Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1698 Ye Feng’s Ideal

Naturally, state senators are elected within the state. The United States is a federal country. Each state is like a small country. It has its own traditions, its own laws, and its own government. It only has foreign affairs powers. and the power to declare war is only left to the federal central government.

Therefore, what is seen in one state may not be seen across the country. There are 50 states in the United States, rather than 50 countries. It's just that these countries govern themselves under the same constitution.

These countries surrendered their diplomatic rights and the right to declare war, while retaining other powers. Therefore, each state in the United States has its own constitution and laws, as well as independent police. The tax rates collected by states are also different.

The election and retention of governors in the United States has nothing to do with the president. When the president visits various states, governors and mayors have no obligation to accompany him and receive him. Because they are only responsible to their own voters, they do not need to give the president a particularly warm welcome or luxurious reception.

This is a common misunderstanding among many people. They always think that state officials must only obey their promises in front of the president, and that the president must be able to decide the political fate of state officials from above. In fact, there is no superior-subordinate relationship between them.

In a sense, senators have no subordinate relationship with the governor. They can supervise the governor and law enforcement agencies in exercising their powers. If they see unreasonable circumstances, they can exercise the power of impeachment at any time.

That's what happens, whether it's the mayor, the governor or the president. They all attach great importance to senators, because in a sense, these senators often determine their term or future.

Faced with such temptation, how could the two careerist women resist? The successful election of the state representative has opened their eyes to countless possibilities, so they strike while the iron is hot. There are still two months until the Senate election. If they miss this time, the next one will take six years. This is longer than the presidential term, so naturally we have to fight!

Now they are arranging conference venues in various places, and now the family's power can also help them. A state senator is like a big tree, which can hold up the sky.

The fourth child lived to be in his thirties and was always being pushed around. Sometimes you have to believe in fate, people are lucky!

If it were him, he wouldn't be able to do it, let alone state legislators and county legislators.

After tasting the benefits of power, he often couldn't help but become arrogant. For example, right now, he was educating Ye Feng:

"Feng'er, you're not young anymore. Please be more careful and make more like-minded friends or assistants. Look at Emily and Jenny, how much more worry do you want me to have? Don't do everything by yourself, you are so exhausted that you can't How capable is it?”

Ye Feng knew that the old uncle was right. According to his current reputation, he could be a college student councilor like the old uncle. However, because he had no help, he could not even obtain the nomination qualification.

But he is not in a hurry. Everything must be done step by step. As long as he works hard, he believes that everything will fall into place.

Ye Feng has always had a clear goal. He just wants to participate in politics, because at the age when other children are watching cartoons, he has already started to watch the news.

Because of family reasons, I often hear my father and mother talk about business matters, and what they talk about most is where to open a company or set up a branch factory. The first thing to do is to check the various local laws and regulations. Operate within a legal framework.

This has made him full of fear and mystery towards these things since he was a child. It wasn't until he saw a certain congressman on TV proposing to amend a certain legal provision that he suddenly woke up. It turned out that this thing was also made by humans? It can also be modified at any time.

So he started reading various books, and then he understood the political system of the United States. It turned out that there was nothing that could not be changed, provided that you had enough rights.

From that time on, Ye Feng had already made up his mind to be such a person. At least change something to prove that you have been in this world.

Therefore, he worked very hard in all aspects and wanted to be better than others in everything. This is how we got to today step by step.

But it was only today that he understood that many things cannot be obtained through hard work alone. Therefore, he listens to what the old uncle says.

The uncle and nephew were very immersed in talking about the election, and no one paid attention. Yifei's face was full of disappointment.

She is just an ordinary girl. Then spend her whole life loving a man. She will do anything for this man, just like this man will do anything for her.

Only now did Yifei realize that this man was too good. Excellent to a height that she could not reach. Even though she had tried her best, he was still on the top of the high mountain.

But at this moment, the man he loved was talking about something he was interested in, and he didn't notice his girlfriend's emotions at all.

Why don't you ask Jenny and Emily to help you? We are a family anyway, so we can just take care of their family's interests when the time comes.

Ye Feng thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, uncle, you know me, maybe I will compromise, but only for people and things that I think are right."

The fourth child nodded to express his understanding. He had always recognized his nephew's ability. Perhaps it is necessary to withstand some ups and downs and setbacks, and should not be encouraged.

After eating, the two people returned to their homes. It's just that no one has lived in it for a while, and a lot of dust has fallen into the house.

Ye Feng pulled her back to the dormitory, but Yifei shook her head: "This is home, we should go home during the holidays."

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment. This was the first time that this girl had violated his will, but he didn't care because he had always doted on this girl.

Aren't you just cleaning it up? Let's do it. The two of them spent more than two hours cleaning up the whole house. They had already digested what they had just eaten.

There were noodles at home, so Yifei helped him cook some. After eating, the two of them cuddled up on the bed. Only at this moment could Yifei truly feel that this man belonged to her.

"Ye Feng, can we come back and stay every week from now on?" Yifei's tone was full of longing.

Ye Feng obviously didn't pay attention and responded casually: "How troublesome is it? Usually when there is no one, it will be dirty. If there is time to clean up, it is enough for us to sleep."

After saying that, Ye Feng hugged her in his arms, and then..., and then it was not suitable for children. It's not my fault, the website doesn't allow it to be written.

But for the whole night, Ye Feng didn't notice Yifei's disappointed expression.

The difference between men and women is that love is only a part of a man, but it is all of a woman.

There's just another problem. A woman thinks love is everything to her. When a man doesn't even have bread, this love will easily disappear.

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