Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 86 Fierce fight! Strange Road 2 (Part 2)

"What exactly happened over there?"

"Why is there an explosion?"

"Probably rioters."

The crowd of onlookers looked at the vacant housing area in the distance, which was crowded with people. A large number of Section 5 personnel had set up a cordon, blocking every passing road and prohibiting anyone from entering that area.

As well as the helicopter that was shot down in the air, many people have seen it. Everyone is speculating that there may be rioters lurking in the city. So many people from Section 3 and Section 5 are dispatched, probably just to arrest the rioters. elements.

The turmoil has only been a few days, but such riots have occurred again. Not only the bottom, but also many people in the middle and upper levels can't figure out what happened.

Located in the center of Brilliant City, facing the sun at 12 o'clock at noon, is the Congress Hall. The circular and hemispheric Congress Hall is huge in area. It is in a circular square and is surrounded by a series of steps.

There are seven giant pillars of different colors on the outermost edge of the square, with different patterns engraved on them. Starting from the south, they are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, which represent the colors of the rainbow and the seven gods who built the dazzling city. Ordinary characters.

At this time, a large number of people wearing black uniforms, no hats, and orange numbers on their shoulders were entering the semicircular building. They were all members of Congress from various regions. They had received emergency contact from the General Affairs Section and went to the Congress Hall. , preparing to make the final decision on this incident that has endangered Brilliant City.

Many people are talking about what happened. The semicircular Congress Hall has a white roof and six gates. After entering, there is a giant garden with all the facilities inside. There is a downward passage before entering the central garden. , go down to the outside of the formal Congress Hall.

Many congressmen were talking about what happened in the city along the way. Many congressmen still didn't know what happened. After going down, there was a circular corridor with six doors. The door was locked at this time, and everyone was wearing white. Uniformed General Affairs Department staff stood straight outside the door.

At this time, the congressmen all joined together and lined up in an orderly manner at the three gates on the south, southwest, and southeast, waiting.

With a creaking sound, three doors opened at the same time, and the congressmen walked in. After entering, there was a circular hall with light and shadow seats extending downward. There were six areas in total, and the three areas near the south were the congressmen's areas. The three areas near the north are the areas of 13 departments, and the councilors began to sit down layer by layer.

Located at the front of the central area due north, Locke and Michelle are ready to state everything.

In the center of the Congress Hall, there is a round table with seven chairs of different colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. The chairs are carefully carved, with the edges shaped like the sun's rays, and the back is a The most bizarre thing about the golden sun pattern is a blue chair.

Although the outside world says that seven god-like people built the Brilliant City, in fact everyone has only seen six of them, and now six of them are still alive, and as god-like beings, they rule the top of the Brilliant City. , under the sun.

As each member of Congress and the people from Section 13 stood at the corresponding position, everyone had their hands on their chests, as if they were waiting.

As rainbow lights fell on the corresponding positions, only the human form and the holographic image of the corresponding color fell on the chair of the corresponding color. Everyone in the Congress Hall bowed deeply in awe.

The blue chair always looks extremely disharmonious at times like this, because it has always been empty, and it is said that although the six gods are the highest authority, they have placed an empty chair, which is empty. throne, as a way to remind each other that no one god's rights are supreme, divide and conquer.

"Six adults, I sincerely apologize for disturbing the six adults. I'm sorry."

Locke bowed again and said. The congressman and the general affairs department adjusted the light and shadow chairs and sat down. Soon a light and shadow panel appeared in front of everyone, and a light and shadow panel also appeared in front of the six gods.

"Haha, what do I think is going on? Fatty, it's just such a small matter, haven't you already found a way to deal with it?"

At this time, the north door opened, and King Xue strode in. He smiled and bowed after arriving at his seat.

"Six adults, I will explain the next response plan. The special operations book has been signed by 12 section chiefs, so please forgive our rash actions, including Section Chief Jean."

When King Xue spoke of Jean, he deliberately lengthened his tone. The six gods on the throne all looked at the name in the last line of the special operations book, Jean.

"That big idiot."

Among them, the purple female-looking humanoid cursed, and the cyan male humanoid next to it laughed.

"Don't worry about that idiot. King Xue, tell me how to solve it?"

"Six adults, the solution is guaranteed to be foolproof. Let's see what Section Chief Jean plans to do next."

King Xue said with a bright smile. At this time, the Congress Hall in the northeast opened, and Niya stepped in, dragging the drunken Tianhen.

"Tianhen, what's wrong with you? At this age, you still look like a child who just learned to walk, haha."

The orange male figure said, and many people in the hall looked at Tianhen with smiles in their eyes. Tianhen suddenly stared at the people present and pointed at them unsteadily.

"You guys are like pigs"

Niya immediately covered Tianhen's mouth, then pressed his head and bowed.

"Six adults, Section Chief Tianhen is a little drunk. Please forgive him for his gaffe."

"He's no longer even a human being!"

Gene said, looking at a human wolf in front of him, more than 2 meters tall, with a strong build, hair on the temples like needles, scary eyes, panting constantly in the mouth, tongue exposed, fierce eyes, pure black His hair was blowing softly in the wind.

"Human? Aren't the guys in the city the same? Jean, I despise you. You are obviously capable of climbing to a higher position, but you are willing to degenerate and do meaningless things every day to maintain order? Stop laughing so hard. , disgusting. The so-called order is nothing more than idiots talking in their dreams. Can’t you hear it? Can’t you see it? All the current prosperity is just a countdown to the destruction of mankind. Everything will end. The artificial sun has already It’s almost running out, humans don’t have much time left, and.”

"Is your head broken? It turned into a beast. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about."


Gene suddenly jumped in front of Ji Mo and kicked Ji Mo in the head.

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