Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 85 Fierce fight! Strange Road 2 (medium)


Ji Mo stood up and laughed wildly, his red eyes staring at Jean.

In an instant, Jean had moved gently to the left. With two swishing sounds, two deep dents were cut on the ground by an invisible blade.

"It's better to put away your telekinesis. Such unqualified telekinesis is of no use to me."

Suddenly Gene's eyes widened, and Ji Mo immediately jumped up, curling up his hands and feet to protect his body, and red scabs appeared on most parts of his body.

There was a continuous banging sound, as if there were countless invisible fists attacking Ji Mo. The scabs on his body continued to shatter, and the debris turned into red particles and disappeared.


The moment Ji Mo landed, he roared, his whole body ignited with flames and rushed towards Jean. The flames went out the moment he approached Jean, and Ji Mo's fists hit him.


Gene crossed his hands and twisted Ji Mo's fists. The two of them stood still for a moment and began to use each other's strength to throw each other away.


The moment two waves of light, one blue and one red, intertwined, there was a violent sound of friction in the surrounding air, bursts of blue smoke, and blue and red particles intertwined together, as if they were resisting each other.

"Did you pass my telekinesis?"

Gene looked at Ji Mo with a calm expression, and his pupils suddenly contracted. In an instant, Ji Mo had pushed his body horizontally, with his knee on Gene's abdomen.

With a loud bang, Ji Mo rolled to the ground amidst violent explosions of air after being released from his restraints. After rolling a few times, he stood up and stared at Jean calmly.

"Are you finally willing to use your material-crushing power, Jean?"

In the past 30 years, Ji Mo finally figured out that Jean's power, material crushing, belongs to an almost impossible realm of telekinesis, called the realm of God, but as long as this power can You can effectively respond by reacting the moment your mind suppresses your body. At the end of the season, it was the first time we saw someone using this power.

It's just that at the end of the season, he felt confident in his heart. He had the reflexes to deal with the crushing of matter and the muscle strength to break free from telekinesis. He didn't want to use telekinesis anymore, which would consume a lot of physical energy. The guy opposite was a beast, so This kind of telekinesis that can easily deal with scum is useless against this beast. He still has a backup plan.

Gene stood up and smiled coldly.

"He's going to die."


This time it was Jean who took the initiative to attack. Ji Mo smiled coldly. He could already see the abnormal air movement in the air from the corner of his eyes, and Ji Mo immediately avoided it. One of the effects of telekinesis can be transformed with thoughts. Perform invisible fist-blade attacks.

Ji Mo jumped back, and there was a collision of air where he had just stood. What Jean is best at or is most willing to use is the telekinetic fist attack. This will not kill him with one blow, but can make the opponent lose his combat effectiveness. Best means.

Gene raised his fist and kept stepping on the ground to move quickly. At the end of the season, he was still retreating. From time to time, fist-shaped airflow collisions appeared in the air on the street.

At the end of the season, I plan to continue to distance myself from Jean. The scabs produced on the surface of the mutant's skin are used for defense. Injuries such as bullet blade explosions can be easily defended, but Jean's fists are sharper. , he didn't want to expend too much physical energy to create scabs to defend against Jean's air-form fist.

Suddenly, Ji Mo stopped and retreated, then suddenly moved forward. He lowered his body and crossed the air above his head. His fist collided with Jean, and he punched Jean from bottom to top, grazing the tip of Jean's chin with a force that broke through the air. The sound came out.

The moment Ji Mo felt the pressure on his skin, he turned around and rolled over. There was a loud bang, but Gene's foot had already stepped on it.

There was a bang as the ground sunken. Ji Mo held the ground with one hand and jumped up. After dodging Jean's attack, he kicked Jean with a heavy kick.

Gene raised his arm to block and then suddenly hit Ji Mo's head with the lower end of his hand. With a snap, Ji Mo pushed forward with his other foot and retracted instantly. The two of them were hit by the huge impact again. He stepped back with all his strength.

Gene glanced at his leather boots, sneered and took off his shoes, exposing his soles. He seemed to feel a lot more comfortable, and took out a cigarette again. He was breathing a little at the end of the season. His physical strength had been depleted. On the opposite side, Gene was still the same as before, not showing any signs of fatigue.

"You seem very happy."

Ji Mo stood up straight and took off his torn shirt, revealing his strong and scarred upper body.

"Of course, I have imagined the day of my duel with you many times in my head."

Gene blew out a puff of smoke, held the cigarette between two fingers and pointed behind Ji Mo.

"Where's my daughter!"

Ji Mo's eyes moved slightly, but he soon smiled and shook his head.

"I have fulfilled my duties as a father, Qingqing is now an adult."

"To be precise, there are still three days until he turns 18."

Ji Mo twisted his body, and there was a crisp sound of cracking bones. The red light in his eyes became even brighter, and the particles gradually formed the shape of a flame, burning around the eye sockets.

Gene looked at the end of the season with some surprise.

"You must have never seen a new type of mutant, or the second form of a mutant. If this continues, it will be impossible to tell the winner. Jean, you'd better use all your strength."

Under the sun's rays, a long shadow covered Jean and began to be stretched continuously.

"Sister Le Xiao, what are you doing?"

Ji Qing looked at Le Xiao at the window, staring at the Section 2 personnel outside. There was also Mo Xiaolan in the room. Le Xiao had a solemn look on his face and his brows were furrowed.

"Got to find a way to get a phone."

Ji Qing sat on the bed unsteadily, shaking her head.

Le Xiao's phone has been confiscated, as has Ji Qing's, but Le Xiao knows that she might know something if she calls Jean.

Le Xiao had asked just now, but was not allowed.

Now Ji Qing pointed to the small drawer under the bed, which was used to store underwear.

"There's a spare phone in there that my mom gave me."

Le Xiao smiled and walked over to open the drawer, and she saw a phone under her clothes. After she carefully took it out, she tiptoed to the door and locked it gently.

"Hurry up and call Gene. The number is 0013."

Ji Qing took the phone and shook her head for some reason.

Just now, Mo Xiaolan had clearly informed them that Jean was arresting Ji Mo.

"Maybe father is real."

Le Xiao squatted in front of Ji Qing and looked at her seriously.

"No child is willing to admit that his parents are criminals, Xiaoqing. Many people have told me that my father is a criminal, but until now, I don't believe that my father is a criminal. I just want to ask He told me why he abandoned us and left."

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