Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1981 Deep love between husband and wife

The funeral of Blacksmith Lin and his wife was held with great grandeur. Not only the old comrades came, but also his disciples and grandchildren.

The couple taught countless disciples throughout their lives, and although few were well-known, the Chinese people attached great importance to their understanding of the word master.

There were also visitors from Master's hometown, and they were a little dissatisfied. According to custom, they should return to their hometown, but they couldn't change their last wishes before they died.

There are not so many red tapes in the funeral of the Corps. They just hold a memorial service, review their life in detail, and then they are buried. It was simple and solemn, no one wore sackcloth or mourning, only the mourners had a white flower on their chest.

The farewell of soldiers is a military salute. The moment they are buried, all the mourners salute in unison!

Because none of the children came back, Ye Yuze and the others returned to Boston immediately after finishing their work. However, Zhou Guihua and Lin Tiechui stayed for a few more days. They still followed the custom of their hometown and would not leave until the first seven days.

When he returned to Boston, Ye Yuze felt empty. In fact, the master and his wife had long since stopped caring about things, but the difference between them was still very big. At the very least, there are two missing relatives in this world.

Ye Feng is also very silent. He has the deepest relationship with his master because he has been here the most in the last few years, and the old couple loves him even more than their own grandson.

This was the first separation between life and death that he had experienced in his life, and he felt a little depressed.

Ye Yuze felt a little regretful. If he had sent his master back to Junkencheng Sanatorium earlier, they would have been able to survive for a while. So, he called Yu'e and asked her to do the work to get through to her parents and let them take the lead in moving in. nursing home.

After all, the facilities inside are complete and there are specialized medical staff. Any abnormalities in the body can be detected in time.

Yu'e agreed, but it was not that simple to do. Mei Hua's job is easy to do, after all, Blacksmith Lin's departure deeply touched her.

Seeing that many of the old sisters were already faltering, she naturally understood the benefits of entering a nursing home.

But Ye Wancheng's job became more difficult. The older the old man got, the more stubborn he became. He insisted on going out for medical rounds. When he became anxious, he turned to Wei Quanyou, who was several years older than him and still patrolled the border every day.

If he didn't go, those old comrades would naturally not accept old age. However, a few of them who were really in poor health finally accepted old age and followed the old ladies into the nursing home.

I have to say that Ruyi is a very good dean. At this time, she was not like the director of a nursing home at all, but the director of a kindergarten, coaxing these old and young children to play like an aunt.

Therefore, some old comrades who were forced by their wives to go back to the nursing home to sleep every night were gradually attracted and began to live there with peace of mind. This is a good start, and things will get easier in the future.

However, there are currently three tough issues that give Ruyi the biggest headache. The first one is Lao Zhao, who is Zhao Ling'er's father, and the second one is Wei Quanyou. Not only does this old man not come to the nursing home, he has been living in the original place and patrolling the border. But his relationship is in Junken City, so Ruyi can't ignore him.

And the last one is Ye Wancheng, can't he be found again? It turned out that the three old men were out making rounds again. At any rate, Panda and Saya are now driving around during medical rounds, otherwise Ruyi would easily have high blood pressure all day long.

There was no way. Although it was voluntary whether or not to come to the nursing home, they were all old comrades like family members. How could Ruyi not care?

Moreover, the old comrades all endured hardships when they were young. Heavy physical labor coupled with poor nutrition meant that every body had some problems.

Especially for people like Ye Wancheng, who has half a lung left and still runs around all day long, Ruyi's heart is always clenched.

Junken Electromechanical developed several types of medical testing equipment several years ago, which can be regarded as the world's top equipment in terms of technology. Jinhua and Ruyi have already agreed to conduct a comprehensive physical examination for the old comrades.

This matter has been reported to the city, and Ma Rong requested that this matter be treated as a political mission.

Lao Zhao, Liu Qinghua and the others agreed. As a result, Ye Wancheng said that he was a doctor and he knew what was going on with his body best, so he didn't need others to worry about him, so he ran away.

Ruyi and Jinhua had no choice but to seek help from Meihua, who picked up the phone and called without saying anything. After a scolding, the three old men came back obediently for a physical examination.

However, the results of this physical examination were not optimistic. Three cancers were actually found. Liu Qinghua and Yu Laogui had liver cancer, and the most incredible thing was that Liu Qingshan had gastric cancer, which was still in the advanced stage.

Ruyi suddenly felt like a thunderbolt. She knew that her husband often had stomachaches. Normally, she would just take some medicine and be fine. But she didn't expect that the condition would become like this in the end.

At any rate, several people are in the middle stage and need surgery. So after discussing with Harvard, Ye Yuze decided to ask experts to go to Junken City for surgery. As for Liu Qingshan, whether he can undergo surgery will have to wait until experts come over for detailed examination.

In fact, the equipment at the military reclamation center is no worse than that at Harvard. What is lacking is just some special medicines. Ye Yuze specially bought a batch and transported it to Junken City with the experts.

Ye Wancheng became honest all of a sudden. He had three cancers all at once, and they were still comrades who got along day and night. However, these three old men suddenly had something to do. They had slacked off since they won the Nobel Prize last time.

But now the lives of their comrades have been threatened. After some discussion, the three decided to challenge this global problem.

Of course, experts all over the world are also working hard on this problem, but relatively speaking, they are not outstanding. The last award was due to the unique pharmaceutical resources in northern Xinjiang.

Therefore, they also set the tone, that is, they should start with local medicines.

In fact, when Wei Yuxiang's father had liver cancer, Ye Wancheng tried to use snake venom to treat it, which is what Chinese medicine calls poison to fight poison. Unfortunately, it didn't produce any actual results, but Ye Wancheng always had a belief in his heart that it must be useful. He just didn't use the right method.

After talking to Liu Xiangdong and John, the three decided to start with the theory of fighting fire with fire.

In fact, according to medical theory, medicine is divided into three parts poison. In other words, medicines are medicines if used well, and poisons if used incorrectly. For example, the famous highly toxic heartbroken grass, arsenic, snake gallbladder, and crane crown red are famous in traditional Chinese medicine. Any one of them can kill people if taken out, but Chinese medicine practitioners keep using it to treat diseases.

There is also opium poppy, which can be used to refine heroin, and it is an indispensable main ingredient in preparing some prescriptions.

Once the direction is determined, it will be easier to handle. Now the three of them are influential people in the world of medicine. And Junken City is their territory, so naturally they will be given whatever they want. This is where the research work began.

If you don't give me a ticket, the Queen Mother will hit you with a feather duster.

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