Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1551 Everyone does what they want

Luke echoed, and then he understood in his heart, and sighed secretly, this woman is really greedy, she wants to take 51% of her shares for 10 billion US dollars, and she is a listed company, right?

"Luke, I suddenly thought of an idea. The reason why he is delaying me so much must be because he is talking to both of us at the same time. You will disappear for a few days from tomorrow, and you will show up again when I finish the negotiation."

Cha Hongying suddenly came up with an idea.

Luke nodded quickly: "Okay, we're all a family. It's whatever you say. Just tell me when you want."

The host and guest enjoyed the meal. The more Cha Hongying looked at Luke, the more she liked him and she already liked him. It seems that the good impression between men and women is actually very simple.

Cha Hongying didn't go to see Smit the next day. She thought that if she delayed for a few days, Luke wouldn't go anyway. So I made an appointment with Luke, and the two of us went to play together.

Men and women are matched, so work is not tiring. What's more, the Netherlands is a country with beautiful scenery. One of the most striking features here is that the land here is not used to grow crops, but to grow flowers.

The flower with the most varieties is the tulip, the national flower of the Netherlands.

Tulips are always eye-catching flowers, but now they are everywhere in the mountains and fields, and the effect they bring is naturally stunning. Luke, a man who didn't know how to be romantic, started to get confused in his eyes.

Dutch farmers' income depends entirely on growing flowers. It is said that 80% of the flowers sold in Europe come from the Netherlands. I don't know whether it is true or not.

They went to the suburbs to play in the mountains. The mountain was a bit high and Cha Hongying was a little unable to do it. Luke kindly rented a helicopter to take him up.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s said to be a rental, but it’s actually a shared rental. There are a few people going together and the price is only 180 euros per person. When we come down, we use a glider.

This Luke knew how to play when he was in middle school. He took Cha Hongying and swooped down from the top of the mountain. Cha Hongying was so frightened that she hugged him tightly and did not dare to let go for a moment.

This gave Luke a great sense of accomplishment. The glider flew up and down according to the airflow, and it was a lot of fun. Cha Hongying also adapted to it at this time, and kept giggling along the way.

The two of them played in the countryside for two days. Smit finally couldn't bear it anymore and started calling Zha Hongying to ask where she was and if she had thought about it and could talk.

Cha Hongying readily agreed and told him that she would appear in his office early tomorrow morning, but he had to be prepared for heavy bleeding, because she would never give in.

Over there, Smit just said lightly: "Okay, madam, let us all stick to our bottom line."

After playing for two days, the two of them became inseparable. But Cha Hongying still stuck to her bottom line, and even if she stayed in the same room at night, she didn't let Luke cross the line.

Luke was a very gentleman in this regard. After washing up at night, he lay down quietly on his bed and fell asleep. Cha Hongying, who couldn't sleep after tossing and turning, gritted her teeth.

This is what a woman is, she can declare over and over again that she won't be allowed to touch her, but if you are obedient and show no interest in her, you will be worse than a beast.

So when you are alone with a girl at night, no matter what she says, you have to act impatient. Even if you are no longer interested.

Zha Hongying has also communicated with Ye Feng in the past two days, and he can agree if he can hold 30% of the shares. After all, the profits such a company can create are staggering.

Moreover, investing in such a company is really not just a matter of its value, but also a matter of occupying a place in a cutting-edge field.

The future world will be an era of high technology. With the emergence of 3G networks, all walks of life will usher in a major reshuffle. What determines how far 3G technology can go is the chip, and what determines the accuracy of the chip is the lithography machine.

If Ye Yuze invested in ASML because he felt pressure, then Ye Feng invested in ASML because he saw something further.

Each generation has its own vision and thinking direction. Look at Ye Feng's current investment direction, which is different from Ye Yuze's.

Ye Yuze obviously also focuses on the development of real industry. Ye Feng likes finance and high-tech fields.

Every era has something that every era focuses on. It is precisely because of this that society can continue to progress. And those who are at the forefront are always the leaders.

As for Ye Yuze and his son, they are naturally not people who would like to be inferior to others. Otherwise, why would they be working so hard?

As Ye Yuze's son, Ye Feng is destined to surpass his father because he has a higher starting point than Ye Yuze, plus his environment and education are different.

If he could just be an obedient child and live a peaceful life holding on to the legacy his father had built, he would be destined to be surpassed by many people in a few decades.

The history of human development is the history of one generation surpassing another. The reason why many countries that were founded relatively recently have developed rapidly is because they have no history and nothing to follow.

Early the next morning, Cha Hongying took her assistant to ASML. This time, Smit made a new suggestion, which was to sign a gambling agreement.

In other words, if ASML can reverse the current economic situation and achieve a profit of US$10 billion within one year. Then the angel investment of US$10 billion can only account for 20% of the company's shares.

If this is not possible, angel investors will be able to hold 51% of ASML's shares on August 2 next year.

In fact, this gambling agreement is beneficial to ASML. If it wins, it means that Smit has succeeded. Selling 20% ​​of the shares for 10 billion is not a loss.

Once it loses, it will be meaningless how many shares others hold. It has been surpassed by the Japanese in a year. Once such a high-tech company is surpassed. The consequence is that all the high-end orders will be taken away, leaving only some scraps that others don't want. They can still make do with it without starving to death.

This time Cha Hongying signed without any hesitation. Mainly because Ye Feng made it clear to her that the reason why he bought a stake in ASML was to master all their technologies.

It's like buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars, all you want is this frame. Because the current restriction on ASML's development is capital. And is angel investment a company short of money?

As long as he captures the technology and these talents, Ye Feng is confident that he can turn him into the world's most cutting-edge company within three years.

After signing the agreement, Smit convened the board of directors meeting. As usual, Cha Hongying wanted to meet with the directors.

As a result, Cha Hongying unexpectedly saw a person whom she had never expected even to death, that was Luke. This guy was sitting next to Smit in a human-like manner, and Cha Hongying's eyes widened when he saw him. On fire.

Sure enough, a man's mouth is so deceptive, you can't believe it!

Come on, here I come.

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