Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 717 Special Chapter The Era of the Winter Queen

Chapter 717 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Era

August 27, 2076

"Sister, how about we go over and help them?"

Fred entered Vera's office early in the morning. She was writing something at the table. Recently, Fred would always see his sister doing something in the office for hours on end.

"Nothing, just establishing something."

As soon as Fred got closer, he saw his sister closing her notebook and putting it in the safe. The situation in the town was very bad. Gerry and the others had been here many times. They hoped that people from the water plant would come over. help.

"What do you think of this pattern?"

Fred took a closer look and found that it was a beautiful mosaic of ice flowers, just like a crown. From the blue in the middle to the light blue on the edge, it looked like it was hand-painted. Fred remembered that his sister was an elective before. The painter came over, picked it up, looked at it, and nodded.

"Quite good looking."

Vila stood up, flipped her hair, then got up and walked.

"You have to help me manage the talents in the technical team from now on."

"What's the meaning?"

Fred said, he saw the smile on his sister's lips, she looked very happy.

"Our country!"

Fred was a little surprised. Although he wanted to continue asking, the door to the room opened, and some officials appointed by his sister were already waiting. After Vila walked out, the hunter guards quickly followed. Fred De looked at her leaving sister blankly, feeling that her current sister was becoming more and more unpredictable. She was like a queen.

It's just that no one can handle a large number of things except my sister, and everyone believes in her.

"At least it's good now."

Before, Fred had always wanted to stop his sister from leaving the water plant with people and leaving some old, weak, sick and disabled people behind. This approach was a bit cruel, but in the past few days, his sister had changed her mind.

Vierra brought more than 30 officers and hundreds of guards into a conference hall past the water plant. The space inside was a bit small. Verra sat at the top of the long table, while the guards stood separately by the wall. They all sat down.


Vierra shouted, and a strong young man stood up and looked at Vierra respectfully. Klotz is the head of the guard. Now he is in charge of the more than 300-strong guard that Vierra has established. In the past, he was just a little hunter in the village, but during the time he followed Werla here, he showed very good talents.

"Give your opinion."

Klotz immediately nodded and turned around and walked to a wall. This was a map of the area.

"According to our investigation in the past few days, the scope of the monsters' activities is just outside the town, waiting for opportunities to capture people in the town, and the strange things we discovered. The monsters need food supplies. Some of us saw them eating Dropping food stolen from the farm.”

Verla nodded with her chin in her hands, the clerks were whispering to each other, and Verla knocked on the table.

"The situation in the town is very chaotic now. The occupiers can barely survive on the stored food. The guy named Gerry on the other side of the farm leads people to defend while continuing to plant crops."

"If you want to defeat the town quickly, it looks like you'll have to ask the monsters for help."

As soon as Vila finished speaking, many people looked a little embarrassed.


Verla shouted, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking kind-hearted stood up.

"Tell them that some car headlights can be used to trade water in the near future. As for the volume, you can freely adjust it based on the data in previous transaction records and strive to maximize it."

Falter nodded with a smile and sat down. The officers began to report some things, including some minor problems in the water plant and the progress of some projects.

"The problem of reduced water flow has been found. At a place where the water source is exposed in the mountain forest, a large amount of sand, gravel and withered plants fell in. We have determined it about 30 kilometers away from here. ."

Virla nodded.

"Bring someone over as soon as possible to deal with it."

The meeting lasted for nearly two hours before it ended. Vierla brought up a lot of things that needed to be prepared by the officers in the near future, and then ended the meeting. She planned to follow the officer in charge of agriculture to the currently cultivated fields. have a look.

The daily crop changes in each field are recorded in detail, including the temperature in the established planting shed, etc. Although everyone thought this was very troublesome and were a little reluctant at first, now everyone understands the meaning of Verla's move. , the operation efficiency of the entire water plant is very efficient.

As soon as they walked out of the water plant office, many people looked at Vierra respectfully. Although some people were dissatisfied, they were still quite satisfied with the overall atmosphere of the water plant now.

Fred entered the technology factory, and there were sounds of knocking. As soon as Fred entered, many technicians took the initiative to greet him. Fred also immediately went over to start working with several technicians. Fred immediately joined them.

In the water plant, many people are willing to deal with Fred, although part of the reason is because Fred's sister Verla controls everything, but most of them are because of Fred's excellent character.

Recently, Fred has been studying mechanical things seriously, and some technicians are willing to teach Fred.

"By the way Fred, I heard Reeds say that your sister seems to want you to manage us."

Fred was a little surprised, but said immediately.

"I'm not suitable."

Many technicians came over.

"It's a question of whether we are suitable or not from time to time. If we are not used to having someone to control us, it would be better for you to do it."

Many people agreed, Fred felt a little embarrassed, and then a bunch of people started talking and laughing.

9:29 am

"You bastards!"

A man with a weapon suddenly climbed down from a makeshift sentry tower built at the top of a house. Before the people around him could react, the man with a weapon had already rushed out of the housing area next to the farmland and rushed directly. When he got to the road, he took the gun in his hand and opened fire, but no one saw him.

At this moment, there was a whooshing sound, and in an instant, a crossbow arrow flew over from not far away. The man turned into a hedgehog the moment he saw it, with a lot of feces and urine on his body.

"If you don't surrender, this is what will happen."

At the intersection on the other side of town, someone shouted with a loudspeaker.

There was a simple catapult nearby, and plastic bags next to it contained feces and urine. The people in the town used this method to successfully anger many people guarding the outside of the house. They rushed over out of anger, and they would soon Become a living target.

The water supply in the town has not been cut off yet because there is no way to cut it off. Once the water supply to the farmland is cut off, it will be a problem.

Currently, there is no problem with the food supply in the town because some of the food previously stored in several warehouses in the town is temporarily unavailable. They are constantly trying to find ways to get Gerry and the others in the farmland to surrender.

After a while, Gerry ran over with people. He looked at some people who had been splashed with feces and urine. They looked very embarrassed and were washing them away with water. The outskirts of the town smelled bad, and there were many corpses lying on the road. .

"I couldn't stand it anymore. We rushed in and fought with them. We killed everyone we saw. Damn it."

"Okay, as long as you continue to hold on here, there will be no problem."

Gerry said and asked these people to go back and rest first, and then a new batch of people began to take over their weapons and guard them.

Nowadays, Gerry and the others still have plenty of ammunition, with more than 100 automatic rifles. Once they dare to rush over in a large area, it is tantamount to seeking death. In the past few days, the guys in the town have used various methods to lure the defenders. The people went out, and some of the irritated people rushed out, turning into hedgehogs.

Gerry plans to go to Vila again today. As long as they are willing to help, everything will go smoothly if they can retake the town.

At the entrance of the town, people kept hiding behind the bunker and saying harsh words. Gerry asked everyone to ignore it. Seeing the shit and urine splashed everywhere, Gerry was extremely angry inside.

There are still more than 600 people who need to maintain and defend the farmland. Gerry is exhausted.

After Gerry arranged everything, he started running with the people. Now the car was almost out of reaction fluid, so he could only run over on foot.

In the town where this happened, gangs of various sizes have been formed. Some big gangs have occupied food warehouses. Outside the executive office, on the electric poles, Lukin, Redes and hundreds of other subordinates, They were all tied around the necks with ropes, and their range of movement was very small. A large number of people were lying dying on the street.

Every day some people would come over and throw in a little bit of food and water, and these people could only eat on the ground like dogs in order to survive.

Redes looked at these people quietly. There was no order at all. Now they were eating some food at will. They couldn't last long like this. The reason why they were still alive was just because it was of some use to them. , or that no one is willing to be the first to take action. If the town is taken over by guys from the farmland in the future, those who take action will not end well.

The most important thing is that there is still food in the farmland. If they are too cruel, they may starve to death.

Lu Jin had been tortured and beaten in various ways in the past few days. He was almost dying, but Lu Jin's eyes were still full of murderous intent at this time.

At this time, the leaders of several gangs gathered over, and they roughly pulled Redes up.

"Listen up, old man. Go and persuade those guys in the farmland. Do you hear me clearly?"

Redes nodded weakly, and then someone put a thin iron around his neck. Redes started walking staggeringly. When he came to the northeast of the town, he walked towards the farmland.

"Is there anything to eat? Give me some."

As soon as several people in the farmland came over, many people who knew Redes began to curse angrily. After seeing the iron chain fixed around Redes' neck, a bunch of people were helpless. If the other party dragged hard, Redes would be pulled back. Then they gave Redes some food and water, and Redes also told them about the situation in the town.

Redes looked at these people. They clearly had weapons in their hands, but they didn't dare to rush in. As long as they rushed in, they could take back the town in an instant, but no one wanted to die.

"They asked me to come here to persuade you to surrender. Where are the Grins?"

After learning that Gerry had gone to the water plant, Redes smiled chillingly. These people seemed to be undecided, and the guns in their hands were just decorations for them.

Redes was pulled back after staying for a while, and a few people dragged Redes over.

"What did they say?"

"Gerry isn't here, he went to the water plant."

Redes also answered truthfully. For a while, several leaders gathered together. If they launched an attack at this time, there might be a way. However, many people backed down. After all, the opponent still had a large number of guns in their hands. Such an attack In the past, it was courting death, and it was very difficult to climb over the mountains and reach the farmland.

Several leading people were also undecided. Then Redes was taken back, and a group of dying people immediately started asking questions. Redes could only shake his head helplessly with them.

Everyone looked into the distance in despair. Many of them begged for mercy these days, but the people in the town ignored their begging for mercy.

The matter was located at the door of the barn in the south of the town. Phyllis opened the barn door with a crack exposed and looked at the situation outside. No one was guarding here. Suzy and other women and children behind her looked They were a little tired. In the past few days, they had gone back to this barn after getting food, because this was the safest place and no one dared to go near it.

Things will eventually end and there will always be a solution. Just continue to endure it. At this time, Susie kept warning everyone. Several children could no longer hold it in, but in the end, under Susie's persuasion, they still stayed. In the barn.

"What do you think will happen next?"

Susie asked and Phyllis shook her head.

"Maybe it's already started."

Recently, Phyllis often saw people with lighting equipment walking through the mountains and forests, seemingly checking the situation in the town, and not once or twice.

"I hope so!"

Susie said helplessly. Phyllis left the door and returned to the corner. He wanted to go out a lot, but finally gave up.

10:01 am

Gerry entered the water plant. He and more than a dozen people raised their hands and looked at everything in the water plant. However, just a few days later, it had changed again. There were more machines modified from engines, and there were many machines on the hillside. Few people are busy.

"Virla, if you don't go over, our people won't be able to hold on."

As soon as he saw Vila, Gerry said in a pleading tone, Vila thought for a while and then said.

"In the past, you could hand over all your weapons. From now on, what I need is absolute obedience."

Gerry nodded hard.

"Assemble the troops and remove 200 people, Klotz."

Verla gave the order, and Klotz, who was tall and strong next to him, immediately blew the whistle. Gerry looked at the scene in front of him in amazement. Some people who seemed to be carrying things quickly handed the things in their hands to others and quickly gathered with weapons.

The assembly was quickly completed. Verla took a shotgun and looked at Gerry sharply after loading it.

"Solve all problems within 2 hours."

Gerry was a little surprised, but still nodded, he didn't believe it.

Soon a group of people were on the road. Along the way, Gerry and Vierla talked about various situations. Not only were the people Vierla brought here, there were also more than 300 people responsible for collecting weapons and counting supplies. I will come directly after preparing the truck.

Vila ignored Gerry who was talking on the side. She just saw that the weather was good today.

"Don't let your mother-in-law nag you endlessly."

As Vierla said, Gerry closed his mouth. He saw that the people he brought over were completely different from the people under his command. They looked more like soldiers. He didn't know how Vierla did it. In just two or three days, Soldiers can be born within months.

At 10:54, many people on the edge of the farmland saw Verla coming over and the truck behind him. After Gerry walked over, he talked to many people and asked everyone to hand over their weapons and ammunition. Although some people were dissatisfied and even opposed, many people finally handed their weapons to the truck with relief.

Verla looked at the situation in the town. Obstacles and bunkers had been set up on the roads, and she walked over with her rifle in hand.

"You devils, in this era, everyone should coexist peacefully and unite to survive, but you take the only water source for yourself, you"

Verla didn't listen to what the person holding the loudspeaker was shouting. She just walked over step by step. When she reached a place about 50 meters away from the entrance of the town, Verla stopped and looked at the people on the other side. The man holding the crossbow, Verla raised the gun and directly pulled the trigger.


With the sound of a gunshot, the man who had been shouting impassionedly just a moment ago suddenly became confused.

"Tell them Klotz!"

Vierla said and threw the gun to a guard member next to him, and Klotz immediately shouted with a loudspeaker.

"You will only be given one hour to consider surrender. After one hour, we will launch a carpet-like attack, and we will not leave anyone who dares to resist."

Looking at the crossbow arrows flying over one after another, they began to fall to the ground feebly at a distance of 40 meters. The effective shooting range of this simple crossbow arrow made of metal is up to 30 meters, and if it exceeds 30 meters, the arrow will be damaged due to the damage of the arrow. The weight started to fall downwards, and it couldn't hit anyone at all.

Gerry looked at everything in front of him blankly. Some armed Guard members had begun to raise their guns. Those behind the bunker had dispersed. Klotz was still shouting for the people in the town to surrender. , handed over the weapons and ammunition, and lay on the ground with his head in his hands.

At this point, Gerry felt shocked inside. He finally understood why he couldn't lead these people. He didn't have the courage like Verla who could face everything head on. It was clear that the problem of crossbows could be solved by just thinking about it. It was so far away. They are out of reach, and they have guns in their hands, but many are afraid to pull the trigger.

Looking at the 200 people brought over by Verla, many people took over the automatic rifles in their hands. They all had sharp eyes and showed no fear of the place in front of them.

Hundreds of people had already touched the mountain on the left side of the road, and Vierla sat quietly more than 50 meters away from the entrance of the town, waiting quietly.

The more than 300 people who followed began to record and tap some supplies near the farmland and housing. Gerry was still coordinating to get everyone to hand over their weapons.

At this time, there were voices in the town. They hoped to govern jointly with Vierra and the others. Vierra just smiled contemptuously, and the people on the mountain had already touched the area close to the town.

Many people in the town also noticed it. Some people thought it would be better to surrender immediately, but many people still felt that once they surrendered, they would become the same as before and not have enough to eat at all.

"All weapons have been handed over."

Gerry walked over and said something. Vila took a look and then spoke.

"Dorothy, take someone to check it out, whether it's a man or a woman."

A woman ran over and after listening to Viera's instructions, she led people into each room.

"We have surrendered our weapons, you"

"It's just what you think!"

Gerry stopped talking. It was true that they had confiscated most of the weapons from the people in the town, but they still hid some. Sure enough, weapons and ammunition were soon found on someone's body. Gerry looked at it solemnly. The former subordinates, they looked a little disappointed at this time.

"Time is up."

Verla stood up, and a person next to her immediately handed an assault rifle into Verla's hand. She pulled out the blade from the strap, and then closed her eyes.

"Don't hesitate."

Verla said and led the people to run slowly. Gerry swallowed, and the man named Klotz blew the whistle, followed by long whistles on the mountain.

Immediately after the gunshots were fired, Vierla immediately ran over quickly with his people. The gunshots became more and more intensive, screams spread, and Gerry quickly followed.

Soon Gerry saw what it was like to be vulnerable. As soon as Vera entered the town, he decisively shot and killed many people. The guard members behind him also shot directly with quick eyes and hands. The town The defense inside is like paper, very weak and can be broken with just a poke.

The people who came down from the mountain had already swept into the town. Many people were crying and lying on the ground with their heads in their hands, or returned to the house. Klotz shouted all the way, and soon a large number of people put down their weapons.

No one dared to resist. As expected, as Vierra said, at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, people who were looking at the scene gathered towards the center of the town and were escorted by men with guns.

"I came here today not to kill people, but to quell this riot. From now on, you can all have a meal, but you need to abide by everything in this country."

Gerry stared blankly at Verla, who was standing on the roof of the executive building and shouting with a loudspeaker.

"From today on, this is the country, this city is called Winter. And I am your queen!"

No one said anything but looked at Vierra in silence. There were even people in the crowd who looked dismissively. Gerry pressed his forehead. He knew very well that a new era had begun. In the future, everyone's way of living will be determined by Vierra. , the Queen of Winterfell.

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