Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1381 The great revenge is avenged

Wei Yuxiang and Yang Geyong were both injured, but they couldn't care less and kept shooting with their guns.

It has to be said that their marksmanship is obviously better than that of the mercenaries. This is also related to the fact that they are on the defensive and can aim.

The mercenaries charged and fired at the same time, just to suppress them. The enemies were defeated one by one, but the distance was still shortening. After all, the injuries of the two men affected their accuracy.

At this time, Lev had already ran back, saw Sokolov covering his wound, and shot him twice in the knee. At this time, he didn't want him to die.

Sokolov screamed and fell to the ground. Lev couldn't take care of him at this time. He lay down beside Yang Geyong and the others with a gun and started sniping at the enemy.

Because Lev was not injured, his firepower was relatively strong, and the enemy's attack was temporarily halted.

However, this was also a short-term stagnation. Soon the enemy changed its attack method and began to crawl forward and continued to shoot.

This time Yang Geyong and the three men were immediately in danger. The enemy's attack method made it impossible for them to fight, and the grenades had been used up. Once the enemy is close, the situation becomes difficult to predict.

At this time, there was a sudden roar in the sky, and a helicopter appeared above them. Yang Geyong looked up and smiled. He cursed:

"The bastard is here, let's see how I deal with you when I get back?" He thought it was Lighter.

At this time, the enemy began to panic. A guy ran a few steps and threw a grenade in front of Yang Geyong and the others. He wanted to kill these people quickly.

Lev shouted and jumped up and lay on Yang Geyong's back. After a loud "boom", he became motionless.

Yang Geyong flipped over and pushed him down, then raised his head to check his injuries. Wei Yuxiang beside him was also blasted with dirt all over his head and face, but at least he was not injured.

At this time, the plane had lowered its altitude, and grenades and machine guns were constantly harvesting the enemy's lives. These enemies lying on the ground simply became targets.

Soon, they collapsed, got up and rolled away. How could Ye Yuze let them go? Helicopters kept chasing and shooting. Ten minutes later, the place was finally cleared.

After the plane landed, looking at the miserable looks of several people, Ye Yuze lost his temper with Yang Geyong for the first time in his life:

"Do you really think you are a god? Bullets can't kill you? Why don't you just wait a moment and wait for the troops to attack together?"

Yang Geyong lowered his head and said nothing. What else could he say if he was wrong? At least no one died, otherwise we would have suffered a big loss today.

Lev also woke up at this time. Because he was wearing a bulletproof vest, his injuries were not serious. Just a few scratches on my head.

Knowing that only Lev's bodyguard died, Ye Yuze finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, Lewis was seriously injured. The bastard was not wearing a body armor and was shot in the back by Sokolov.

Sokolov was taken not far away by Lev for disposal. Ye Yuze and the others did not interfere, but it was a bit scary to hear the inhuman screams.

But the way of heaven is like this. The more rampant people are at first, the more miserable they will end. You always have to pay back when you go out to hang out.

Lev must have pressed him for something, but no one knew what it was. After Lev came back, he told everyone to go back. He had something to do and needed to return home.

At this time, the bayonet mercenaries finally arrived, but they were only left to clean up the battlefield. Ye Yuze went to the drilling platform to inquire about the reserves, and found out that the oil field was quite large.

How could such a cornucopia be given up? The mercenaries were asked to stay here, and a few of them returned. This time one person died and a helicopter was lost, which made Yang Geyong feel a little distressed.

But when he arrived at the station, Lev transferred 100 million as this commission. Yang Geyong gave in several times. Lev said seriously:

"Master, I am going to fight and risk human lives. This is for my personal affairs. I am not qualified to let anyone die for me in vain. And this time I got much more from Sokolov than this. "

Yang Geyong said nothing more, because Lev told the truth.

Lighter quickly sent people to guard the oil field. Because it was in a disputed area, the Tanzanian government would definitely not recognize Sokolov's so-called mining rights.

After Lev left, Ye Yuze asked Lighter to send someone to get the money to ask for the mining rights from the Tanzanian government. This kind of thing is easy to do, just pay a little money.

Sure enough, the matter was settled quickly, and the oil field became the private property of Marseille City. Since there is an oil refinery in Tanzania, it is enough to get some tank trucks to sell the crude oil after it is mined.

As for the oil extraction workers, they were all hired by Sokolov, and they didn't care who paid them.

The only contradiction at present is that this oil field is not under the jurisdiction of Marseille City, but it belongs to the Mara District. Ivory did not dare to say anything because of his scruples about the city of Marseille, but who knows what might happen after a long time?

After thinking about it again and again, I asked Lighter to take the money and go directly to the capital. As a local chief executive, it is not difficult to meet important people. After some operations, Lighter was elected as a member of the District Council. As for where the election was held? Lighter said he was also confused.

Once you become a district councilor, you naturally have the right to participate in politics. Not long ago, the district leader Xiang Tuo was attacked by a lion and was seriously injured while hunting.

After being rescued, the injuries were unfortunately too serious and the Ivory District Chief unfortunately passed away. In order to show the contribution made by the Ivory District Mayor to the Mara District, Councilor Lighter held a grand funeral for him.

After the funeral, Lighter was naturally elected as the mayor of Mara District and prepared to run for Congress next year.

After everything settled down, it was time for Ye Yuze to leave. This time Yang Geyong was also brought back to Boston by him. The main reason is that both children are there and their parents are not there, which is not good for the children's growth.

Yang Geyong didn't expect that Zhao Ling'er would turn out like this. He was so angry that he just wanted to fly back to Northern Xinjiang to settle the score with her, but he was stopped by Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze knew Zhao Ling'er better than Yang Geyong. This girl is not a bad person, she just makes mistakes sometimes, and the divorce makes her paranoid.

In fact, her starting point was not to cause trouble for anyone, but she really wanted to do something for Junchen City and warn those with evil intentions.

It's just that she ignored that a rapidly developing city will definitely have some disadvantages, but these disadvantages cannot be applied across the board, otherwise they may destroy an enterprise.

The correct approach is just like the process of urban development, economic development definitely requires enterprises, but enterprises will definitely bring some disadvantages to the city, such as pollution, noise and many other things.

But you can't shut down the company just because of this. You can only choose to solve this contradiction by coexisting governance and protection.

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