God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1354: I also have a background

"How is this going?"

Youzao said in shock while clutching his heart.

Everyone panicked inexplicably.

It seems that there is some terrifying power over here.

"Forget it, kill him!"

The Huoyuan Clan's seventh-level making method, Huo Ming sneered, turned around and slashed, but it missed.

Because Ye Que ran away.

"Damn! How did he run away!"



A group of law-makers started a big hunt again.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He ran very fast, and the direction he was going was the deep fog in the central area.

"It's almost here! Go to the place where you met Ningning first!"

Ye Que was seriously injured, and if he wanted to completely get rid of the chasing methods, he had to have something to stop them.

"The place where I met Ningning is covered by deep fog, and there is a peak creation hidden!"

He was seriously injured, and flew all the way, spilling blood all the way, and kept moving forward amidst the torrential rain and thunder.

"If you really want to kill me, then I will never make it easier for you! Big deal, die together!"

Ye Que gritted his teeth, and when he said this, his resolute expression was rather unwilling.

call out-

He is like light, fleeing away in an instant.

Not long after, the roar spread, and it was the seven creations who were chasing and killing him.

"No one can save you, brat!"

"In Huangyuan Continent, you have no background, no strength, and no helpers. If you want to survive, you have to kneel down and beg me to wait!"

"But it's too late to beg us now, you don't have that qualification!"

The law-making knife split the ground and almost hit Ye Que.

The secret method is like a rainstorm, and Ye Que will be nirvana.

The sea of ​​law-making has turned into all kinds of weapons, trying to bury Ye Que.

Rumble! !

Terrifying power came wave after wave.


Ye Que was bleeding, and was still moving forward in the rainstorm.

He didn't give up.

He has his own beliefs and persistence.

"So you can say, it's been three days, why haven't you killed me yet?"

Ye Que wiped off the blood, and soon saw the fog ahead.


The magicians were enraged, and the attack was even more terrifying. They cast spells continuously and almost killed Ye Que.

The conflict between the two sides is deep, and the battle is also very dangerous.

Of course, the speed is definitely not slow.

Ye Que soon came to the place of deep fog.

He sneered and said, "If you really have the courage, just follow me in!"


He walked into the deep mist without looking back.

This is where he met Ningning.

The moment he entered, he looked towards the deep fog opposite, where there was an unfathomable hole.

"Peak Creation, you should be inside!"

Ye Que squinted his eyes, feeling uncertain.

But even if you have no bottom, you have to try it.

Otherwise, this endless pursuit would consume him to death.

With a few puffs, the seven creations flew in together.

They didn't worry too much, and they felt uneasy if they didn't kill Ye Que.

"Then come on!"

Ye Que moved and flew towards the cave. At the same time, he stared at the cave with his fortune-telling eyes, and saw the monster in the cave instantly.

With a buzzing sound, an invisible coercion enveloped his body.

"Sure enough, it's still here!"

He swallowed, the invisible coercion came from the cave, and it was only aimed at him.

Here it is, warning him.

Ye Que took a deep breath, and said carefully, "I know Ningning."

hum! !

The coercion was even heavier, and he was pressed to the ground.

Obviously, his words angered the peak creation under the cave.

At the same time, it also illustrates a truth.

Bringing Ning Ning's identity out was a mistake at all.

"Ha ha."

He had thought about this ending a long time ago, and there was nothing he could accept or not.

"No way?"

Huo Mingxu sneered.

With the many methods behind him, looking at Ye Que is like looking at a dead person.

"If you are afraid, just kneel down and kowtow to us! As long as you kowtow, we can make you die happily!"

Huo Mingxu spread his hands and said coldly.

After so many days of chasing, today finally came the result.

Ye Que turned his head, looked at the seven people provocatively, and said with a grin: "You guys should kowtow, you bunch of idiots!"

"court death!"

The Fire Source Clan's sixth-order manufacturing method needs to be shot.

"Wait! He's leading us there!"

Huo Mingxu was keenly aware of something.

After chasing and killing him for so many days, he still knows a little about Ye Que.

Ye Que is definitely not the kind of person who gives up easily.

Now, the other party just entered the strange deep fog, and then lay on the ground, which doesn't look like Ye Que's style.

What's more, in this situation, this guy dares to provoke them.

"Fraud! There's something in that cave!"

Huo Mingxu narrowed his eyes, and began to retreat rather than advance.

The rest of them opened their Dharma eyes and wanted to check out the underground cave.

However, how could Ye Que give them a chance.

"You are such a coward of a pinnacle creation! You are so strong, but you still shrink like a dog, and even a bunch of magic tricks dare to pee in front of you! Hahahaha!"

Ye Que got up, his bones creaked, and blood dripped from his hair.

He stood up indifferently, even if it would damage his body.

He mocked, he mocked, he was unscrupulous.

Huo Mingxu's pupils shrank, and he shouted anxiously: "No! This guy wants to make the creation appear, and he wants to die with us!"


The seven major methods of making retreat one after another.

But it's too late.

Rumble! !

From the burrow, a monster with a green face and fangs flew out, and the power of the peak creation shook from its body, sealing off the world here.

Bang bang bang bang, the seven great creation methods were suppressed by coercion, they were forced to kneel down, begging for mercy one after another.

Ye Que was standing in front of the cave, staggering, as if drunk, feeling like the wind could blow him down.

He was not afraid of the peak creation behind him. He knelt down and begged for mercy while watching the seven creations, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a hoarse voice: "You people, don't think that you have backgrounds, I do too! Are you scared? Hahahaha! "

He spread his hands and smiled.

He was at the end of his strength and was dying of serious injuries.

There is no escape.

[Biquge www.biqugetv.info] But he can only choose this way.

The Seven Great Formations knew that what Ye Que said might be lies, but in the face of life and death, they were still willing to listen to Ye Que's words.

This is like the last straw grasped before drowning.

"Let us go, Ye Gushen, please."

"As long as you let us go, our grievances will be wiped out, and even, even I will give you precious treasures!"

"Don't let seniors kill us, we already know we were wrong! We are sorry for the previous pursuit, don't worry, we will compensate you!"

They kowtowed and begged for mercy, and their whole bodies were shrouded in fear.

Ye Que reached out and rubbed the **** spot on his head, and dyed his hair into **** hair.

He felt the monstrous killing intent behind him.

Moreover, this killing intent was only aimed at him.

But he was still not afraid, rubbing his hair casually, just like Di Xiwei gently massaging his head when he was sleeping.

Unfortunately, there is no going back.

"It's useless, and no one dares to provoke me. I'm the Ancient God of the Ancient God Universe. I didn't come here to care about you! You should die!"

Ye Que sneered rebelliously, and with a single word, sentenced these people to death.

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