Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1639 I’d rather be a scumbag than let him down

Everyone applauded for another one, which made Ye Yuze blush. Smiling and scolding: "You are not afraid that your husband will not want you if he finds out."

Hu Yajie puffed up his chest proudly: "He knows you. From the first day we fell in love, I told him that I have always been deeply in love with a man. Although we will never have any stories, he will always be the most important in my heart." Important location!”

Looking at this woman, Ye Yuze was slightly moved in his heart. At that time, his heart was all about Yinhua, how could any woman get close to him? It can only be said that they met at the wrong time.

Ye Yuze did not kiss back, but just hugged her tightly. "No matter where I am, call me if you need anything. No matter what, we are lifelong friends."

The whole place was silent. Everyone knew the meaning of Ye Yuze's words and looked at Hu Yajie with some envy.

Hu Yajie raised the corners of his mouth, smiled sweetly, then pointed at Ye Yuze and said affectionately:

"Thank you Ye Yuze, I know you don't love me, but no one can stop me from loving you. Now that I have a family, a husband and children, my love for you has become the most precious memory in my heart."

Having said this, Hu Yajie wiped his eyes because tears were already coming out.

"I won't let you do anything for me, no matter how difficult it is for me, I just want you to know that once, there was such a girl who loved you very much!"

Hu Yajie persisted until he could talk no more. The voice started to choke. A female classmate reached out and hugged her, and Hu Yajie finally cried out.

Everyone watched quietly, no one spoke, maybe they all thought of the person they liked when they were young, right?

Ye Yuze looked at this stubborn woman quietly and decided to let his brother-in-law pay attention to her situation in the future. If necessary, he would not hesitate to help. He did not need to do this for him.

He can live up to love, but he cannot let a woman who loves him deeply suffer.

Ye Yuze felt his arm being grabbed by someone. He didn't look back, knowing it was Lili. I guess this girl was also moved, right?

When the show was over, Ye Yuze didn't see anyone off. He didn't like separation, not even since he was a child.

Back at the hotel, Ye Yuze naturally took off his clothes and washed himself. Then he lay down on the bed and shouted to Lili who was in a daze: "Go and wash up and go to bed. We will leave tomorrow."

Lili walked into the bathroom with a blushing face and stayed there for a long time before coming out wrapped in a bath towel. Then he flew into the cup and felt a little calmer.

Ye Yuze pulled her over and asked, "Don't you regret it?"

Lili shook her head firmly: "I love you, I love you just like Hu Yajie, but she doesn't have the qualifications, but I still do."

Ye Yuze didn't say anything, but gently covered Lili's lips. He didn't want to let anyone down anymore. Compared with regret, he would rather be a scumbag, not to mention that he was a scumbag last night.

When he got up the next morning, he was shocked to find a red patch on the flyer. His eyes looked at Lili.

Lili looked at him affectionately: "This is my first time, and you will be my only man in the future."

"First time, what about last night?" Ye Yuze was a little confused.

Lili rolled her eyes at him: "You slept like a pig last night, and you still have the nerve to ask me?"

Ye Yuze was stunned for a moment. The boss really thought it wasn't the first time you were like this, right? But why is this happening? God, are you playing with me?

But what you do is what you do. Ye Yuze is not an irresponsible person. Anyway, if there are too many lice, don't bite him, and if you have too many debts, don't worry.

Today, Junken International City has become the most high-end community in Beijing, and all residents have moved in.

Complete various supporting facilities allow residents to complete the project without leaving the community. Because the residents here are relatively high-end, products from various big brands have also settled here.

To be honest, such a community is relatively difficult to manage, because most of the residents are those who are not short of money.

It's okay that these people are of high quality, but the typical nouveau riche have a somewhat arrogant and bossy demeanor. Fortunately, Lili used both strength and softness, and soon everything became harmonious.

Another incident that had a relatively big impact occurred in the community. A businessman from out of town was defrauded in his business and went bankrupt. I have to sell my house and go back to my hometown soon.

After his wife cried to a few neighbors, people in the entire community generously donated money, and the difficulty was overcome immediately.

Afterwards, the businessman came to his senses and wanted to return the money to everyone, but no one accepted it. Now the money is still placed in the property's account, ready to be used to help families who have had accidents.

After this incident, Lili organized the owners to set up a property owners committee, with those capable and enthusiastic owners as representatives.

They are responsible for coordinating and resolving any conflicts that arise between property owners and property owners. Now the owners are comfortable, and the property management side is much more relaxed.

Because some owners make unreasonable troubles, they will be directly rejected by the owners committee. You must know that the residents here are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Some people may not care about the property, but no one dares to care about the property owners committee.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but secretly marveled. It seemed that this girl had not made the wrong choice. I am secretly proud of myself. Although I am not very capable and lazy, I have a sharp eye for pearls! A decision-maker cannot know everything, but he can be good at using people.

Ma Rong's call finally came. The museum was built and things could be transported there. Ye Yuze didn't dare to delay, so he asked Laorou to send some people to help move things to the airport.

The museum is a three-story building made of cement with a steel plate in the middle and no windows around it.

Once the door is closed, the inside is just like Tietong, except that you need to turn on the lights when visiting in broad daylight.

Ye Yuze sighed secretly and regretted entrusting her with the matter. Couldn't you just install bulletproof glass?

But now that the matter has come to this, what's the use of complaining? Anyway, it's just strong enough.

Ye Yuze built this exhibition hall just for people to see. Of course, it can't be free of charge, there is a fee. A small press conference was also held for this purpose.

After the news spread, many big names and celebrities in the industry came here. Some people pay high prices for things.

How could Ye Yuze agree to this? Is he a man short of money? Does he want to acquire it? As long as the item is genuine, he is guaranteed to bid higher than others.

This inadvertently opened a channel. Some people who were in a tight situation but were afraid of being cheated when selling by themselves came directly to Ye Yuze's museum. As long as it was authenticated, Ye Yuze would directly give a suitable price.

For this reason, the three old men stayed here for a while.

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