God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1355: Roar of the Golden Dragon

The green-faced and fang-like monster of the pinnacle creation level was suspended in the air, overlooking the struggle of the ants.

It only has indifference and killing intent in its eyes.

Creation is not an existence that any creature can insult and profane.


Heavy rain and thunder, dark clouds overwhelm the top.

The coercion of creation made everyone despair.

Everyone was wailing, only Ye Que was laughing wildly.

boom! !

There was another loud noise in the distance, followed by the spread of the power that made the true **** instantly daylight, shaking Ye Que, the only one who dared to stand, until his bones broke and he fell to the ground.

The back of his head hit the gravel ground heavily, and the blood flowed out again.

In an instant, the daytime sky was as pure white as a piece of paper.

The strange thing is that on the white paper, there is a lot of heavy rain falling and pouring into his eyes.

He turned his head sideways to avoid the violent rainstorm, and slowly got up.

But the green-faced fang-toothed pinnacle creature leaned over and stared at him.

He raised his head and stared at the peak creation.

Then, he saw the mockery and disdain in the eyes of the peak creation.

Immediately afterwards, he and Pinnacle Creation laughed at the same time.

It's just that his smile is laughing at himself.

The smile of the peak creation is a smile that despises everything.

"get out!"

The pinnacle creations roared at the seven creation methods, and the pressure on them disappeared.

It's not a fool.

I saw that the ant was using its hand to destroy these methods.

Creation cannot be humiliated, nor is it qualified to be used by gods.

Therefore, it chooses to forgive the seven major creations.

The body of the seven great creations shook, and there was disbelief in his expression.

At this time, the day gradually disappeared, and the sky and the earth gradually returned to darkness.

But in the eyes of the seven great creation methods, there is the joy and excitement of the rest of the life after the catastrophe.

Seeing Ye Que smiling, Huo Mingxu kowtowed suddenly when he saw that he was being targeted by Peak Creation: "Senior, please give him to us, let us kill him!"

The rest of the fabrications were suffocated in fright.

Peak creation is silent.

"He probably wants to use the senior to kill us, so it's better to let him die in our hands, let his plan be shattered, and die in the hands of the enemy. This will also boost the power of the senior!"

Huo Mingxu kowtowed and begged.

After listening to the other methods, they all feel reasonable.

Letting Ye Que steal chickens won't cost you a lot of rice, and it can also give the peak creation face, killing two birds with one stone.

The corner of the peak's mouth turned up, his eyes moved down, he looked down on Ye Que, and said indifferently: "Go!"

With a bang, Ye Que was hit by an invisible force against the seven great methods.

"What's your background?"

"If the true **** doesn't make a move, it's because you can't force the power of the true **** in your body. Then I'm curious, where is your background?"

The seven great ways to make a move want to tear Ye Que apart.

Ye Que laughed loudly, the exercises in his body reversed, and a destructive force burst out from all parts of his body.

At this critical moment, the power of the peak creation came from afar.

boom! !

The power of the peak creation shook back the blue-faced fangs, and also dissipated the destructive power in Ye Que's body.

On the contrary, the seven major creation methods were unscathed.


The blue-faced fangs roared, and with the peak power of creation, he punched the sky.

With a bang, its punch was crushed.


A powerful man with burning flames descended.

"The elders of my clan!"

Huo Mingxu and the sixth-order method of the Huoyuan tribe kneeled and worshiped excitedly.

There was confusion in their eyes.

Half a year has not yet arrived, why can creation come in?

But they didn't think much of it.

Anyway, the backer came, and they felt very at ease, and when they looked at the blue-faced fangs, they also carried a bit of hatred.


The blue-faced fangs were shaken back, and he was furious in his heart. His roar carried destructive power, but it was scattered by the creation of the Fire Origin Clan.

"I offended you so much before, please retreat, Your Excellency, the person we want is him."

The voice of the peak creation of the fire source clan was indifferent, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Que.

He gave face.

However, the blue-faced fangs did not want to accept it.

"The true god's weapon has appeared, the rules have been broken, and the powerful people of all races have entered the secret realm. Your Excellency, it is better to fight for the weapon. There is no need to compete with us. Besides, don't you want this kid to die?"

The pinnacle creation of the Huoyuan clan pointed at Ye Que and said indifferently.

But that aggressive tone was really hard for the blue-faced fangs to accept.

"I'll kill him myself! Today, no one can stop me! I'll kill him! Whoever blocks, I'll kill!"

The blue-faced fangs stepped on Ye Que.

"I said, please stand down! This person cannot die so easily!"

The pinnacle creation of the Huoyuan clan punched away with a punch, trying to knock back the blue-faced fangs.


Boom The two forces of creation collided.

But it disappeared in an instant.

Because, another creation came.

"Are you so ignorant?"

The pinnacle creation of the Bloodborne race is here.

"People of the same realm living here, do you really think that you are qualified to play games with us?"

The peak creation of the Hongyuan Clan also came.

"His life can only be destroyed by us, you better get lost! I will give you a chance!"

The two peak creations of the Longyuan clan appeared.

swipe swipe—

The creations and methods of all races swept across the sky of the secret realm.

Someone looked at Ye Que, but only with a quick glance.

It's just ants, it's not worth them to wait and see, treasure hunting is more important.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ye Que coughed up blood and shrank to the ground, feeling cold, hurt and helpless.

Seeing this, the blue-faced fangs shrank their pupils and let out a threatening growl.

Its face was ugly.

Before, it made a strong oath, threatening to kill Ye Que, and threatening to kill whoever blocked him.

Now he was slapped in the face and ridiculed in a humiliating manner.

As a peak creation, how could it accept it.

"Oh? Won't you go?"

The peak creation of the Longyuan clan plays with taste.

"Give me a reason!"

The blue-faced fangs want to pick up their dignity.

"Are you qualified?"

The peak creation of the Longyuan clan sneered.

"Death, or go!"

Another pinnacle creation of the Longyuan clan ordered indifferently, trampling the dignity of the blue-faced fangs to pieces.

The rest of the creations looked on coldly, making Qingfang Fangfang feel like a clown.


The blue-faced fangs moved slightly, approaching Ye Que.

"Want to save him? Finally, I warn you, die or go!"

The coercion of many creations pressed against the blue-faced fangs.

The war is about to break out.

"Everyone doesn't have much time to dawdle, it's important to compete for the true **** weapon! Let's kill him!"

The peak creation of the Longyuan clan didn't want to wait any longer, his hands turned into dragon claws, and he grabbed the blue-faced fangs.

The rest of the creations will also be shot.

But things are ups and downs.

At this critical moment, a dragon's chant swayed down from the sky.


The golden dragon circled down from the sky.

The hands of the major creations paused, and they looked at the creations of the Longyuan clan.

"Junior, get out of here."

Seeing the appearance of members of the same family, although the creation was impatient, it still opened its mouth to remind.

But the golden dragon pretended not to hear anything, and came to the ground in an instant, with a sweep of its tail, it swept Ye Que towards the blue-faced fangs.

Ye Que took a look at the golden dragon under the pain.

"I'm not here to save you, I'm here to make the Longyuan Clan pay the price! Even if this is an insignificant matter for the Longyuan Clan!"

The giant dragon appeared and turned into Long Hao.

He hugged his dead sister and turned his back to many terrifying pinnacle creations, his eyes were cold with gloomy despair.

Even at this moment, his face is still rebellious, and the corner of his mouth is still habitually wearing a dark evil smile.

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