Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1382 Zhao Linger’s new position

The Second Division is located in the southern part of Northern Xinjiang, and the climate is very different from that of Junken City. The Tianshan Mountains are like a huge barrier, dividing Northern Xinjiang Province into two. The key separation is not only the region, but also the climate.

The south is arid. Every year at the turn of spring and summer, there is dust that blocks the sky, late spring cold that withers cotton seedlings and apricot flowers wither, as well as hot and dry winds, hail, and floods. The northern part has a temperate continental arid and semi-arid climate, and the southern Xinjiang has a warm temperate continental arid climate. In general, the climate in the north is milder than in the south.

The difference between arid and semi-arid is a world of difference, even if it is just a word. Therefore, most of the scenery in Northern Xinjiang is in the north. Such as Tianchi, Manas, Ili Prairie, and in the south you can only see the desert and Gobi Desert. And of course Populus euphratica.

Because the southern border is short, only three of the corps's fourteen divisions are stationed in the south, and the others are in the north.

Because the climate in southern Xinjiang is relatively harsh, the area of ​​arable land is less. Even the grass in the grasslands is distressingly long. It is short and close to the ground. When cattle and sheep eat, they want to eat the soil in their mouths.

The Corps people cannot compete with the common people for land and pasture, so they can open up wasteland, dig canals, divert water, and improve the soil themselves.

Therefore, the Second Division is a unit that was established earlier than the Corps, and it is also one of the units with relatively poor conditions in the Corps.

Because no matter how you make changes, the bankers and pastures will ultimately have to rely on the weather, not to mention the lack of groundwater resources here.

After Zhao Ling'er arrived here, she was surprised at first, and then fell silent. After staying in Junken City for a long time, she thought it was a template for the Corps, but when she saw this place, she realized that this was the original appearance of the Corps.

Most of them are mud houses, and there are only a few brick buildings in the division headquarters, hospitals and schools. All the units in the entire division looked like a small town together, with gravel roads and wooden telegraph poles with electric wires and telephone lines. The entire division had no more than five street lights, and two had no light bulbs.

He went to report first, and then received the key to the dormitory. The political commissar and division commander welcomed him, but there was no welcome in their eyes.

Zhao Ling'er endured it. If she was promoted and served as a division commander or political commissar, airborne landing would not be a big problem. But this deputy political commissar, who has no real power but is of high rank, is a little embarrassed.

For the regiment team, which is relatively clingy, this is like adding sand, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

The dormitory is the standard for the corps, with two rooms in a small courtyard, and the houses are built of clay. To Zhao Ling'er's delight, there was an apricot tree in the yard.

It's just that we can't eat apricots this year, it's already winter, and we won't have to wait until spring next year. But it is true that the winter here is not as cold as in Junken City. It seems that my yard has just been vacated, and there is still the smell of fireworks everywhere.

Zhao Ling'er picked up the broom and cleaned it from inside to outside, then took her luggage in and laid it out, and then lit the fire wall. There isn't much coal left in the yard, so it looks like we have to go to the logistics department to get some.

Zhao Ling'er didn't bring any pots and pans, but she had to buy some. She is not a person who can cook, so she will definitely eat in the canteen, but she must have what she should have, otherwise she will be hungry if she misses the meal.

After cleaning up, it was time for dinner. I took my lunch box and went to the canteen. Like all regiment canteens, the steamed buns and pickles were mushy. Like the third child.

Zhao Linger is not pretentious and eats whatever she has. She found that there was something different here. There was whole grain here, which was cornmeal. This paste was made from cornmeal.

For her who is used to drinking white batter, this tastes particularly sweet. This does not mean that all refined grains taste better than coarse grains.

For example, if this corn batter is boiled over a higher heat, it will smell fragrant.

After eating and drinking, and making two more steamed buns and a pickle, Zhao Ling'er went back. She did not go home, but went to the office. Although she could rest for two days when she first arrived, she did not want to rest, but was eager to find out the situation of the second division.

Years of administrative work have allowed her to develop a rigorous work style. When you go to a place, you must first understand the actual conditions there before deciding how to start work.

Her division of labor is still in the area of ​​discipline inspection, and she is equivalent to a senior disciplinary official in the city. It's just that the corps has a different name.

This division of labor actually made Zhao Ling'er conflicted. The father and daughter turned against each other, and friends and colleagues looked at each other coldly. None of this made Zhao Ling'er flinch.

But her superior's decision made her feel aggrieved. According to her rank, she is actually considered a level transfer. She was transferred from the Army Reclamation City, which proves that she did not do a good job. But why should I be asked to do disciplinary inspection work?

However, Zhao Ling'er never talks about conditions when it comes to work, she just keeps her head down and does it. After reading through the information overnight, Zhao Ling'er had a general understanding of the situation here.

She suddenly had an impulse that she no longer wanted to be the deputy political commissar. She could even become the company commander of a grassroots company to change the situation here.

When she got home, the coal in the fire wall had burned out. Zhao Ling'er was too lazy to light the fire again and just got into bed and fell asleep. At this time, she was lucky. Fortunately, her father insisted, otherwise the child would have really suffered if he followed.

Zhao Ling'er didn't call home when she got here, because she knew that if she was beaten, she would be scolded, so she might as well wait for her father to calm down.

When dawn came, Zhao Ling'er did not go to the canteen. Instead, she baked the steamed buns she brought back last night, ate them with pickles, and then went to work.

There were several cars at the division headquarters, but she, the deputy political commissar, did not have a special car. She had a Jeep and a Warrior brand car. Zhao Ling'er told the political commissar that she wanted to go down for a walk and wanted a horse. The political commissar thought for a moment and sent her a jeep.

No matter how much he resisted Zhao Ling'er, as a direct leader, it was not the style of the Corps to embarrass a female comrade.

The driver, Xiao Zhao, was a newly professional soldier. He was driving for the leaders in the army in the Lanzhou Military Region.

Maybe it's because of his youth and lively personality. When he saw Zhao Ling'er, he smiled with white teeth and asked her enthusiastically where she planned to go.

Zhao Ling'er thought for a while: "Let's go to the group with the worst conditions first. I don't understand the situation here at all, so I want to go through the whole thing."

Xiao Zhao smiled and nodded: "Okay, chief, let's go to one group. The conditions there are the most difficult and representative."

Zhao Ling'er asked curiously: "Why do you say there is representativeness there?"

Xiao Zhao scratched his hair, as if he didn't know what to say? Finally he smiled and said: "Leader, you will know when you go there."

Zhao Ling'er suddenly felt warm in her heart. This action resembled Ye Yuze's and made her feel so kind.

But thinking about the two people's indifference in the later period, Zhao Ling'er suddenly couldn't be happy anymore.

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