Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1697 The Congressional System of the United States

I have to admit that Jobs was a man with unique vision and advanced knowledge. He could always see where the future was. So choose the right path to take.

So far, the business of Begonia Fruit Company has begun to get better and better. Although it does not stand out among many big-name trademarks, it has shown strong growth.

Ye Yuze did not stop Ye Feng's actions. As his son grew up, he had his own ideas. Compared to Huawei, perhaps supporting Begonia Guo was more in his interest. After all, he is in the United States.

Since his family members left, Ye Feng has become a homeless person. Strictly speaking, his home is still there, but his people are gone.

When he came back from Junken City during the summer vacation, he packed up his things and was not ready to go home. It's uncomfortable for one person to live in such a big house.

The dormitory in the school is an independent apartment, and the rent is negligible to him. The "Go Home" activity has been going on for two years and has basically become normal. There are dedicated staff responsible for doing these things. After all, this is an activity with a special fund.

Now that the activity has been carried out, the uncle and nephew have made enough money. The fourth child's success in running for state assembly is largely due to this activity.

Because of this incident, Ye Feng stole the show and became the president of the student union of the School of Administration.

Ye Feng is an energetic person, so there are always many student union activities. Compared with previous student union presidents, his current term is very lively.

Today I made an appointment to have dinner with Yifei. Ye Feng went to pick her up from school after school. The two schools were more than 20 kilometers apart, and it took about ten minutes to drive.

Yifei seemed to have been waiting at the school gate for a long time. When she saw his car coming, she stood there and waved.

The two hadn't seen each other for a week, and the little girl couldn't wait to kiss him on the face when she saw him. Such a shy girl sometimes takes the initiative in front of the man she loves.

Because she wanted to be admitted to Harvard, Yifei did not go back to China during the summer vacation, but stayed in school to read books. In the middle of this month, she will take the exam soon. If she scores enough and the interview goes well, she will also become a Harvard student.

It's just that the two of them are still not in the same school, and Yifei was admitted to a business school.

Ye Feng asked Yifei what she wanted to eat. Yifei thought distressedly for a long time, then shook her head: "Besides steak bread, I can't think of anything else to eat here?"

Ye Feng smiled. There was nothing he could do about it. If it weren't for his grandma and mother, he would probably have to eat these things to grow up.

But he doesn't know how to cook, and neither does Yifei. The main reason is that their parents don't let them learn, so they just cook whatever they want to eat. So much so that I have to worry about having a Chinese meal.

They had eaten enough of my uncle's Chinese fast food. They ate it at least three days a week and almost vomited.

Ye Feng thought for a while and then called the fourth child: "Uncle, are you busy? I'm hungry."

"Haha, you brat, come on, we are cooking!" The fourth child laughed.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng drove to the fourth child's house. In fact, it was the house they used to live in. They vacated it after they moved to the mansion. There is also Ye Ling's building, where the third child lives now.

As we drove into the yard, a scent of fragrance wafted out of the house. The fourth child pulled Yifei in and found Ke Xin'er wearing an apron and working on the stove, while the third child and Cynthia were chatting with the fourth child.

Seeing them coming in, several people smiled and greeted them. Ye Feng sat down, while Yifei went to help.

Seeing Ke Xin'er, Ye Feng felt a little complicated. This is his employee. Looking at her master-like demeanor at the moment, it seems that she has come a long way.

It is estimated that the reason why the old uncle did not go to his house later had something to do with this woman. After all, from Yu'e's perspective, she would not welcome such a role.

Ye Feng looked at his third uncle and couldn't help but feel envious. He also had two wives, and they loved each other, so no one could interfere.

Ye Feng remembered that on the morning of their wedding in Junken City, the third uncle went out to the bridal chamber together. The key point is that the whole family is still turning a blind eye, but the old uncle is making a big fuss. This should be a problem of ability.

When the rice was cooked and put on the table, Ye Feng was dumbfounded. What the hell is this? Maoxuewang, spicy chicken, and stir-fried pork. There is also a braised pork dish.

Except for the braised pork, several other dishes are served with meat mixed with chili peppers. Ye Feng was so hot that he was sweating profusely. He thought that Yifei and Cynthia would not be able to eat it. Where have they ever eaten something so spicy?

In the end, it turned out that he was very special. The two women hissed and laughed, but their chopsticks kept reaching for the dishes. This fully proved that women are indeed foodies.

After finishing the meal, several people kept praising Ke Xin'er's cooking skills. Ke Xin'er's mouth was modest, but the expression on her face was full of pride.

Today's fourth child has become a professional politician, commuting to get off work on time every day. Ke Xin'er's work is also relatively easy. Except for the occasional investment inspection, she basically stays in Boston. Therefore, the fourth child is married to Jing Jing, but lives with Ke Xin'er.

Of course, it’s not just Kexiner, but also Emily and Jenny. Now the two female fighters are planning to let the fourth child run for the Senate.

You must know that the political system of the United States is the separation of powers, and we have to talk about Congress, which is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Senators are elected by the states, two from each state, for a total of about one hundred people. Senators in the Senate have one vote.

The House of Representatives is apportioned in proportion to the number of states. The Senate participates in national policy. The House of Representatives only deals with policies at the state, state and municipal levels, as well as related work such as representing public opinion.

Senators have greater powers than representatives. The level is equivalent to the deputy state level in our country, but the power is much greater than that of the deputy state level in our country.

The House of Representatives is equivalent to the representatives of the National People's Congress, but its power is much greater than that of the members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Members of both houses of Congress can engage in business, and as long as they obtain wealth through legal channels, it is not illegal in the United States.

In addition to doing business, you can also enjoy corporate funding and cooperate with companies through political donations (donations).

None of it is illegal. However, there is a limit on a single political donation, and there is also a maximum limit. But this is in vain, as most members of both houses of Congress control many foundations.

So you can’t possibly know how much they took from various associations or companies. This is one of the reasons why there is very little corruption among American officials. They all earn their income legally.

Since there is so much difference between senators and representatives, the two careerist women must let the fourth child run for the Senate.

Now that the Fourth Brother's reputation in the hearts of the people is high, it is best to strike while the iron is hot.

Haha, you guys are so awesome, you exploded at the last moment and ranked third. Love you!

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