God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1357: Going through the desert

The reason for Ye Que's silence is very simple, this is what I said, what's wrong?

Because the other party is really awesome at the moment, so he didn't say it.

The blue-faced fangs are silent because it wants to kill this guy, but rather than kill this guy, it wants to take revenge on the Longyuan clan and other creations.

They are all created in the same realm, so why dare to trample on its dignity and drive it out of the true mysterious realm where it has lived for many years?

So, it didn't make a move.


A force of creation pressured Ye Que.

Ye Que's face was instantly upset, and he looked at the blue-faced fangs, as if what the **** were you doing?

"A mere tenth-order god, face the peak creation, let go of your lofty stance!"

It turned out that the blue-faced fangs were still brooding, and they were going to get the place back.

"As a peak creation, senior's state of mind should be stronger than ever. Why do you even care about this? Is this how you treat gods?"

Ye Que cursed in his heart.

It's not that he doesn't know the dark history of this guy.

The dignified pinnacle creation is still hiding in a hole in the ground, with no future.

Even when she saw Ning Ning, she was so frightened that she ran away.

From then on, Ye Que knew this guy's temper.

The green-faced fangs look like a human being, but they are five meters tall, covered in green hair, with two sharp teeth exposed, and green eyes that are piercing.

Hearing Ye Que's words this time, it had the urge to kill this guy again, but in order to get revenge on those guys, it held back.

"Boy, I saved you. If you don't thank me, you still come to criticize a peak creation. Who gave you the courage?"

The blue-faced fangs buzzed loudly.

"Liang Jingru gave it."

Ye Que chatted across servers, not on the same channel as Qingmian Fangya.

He glanced around.

It is really yellow sand all over the sky, boundless flat, the sky and the earth seem to be connected into a line.

"This place is definitely not the Barren Land, nor is it the True Mystery Realm!"

Ye Que was very curious, where is this place.

He really wanted to ask the other party, but he held back.

"Kneel down, and I'll tell you where this is."

The blue-faced Fang Fang got up and walked towards the sandstorm in the east.

"There are so many peak creations chasing and killing the seniors, but the seniors came here, and those peak creations did not come, which means that this place is probably very dangerous, or that this is the territory of the other true **** force."

Ye Que analyzed himself, turned around and walked west.

"Your life is mine, if you dare to take another step, I will tear you down!"

The blue-faced Fang Fang didn't even look back, and his voice was very cold.

Then, Ye Que changed his mind, turned around, and followed the blue-faced fangs.

From then on, the two of them didn't ask any more questions, and walked into the sandstorm in silence.

They are very clear that there is no way to go back to the secret land, let alone the barren land, they can only go forward.

Ye Que is very smart.

Seeing that the blue-faced fangs didn't fly, nor accelerated, but just walked, he noticed some clues.

For the sake of safety, he followed suit and just walked along.


The gravel in the storm scratched Ye Que's body with injuries everywhere.

"The destructive power of this sandstorm has reached the level of creation!"

Ye Que's expression was dignified, and he released the law and turned it into a shield to protect himself from the sandstorm.

I walked for ten days.

Boom! !

The ground suddenly caved in, and brown millipedes rushed out.

The worm is a thousand meters long, and each foot has a ferocious blood mouth, which is designed to absorb any energy between the world and the earth.

Every time Ye Que met such a guy, he felt very helpless.

There is no origin energy here, he cannot replenish the energy in his body, but these bugs can absorb the energy in his body.

Every time he comes and goes, he consumes a lot.

"no solution anymore."

Ye Que's blood was activated, and he held the magic knife of law to kill the bugs.

"Put away the Moyuan Core in the worm, it will be good for you."

The blue-faced fangs didn't make a move, but just watched with cold eyes, but after Ye Que killed the bugs, it was rare for him to make a sound to remind him.

"Thank you senior for reminding me."

Ye Que silently put away the Moyuan Core and continued on the road.

He suppressed all doubts.

Such as the identity of the blue-faced fangs, what do you know about Ningning, such as where is this place, what is the Moyuan Core, and so on.

He held back.

And the blue-faced fangs were also holding back, holding back their energy, waiting for Ye Que to ask questions.

So, don't look at Ye Que's discomfort, the other party is also quite uncomfortable.

boom! !

Creation-level fluctuations spread from under the earth, causing the entire earth to tremble.

The green-faced fangs stepped down, the ground was quiet, and the things underground were quiet.

The two continued walking.

three months later.

The two came to an oasis.

This is their first encounter with Oasis.

There are desert monsters of the first-level creations living here, but they were driven away by the green-faced fangs, so they were able to rest.

Ye Que behaved well, neither flying nor running, walking like an ordinary person.

He has questions, but doesn't ask.

"Hey, there is source energy."

Ye Que looked at the clear small lake, smelled the source energy inside, his eyes lit up, and couldn't help walking over.

Suddenly, he saw a bit of schadenfreude in the eyes of the blue-faced Fang Fang, and his body immediately stopped.

"This green hair is going to trick me!"

Thinking of this, Ye Que started to retreat, and then split into a fission clone.

"Go and see what's in there."

Ye Que glanced at the blue-faced fangs, then sat cross-legged on the weeds, letting the fission clone pass by.

The eyes of the green-faced fangs were instantly sharp, and he was a little more unhappy.

Ye Que was satisfied.


Three tentacles sprang out from the lake, piercing through the fission clone in an instant.

At the same time, the tentacles absorb all the power in the fission branch's body.

"The destructive power of the top tenth-level spell-making level..."

Ye Que's face turned black, and he knew that the other party had no good intentions. If he went over rashly, he would be the one to suffer.

"The cuttlefish has a source stone in its body, which contains source energy. It is a universal treasure. If you want to get it, you must kill it."

The blue-faced fang said indifferently.

Ye Que frowned, this guy would be so kind?

"Of course, if you don't have that ability, don't go close to the lake. The absorption ability of the cuttlefish restrains all recovery abilities. If you die, you will really die. I won't help you."

Ye Que knew that this guy had no good intentions.

Of course, he has long adapted to this situation.

If the other party is really kind, he would think that the other party is poisonous.

Ye Que looked at the lake and realized the seriousness of the problem.

He fell silent.

"You can come and beg me, beg me, and I will help you."

The blue-faced fang said lightly.

With Ye Que's temper, he could really do it.

But facing this guy with blue face and fangs, he just didn't want to ask.

After thinking for a long time, he asked, "Does senior know about the cornucopia?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

The blue-faced fangs made a deep sound.

"I have a cornucopia that I want to give to seniors."

Ye Que said seriously.

"If you really have it, you would have used it long ago. Don't test me, I am not rare!"

The blue-faced fangs smiled indifferently.

"Since the senior doesn't want it, the junior will use it himself!"

Ye Queyun stationed to Yangzhendian, switched to firefly mode, and then activated the cornucopia's ability to gather treasures.

Sorry, he really has a cornucopia.

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