Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1305 Preparing for War

In fact, the few people who stayed were similar to Lewis, the kind of people who didn't like a stable life.

The discipline of White Water Company is relatively strict, and the salary is not high, at least it is far worse than those mercenary organizations. They have long been dissatisfied.

They naturally know Lewis's character. If he didn't have some intentions, how could he stay in this indigenous tribe?

With the joining of these guys, the poor tribal warriors suffered a lot. They trained the two disciples very harshly, and they all survived those days. Now it's all pervertedly imposed on others.

It was just that after only two days, it was forced to stop. Because Jiba arrived, bringing with him a company of government troops.

Speaking of which, people who bully their own people are the most powerful. The government army was led by a regimental commander who was used to being arrogant among his compatriots and would arrest people when they arrived.

Lighter was originally polite to him. After all, he was an army member of his country. Unexpectedly, the leader wanted to arrest Lighter first.

He said that he disobeyed government orders and undermined the authority of the government, so he should be taken back and severely punished.

This time there was no need for Yang Geyong to give orders, Lewis immediately became angry, and the result was that they were all overthrown.

To say that the combat effectiveness of these government troops is really too weak, not to mention the backward weapons and equipment, they are simply vulnerable to the tough soldiers of the Lighter tribe.

In less than ten minutes, an entire company was disarmed and squatting on the ground with their heads held in their hands. This time Jiba was not spared, and was severely whipped by Lighter with a whip.

This unlucky guy spent almost everything he had for this gold mine, but in the end he lost both his life and money, and cried till he could not sleep.

In the end, Lighter saw that he was crying pitifully and couldn't bear to take action, so he drove away the government troops together.

Yang Geyong originally disliked the weak weapons of the government army, but Lighter didn't dislike it. There were many people in his tribe, and even the bird blunderbuss was more powerful than the wooden stick, right?

Realizing that the government forces would not just give up, and with the Whitewater Company eyeing the situation, Lighter already had a sense of crisis.

If the old chief had been alive, he would have given in long ago when things got to this point. However, Lighter is young and does not yet understand the dangers of the world, which is the age when he is not afraid of anything.

The only thing I worry about is that I am not strong enough. So he tried his best to expand his power. In addition, Yang Geyong and Lewis are also similar people, so they hit it off immediately.

If Ye Yuze were here, he would definitely have to negotiate first. If the negotiation couldn't be settled, he would think of other ways. But these people have absolutely no patience for negotiation. They can just say one word: "Do it!"

The next days were training day and night. lighter purchased another batch of ammunition. The money was naturally advanced by Yang Geyong. Anyway, his family owned a mine, so he would pay it back when the time came.

In addition to training, Yang Geyong purchased a batch of agricultural machinery. The planting technology here is so backward that it is basically still in the era of slash-and-burn cultivation.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yang Geyong wouldn't have believed that there was such a place in the world. Now that this place has become his own territory, how could he not care about it?

You must know that Yang Geyong is a descendant of military reclamation warriors. He is no stranger to farming and herding. It is simply a crime to leave such fertile soil and grassland uncultivated!

In fact, there is only one reason for all this, and that is laziness. How lazy can Africans be?

It is said that there is a primitive village in Africa, which is far away from the river and suffers from drought and water shortage. The strange thing is that people in the village would rather go to the smelly ditch a few kilometers away to get water than dig a well. Later, a nearby Chinese company helped them dig a well out of humanitarian spirit. The well water is sweet and clear, very thirst-quenching.

Since the establishment of this well, people in the village no longer go to the smelly ditch to fetch water. They all come to the well at the entrance of the village to fetch water. Even people from nearby villages came to fetch water after hearing about it.

However, there are hundreds of people who come to this well to draw water, but no one maintains it. Over the years, due to man-made destruction, sand blowing and other reasons, the water output from this well has become less and less, and even the last drop of water cannot come out. The people in the village went to a smelly ditch a few kilometers away to get water, but this well was just abandoned.

Another point is that many people have the impression that the African continent has barren land, drought and little rain, which is why there are so many skinny and impoverished people.

In fact, if we look at a map of Africa, we will find that the equator passes through the middle of the African continent and the Tropic of Cancer traverses the north and south sides. The climate near the equator is a tropical rain forest, with high temperatures and rain all year round.

The climate near the Tropic of Cancer is a savanna climate with high temperatures all year round and two distinct dry and wet seasons. Except for the northern Sahara Desert and the southern Namib Desert, which are indeed dry and short of water, other areas of the entire African continent are not very short of water. At best, they are seasonal water shortages.

There is an undeniable fact: Africa has 60% of the world's arable land area. We all say that the black land in the Northeast is fertile and nourishes people, but the black land in the Northeast is still not as good as the land in Africa.

The land in Africa is rich in organic matter. There are no pesticides or fertilizers. The land is soft and there is no need to plow the land to grow crops.

It is said that when there were few people in Africa in the past, local people basically did not choose to farm because farming was too troublesome. When I'm hungry, I pick up a few wild fruits on the ground to eat. When I'm thirsty, I lie down by the ditch to drink water. When I'm greedy, I hunt some wild boars and rabbits and roast them. I don't even need pots and pans. When wild boars pass by when they are not hungry, Africans are too lazy to chase them.

The most interesting thing is their farming. Only diligent African women may farm a piece of land. When the sun shines brightly during the day, they set out with the seeds. When you get to the ground, just find a stick, poke a hole in the ground, throw seeds into the hole, and then go home.

Wait until the crops are mature, then go to the fields to harvest the crops. You only have to work five or six days a year.

Some people say that Africans farm without fertilizing, watering, catching insects, and weeding. Can crops grow on this land?

You may not believe it, but it really can! Since Africans are so lazy in farming that they can harvest crops, what about the harvest?

The harvest can only be described as average. Although the African continent has fertile land and abundant rainfall, the weeds and bugs in Africa are not vegetarian.

The crops can grow wildly, the weeds in the ground can also grow wildly, and the bugs in the ground are eating them to their heart's content. When you are unlucky, it is common for crops in the field to be eaten up by insects.

Another problem is that Africans do not store food.

The climate in Africa is hot all year round. Africans have not experienced the horror of winter, and naturally they do not understand the importance of storing food.

So, although crops can be grown in Africa all year round, Africans have never taken full advantage of nature's bounty.

Once hundreds of kilograms of potatoes and cassava accumulate at home, they will basically not work in the fields in the next few months until these hundreds of kilograms of food are eaten up.

Okay, I'm off to work after the third update. I wish you all a happy work.

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