Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1985 Round Theory

At this time, Huang Yongsheng's daughter glanced at her father dissatisfied: "Dad, I am from the United States. Hugging is just a normal etiquette. Don't be so old-fashioned, okay?"

Huang Yongsheng's daughter is called Huang Juanjuan. She is pretty good-looking, with thin eyebrows and narrow eyes. Although she is not very beautiful, she is the kind of person who is more attractive.

She works in a clothing factory and was recently assigned to the Lavender Company as a panel maker. Although this girl only graduated from junior high school, her hands are extremely dexterous, so she came to Yu'e.

Although Lavender Company adopts the method of selecting drawings and then outsourcing the processing, it still needs some workers. At least the selected drawings must be produced to see the effect.

Huang Juanjuan is young and clever, so she gets this treatment. You must know that Lavender Company has high wages and does not require piecework. It is naturally a relatively good position in this industry.

The origin of Huang Juanjuan has always been a mystery. When Huang Yongsheng went to Horgos, he must have gone alone.

But when I came back, I brought back this little girl. When others asked, he would just say it was his daughter. As for anything else, he would not say a word.

There was really no choice when registering the household registration, so I had no choice but to register the child. Now, in the blink of an eye, this child has grown up, is very capable, and has an unassuming personality.

She gets up before dawn every morning, helps her father set up the stall, and works hard for a while before going to work.

As for the matter between her father and Yuan Gungun, Huang Juanjuan had no objection. Anyway, her father didn't tell her where her mother was. She had been single for so long, so she should find a woman.

Huang Juanjuan didn't care whether the woman had money or not, as long as she was good to her father. Yuan Gungun did a very good job in this regard and treated Huang Yongsheng with kindness and kindness.

Moreover, Yuan Gungun is very capable. Since getting together with Huang Yongsheng, she has taken over most of the work in the stall. At present, except for the fact that his swordsmanship is worse than that of Huang Yongsheng, in other aspects, Huang Yongsheng has no need to come.

And because the stall has such a fat American aunt, the business is getting better and better. Yuan Gungun simply changed Huang Yongsheng's broken rule and sold directly until after noon every day before closing the stall and going home.

Naturally, Huang Juanjuan would not reject such a capable woman, not to mention that she had so much money, and there was no possibility of cheating her money.

Yuan Gungun even made plans to buy a house for Huang Juanjuan, saying that the child needed his own space when he got older, but Huang Juanjuan refused.

Huang Juanjuan heard what Yuan Gungun said to Kevin just now, and she felt comforted at this time:

"Kevin, although Yuan Gungun's words make some sense, they are not entirely correct. You have also seen that the women here in Junken City are equally busy. Many of them are not doing it for money, but to express their own value. Therefore, we cannot simply treat this kind of Busyness is interpreted as lack of love.”

Kevin raised his head and looked at the girl, and slowly his eyes flashed again: "You are right, I shouldn't give up."

Huang Juanjuan waved her fist: "Come on!"

Kevin went to work after dinner, and Huang Juanjuan also arrived. Kevin gave her a ride and then followed her into the company.

Normally in the morning, Mei Ting would be busy here for a while before going to the sales company. Kevin knew this habit of hers, so he specially brought a piece of haggis soup.

Mei Ting frowned when she saw him: "Didn't I say you were busy just now? Why are you here again? If you have something to talk about tonight."

Kevin was beaten to death by Huang Juanjuan just now, so why would he care about Mei Ting's attitude at this moment? He put the haggis soup and naan on Mei Ting's desk in a cowardly manner: "Can you have some? Not eating breakfast is not good for breakfast."

Mei Ting was stunned for a moment before she realized what he was talking about? He laughed out loud, and had no choice but to look away from the computer and start eating.

Mei Ting is also really hungry. She has been so busy recently that she really doesn't have any time for herself. It doesn't take long to join the job, and you have to learn most things from scratch.

She very much agrees with Wang Lina's sales philosophy, that is, sales is about dealing with people, so you should not talk about various data about products. Instead, these data are simplified into performance, and then targeted sales are made based on the customer's personality.

Why are some sales so successful? And for the same product, some people's performance is always very different? This is not a product problem at all, but a lack of sales skills. To put it bluntly, it is a lack of keen observation.

Different methods are adopted for different people, just like taking pulses in traditional Chinese medicine. Only by prescribing the right medicine can the effect be achieved.

Although Wang Lina regards Mei Ting as a key training target. But Mei Ting never misses any opportunity to contact customers. This is the basic skill of a salesperson and must be practiced.

But Wang Lina asked her to assist Yu'e again, which made her passive. Even mentally uncomfortable.

If you think I'm not good enough, why don't you just fire me or treat me as an ordinary salesperson? What's going on with hanging on both ends like this?

However, Mei Ting is a strong person. It's just a matter of working overtime. Naturally, she won't talk about it and just do it.

On Lavender's side, she is also responsible for sales. With the implementation of sister companies' stores in various places, there are more and more franchise stores.

Lavender Company adopts hierarchical agents, that is, provincial agents, city agents, and county agents. When purchasing goods, the lower-level agents report to the upper-level agents, who then purchase the goods through the provincial agents and then distribute them.

Naturally, a portion of the profits will be deducted from one level to another. In fact, this method is a relatively traditional sales model, and Mei Ting has never been very fond of this model.

In her view, every company is an independent individual and should not be treated directly based on its level. Instead, under the same circumstances, it should be divided into levels based on size.

In other words, the provincial agent stores are already large and the population is large. If your sales are not as good as those of other county agents, what do you do?

But now this model has directly affected competition. In other words, the provincial company has received profits directly from the subordinate company. The more the subordinate company sells, the higher the provincial agent's profit will be.

Such a mechanism obviously breeds the sense of superiority of the superior company, and it is easy for various problems to occur, which dampens the enthusiasm of the lower-level agents.

But for now, this is just an idea in Mei Ting's mind. She will report it to her sister-in-law after the plan is fully finalized.

With so many things pressed together, she was naturally not in the mood to consider personal emotional issues. But Yuan Gungun was right in saying that Mei Ting didn't have much feelings for Kevin.

Accepting Kevin was only for Ye Yuze, because he introduced her. If Mei Ting really had to choose, she would definitely not be with this man.

Yuan Gungun said, I will marry you if you don’t give me a vote.

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