Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 84 Fierce fight! Strange Road 2 (Part 1)

In a spacious and huge office, King Xue was allocating manpower. The staff of the First City Management Section standing in front of him had smiles on their faces.

The emergency personnel deployment for Section 3, Section 5, Section 6, Section 7, Section 8, and Section 9 have been allocated. Soon the vacancies of the 1,578 Section Officers, Members, and Councilors will be filled. The personnel involved in the incident will be filled. The family has now been controlled by people from Section 1 and is signing a secret contract.

Everyone in all subjects was surprised that the people from Section 1 of Xue Wang could fill the loopholes so quickly and efficiently. This was all due to the elite education college that King Xue opened more than 10 years ago, which was established with the sponsorship funds of Section 1. A college for cultivating special talents.

Students with excellent learning ability are screened out across the city. After making an appointment and signing an agreement, they can enroll for free and receive a salary. The courses they study range from engineering, medicine, society, economics, military, humanities and history, architecture, From the full curriculum of music, dance, etc., the students in the school are the best of the best, and there is no precise graduation date.

As long as there is a vacancy anywhere in Section 1, these people will take office, and the most important thing is that these students come from all over the city, from the bottom to the middle and upper classes. According to the regional law, local people must be qualified to serve as regional councilors, and The students trained by this school are immediately qualified for any position, including members of parliament.

"Lord Xue Wang, the riot this time is really just right. Our department can get so many positions and is the real winner."

One of the scientific officers in the front row said proudly. King Xue stood up with a smile and clapped his hands.

"Gentlemen, please remember the dogma of the school, and after taking office, you must obey the words of your immediate superiors, never do anything that will disgrace the school and the first subject, and complete the work at hand carefully and conscientiously."

The staff of Section 1 stood up straight and looked at King Xue with admiration. He adjusted his black-rimmed glasses and said with a hearty smile.

"Gentlemen, please remember that garbage will only create garbage, and you must not be regarded as garbage by me and disbanded."

Watching his subordinates leave one by one, King Xue massaged his forehead contentedly. What happened this time was so unexpected. Fortunately, the solid foundation laid more than ten years ago came in handy. At the end of the season, he turned out to be such a person. This made King Xue unable to figure it out no matter what.

"I've been patient for decades, but now I've stumbled. Sure enough, you're nothing but trash."

"You don't look surprised at all, Gene."

Ji Mo stared at the oncoming Gene. He had no doubts about the body of the Cyborg lying on the ground next to him.

"Isn't your body great?"

Gene said with a cold voice, Ji Mo shook his head.

"I have thought about it for a long time. If I encounter a beast blocking my way, I can only break through all obstacles according to the method you once warned me."

Gene nodded, leisurely took out a cigarette, lit it and blew out a puff of thick smoke. The smoke filled his face at the end of the season and he was still the same image of a poor clerk.

"You have only two choices, either tell the guys behind it or die!"

The corners of Ji Mo's eyes twitched slightly and he smiled.

"I choose the third way and cross you."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the scene seemed to have solidified. Gene raised his head slightly, and what he saw in front of him was the young man who had been following him all day long.

As soon as a touch of blue particles appeared in Gene's eyes, Ji Mo had already responded. He ducked in front of Gene and hooked a strong arm around Gene's neck.

With a loud bang, accompanied by the roar at the end of the season, he pressed Jean and smashed against the wall of the house.

Carried by the huge force, Jean directly smashed two rooms and flew out. Just when he was about to lose his balance, Jean lightly palmed the ground with one hand. After flipping around in the air, he landed steadily in a half-crouched position and stood. After standing up, he twisted his neck and patted the gravel on his body.

The cigarette was still burning, although it was a little bent. Gene held the cigarette and took two strong puffs, then threw away the cigarette butt.

The house that had been smashed through the wall began to collapse, rumbling, and dust rising. Ji Mo stood opposite Gene, holding his glasses with one hand.


The glasses were crushed into pieces in Ji Mo's hands.

"Not bad."

Gene said calmly, Ji Mo pressed his forehead and smiled a little crazy.

"The telepathy brought by the red eyes is offensive, while the blue is speed. I have seen the power you use many times, but I have never seen your true appearance. I advise you to use your strength. Better, Gene.”


Ji Mo tore off his uniform, red particles scattered around his eyes, and his eyes began to turn scarlet.

"The weak me in the past was just me 30 years ago. What you see is just me 30 years ago, Gene."

Gene stretched out his hands from his pockets. He turned sideways and made loose fists with his hands.


There was a sound like an explosion, and a pair of eyes flashing with red particles appeared in front of Gene. Ji Mo's fist had already hit Gene's jaw. With a bang, a blue scab appeared on Gene's jaw. The object shattered and he flew out.


Ji Mo succeeded in one blow, and the moment he stepped on the ground, he shot forward like an arrow, moved in front of Jean, clasped his fingers with both hands, and smashed into Jean's chest.

With a loud bang, Jean landed, and the ground dented, and fine cracks spread out. After turning around in the air at the end of the season, the ground cracked again the moment he landed, and he raised his fists and attacked Jean. .

At this time, Gene's face was solemn. The moment he turned over, he had already turned around and kicked to the side. There was a loud bang. Gene's left foot was slightly bent. The right fist that had been hit at the end of the season shrank back. His body was already straight. Near Jean's right side, his eyes widened, and he grabbed Jean's head with his left hand.

The ground dented again due to the huge force, and the stone slabs were tilted up. The stone slabs under the two men had been crushed into powder by the force.

Gene deftly kicked to the right, turned his left foot, and jumped back the moment he deflected the fist at the end of the season.

There was a sizzling sound, and the bottoms of Jean's leather boots had begun to smoke, and most of the rubber soles had melted. He slid on the ground for a distance and then stopped. Ji Mo squatted on the ground, smiling excitedly. Grinning.

"How about it, in your eyes, what is my strength?"

Gene took out a cigarette, lit it and smiled.

"Probably S-level or above, but telekinetic attacks fail."

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