Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1549 Becoming a Shareholder

The key point is that this German guy is too shady. He is only willing to pay up to 8 billion for 10 billion shares. This is a direct discount of 20%. But Prado had no choice yet, because no one else even offered a bid.

After accumulating wealth to his level, he no longer hesitates to make a choice. Compared with the risks faced, a mere two billion is nothing?

Eight billion is enough for his family to live comfortably for several generations. But once you continue to follow Smit, you are in danger of being completely bankrupt, so you might as well endure it.

Early the next morning, the board of directors convened on time, and Prado stated clearly that he was preparing to sell his shares.

Smit looked gloomy: "Mr. Prado, did you just abandon us like this when the company is in its most difficult time?"

Prado looked at him disdainfully: "Everything you face is your own fault. You are determined to do your own thing. You don't care about the situation of the company and your family, but I do. If you don't agree, I will sue the court and apply to split the company. .”

Prado used a trick. He came up with this method after not sleeping all night. He also specially consulted a lawyer, and he only used it as a trump card today.

Prado's words moved the directors a little. Capital pursues profit, and everyone comes here to make money. But this Smit is just as Prado said, too strong.

However, no one of them dares to resist, or no one is willing to resist, because in recent years, Smit has created one miracle after another, from a small joint venture of Philips to an independent listed company. , causing everyone’s wealth to increase countless times.

Seeing Prado's persistence and thinking about the old guy who had been with him through thick and thin all these years, Smit suddenly softened, but there were some things he had to say clearly.

"Prado, I can agree to you selling the shares, but we have to know who you are selling to? And he must also comply with some of our conditions. Otherwise, I can only accompany you in this lawsuit."

What Smit said is very pertinent. Indeed, if you get a major shareholder who knows nothing but likes to point fingers, it will be a real headache.

Prado nodded: "I can't promise you anything at the moment, but I can call him over to attend our board of directors. You can negotiate the conditions yourself. If he goes too far, I will buy him the shares."

Smit agreed to Prado's request so happily, which actually moved Prado. Thinking about the years we have shared joys and sorrows together, how could Prado have no feelings for the company?

"Okay, Mr. Prado, I and all the directors are grateful to you for taking the overall situation into consideration. Then you can call him over."

After Smit finished speaking, he discussed with others what requirements should be set for this new shareholder? After everyone discussed it, they finally printed out a letter of commitment, which roughly means that the new shareholders are not allowed to sell their shares within three years, and are not allowed to make weak demands on the company's business.

By the time the discussion was over, Luke had already arrived at the company's reception room, so he was invited over.

The first time, the letter of commitment was handed to him. Luke read all the terms carefully and nodded in agreement. But he also put forward a condition, that is, he would bring a few people to join the company, not to participate in the company's operations, but as R\u0026D personnel.

After a brief discussion, everyone agreed to this condition. Although the salary of R\u0026D personnel is high, compared to their project funds, it is a drop in the bucket.

As a result, the commitment letter was successfully signed, and Luke said that he would ask his boss for instructions and give 2 billion to the company as a research and development fund.

This is really an unexpected blessing. With these two billion, we can at least survive this year. Although ASML is burning money very hard, burning the figures measured in hundreds of millions also requires a process.

Because of Luke's last statement, the share transfer procedure became very smooth. All the procedures were almost completed in half a day, and Luke, as the agent of the major shareholder, successfully entered the board of directors.

The agreed two billion was credited to ASML's account just after they completed the formalities, which made Smit a little excited. It seems that this partner is an open-minded person and does not take advantage of anyone at all.

Moreover, it is equivalent to transferring the money that was originally supposed to be given to Prado to the company's account. Although the money was a loan, interest was not even mentioned. Who could not like such a person?

The people who came to work at ASML were naturally from Junken City, and the personnel were personally selected by Ye Yuze, starting with Kevin and Qiu Hope.

This Qiu Hope's IQ is too high. Not long after he arrived, he has already become a technical backbone. And this guy also dabbles in optics. Ye Yuze believes that as long as he can stay at ASML for a few years, everything is possible.

As for Kevin, it’s self-evident to everyone. Even after so many years, he has become more and more innocent on this road.

It's just that compared to the competitiveness when he was young, he has become more restrained. Now he is the father of three children. Considering his age, he looks quite like a scholar.

The reason why he was sent there was because he found that ASML was very strict in protecting all kinds of information. He tried to break through several times but failed, so he wanted to learn it himself.

After all, the idiom "It's hard to guard against a thief" is common throughout the world.

The remaining few are college students majoring in lithography machines. These people, Mr. Ni, are planning to train them as the backbone of the future Junken City Photolithography Machine Company.

Smit was very happy that such a big thing was settled, and then his phone rang again.

I have been entangled with Cha Hongying for some time. The two people were like a see-saw, always in a stalemate over the amount of funds and shares.

With the addition of Luke, Smit was less anxious. There are two billion at the bottom, so holding on for half a year is not a big problem. There is plenty of time to waste with Cha Hongying.

Zha Hongying didn't expect that Smit would be so difficult to deal with, and he had been spending a month here. The shares that Smit agreed to increased from 15% to 20%, and he also requested that the amount be increased to 15 billion. How could Zha Hongying agree to this?

After talking to Smit that day, Zha Hongying returned to the hotel exhausted. Smit was really a master in negotiation and was so energy-consuming.

Luke came out of the room humming a tune and walked across from Cha Hongying again. When the two met each other often, they would nod politely and say hello, but had no conversation.

Luke was happy today. After saying hello, he asked: "Beautiful lady, are you Chinese?"

The reason why he asked this was because there were some Japanese and Koreans here and he couldn't tell them apart.

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