Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1306 Yang Geyong’s plan

Although Africans are lazy, they are extremely diligent when it comes to having children. Even outside the African continent, in the United States and Europe, those who contribute to their new population are basically of African descent.

Tens are born in one life, hundreds are born from ten, and soon the African continent is overcrowded. As the population grows, there is naturally not enough food to share.

Wild fruits are no longer easy to pick up, ditches are gradually drying up, and wild boars and rabbits are no longer easy to chase. The previous comfortable life has been completely disrupted. But the laziness of Africans has not changed, and the way Africans farm has not changed.

The rainy season is not bad, and various animals and plants on the African continent are still growing wildly, and can barely feed so many people.

However, once the dry season arrives, disaster strikes. Since there are no wild fruits, water sources, and hares during the dry season, and Africans do not have the habit of storing food, it is common for Africans to go hungry during the dry season, and it is not uncommon for people to starve to death.

Therefore, every major famine in African history was caused by this reason. The root cause is actually laziness.

According to some statistics, if the rainy season in Africa is delayed by one month, or the dry season is extended by one month, many people in Africa will starve to death, numbering in the millions.

As soon as people starved to death in Africa, the international community immediately began to take action. The United Nations, charity organizations and civil society groups donated money, food and mineral water, and personally delivered them to the African people.

But the problem is that over the years, the international community has provided aid to African people, not trillions of dollars, but hundreds of billions of dollars, but the people there seem to be poorer than before, and there is no change at all. This has to be said is a miracle.

When an African builds a simple small house, the Chinese can complete the work in three days, but the African needs at least three months.

why? When Africans work, they have to stop working too early in the morning, finish work too late in the afternoon, and need to rest when the weather is too hot. When building a wall, one person hands the bricks, another person spreads the cement, and another person builds the wall. There are also several people standing nearby to watch.

In fact, China provided the most aid to Tanzania at that time. Not far from Lighter's tribe, a railway that ran through the entire territory of Tanzania was built by the Chinese.

Africans even choose names very casually. The lighter is the representative.

There once was a Chinese working in Africa, and he had a very good relationship with a local African named "Babru".

One day, Bablu came to tell the Chinese man excitedly that his little son was born, named Bablu.

The Chinese people were very surprised: "Why does your son have the same name as you?" Bablu said: "What's so strange about this? My father and grandfather are also named Bablu."

Well, just call "Babru" at the door of your house, and the whole family will come out, and four generations will live under one roof.

Although Africans have experienced sufferings such as war, hunger, plague and poverty, whether we attribute them to natural disasters or laziness, Africans are very optimistic by nature. In their view, no matter what the current situation is, things will get better one day, even though they can't give a plan on how to get better.

But when Yang Geyong arrived here, how could he still allow this kind of thing to happen? Isn’t there a dry season? Then dig a well. The groundwater here is not deep. Small drilling equipment can drill down dozens of meters to produce water.

Drilling a deep well, a submersible pump, and a few hundred acres of land can ensure a good harvest during the dry season. Besides, there is a river, but it will dry up during the dry season.

Yang Geyong originally wanted to learn from the domestic contract system and distribute the land to everyone. I just gave up after understanding their living habits.

Even if every house is issued a small tractor, if a man dares to drive it around, the land will be abandoned for you.

Therefore, the best production method here is the collective farm, and the managers of the farm must have enough deterrence to deter lazy people.

Yang Geyong didn't tell Ye Yuze these things, otherwise Ye Yuze would definitely drag him away when he found out: "Why do you want to set up camp here? You still have a wife and children at home!"

Yang Geyong was reluctant to go home, mainly because Zhao Ling'er became more and more serious after becoming a senior official. There is really no fun at home.

Zhao Ling'er even persuaded him several times to close all his business and live a good life at home. She probably cares about her status. She is a high-ranking official but her husband is a billionaire, so she is easily criticized.

But how could Yang Geyong listen to her? It was not the first time that he had been unhappy about this matter. Yang Geyong was too lazy to argue and just didn't go home.

Ye Yuze is still worried about the situation in Africa, because Yang Geyong has a somewhat reckless personality, and Lighter is not afraid of anything.

However, because Yu'e's affairs were not finished yet, he could only wait until they were finished before going there. Alluvial gold and diamonds must be processed and sold by oneself in order to maximize profits.

Ye Yuze thought for a while and called Little Apple and asked her to help his wife complete the company and factory procedures quickly.

Little Apple agreed with a smile and told Ye Yuze: "Where is the old man here? Do you want to talk to him?"

Ye Yuze was stunned for a while, and naturally wanted to speak. The brother companies in the Mainland and those in Hong Kong have not merged. I wonder what Laorou did in the past?

When asked, the old man was a little hesitant and said he just wanted to observe and learn. Ye Yuze felt that it was definitely not that simple, but this brother would not lie to him. What could he hide?

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I just flew over to have a look and see why this brother suddenly became so out of tune.

Xiao Yefeng is the only one left in the family now. The two girls live on campus and only come back on weekends. That girl Ye Yuji is even better. She got a full scholarship. Not only does she not have to pay a penny to go to school, she also has enough living expenses.

This makes Ye Yuze often helpless. Is our family short of money?

Ye Ling has recently settled down and is based in Boston, so she can entrust Ye Feng to take care of her.

But it’s not really certain who takes care of whom. As for Ye Feng, that boy can’t be described as evil sometimes. Anyway, Ye Yuze admits that he doesn’t have a son who is thoughtful.

After flying to Hong Kong Island, I contacted Lao Rou immediately. He was frugal and stayed in a very ordinary small hotel.

How could Ye Yuze lose this person? He was a shareholder of the Peninsula Hotel and immediately opened a suite for him in the Peninsula Hotel. Laorou didn't dare to refuse Ye Yuze's arrangement, so he moved over obediently.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Ye Yuze was not polite, and there was no need to be polite between brothers.

Lao Rou explained how he met Qiaozhen and told him that Qiaozhen is now training at a company called Emperor Entertainment.

It's just that this girl is always uncomfortable with the language and eating habits, so she often calls Lao Rou.

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