavier. First of all, she has been responsible for the reform of the housing system from the beginning, so she cannot offload this burden.

Furthermore, her ideal is to focus on the development of agriculture and animal husbandry. For a large agricultural and animal husbandry province with a vast territory and sparse population, the development of agriculture and animal husbandry is the key. And her work in the Corps gave her rich experience in this area.

Northern Xinjiang is a large province, and this large refers only to its area. In terms of population, it is difficult to compare with the mainland.

However, although the area is large, the proportion of unusable parts is also very large. Deserts and Gobi deserts are the most common phenomena. The Corps has accumulated rich experience in managing these areas and has also created large areas of fertile land and pastures. But compared to the total area, it is still a drop in the bucket.

There was once an idea that if the water from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was diverted to northern Xinjiang, then northern Xinjiang would become a world-class granary.

Of course, that's just an idea, at least it's not possible yet. The main reason is that the price paid is too high, but if the people of Northern Xinjiang work as hard as the Corps, it will be unimaginable to imagine the fertile fields and pastures that can be developed in the entire Beijiang Province.

After all, the Corps is a special group, and their identity determines that they can only stay where they should.

The development of real estate cannot be completed by provincial-level agencies. They can only formulate corresponding policies based on the above instructions and combined with local conditions, and then the governments at all levels can complete it independently.

The most important factor in local development is fiscal revenue. After all, without money, nothing can be done.

This large-scale housing reform in the provincial capital has opened up a new way of thinking for leaders. That is, land can be used as a commodity in exchange for funds to develop the economy. At the very least, the provincial capital’s pockets are now the richest they have been in recent decades.

With money, people's livelihood will naturally be improved. Roads, bridges, and municipal construction are all like babies waiting to be fed, waiting with their mouths open.

Therefore, the changes in the provincial capital this time are not just a few more communities, but a new look of the entire city. It was like a woman who had just woken up from sleep, reapplied her makeup, and her whole person began to come alive.

Aimaiti likes to walk on the street most now, looking at the streets that are changing every day, and her mouth is as cracked as the half gourd under the donbula.

It turns out that the economy can still be managed in this way. No wonder the state has issued documents one after another and vigorously promoted it.

He is a native of Northern Xinjiang. His grandfather was still herding sheep during his generation, so he has an obsession with the land.

However, the understanding of land is also narrow. That is, the land is used for farming, and the grassland is used for grazing.

But now the land has turned into gold. Not only can it be exchanged for money, but it also solves people's housing problems. This is a great achievement!

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