Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 718 Special Chapter Winter Queen City

Chapter 718 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. City

September 29, 2076

Under the early morning sun, people in the town lined up one after another, waiting outside a room. Most of them had already undergone various labor tests, interviews, etc. within this month. thing.

For a whole month, many people gradually adapted to the current rule, because Verla had promised that everyone would be fed, and she had done so.

There are many people on the street with blue ice flower tattoos on their necks and backs of their left hands, each holding a weapon. They are the guards of Winter City, directly responsible to the Queen, and responsible for managing the order of Winter City.

In the tattoo area, some people have red snowflakes on their necks and backs of their hands. They are the guarantee of citizens' lives and are responsible for the management of daily supplies.

Some people with yellow snowflake tattoos can be seen on the streets. They are members of the city engineering team and are responsible for the maintenance of all equipment and buildings in the city.

There is also a kind of person with black ice flowers, who is the person in charge of the farm and the main labor force on the farm. These people with snowflake tattoos are the capable people in Winter City, and their treatment is better than ordinary people with animal tattoos, and each type Colored ice and snow tattoos, depending on the number of ice flowers in the tattoo, are managers. The highest manager is three ice flowers.

In the past, we used a soldering iron to brand some people, but now it's time to get tattoos. There are now nearly 6,000 people in the town, and there are still 1,500 people at the water plant. In the past month, more and more people have come to this town. people.

"This is the Winter City. If you want to get shelter, food and water, you can join us. You only need to follow"

Redes sat quietly in front of the radio station. He had ice-blue snowflake tattoos on his neck and the back of his hands, and there were many bruises on his face. Redes was just a radio station guard. It is a repetition of what happened in Winter City.

The effect is very obvious. In this month, nearly 300 people came to Winter City, and people came from time to time every day, including some doctors. Many new people were immediately assigned to some according to what they could do. Specially prepared group.

The six groups of chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, pigs, and fish are the groups of residents here. They are assigned to live in the six directions of the town. The south side has been used, but the barn is still closed. Verla visited the infected person Phyllis, and he agreed not to leave the barn. Verla also gave him some privileges. As long as he did not come into contact with people, he could move around, but he needed someone. Staring, Phyllis agreed.

The entire town is being expanded. Every day, the residents of the town are reclaiming the mountains and forests, digging away some earth and rocks, and transporting them to places where they are needed. A lot of the outside of the town has been dug away in just over ten days. People from the technical department will come over to handle some usable parts of earth and rocks.

Some wood has also been transported and processed into construction materials. The entire town is being expanded, and the guards have begun cleaning the surrounding forests with a large number of strong light equipment. Hundreds of monsters have been captured in the past few days, and they have all been taken away. He came back and was executed directly in front of everyone.

It's just that many people seem a little uneasy today, because the Queen announced something before, and there will be a conclusion today on the treatment of those who caused riots in the town.

Moreover, this was investigated privately and secretly by the Guardsmen. Through mutual identification, they have basically restored the list of those who took the lead in planning and creating the riots in the town. This list has not been published, but there are 187 people.

Many people are desperate because the current rule is very strict. If you are not careful, you may be arrested, directly questioned, or even beaten.

The Queen is the absolute ruler here, and no one can disobey the Queen.

It's just that being able to survive is very happy for most people, and it is no longer as chaotic as before, and everything is becoming more and more orderly.

Redes quietly looked at the busy people outside. He still felt a little uncomfortable because everything now had completely changed. Vierla felt a little uncomfortable because he had nothing now.

From now on, I can only stay in the small room where the radio station sends signals, use radio to send signals, and receive some signals, because Redes did this when he was young.

Redes is very familiar with radios, and he also needs to bring a few people arranged by Vila to teach them everything about radio communications. A city has really risen from the ground. Redes knows very well that Vila has succeeded now.

"Lao Lei, it's almost done."

A young man said, Redes hummed, and began to announce, asking everyone in the town to go to the entrance to the west of the town, which has been expanded into a semicircular square that can accommodate many people.

After Reds' report, people on the street started to move. Gradually, people gathered in this semicircular square, surrounded by large speakers. On a circular high platform, Verla and The officials of Winter City sat together, and all the officials stood around Vila.

After quickly seeing that the people had almost gathered together, Vierra took the microphone and glanced at everyone with a serious expression.

"A month ago, there was a riot here, but the rioters did not receive the punishment they deserved."

Many people watched and watched as the guards escorted a person out. Many people begged for mercy as soon as they came to the stage, and at this time, three people were brought out.

Many people immediately recognized them. They were the leaders of the three previous gangs, and they planned a series of things.

Vierla began to call out the names of these three people. The three of them knelt on the ground and began to beg for mercy. Behind Vierla, Gerry quietly looked at everything in front of him. Such a thoughtful planner, Vierla was Impossible to stay.

"Executed on the spot!"

Following Verla's order, three members of the guard directly wiped their necks with sharp blades in an instant. The three of them immediately struggled, but soon fell into a pool of blood along with the loss of blood.

For a moment, the people watching looked at each other, feeling fear.

"For these helpers, they will be taken to the mines to work. Dear citizens, please listen clearly. In the future, relevant Winter City laws will be promulgated, and those who violate the laws will be taken to the mines to work. As As punishment, these people need to work in the mines for more than three years before they can return to the town."

For a moment, the tied people next to them were relieved. Just going to work in the mine was already a gift to them.

"I just hope that all the people can work well for the future of our Winter City."

As Vierla said, many people's eyes looked strange at this time, and many people were a little dissatisfied, but now everything has become a foregone conclusion, and no one can resist Vierla.

Gerry looked at the blue tattoo on the back of his hand. There were three ice flowers. His main job was to train soldiers and obey Vila. Gerry had no other thoughts in his heart, because for everything Vila had done, Gerry Li was quite satisfied, although Vierla didn't trust him at first, but it's different now.

Gerry also decided to work hard for this queen. The hatred in the past has long disappeared in his heart. Now everything just needs to continue to be stable, especially since Sili beside him is essentially his wife. I also want to spend the next few decades peacefully with the woman next to me.

Gerry asked Vila before why he named this place Winter City. Vila said that winter is the last of the four seasons, representing the end, and the end is also a new starting point.

A very concise and important name. Gerry watched quietly as the bodies of the three were taken away and the blood stains began to be cleaned. Vierra was still promising some things, especially education. Recently, he had been organizing some people. As a teacher, there are now nearly 900 underage children in the entire Winter City. They are the target of education. Vella promised to build a school within the next month.

Classes will be divided according to what each child can learn, and some technical personnel will be used to teach them. As long as all these can be completed, Winter City will gradually become better and better.

"Including the current relationship between men and women in Winter City, starting from tomorrow, couples will immediately go to the designated location to register. People who are willing to become husband and wife can also register. The city will send congratulatory gifts to the newlyweds."

Many people became excited, and Vila tilted her head slightly.

"Tomorrow you take the initiative to lead a leader."

Gerry hummed and bowed slightly to show his respect.

Fred, who was standing by at this time, didn't know what to say. In just one month, he became the supreme royal family, and now his sister has convinced most of the young and strong hunters in the village. Men and women, many of them are willing to come and join Winter City.

Nowadays, the number of people in Winter City has exceeded 10,000. As long as it continues to develop, it will develop into a large-scale city.

After the morning rally, many people dispersed. Many people now just want to go back quickly and prepare for work, because there is a system in the city where serious workers can get good benefits after a certain number of years. This was what Vila had decided from the beginning. Even if he didn't have a good brain or skills, as long as he worked hard, he would be able to live a comfortable life in due course.

Most people are full of praise for Verla. Those who mainly caused the riots before have been taken to the mine. Verla put a team of 30 people in charge of the situation at the mine, and the situation at the water plant, Reports will be made regularly every day.

Now that the threat of the most worrying monsters has been eliminated, the outside of the town will be brightly lit at night, and there will be people keeping vigil.

There is no need to worry about being attacked by monsters while sleeping at night, especially during the day. The guards go into the surrounding mountain forests in groups of 10 to hunt monsters, and the wood in the mountain forests is harvested every day by the agricultural team. After a lot of deforestation, some land has begun to be transformed, with the intention of planting some medicinal materials.

The construction of the entire Winter City has begun in full swing, and everyone is working hard and efficiently every day. Vierla brought a group of cadres back to the management office being built in the middle of the town.

Vila was talking about something along the way. Fred followed his sister quietly. The tattoo on the back of his hand was different from others. It was on his neck and back. It was the pattern of the crown of ice flowers in Winter City, which represented He is royalty.

Although some people were dissatisfied with Verla's approach, everyone has gradually accepted it during this time.

When Vila was passing a corner, a man stood in a dark room, looking at Vila with red eyes. The man was still holding tools for repairing the house, as if he had lost his mind, and his eyes were staring at the people passing by. of Vila.

At this time, Vila suddenly looked over. The man returned to normal for a while, and the blood in his eyeballs faded. He looked around blankly, not knowing what was going on. He seemed to have fainted just now.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Klotz asked, and Verla shook her head.


Vila just felt this man's strange gaze, but after looking over, everything was normal.

10:39 am

In a mountain col located more than 20 kilometers south of Winter City, a large number of monsters gathered quietly in the dark place of the mountain col, and Kuris smiled slightly.

"It's really amazing, Queen?"

Kuris has seen it very clearly this month. He admitted that the woman named Virla is very smart and has completely controlled everything. This seems a bit incredible to Kuris.

Now there is a big problem with Kuris' plan. He had planned to go to the road to intercept those who came to Winter City, but in the past few days, they had been hunted down by the Winter Guard before they went out.

These people seemed to have completely adapted to everything about the monsters, and they had also practiced. After those monsters were captured, they would be directly given to some new guards to practice. This was what made Kuris extremely angry.

"Really, what should I do next?"

Kuris laughed heartily. He raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand, a black-red tentacle that looked a little different from usual stretched out. Where the red and black tentacles met, there was a light white, just like an eye. The appearance of the tentacles is also different from the usual black and red tentacles.

This is a native parasite and the key to transforming humans. Kuris does not plan to hunt anymore, as long as the existing parasitic group can survive, and he plans to wait for Verla to establish the Winter City, and then When the time comes, you can just parasitize Vella, and then the entire Winter City will be yours.

With the existing not-so-tight defense, the power that Curlis possesses can completely control Verla as long as he grabs Verla in an instant and then finds a way to let this kind of thing enter Verla's body. By then, he will be here. The king, Kuris, does not intend to go to the outside world.

Then Kuris stood up. He stared quietly at the gray sky in the distance, and then jumped up instantly. A few seconds later, Kuris was standing in a withered mountain forest, with tentacles spreading out towards the ground. , and soon these tentacles began to directly eat up some things on the ground, including sandy soil and dry plants.

Kuris smiled with satisfaction on his face. Now he just needs to wait for the time to come. Everything in Winter City will eventually belong to him, and Kuris has already chosen the target. He closed his eyes, and soon Kuris could see clearly. He could see everything in front of him, but his sight seemed a little staggered.

"Redes, let's talk, shall we?"

Redes, who was suddenly lost in sight, looked over in confusion. At this time, in Redes' house, a woman was standing staggeringly at the door. Redes looked at this strange woman in confusion, and he paused. Time realized something, and he instantly grasped the last remaining flash bomb in his hand. Just when Redes was about to call someone, the woman spoke in a gloomy and somewhat strange voice.

"My name is Kuris, I am the leader of the monsters, and I just want to talk to you now. There is nothing else. You are not willing to do it, right?"

Redes looked at the woman in confusion. Although he didn't believe it, he had thought carefully before that these monsters should be controlled by someone.

"What do you want to talk about? What are you willing to do? I advise you to leave here, otherwise."

"What did you get? Vella just asked you to wait for death slowly here. You were the sheriff here before, but you got such treatment. In the next 20 years, do you plan to guard Here?"

Redes looked a little unwilling, but he immediately threatened with the flash bomb in his hand.

"Go away monster."

"Ha ha ha ha."

A burst of ferocious laughter came.

"Where are the young people under your command?"

Redes didn't know what to say. They had already gone to eat and said they would bring their own portion back, but he had to stay here without being able to leave.

"none of your business."

Redes said seriously. When he stood up, one of his sloping legs looked a little unflexible.

"It's really miserable. Don't you think you don't deserve to be treated like this? Especially, do the townspeople who supported you in the past have any respect for you? They just call you Lao Lei."

Redes was a little angry, but he still looked around.

"Don't worry, there is no one nearby, so I want to talk to you. You just need to do me a small favor. And if I take control of Winter City by then, I will hand over all humans to you. I’m here to manage, wouldn’t that be great, right Redes?”

Redes didn't know what to say, and the fire in his heart suddenly appeared. If Verla hadn't expelled him that day, he wouldn't have come to the town to beg for death, but in the end Redes still resisted. , successfully cooperated with the people inside to drive out the monster. Redes, who originally thought everything would be peaceful, found that he could not change anything or do anything.

"The suggestions you made to Vila before were all rejected. Vila has not believed you for a long time."

Redes's expression turned gloomy.

"Stop struggling Redes, as long as we cooperate, we can control Winter City. You still have 20 years in the future. Even if you promise me, I will give you a new life, ensure safety, and make you Continue to live, including your already inflexible legs and feet. This power can make you completely surpass ordinary people."

Redes swallowed.

"Do you have the ability to invade the town now?"

"There is no way. Vella's guards are very powerful, and our weaknesses are too obvious, so there is no way to attack Winter City."

Redes laughed scornfully.

"Since there is no other way, how do you still want to capture Winter City?"

"The very simple way is Redes, just turn Vila into one of our kind. As long as she becomes a monster, it is equivalent to this city becoming a city under the command of monsters. Isn't it a very simple truth?"

Redes was a little excited, and his originally dim eyes were filled with brilliance, when Kuris continued to speak.

"Believe me Redes, as long as you are willing to help, once everything in Winter City is established and stabilized, it will all be ours."

Redes looked at the manipulated woman in front of him with difficulty, still thinking about the problem.

"If you really want to betray me then, I won't be able to do anything about it."

"You don't have to worry about this at all. After you become our kind, I will seriously help you realize something. You don't have to be controlled by me."

"That's all for today. Here comes Redes."

The woman in front of him suddenly woke up, and Redes looked at the woman awkwardly.

"what did you do to me?"

The woman looked at Redes in horror, and Redes said with an idea.

"Miss, didn't you say you wanted to announce something?"

The woman looked at Redes in confusion, and then screamed. After a while, the Kung Fu Guards came in and escorted Redes over without any explanation at the woman's words. Redes immediately said this The woman ran in on her own, and she didn't do anything to her at all. The woman insisted that she was on her way to do laundry, so there was no way she could have run in on her own initiative.

Redes couldn't speak clearly, and there were no witnesses around. Then Redes was imprisoned. He looked at everything in front of him with some disappointment. He didn't know what to say. It felt terrible. , and then Redes smiled bitterly. Gradually, the bitter smile turned into helplessness. Finally, Redes started crying. He didn't know why it happened like this.

Finally, Redes laughed, and his expression became a little ferocious. Redes smiled quietly. He knew exactly what to do next. He would definitely seize everything, everything that belonged to him, which originally belonged to him. You should get your own things back.

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