Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1307 Things I don’t want to forget

It's just that this girl is always uncomfortable with the language and eating habits, so she often calls Lao Rou.

The old man has a very special feeling for this little girl. Although he doesn't have much interaction with her, he always has a concern in his heart. Especially after the thrilling experience in Shenzhen City. There is already some inexplicable feelings between the two people, but they have not been revealed.

Qiaozhen is not a child who cannot bear hardships. The reason why she calls Laorou every three days to complain is actually a bit coquettish.

A woman who can run up to the fourth floor carrying a bucket full of pure water with one hand often cannot unscrew the cap of a drink bottle in front of a man who loves her deeply. This is called plot, and it is also because of necessity.

Ye Yuze naturally knew what happened last time, but he didn't really know that it happened because of a little girl. I couldn't help but become curious about this girl.

He remembered that in the book he had read, there was a girl named Qiaozhen who was very cute, but her life was too miserable. Are all people named Qiaozhen like this?

During meal time, Ye Yuze took Laorou to a restaurant outside to eat barbecued pork. Brothers can't make do with each other's accommodation, but they have to eat as they please.

The main reason is that Ye Yuze knows Laorou's eating habits. If you treat him to raw seafood, he may not be full, but a bowl of barbecued pork and two bowls of rice are guaranteed to satisfy his stomach.

As a result, as soon as the two of them entered the restaurant, they unexpectedly discovered two acquaintances. It turned out that Hu Jian, Di Zhen and a few others were eating here.

Seeing Ye Yuze, Hu Jian rushed over excitedly and gave him a hug. But Ye Yuze pushed him away: "Get out, labor and management don't do gay things."

Di Zhen also smiled and opened his arms, with an expression like "I am a woman and I can hug him." But Ye Yuze pushed the old man over: "You do this."

Lao Rou was a little embarrassed. After the breakup, although the two of them still interacted with each other and Lao Rou helped him, there was no more intimacy.

When Di Zhen arrived, he snuggled into Lao Rou's arms and hugged him gently. Then several people sat down and started eating.

After asking, I found out that the two of them came to Hong Kong Island to hold a concert. In the past few years, the two people have become more and more famous, and Di Zhen can be said to be soft-handed in winning awards.

But because Hu Jian is doing pure rock music, there are inevitably some things that are not in harmony with the mainstream. Therefore, although he is famous, he is not taken seriously, so he is ready to come here to open up the market.

After all, Hong Kong Island is connected to the rest of the world and it’s easy to break out. Di Zhen came here purely to help her friends, because she had basically become famous in China.

Ye Yuze had an idea and looked at Hu Jian: "I have a kid who sings very well. How about I be a guest singer for you?"

Hu Jian looked at him and smiled: "Unless you come too."

Ye Yuze quickly shook his head. Selling and singing can be done occasionally just for fun, and he can become a professional. He doesn't have the spare time. Have you ever heard of a company chairman who became a singer?

Speaking of making trouble, how could Hu Jian not agree to what Ye Yuze asked him to do? But he had to listen to Qiaozhen's voice beforehand. This was his first concert in Hong Kong, so naturally he didn't dare to mess up.

This was easy to handle. Hu Jian and the others had already rented the venue and invited several mainland and Hong Kong stars to sing, so they went there directly after dinner.

As for Qiaozhen, naturally it was Lao Rou who called her. As soon as Qiaozhen heard the old man calling her, she immediately dropped everything and rushed over, not caring about the supervisor's harsh scolding behind her.

Nowadays, Qiaozhen has learned how to dress up and put on makeup. It’s not intentional. How can anyone in this kind of circle see people without makeup?

The eyes of those who saw it brightened up. Di Zhen lovingly held the little girl in his arms and asked her what song she could sing.

At this time, Qiaozhen was already stupid. After singing Di Zhen's songs for so many years, how could she not recognize her? He didn't expect that his idol of so many years would be standing in front of him alive, with his arms around him.

"I can sing..., I can sing your songs." Qiaozhen's head is still in a state of panic, how can she still think of a song title? But he just hesitated a little and answered.

"Okay then, you can sing any song, we want to hear your voice quality." Hu Jian said at this time.

"Teacher Hu, is that you?" Qiaozhen's mouth grew bigger again. When she saw Di Zhen, she didn't believe her eyes. At this time, she didn't even believe her brain. This is too shocking.

You can imagine how excited you are when two idols you have admired since childhood want to listen to you sing.

She glanced at the old man, wondering how this man did it. He must have spent a lot of money, right? His net worth is very high. The gratitude in my heart cannot help but be expressed in words.

Qiaozhen's favorite thing is wild flowers. Every time she sings this song, she will have a strong resonance in her heart, and she often brings tears to her eyes when she sings it.

The music started playing, and the familiar melody immediately immersed the excited Qiaozhen.

For whom do the wild flowers bloom on the mountain, and for whom do they fall?

Waiting quietly, can someone pick it?

I am just like the flower waiting for his arrival,

Tap me on the shoulder and I'll do your bidding.

The swaying flower, she also needs your comfort...

As soon as Qiaozhen's voice sounded, the whole place was so silent that you could hear a needle drop. Hu Jian glanced at Di Zhen beside him in surprise. If he hadn't been standing next to him at this moment, he would have thought that this song was sung by Di Zhen.

Ye Yuze looked at the singing girl silently, and instantly understood why the old man cared so much?

Everyone has been saying goodbye to the past, but where can it be so easy to let go of so many things?

If you miss someone for a long time, you will involuntarily look for someone similar to replace you, until this person becomes a thing of the past...

Di Zhen looked at Qiaozhen in trance, the lyrics tapping her heart like fingers. Unknowingly, my face was full of tears.

She has sung this song countless times and cried countless times while singing it. But never had Qiaozhen's singing touched her as deeply as she did today.

Sing a song, Hu Jian and Ye Yuze both applauded. Hu Jian stretched out a hand and said to Qiaozhen: "I sincerely invite you to be a guest singer at my concert. I hope you can accept it."

Qiaozhen was stunned and couldn't figure out what he was talking about.

Hu Jian laughed at himself: "Does the little girl think that I am not qualified enough? Are you unwilling to accept it?"

At this time, Laorou stepped forward and touched Qiaozhen. Qiaozhen nodded desperately with tears in her eyes. Happiness came too suddenly. She didn't react.

Hu Jian turned to look at Di Zhen: "I think you should accept this apprentice. No one can master your songs so well. I feel more emotional when I hear her sing than when I hear you sing."

Di Zhen nodded: "As long as she is willing, I will accept this disciple."

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