Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1640 Harvest Season

Soon the grapes were ripe. Looking at this large vineyard full of fruits, Wang Shuqin felt that her eyes were starting to get sour.

If in the past in Junken City, we were climbing on the shoulders of our predecessors, then the Eighth Regiment’s entrepreneurship is Wang Shuqin’s true entrepreneurship from scratch.

Now the winery has been built and the equipment has been installed. Just waiting for this crop of grapes to be picked and brewed.

In fact, the grapes are already ripe now, but since they are called ice grapes, they naturally have to wait until it snows and freezes before they can be picked. Otherwise, why are they called ice grapes?

Wang Shuqin spent the entire summer in fear, afraid of strong winds, heavy rains, and even hail. Any natural disaster might make all these months of hard work go to waste.

Anyway, God followed people's wishes, and finally the grapes matured. The temperature is already below zero. I believe that after a snowfall, the temperature can reach ten degrees below zero, and the grapes can be picked by then.

Wang Shuqin picked a grape and stuffed it into her mouth. It was so sweet. She couldn't imagine how much sweeter it would be after snowing.

Wang Jinshan and a group of veteran soldiers patrolled the vineyard day and night, and occasionally caught a few children eating grapes.

In this way, the old group leader would give each person a slap on the butt and then drive them away. As for adults, it's not that easy to talk to. The fine will be ten times.

Last night, my direct team scored two goals. Relying on his reputation, Daming generously went to pick grapes to eat. When he was caught, he even said that these grapes grow in my land. I also planted them. How do you like your own grapes? Already?

As a result, the old regiment leader took him directly to the regiment headquarters to show him to the public. The old regiment leader didn't even have to scold him, and the crowd scolded him like crazy.

If I were to grow grapes in the first place, I was forced to do so by my superiors. So now, this grape is the hope of the whole group.

Strings of cyan grape pearls hang all over the branches, clean and translucent, making people salivate. The key is where are the grapes? It's hope! It is the vision of the Eight Tuan people for their future life.

Maybe God was moved by people's piety? It snowed heavily that night, and the stoves in every household were lit. The temperature dropped sharply. Although there was a fire in the house, people still felt uncomfortable with the cold.

But no one cared about it at this time. Everyone went out to the vineyard one after another to see how the grapes were freezing.

Some members of the regiment and Wang Shuqin simply did not go back to the house. They wore down jackets and a military coat outside and kept stomping their feet in the snow to keep warm.

"It's hard, it's hard, the grape berries have begun to freeze hard!" Li Yongzai shouted like a big child, touching the grape berries that had begun to shrivel on the surface but had a hard flesh.

Wang Jinshan scolded: "You are a bit promising, how long will it take for you to get hard?"

Li Yongzai was unconvinced and said: "Don't I feel bad? How much weight will be lost if you hold back so much?"

Wang Jinshan ignored him and looked at the vineyard. A heavy snowfall caused the original white grapes to change color instantly, and the skins began to turn purple.

The person who worries the most about this vineyard is Wang Jinshan. He and the veterans have never left the land since the grapes were planted in the ground.

In the summer, I am bitten by mosquitoes. When it rains, I am afraid that the hanging fruits will be smashed. I wish I could use my umbrella to cover the grapes.

After a few months, everyone became dark and thin. It reminded them of when they first entered Xinjiang with the old leader.

Now that they have finally reaped the rewards, they are certainly the happiest. As for whether it can be made into wine, they really don't care much about that. That's the brewery's business.

They just want to know what the yield is from this acre of land? The price offered by the winery is one yuan per kilogram. They have never grown grapes before, so they don’t know what the yield per acre can be.

People from the brewery also came, headed by a foreigner with a big nose and blue eyes. He was a Swede and an engineer specially invited by Ye Yuze to brew ice wine. I just arrived at the Eighth Regiment last night.

The foreigner's name is Schneider, he is 42 years old, tall and very handsome. He glanced at the thermometer, then twisted the grapes, and then waved his hand: "Go to bed and pick grapes on time tomorrow morning. "

Everyone from the winery followed, but no one from the Eighth Regiment could sleep? Wang Jinshan shouted: "Foreign expert, what do you estimate is the production capacity of this acre?"

Schneider shrugged: "1300-1500 kilograms, no more."

Everyone was collectively petrified. One by one, you looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all dumbfounded. This number is all right. The winery charges one yuan per kilogram. Even a fool can calculate it!

If one acre of land weighs 1,500 kilograms, then these 15,000 acres of land are worth 22,500,000, which is more than 20 million yuan!

From the time the Eighth Group was founded to now, I don’t know whether the total income of the Eighth Group has amounted to that much.

At this time, Cuicui walked up to Wang Jinshan and said with a smile: "Old man, you are now rich. I have brought all the money. Don't be stingy then and treat us to a treat!"

Wang Jinshan was already in tears at this time, and wiped his rough face with his big calloused hands: "Please, as long as the eight regiments have it, we can do whatever we want to eat! Also, the money for the rice transplanter and well digging is still there." We will give you all the film money you have."

Cuicui laughed: "That was sponsored by us? To support Sister Shuqin in starting her own business."

Li Yong also took over at this time: "No, no, no, we are all brothers in the corps. We can support you, but you must return it, otherwise you will be pointed at and scolded!"

Cuicui didn't argue with them. She was the second generation of the Corps and knew the character of these old comrades.

Until the next morning, at early eight o'clock, the sky was bright, the vineyard was already crowded with people, and grape picking had begun.

All the tractors came over, and the old regiment leader personally looked at the scales. He weighed each basket personally, and Wang Shuqin took note of it. Then it is loaded into a truck and sent to the winery.

After harvesting several acres of land, Wang Jinshan looked at Wang Shuqin and smiled. Almost every acre of land had a harvest of 1,500 kilograms.

The old man smiled brightly, but tears flowed out of his cloudy eyes again. He stood up straight, put his feet together, and saluted Wang Shuqin with a standard military salute: "Thank you, chief!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing, followed Wang Jinshan's example and performed a military salute, shouting loudly: "Thank you, chief!"

Wang Shuqin also shed tears. She knew that people respected her before, but this respect was just a courtesy. After all, she should be respected as a woman who came so far to help the poor.

But today's thank you is a kind of recognition, truly treating her as a comrade-in-arms and the leader of the corps.

Wang Shuqin hurriedly stood up straight, using a standard military salute, and shouted loudly: "We are members of the Corps and comrades-in-arms!"

Old book, Li Bai and I are classmates

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