Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1696 Number One in the World

Mr. Ni is very excited. Today's reception includes not only reporters, but also many colleagues. He held up his wine glass and went to drink with others in high spirits, as if he was afraid that everyone would not know that he was here.

It's just that people don't seem to be very cooperative, and they are all holding plates and gnawing wildly. Roast camel meat, or whole camel, for these people, it is really a rare experience in their lives.

Many people didn't look at him at all, and just nodded politely to his toast. They were all immodest, but Mr. Ni was not as knowledgeable as them. Isn't it just jealousy? So what?

Labor and management were simply driven out, or they went to a small border town whose name most people didn’t know. But what product in this small town is not a world-famous brand? Now we have the world's number one, are you going to bite me?

Of course, there are also sincere blessings from old friends. To these people, Mr. Ni is naturally extremely humble and sincerely invites them to join Junken Machinery and Electrical. This made the faces of several guys remain gloomy. There was nothing they could do about it, the people he invited were all pillars of their family.

Smit is very proud. Although he is no longer the company boss, he is the head of the department. He has participated and led this lithography machine from beginning to end. No one can erase this achievement.

But at this moment, he didn't care about the reporter's interview. He was grabbing meat. Although the camel was big, it couldn't handle the crowd!

Hump, he never forgot to grab a piece of hump meat to eat, not only for himself, but also for those companions, Kevin and Qiu Hope.

Qiu hopes that idiot is not very good at eating. Bai has been in Junken City for several years and doesn't even know about hump.

Smit was exhausted and sweating, and finally completed his mission. Meimei stuffed a piece of hump meat into her mouth, and then took a sip of ice wine.

He just found out that this ice wine was also produced in Junken City, and they had a special ice vineyard. Smit was already thinking about when to take over his wife and children.

For a pure scholar, they don't actually care much about material things. All they require is a relatively superior R\u0026D environment and atmosphere, sufficient funds, and not to be disturbed by the outside world.

In this regard, Junken Machinery was obviously more advantageous than others, so he decided to stay, not only to work, but also to settle down.

Thinking that increasingly sophisticated lithography machines will be born under his leadership, I feel filled with a sense of superiority. He even thought that if his wife didn't come, he would divorce him and marry one here. Anyway, European women are so willful and unlovable.

After the press conference, the reporters were not in a hurry to leave. They came even though they had come, so they had to visit Junken City and report on related products.

Warrior Auto and Warrior Steel have already become industry stars. Naturally, they need to be vigorously promoted, and computers and mobile phones have naturally become flagship products. Because of these two things, the dependence on the chip is the highest.

With their exclusive photolithography machines and chips, these two products will soon become well-known brands. There is no way, others have lost at the starting line, and there is a process to catch up.

The most gratifying thing for Mr. Ni is that Lenovo also came to him to discuss purchasing chips. Mr. Ni did not make things difficult for others. Even though I was made angry by others not long ago. But this did not affect his feelings for Lenovo at all. After all, it was the company he founded and made its first product.

The video of their conversation was captured by a thoughtful reporter and put on the news. It also aroused a lot of public opinion, proving that they bowed to Mr. Ni.

Regarding this matter, Mr. Ni did not say a word. He is a relatively pure person. He just hopes that the country will become stronger and stronger, and that domestic companies can go further and further in terms of brand independence.

It seems that overnight, the company Junken Electromechanical has become famous all over the world, and their every move affects the direction of the semiconductor industry. There is no way, they control the most cutting-edge technology in this industry.

Ye Yuze did not show up at this press conference. People all over the world thought that the boss of this company was Mr. Ni. In fact, it was best this way. Any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. Mr. Ni is already a poplar tree that is not afraid of wind and rain, but Ye Yuze understands that he is at best a small poplar tree that cannot withstand wind and waves.

Therefore, while everyone was busy cheering for Junken Electromechanical, he was a silent milk baby at home.

The twins had begun to walk. Although they were stumbling and stumbling, this did not prevent them from standing up and continuing to stand up and walk ahead.

Ma Rong and Zhao Ling'er came to the house, as well as Sister Jinhua, who was far away, Zheng Lanzhi, and Ivan. They sat together and got drunk. Not for the product, but for yourself. Because they are military settlers.

Mei Hua and Yu'e looked at the group of people changing cups and changing cups, and their hearts were filled with happiness. Life is like this, what more could they ask for?

In distant Moscow, several women were also celebrating, celebrating another great achievement in their families, and the man who liked to show off finally learned to keep a low profile. I couldn't find him in the news.

Jobs from Crabapple Company was on the phone with Ye Feng: "Ye Feng, Warrior Computer and Huawei mobile phones have become our biggest competitors. Can you find a way to order a batch of the most advanced chips, otherwise we will be far away?" Shake it off."

"Okay, don't worry about this. Just make your own products with peace of mind. By the way, I forgot to tell you that I have acquired 40% of the shares of Junken Electromechanical Co., Ltd. a few years ago."

Steve Jobs: “…….”

The orders for lithography machines have been filled with production tasks for three years. There is no way, the output of this thing is too low and the price is expensive. The most sophisticated immersion lithography machine costs one billion US dollars.

Is it expensive? If it's too expensive, don't buy it. Don't think I want to sell it to you. I won’t tell you yet, but the most sophisticated photolithography machine is actually in our chip workshop. We have to wait for the next generation to develop it before we can give it to your generation. There is no way, who can not be selfish? Do you have the ability to develop it yourself?

For domestic customers, Junken Electromechanical will truthfully inform them of the situation. In fact, they do not want them to waste money. They can just buy chips. There is no need to buy a photolithography machine.

But for those companies that are more persistent, there is no need to force it. People buy photolithography machines for their own purposes, and they want to imitate cats and tigers.

You can give as much nature as you want, as long as it can be produced. Who can do anything if they have too much money and are stupid?

Now Ye Yuze also believes that there are some products that you can't make even if they are given trap drawings, because for truly high-end products, the requirements in all aspects are already quite stringent, and you simply cannot meet the requirements.

Ye Feng quickly got Jobs the chips he needed. There was no other way. It was his own company, so he had to take care of it, right? Don't favor one over the other.

The last day, yesterday was so awesome, but the enemy is too fierce, and our equipment is a bit behind. Don’t be afraid, just use grenades to blow up the tanks, right? I'll cover, everyone rush!

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