Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1383 The Corps in Southern Xinjiang

For Ye Yuze, Zhao Ling'er can be said to have deeper feelings than Yang Geyong. Because it was because of Ye Yuze that she met Yang Geyong.

And the love with Yang Geyong, in a sense, is a kind of sustenance after the hopeless relationship with Ye Yuze. Therefore, Zhao Linger is actually not that uncomfortable every time they break up. At most, she is unwilling. Because she always felt that Yang Geyong was not worthy of her.

But this time Ye Yuze's indifference made her heart really cold, because she felt that even if no one in the world understood her, Ye Yuze should understand her.

Unexpectedly, the first person to stand up and dissuade her was Ye Yuze. Does he also think that he is doing this out of selfish motives?

No matter what the reason is? Things have passed, and she doesn't want to go back to the land where she was born and raised.

I thought that after working there for so many years, there would always be some people who were reluctant to give up. After all, she had sacrificed so much there.

But until now, she hasn't even received a call. Zhao Ling'er didn't think that no one sympathized with her in this matter, but that no one dared to sympathize with her. Even if there is, it is only in the heart.

After all, he was spurned by the entire Junken City, and basically no one had that kind of courage.

The road is very difficult to walk. The entire northern highway of the Corps has long been renovated and widened, but it is still a gravel road and a dirt road. It is impossible to walk on such a road when it rains.

But don’t worry about this. It doesn’t rain very often here a year, and there is very little snow. When people talk about northern Xinjiang, they think of the sky full of ice and snow, but it’s a pity that they are just talking about the north.

What's here? Looking as far as the eye can see, it is desolate and dim, and a gust of wind blows. It all tastes like sand. Occasionally I see a few trees, the poplar tree that is said to live for a thousand years, die for a thousand years, and will remain immortal for a thousand years when it falls.

The car drove for two hours before we arrived at the regiment headquarters. Like all regiment headquarters, it was together with the local town, but there was a clear distinction between the two.

It's not that they deliberately keep a distance, but the architectural styles are too different. Here, the Han people belong to the ethnic minority.

This is doomed, except for the Corps, all buildings are full of local ethnic customs.

Because the Corps was born in the army, the Han people's own distinctive buildings are not suitable for them. Therefore, all the buildings are the same as the army barracks, square and matchbox-like houses. There are rows of them standing there.

Taking a look at the regiment headquarters, Zhao Ling'er suddenly didn't want to get out of the car. The main reason was that there was nothing interesting to see here, and it was not much different from the division headquarters.

"Xiao Zhao, which company in this regiment has the hardest time? Let's go there directly?"

Xiao Zhao was obviously a little tired, but he still listened to the leader's words and immediately replied: "Chief, let's go to the first company? That is the animal husbandry company, because the pasture is too poor and the living standard there is the lowest."

Zhao Ling'er nodded: "Okay, let's go there. Don't say hello to the group, please."

The car drove for more than an hour, and the bumpy road became even more uncomfortable. It made Zhao Ling'er, a long-term driver, feel a little motion sick. At least the car finally arrived at its destination.

A few rows of low houses and a few sheep pens are all the buildings in the chain. The company commander was a bearded man from Shandong, with a loud voice and skin as rough as poplar bark.

The instructor is on sick leave all year round and recuperates at the regiment headquarters. Since the sheep are all contracted, only company commander Zheng Shengsheng is on duty at the company headquarters.

After the introduction, Zheng Zhansheng was a little surprised. He knew that there was a new deputy political commissar, but why did he come to their company as soon as he took office? He doesn't know.

I poured two cups of tea for her and Xiao Zhao. They were both made from brick tea and did not contain milk. People in the Corps rarely raised dairy cows. So there was no milk to drink.

It was already noon, and there was no canteen for a row, so Zheng Zhansheng invited the two of them to his home for dinner.

Zheng Shengsheng also has two houses at home. His children are working and farming in another company and have no time to come back. He and his wife are the only ones at home.

His wife is from Jiangsu, but due to the erosion of time and wind and sand, the whiteness and gentleness of Jiangnan people can no longer be seen on her face. She is just a rural woman who has worked hard for half her life.

Seeing this couple, Zhao Ling'er suddenly felt that the original infrastructure company was a paradise.

Seeing the man bringing someone back, the woman habitually boiled water and poured tea. Again, boiling water is used to make brick tea cubes. This thing cannot be brewed without boiling it.

Then I started cooking again. When the meal was almost done, I started making notes. Put some mutton and skin teeth, and potatoes.

Then each person had a big bowl and started eating. Originally Zheng Zhansheng wanted to have a drink or two, but the leader was a woman and she was so young, so in the end he was too shy to ask.

After eating, Zhao Ling'er sent Xiao Zhao back. Xiao Zhao hesitated and did not move. He was worried about putting such a delicate leader in such a peaceful place.

"Go back. You are not my driver. You still have to work as a driver. Don't delay things. I will stay here for a few days."

Zhao Ling'er had a gentle attitude, but ordered Xiao Zhao firmly.

"Political Commissar Zhao, we have a hard time here. Is it okay for you to stay here? If you have any instructions, tell me now. I promise to implement them thoroughly. You don't have to stay here. If you are worried, just come back and check again in a few days. .”

Zheng Zhansheng also quickly stopped him. If the political commissar really wanted to stay, he would have a headache. He couldn't make arrangements? There are no spare houses in the company.

"It's okay. I'll just stay at the company headquarters. As for eating, arrange for me to stay with a soldier's house and I'll pay for the food." Zhao Ling'er was firm.

With the attitude of the political commissar, what else can they say? It can only be decided like this. Xiao Zhao drove back alone and found a clean bedding from home. Zheng Zhansheng carried it to the company headquarters.

The company headquarters is a three-room building that is open to the public and is the most magnificent building in the company. I usually hold meetings and stuff here.

There was originally a large auditorium, but because there was no winter pasture here, when the sheep came back in winter, the lambs and ewes were kept inside for fear of freezing to death.

There were two beds in the company headquarters, which were originally manned day and night. However, after the contract system, only the company commander and instructor were left.

After the instructor became ill, the company commander was there almost 24 hours a day. But after Zhao Ling'er arrived, Zheng Zhansheng could go home and sleep at night.

Zheng Zhansheng briefly introduced the situation in the company. There are about seventy families, all of whom make a living by grazing. But because the pasture is not good, the number of sheep per family is not many, about fifty or sixty.

They almost don't even have horses, because horses tend to destroy pastures, so they have to rely on two legs to herd sheep in summer.

Young people don’t like to come back anymore, and they either go to other places or go to other group venues. Anyway, they can’t keep people.

Those who watch pirated copies, if you don’t come back and subscribe, I will send you to southern Xinjiang to herd sheep without horses.

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