God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1356: battle royale

Suddenly, no one reacted.

Creatures are also human beings, so they didn't expect that the people on their side would suddenly attack and sweep Ye Que towards the blue-faced fangs.

Even the blue-faced fangs didn't expect it.

But seeing Ye Que fall into his hands, it roared and laughed grinningly: "You want to kill him? Have you asked me?"

With a bang, it ran away, burrowed into the ground, and fled into the distance.

Dare to underestimate it, dare to crush its dignity recklessly, it will not make those creatures feel better.

Those creations want to kill this kid, but it will not let him do so.

"Do you want to die?"

The peak creation of the Longyuan clan roared, shaking Long Hao to his knees on the ground, his hand broke, and he pressed his chin against his sister's body.

Long Hao laughed lowly, then laughed unscrupulously, and finally laughed wildly.

The heavy rain hit him, and he couldn't feel the cold.

The creations passed by his side, and he could only feel the endless killing intent.


A large number of creations chased after the blue-faced fangs, leaving only one peak creation of the Longyuan clan here.

In addition, it is the creation methods of various ethnic groups who are watching coldly, watching this humble ant who wants to die in the rain.

"Say, why are you doing this? Give me an explanation!"

Pinnacle Creation is still suppressing murderous intentions, giving the juniors of the same race a chance.

"You won't know! You'll never know!"

Long Hao laughed wildly, exhausted all his strength, and let out the last roar before death: "God Ye Gu, become stronger! Become stronger until you can crush the Longyuan Clan! If possible, I beg you to kill Longyun!"

After the growl, there was a weak hoarse voice: "Ahem... everyone is the same, but you are luckier than me... I hope you will not be like me, who will not be able to escape even death."

Sigh softly.

His body dissipated.

Needless to say, it must be the peak creation.

"Collaboration! Our clan doesn't need a scum like you!"

The peak creation shattered Long Hao and the corpse in Long Hao's arms, and turned into a ray of light, chasing after the blue-faced fangs.

The creation is gone, and only the Fa is left.

These creator-level figures don't know about Long Hao, but the Fa-makers do.

"Like a father, like a son! Long Hao was born rebellious!"

"No, his parents betrayed his clan, his younger sister was promiscuous everywhere, and Long Hao himself is not a good person. He defiled his younger sister, killed his own clan, and let Ye Que go today. He really deserves to die!"

"Die really deserves it!"

The lawmakers sneered.

They discussed it for a while and then left.

far away.

Ye Que lay dazedly in the hands of the blue-faced fangs. Although he was seriously injured, he still heard the roar.

It may be the death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox.

Both are little people.

Both of them have a burden that no one can understand.

Both of them are doing things that are helpless and have to be done, and things that cannot be understood by people.

It's just that the only lucky one is Ye Que.

At least, his burden is still there.

"I don't take your basin for nothing."

Ye Que memorized the word Long Yun, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Whether awake or asleep, neither can play tricks in front of the creation.

Then, it is better to choose to sleep.

At least it would allow him to recover quickly.


The battle royale begins.

The blue-faced fangs escaped quickly, and it knew every corner of the secret realm.

Even so, it was almost wiped out by many peak creations.

After all, there are many people in the family.

But the more serious its injuries and the more painful its body, the less it wanted Ye Que to die.

"They want to kill you, you must not die! You are only the tenth level of the gods, ant, become stronger! At least let fear appear on their faces!"

The blue-faced fangs growled ferociously.

Ye Que woke up staggeringly, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. In this situation, he could still laugh, but he was a little cold: "Long Hao will not die in vain! He saved me, it is definitely not trivial One thing! I will become stronger, become the strongest of the strongest!"


Terrifying coercion struck, any strand could crush Zaofa to death, and now it landed on the side or body of the blue-faced Fang Fang one after another.

But it holds up.

Actually, the creations are all suppressing the destructive power.

Otherwise, the firepower will be fully fired, and the entire secret realm will be destroyed.

Ye Que was protected, but the force of the shock almost broke his bones, and the injury he had managed to contain was getting worse again.

After several concussions, the guy passed out again.

"I can't wake up."

Ye Que has a big heart, but he can also see the current situation, so he doesn't need to think about life and death at all.

Close your eyes and get a good night's sleep.

Really fell into a deep sleep without any scruples.

And this sleep is also very fragrant.

In his dream, he dreamed of the cold and arrogant Di Xiwei, the elegant and noble Huang Youyao, the arrogant and cold Gu Fayue, the obedient and innocent girl Xue Xue who only listened to him, and even the eccentric Die Tinghan... Also dreamed.

There are also Jin Duande and the local dog who are swindling everywhere, as well as Bai Yechen who hides his sword with a smile on his face, and the second-hand cardinal Gu who follows Bai Yechen.

Well, there is also that suave Qi Wangshu who specializes in soft food.

Many people and many things appeared in his fond memories.

Everything is so real, so peaceful.

He is sunk.

It was as if he had returned to the Six Realms, the Ancient God Realm, and gathered with everyone without thinking about the future.

Suddenly, the dream was swallowed by darkness.

Blood tore everything.

The peace of the past is no longer there, only the broken Six Realms, and the Ancient God Realm has also been shattered.

Di Xiwei, Huang Youyao, Xueyatou and others were all smashed to pieces by a big dark hand full of taboos.

Bing Yining, the ninth patriarch of the Void Clan and other friends were all annihilated.

The starry sky was swallowed up by the dark taboo, and the universe city collapsed.

In the end, the universe of the ancient gods was filled with dark taboos, and the dark void became a cosmic tomb. The creatures of the dark void were infected by the dark taboos and became the lackeys of the dark.

Suddenly, the taboo monster that stepped on the evil dragon appeared in front of his eyes, and uttered a strange and magical voice: "Anyone who touches time and space will die! Anyone who has any cause and effect with you, I will eliminate them all!"

Suddenly, Ye Que woke up.

He woke up from the hard ground, sweat was all over his forehead, he was panting slightly, and his eyes were still in a daze.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he quickly looked around.

Under the gray sky, there is yellow sand raging on the earth.

He was in ruins.

Beside him, the blue-faced, fang-toothed creature was staring at him with icy eyes.

His pupils shrank, and he retreated 30,000 meters in an instant.


The blue-faced fangs yelled, and a force he couldn't understand pulled him away.

Ye Que released the laws of space and time in silence.

"With so many top-level laws, yes, you have the capital to grow up! But now, you are not qualified to defy me!"

The blue-faced fangs drank indifferently, Ye Que's law broke, and he was forcibly pulled back by the other party.

Ye Que sighed, and did not resist anymore, but observed the world silently.

It's not like being in a secret place here.

The earth in the secret realm is black, and the sky is gray.

Although the sky here is also gray, the ground is brown with wild sand all over the sky, which has nothing to do with Huangyuan Continent.

"Where is this?"

Ye Que asked.

"Is this the tone you speak to your creation?"

The blue-faced fangs made a deep sound.

Ye Que didn't say a word, this really made the blue-faced fangs turn black, but there was nothing he could do.

Also based on this.

The two guys with very high self-esteem were silent.

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