Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 719 Special Chapter Winter Queen

Chapter 719 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Queen

"You bitch, do you really think you are so powerful? Without me, you are just a stinky bitch, haha. How about it? Think about it clearly. No Virla, if you are still a wooden fish head, I am meeting."

Verla woke up from her sleep, her sweat already wet the pillow. Verla looked at the light coming from the window in a daze. Her expression was a little serious. After a while, the corners of Verla's mouth raised slightly, and she turned over the pillow. I had a meal and then lay down again. Last night I was busy until early in the morning because of issues related to factory construction. It is already 9 o'clock in the morning.

After Verla got up, she opened the door to the room, and the female guard members guarding outside immediately bowed.

"Your Majesty, do you need a meal?"

Vila nodded, then closed the door, opened the curtains, and felt the faint light. After opening the window, there were bursts of knocking noises outside.

Today is October 27th

The city has begun to take shape, and some houses with earth and stone structures have been built under planning. Some of the spacious streets in the past have disappeared, leaving only the center of the city where it is located, which is spacious on all sides.

Nearly 200 members of the Winter Guard are stationed here. This is also where the officials of Winter City live. The former ruling house is being converted into a palace. Only myself and my brother are allowed in and out, including members of the Guard. The following is It will be converted into a meeting hall.

The periphery of the city has been expanding, and the area close to the farmland is still undergoing vigorous reclamation. During this time, many people have come to Winter City again, and they were quickly assigned to work. Vella is now considering whether to introduce currency. , but the current situation is difficult to create. We can only wait until the city construction is completed and stabilize, and then conduct barter for a period of time to finally decide whether to issue currency.

The outside world has basically determined that it is over. People who have come here have revealed some information. Now many people live underground or in some reinforced and strict facilities, fighting every day for food and water.

Many people heard the news that there was a stable city here through radio. In less than a month, nearly 500 people came to Winter City, and the most scarce among them were doctors and engineering technicians.

In a few days, a special school built with wood will be able to open. Most of the teachers are technicians and some agricultural personnel. Vierla also assigned a set of food distribution standards in detail.

It will be decided every month based on the output in the farmland, and everyone eats the same thing every day. Three meals a day are completely enough for everyone. As for another water source, Vierla has asked Gerry to lead As the people from the technical department passed by, it was a bit difficult to build a drainage pipeline, but now the mine is slowly producing, and some of the original refining equipment has been put to use.

If this development continues, a large city can be built, but Verla also realizes that the problem of domestic sewage discharge is the core problem of the city at present.

There are many places to choose from. After all, today is no longer the past era. Protecting the environment is meaningless. Being able to survive is important.

Verla sat quietly by the window, and soon a vegetable broth was served. Now a breeding industry has been initially built. Some poultry were captured and not made into food, but were put in the The farms include some that can eat small animals.

These animals were all captured from the mountains and forests near the village. Vierra specifically told his father that his father had been taking people from the village to hunt in the nearby mountains and forests recently, and many of the prey were brought here alive.

As long as breeding is started, the food problem will be completely solved in the future. Vierla also selected some people in six city resident groups. They are Vierla's informants and will report some facts among the residents truthfully. To Verla, and the informants didn't know who the other was, and Verla had clearly told them that they would be given status and rewards in the future.

After a while, Verla had breakfast, made a cup of morning tea, and then looked at some documents next to him. A somewhat old laptop was Verla's main work equipment. It contained some reports submitted every day. Verla I will carefully classify and manage it in detail, and I will also ask someone to make a handwritten copy for preservation.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Vila stood up and opened the door. Fred stood outside with a happy face.

"It worked, sister, I tried making a small electric machine."

Vila laughed and breathed a sigh of relief. They had disassembled a large number of core drive components from electric-gas hybrid cars in order to be able to manufacture core mechanical components for work. Fred and the others took these After the air machine was disassembled, the components were deconstructed and the structural program of the components was rewritten to create some electric machines, which can be used to make some industrial equipment in the future, so that the production capacity of the entire city can be increased more efficiently. .

It is difficult to change all this with manpower alone. In one or two years, Vierla plans to send a material acquisition team to directly go to the city to transport some usable materials. By then, everything in the city can be enriched.

Vella plans to build barriers when the city expands to a certain extent, so as to eliminate some threats from the outside, especially those monsters, including some of the current mutations.

When his father sent things before, he showed Vila a strange animal, and it was very ferocious. Many of them were injured before they captured the prey. This was something they had never seen before.

Virla is certain that the threat is approaching step by step, and it is impossible for humans to remain comfortable in such a world.

"Sister, I think we should give everyone a break."

"We can't stop now. Once we stop, everything we have finally built will have problems."

Fred has been hearing complaints from some people from time to time recently. He walks around the town every day during his meal breaks. Although some people bow to him, they don't regard them as royals at all.

Fred knew very well that many people now were just afraid of the weapons in their hands. Many people were dissatisfied with Vierla's actions, especially the way this hereditary system was continued.

"Fred, remember, no matter what, you must position yourself correctly. If you are willing to listen to people's complaints, why not think more about the future of this city and choose your future princess."

Fred looked at his sister awkwardly. He was a little helpless. Recently, Fred often thought about all the things in his childhood, that small and peaceful village. Fred also gradually realized that hundreds of people might still be able to interact with each other. Unite and survive happily, but it is impossible for thousands or tens of thousands of people to live like a village.

"It's just that many people are sick, and there is a shortage of medicines now. We..."

"What needs to be solved now is the problem of feeding everyone. Today's food storage capacity is enough for one and a half months at most. And after one and a half months, if the harvest is not good, let alone three meals a day, we can eat one meal a day. One meal would be good.”

Fred did not refute anything, because some people fell down due to fatigue. This kind of collapse may be permanent and they can never get up again. Many people are complaining that they have to start work every day when they open their eyes. It seems that He lived like a prisoner, and his work was always guarded by guards and reviewed by people from various departments.

Moreover, if you don't work hard, part of the food for the day will be deducted. Fred said nothing more. Although he really wanted to talk to his sister, she had already started working.

Fred then left the room, and immediately the guards saluted him. Fred just smiled and wanted to refuse but in the end he could only walk to the end. He looked at the tattoo on the back of his hand and always felt that It was all too unreal. In just half a year, my life would undergo such a big change.

In Fred's opinion, although part of the reason for his sister's dramatic change in temperament was because of that bastard, part of it was the thing that his sister had longed for since she was a child. There used to be an ancient city here, and now you can still go west. You can see the ruins above the ground.

And their hunter clan used to be subjects of this kingdom. No one knows how this place perished. But there were stories circulated among their clan when they were children. The brave queen led the soldiers to fight against the enemies who invaded the territory, and preserved the kingdom. He killed all the people and allowed them to successfully escape to the village and make a living by hunting.

However, the queen did not come back in the end. After people settled down, they returned to the country's castle and found that everything had been looted by the enemy, and the queen and the soldiers had died in the battle. From then on, the leader at the time vowed to guard this place. land until the last of them falls.

There are many different versions of this story, but this one is the most common. When he was a child, he and his sister liked to listen to the old people in the village talking about this distant and ancient story. At that time, his sister would always show a longing expression. Come.

Fred once thought that maybe one day, he would leave here and return to the village, but not now. After helping his sister solve all the problems, he planned to return to the small village and pick up the Here comes the shotgun and lives quietly.

After my sister arrived in the city, she began to have obvious changes. She wanted to move up. In the end, her sister did it. Although she relied on that bastard's relationship, there is no doubt about her ability. Every year, she gets scholarships in college. I have my sister's share.

It's just that under the pressure of that bastard, my sister was just an accessory to him all these years. He only regarded her as a beautiful handicraft. In the end, it was impossible for my sister to break away from him, and she was even threatened. .

The devil in his sister's heart was completely released when a serious problem occurred. Fred has always been able to stand behind his sister. During this time, Fred blamed himself, but now he looks different. Yes, my sister has done what she wanted to do, and everything in the future will get better and better.

Soon Fred left the palace under construction. As soon as he went out, he saw unfriendly looks from the workers working around him. Fred could only look into the distance. As soon as he came out, the guards came out. People followed.

Fred was not used to it, so he walked towards the technical department under the escort of the guards.

Looking at her brother leaving on the street below, Vila stood up. She probably knew what her brother wanted to say. Wei Er smiled and shook her head. Her brother has always been sincere towards others. At this time, his best character is also Something Verla couldn't do.

Everything in the past was a devastating blow to Verla's life. Originally, she thought that she would never be able to stand on a glamorous stage in her life, and that she would have to hide in hiding for killing people all her life.

But it doesn't matter now, everything in the past has been wiped out with this disaster.

"You have to get used to it slowly."

Verla turned around and started walking. She picked up the radio on the bedside table and quickly called the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Life directly, asking them to come here for a meeting after dinner.

Today's Winter City is divided into six departments: Agriculture, Technology, Engineering, Life, Public Security and Directly Affiliated Departments. Under Vierla's operation and planning, everything has gone extremely smoothly.

Building a great city in this cold land is what Vila thinks now. This was a fantasy in the past. Vila could only imagine it, because in that metropolis, if you want to Getting to the top is almost impossible without capital.

But now everything has been realized. After Willa left the room, ten members of the guard followed.

They are all friends of Viela in the village in the past, but now they have sworn allegiance to Viela. Everyone in the village has heard about the disappeared country in this land and the heroic queen since they were young. , they all support Viera.

And now the flag of Winter City is also the totem of the Ice Queen that their village believed in in the past. Vella is very clear about the power of this pure faith. Although most people in the village are not yet clear about the specific situation here, Vierra has asked his father to lobby some people in the village, and many people have come here recently.

Vella also told many people who came here that she was the queen and revived everything their village had always believed in. This was approved by many people. For most people who grew up listening to this story, , is exciting.

The goal has been achieved, and what needs to be integrated now is the people's hearts and minds. The ratio of men to women in Winter City is now 5 to 3. The only people who can fully support Verla are the women in Winter City, because women are weaker than men. Safety was absolutely guaranteed, but a large number of those men were dissatisfied with Vierra.

There would always be some covert looks on the street, and Verla knew what they were thinking. Soon Verla came to the old supermarket, which is now used as a food storage warehouse. The refrigeration equipment inside is still in use, and some Food that cannot be stored for a long time is placed here. As soon as Vierra came to the door, she saw a man named Lu Jin talking and laughing with the person guarding the warehouse next to him.

"Hey, isn't this the queen?"

Lu Jin murmured in a slightly teasing tone, and Viera stopped the people around him who wanted to pass.

"I need to take a look at the warehouse exit records this morning."

Vila said, and someone immediately handed over the record respectfully. Lujin sat on the ground, always looking at Vila coldly. Vila had heard about what Lu Jin had done in this town before, and he originally wanted to He was going to be sent to work in the mine directly, but Gerry promised that he would teach Lu Jin well. Because he had been brutally tortured before, Lu Jin, although he saved his life, was physically damaged, and now it is difficult to take care of himself. , so he was asked to take care of the food storage warehouse.

"How about Queen? It should be fine, we just took our part."

Lu Jin's tone was still a bit teasing. Vera glanced at Lu Jin and pointed at some things on the record.

"This doesn't match the storage records, this part."

"It's just a few potatoes or something. Queen, we are."

Before Lu Jin could finish his words, he was roughly pulled up from the ground, held his head and pulled in front of Vila.

"Listen clearly, if you still feel that things are the same as before, then when you are almost healed, I will let you go to work in the mines."

Vila said, looking at Lu Jin's disdainful eyes, and the people who passed by Lu Jin and the others immediately came over to persuade him.

"That's the way it is with Verla, he"

"Send them all to the mines, now."

For a time, more than ten people looked at everything in front of them in surprise, and someone immediately began to beg for mercy. Vera stared at Lu Jin coldly, and many people watching around laughed.

Lu Jin immediately started to curse.

"You bitch, do you really think you can."

Verla slapped Lu Jin hard, and then stared at Lu Jin with cold eyes.

"If Gerry hadn't told me, you would have been dead long ago. Shut up. This is Winter City, not the streets you were familiar with in the past, nor a place where you can wander around casually."

Soon Lu Jin and the others were taken away, and Virla immediately appointed a new warehouse manager. Many people seemed very satisfied, because Lu Jin and his group had done a lot of things in the past, which made many people People are already dissatisfied.

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, an escort truck was brought to the mine, and everyone was put in metal shackles. Lu Jin clutched his abdomen in pain, and his eyes widened in anger.

"I'm going to kill that bitch."

Soon they were arranged in a wooden house, and someone would take them into the mine later to familiarize themselves with everything inside. During this time, nearly 300 people have been sentenced to work in the mine for causing trouble in the city. A year or two, a few months.

"Hey, isn't this Redes?"

As soon as Lukin entered the room, he saw Redes eating in the corner of the large room. They hadn't eaten yet. Redes smiled. He just lowered his head. Redes, who had been angered by the woman's words before, was there. The tribunal yelled and cursed, but nothing happened to the woman. But in the end, because there were no witnesses to prove that the woman came to Redes' room on her own initiative, Redes was sentenced to work in the mine for a month.

The disciplinary work period is about to expire, and Redes can go back the day after tomorrow. However, after seeing Lu Jin, Redes probably knows why he is here.

Redes, who had taken the food, leaned over, took a bite of dry bread, and immediately curled his lips.

"Redes, you are really miserable. I don't know what that bastard Gerry was thinking. He actually asked that bitch to come over and hand over everything. As long as he rushed in, they would soon give in. It's fine now. , have nothing, it must be the bastard Gerry who betrayed us all in order to obtain favorable conditions."

Redes just smiled slightly and did not want to talk to Gerry at all, because the town could not have reached this level without Vila.

What seemed to be an extremely simple thing in Lujin was difficult for those who had guarded the farm before. This required taking a huge risk of death, but no one wanted to take such a risk.

The reason why Vila is successful is that she not only has the courage to face everything, but also has a shrewd and capable mind, as well as a strategy that can capture people's hearts.

"Redes, how about we find a way to seize this place, then we can occupy the mine and let them exchange food for things, what do you think?"

Redes glanced at Gerry and said.

"He'll be beaten to death."

Redes said, standing up, because he had to rest for a while after eating before he could go to work. In the past few days, Redes had seen people being beaten to death, because Vierra had given a death order. , anyone who interferes and resists can be executed on the spot, regardless of gender.

Lu Jin grabbed Redes and said.

"I have contacted many people privately. I left some tips and hid a lot of things before."

Redes laughed.

"You're still a little too young."

3:18 pm

Weeping people stood in the middle square in front of a gallows. There were nearly 30 people. They used to be Lu Jin's men. In a box next to it, there were There were a lot of firearms and weapons. A woman with a chicken tattoo on the back of her hand looked at them with a smile. She was an informant placed here by Verla. When Lu Jin was taken away today, they gathered together during a break from work. stand up.

They had already planned that everything would be over as long as Viera was killed, but now everything was over. A large number of people came over after receiving the broadcast.


Following the order of Klotz, the guard officer, the injured people were brought over one by one, and ropes were put around their necks. Many people began to sob and cry for mercy.

But they were soon hung up, and Vierla just watched all this indifferently.

Soon someone fainted, but they were still hung up by their necks. Fred ran over in a hurry. Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt fear. He could obviously send them to work in the mine, but his sister still Hanged them.

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