Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1550 Father and son fight

Cha Hongying gave him a strange look. Although she has been living in the United States for so many years, some traditional Chinese habits and thinking make her still unwilling to accept being approached by others. This is also the reason why she has never been in love in the United States for so many years.

It can't be said that we haven't talked about it. When I first came to the United States, I talked with Mr. Zheng's grandson David for a while. However, once they came into contact, the cultural differences were too big and they couldn't play well, so they separated.

In the years that followed, when I was on the move and running for my life, I would lose that mood. By the time I met Ye Yuze, my life had gotten better, but I was getting busier and busier and couldn't care less.

This time when I went home, my parents introduced a few of them. They hoped that their daughter could settle down in China, but they didn't have any luck, so they just let it go.

But this man seems to be a little different. He is always so polite, his clothes are so clean and tidy, and his face is clean, unlike many people here who have big beards.

But today, the question "Are you Chinese?" was a bit abrupt, and it was asked in Chinese, which caught her off guard.

"Yes, I am Chinese. Have you been to China, sir?" Zha Hongying also asked curiously.

Luke immediately nodded excitedly: "I go there often, I've traveled to many cities!"

But after saying this, Luke suddenly became depressed and muttered in a low voice: "It's a pity that the boss lost business and left me in Hamburg for so many years and ignored me."

Zha Hongying burst into laughter. This tall man's aggrieved look was so cute, which made her want to talk about sex.

"Can I invite you to dinner?" Luke also recovered at this time and invited Zha Hongying.

Zha Hongying hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement. Because things were not progressing, she was irritated. The assistant also asked for leave today to go out for fun, and there was no point in going back to her room by herself.

Compared with Western food and Chinese food, the biggest advantage is that there is no waste. Basically, you can eat as much as you order, instead of ordering a large table of dishes like Chinese people do. In the end, you can't eat more than a few bites, and it's all wasted.

Zha Hongying didn't eat much, so she ordered a foie gras, a vegetable salad, and a dessert.

Foreigners will not advise others in this regard, just order as much as you want. Luke ordered a bottle of the famous wine here.

The two of them first added ice to the wine glasses, then clinked the glasses together. After a few sips of wine, they felt much less restrained.

It is true that wine is a matchmaker for sex. No matter how strange a man or woman is, they can easily talk about anything after a few glasses of wine.

Zha Hongying remembered the topic just now and asked: "What kind of business does your boss do? Why did he leave you alone with burgers?"

Luke doesn't drink much, so after a few glasses of wine, the conversation started. Counted all Ye Yuze's voices.

The more Zha Hongying listened, the more confused she became. Who is this talking about? Why does it sound more familiar the more I listen to it? So he asked tentatively: "Aren't you an employee of Ye Yuze?"

"Ah?" Luke looked at Zha Hongying with his mouth wide open, wondering how she knew the boss's name?

Seeing Luke's expression, Zha Hongying had already confirmed her judgment and couldn't help laughing. Then she asked Luke: "Do you know about the angel investment under Pan American Insurance? I am the general manager of this company."

Luke smiled: "The people under Ye Feng? No wonder they are so capable!"

Having followed Ye Yuze for so many years, twenty years since he was a teenager, Luke is naturally very familiar with Ye Yuze's family members.

Seeing Luke, even Ye Feng knew it and couldn't help but laugh. This guy is definitely not an outsider, why should he be so restrained?

"What are you doing here?" Zha Hongying asked curiously.

Luke suddenly thought of something and asked, "You're not here because of ASML, are you?"

Then both men fell silent because they thought of a question. That is, when the two bosses sent them here, they must not have known that the other party had sent someone here, otherwise it would be impossible for them not to know.

Both of them fell silent. Cha Hongying stood up and said, "I'm going to make a call. Please wait." Then she walked out.

And Luke quickly picked up the phone and called Ye Yuze.

"Boss, Ye Feng sent a lady named Zha Hongying to negotiate with Smit."

As soon as the call was connected, Luke couldn't wait to tell the story.

"Oh?" Ye Yuze was also shocked. Didn't this brat tell him not to interfere? Why come again?

But at this time, his bad taste suddenly arose: "Can you find out how far that kid has progressed? Find a way to sabotage him."

"Ah?" Luke was confused for a moment. Is the boss crazy? What are they going to do if they want to cause destruction to their own son?

"Boss, that's Ye Feng's person. Why?" Luke was afraid that Ye Yuze was crazy, so he quickly reminded him.

"How can there be so many reasons? You will do whatever I ask you to do. Even if I seduce you, you will be lured out by me!"

Ye Yuze's voice was fierce. This boy was always as stupid as ever. Don't you know that he is my son?

Luke hung up the phone gloomily. He didn't dare not perform the task, so he could only rack his brains to think of how to destroy it.

Over there, Cha Hongying also finished the call, and Ye Feng didn't seem surprised by Luke's whereabouts. He also whispered to her: "Find a way to find out how far they have progressed, and find a way to create some obstacles. You have to sign the contract before them."

Young people are very competitive, and Ye Feng is extremely dissatisfied with his father's style of taking advantage of things, otherwise he would not send Cha Hongying again when his father asked him to leave it alone.

Cha Hongying had a dark look on her face, what are these two men doing? A battle of wits? But looking at Luke's stupidity, it should be easy to deal with him. He should tell the truth first.

When they returned to the dining table, the two of them were still laughing and chatting happily, and they were a little more affectionate than before. But at this time, the only way to describe the mood of the two people is that they each have their own agenda.

"Oh, Ye Feng was surprised when he heard that his father sent you here. I don't know why Ye Yuze didn't tell him about it? How is it? Is it going well?"

Zha Hongying spoke first, but her face was slightly red.

Luke touched his nose, and his tone was slightly hesitant, but he quickly said it out: "That Smit is too cunning. We have been talking about it for almost a month, and there is no progress at all. The boss keeps scolding me."

Zha Hongying was deeply touched and nodded: "It's too greedy. I quoted him one million US dollars for only 51% of his shares, but he didn't agree. If the boss hadn't insisted, I would have flown back to Boston right now to see what else he could do. Will anyone invest in him?"

"Well, I think you are right. Such a person should be treated."

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