Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 716 Special Chapter The Gunshots of the Winter Queen

Chapter 716 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Gunshot


Under the dim sky, Kuris quietly looked at the black and red tentacles swimming in a large pit in front of him. Kuris looked at the black and red plants in the pit that looked like grass balls, like countless entangled plants. Like a snake, it is squirming slowly.

Beside the big pit, there were many kidnapped villagers. They looked at everything in front of them in despair. This kind of object that could transform people into parasites bit by bit had been killed once before. Kuris finally let this Planting things come to life.

Mux used this kind of parasitic organism to transform an individual before, but the transformed substance was destroyed. After nearly a month, Kuris finally cultivated it again based on the original transformed substance.

"Things look good."

Kuris said, and then with a thought, the parasite around him immediately moved and threw those people in. For a moment, screams rang out, and the people who were thrown in were immediately covered by black and red tentacles. Standing up, the tentacles began to pierce into these people's bodies.

The whole process takes several days, and the conversion rate is higher than before. Before, the probability of this kind of parasite transforming into a human was very low, and it could only be stabilized by Mux's native plasma. But now it is different, the library Reese has improved this parasite bit by bit through biological improvement methods. Now they can effectively transform these people, and the efficiency is very high.

Kuris was adjusted after long-term stability tests using native parasites plus parasites produced in his own body. The transformed parasites are now completely under control.

Kuris controls these parasites and is transforming these ordinary people little by little. The biggest problem now is the acquisition of raw energy. These low-level parasites cannot obtain energy from most things like themselves. They have to get through human food.

It's just that it's easy to get food. You just need to go to those planting fields to get it. It has been successful many times, and they have no ability to defend against their attacks.

Today is August 11th. Kuris glanced at the town six or seven kilometers away from him and smiled slightly. The collapse of that town was bound to happen sooner or later, and they wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Kuris is well aware of the situation in the town. The current situation is difficult to reconcile. Once something like class is born, it will inevitably pose a relative threat.

"It will be soon."

Kuris looked at the more than ten parasites around him who could already obtain energy from some soil and rocks in the outside world. He only needed to save 100 of them before he could go out.

The situation at the water plant was beyond Kuris's imagination. The situation there was much better than in the town, because the management attitudes of the two sides were completely different from the beginning. One side established the priorities from the beginning, while the other side The blurred boundary between primary and secondary has been maintained to this day.

Human beings are difficult to control. In Kulis' view, human beings are the most difficult to control, especially when they coexist rashly without establishing priorities at the beginning. Reese seems incredible, and it's pretty good that the town has survived as long as it has.

But what Kuris didn't understand was the situation at the water plant, because more and more people were leaving the water plant and going to the village more than 40 kilometers away from the water plant.

Kuris didn't know what the girl named Vila wanted to do, but it had nothing to do with him. Once the town collapsed, they would rush into the town, carry out large-scale arrests, and kill the living people. Convert one by one.

Kuris knows that the current situation in the world is very bad, but it is an opportunity. He has mastered this power, and the future belongs to him.

"You guys keep going hunting."

Following Kuris's order, several parasites around him immediately took action quickly.

9:28 am

Along with a burst of noise, outside the ruling office, people on both sides were blaming each other's behavior. Redes sat quietly on a chair, surrounded by a large number of subordinates holding weapons. He quietly Listening to the statement, this is now the matter handling and adjudication office, and Redes is conducting all aspects of scheduling and adjudicating some matters.

People on both sides had a dispute early this morning over some food issues. One side accused the other side of depriving them of food for a long time, while the person in charge of making food insisted that everyone distributed the same amount of food. There was no such thing as deduction, and people on both sides brought many witnesses.

"Stop making noise."

Redes said, and the people on both sides gradually stopped. Now the town has promulgated a series of laws that everyone needs to abide by. However, many of the laws are still being improved. Among them, the food laws have been detailed. adjustment.

People who are able to work are allowed to work on the farm regularly, while those who are unable to work can only eat one meal a day according to the law. However, many people are still dissatisfied with such a law because it is judged whether they have to work or not. The capable people are Lu Jin and his group, but the people who do the work remain the same.

Although most people are dissatisfied, they will be driven out of the town if they cause trouble. Some people have been driven out because of making trouble, but now most people dare not speak out.

These people all live near the entrance of the town. On one side are the people designated by Lu Jin and others to make food and distribute food every day. On the other side are the residents there. Basically, many of them are middle-aged or above. Can only eat one meal.

"Sir Redes, the amount of food they distribute every day is not enough at all. It has been more than half a month. They have deducted our food in various ways, not once or twice. If you don't believe me, you can ask other groups. people."

Redes nodded. Now the town was divided into groups of 1,000 people, and these people who came to make trouble were the people in group 5. Other people close to the group also said that they were indeed withholding food.

In the end, Redes made a ruling, allowing them to reissue the deducted part in one go, and from the shares of those who distributed the food. For a while, the people who distributed the food became dissatisfied, but the ruling had already been made. After making it, they could only nod in agreement.

"Lord Redes, we really didn't deprive them of food because some of the food was smaller and different sizes, but they used this to say that we deprived them of food every day. We will give out a complete portion of each individual’s food, just the size.”

Redes nodded, and then appeased the people distributing food and asked them to disperse. After he glanced at the five groups of people who seemed to be smiling, his expression became serious. This kind of thing has not happened once or twice. It was the third time it happened. They would always say that the food had been withheld, but Redes knew the actual situation very well. But if they didn't do this, they would definitely gather outside the executive office and sit in for a sit-in demonstration.

Looking at the group of people leaving, Redes was thinking about a problem. If it didn't work, he would expel a group of people on a large scale, but doing so would only lead to fights.

"Let's do this for now."

Redes said helplessly.

Many of the people who left at this time were whispering, and one of them, a middle-aged man, said.

"Be prepared. If this continues, we will all die in the end. The only way is to drive those bastards out."

Many people nodded in agreement. Although they did not have weapons in their hands, they could still get some sharp weapons. Recently, their food had been reduced because people on the farm claimed that monsters suddenly attacked. The farmland was destroyed and some food production was reduced, but no one believed it.

Many people believe that they must take up arms to have a future and can only rely on their own hands to fight for the right to survive.

At this time, Redes returned to the office of the Consulate. Many people around him were talking about the current problems of each group. Redes felt unusually distressed. Gerry had not been here these days, so he left with his people. I went to look for water. I have been there for five days and I don’t know what the situation is like.

The weather conditions are getting worse and worse, and food production is inevitable. However, these things cannot be explained clearly to other people who only eat one meal a day, although I have told them many times and even brought some people there. I have seen it in the farmland, but the voices of distrust are still everywhere around me.

Redes also talked to Verla many times, hoping that they could give it a period of grace, but the heartless woman had no intention of letting go. She had cut off the water three times. She had to either change the water with food or cut off the water. Two options.

"Okay, shut up. It's been quite annoying these days. Let me take a rest."

Looking at the people leaving the office, Redes leaned back. He was really tired. During this period, he had been dealing with disputes in the town. Although he had warned Lu Jin and his group to deal with the people in the town, People are gentler, but they still do things that have not changed much from the past, especially Lu Jin, who often does not listen to himself at all.

Even Gerry's words to Lu Jin are sometimes perfunctory. Their group now has a large number of people, completely leaving the others aside and going their own way.

Redes was very tired. He didn't know what to do. Now the women in the whole town hated Lukin and his group. They always used food as a threat, making many women go to the farm every day. side for their entertainment.


The door to the room was pushed open roughly, and Lu Jin walked in with someone. He hugged two women, and Redes stared at Lu Jin sideways.

"Is there any problem? Lukin."

"It's nothing, Redes, can you borrow your room so that these women can rest here?"

Redes immediately angrily rejected Lukin's proposal.

"Have you been too much Lu Jin recently? You have received a lot."

"I'm helping you solve the problem Redes. If you have complaints, get out. The more the better. Just keep some beautiful women. After all, there are so many useless people. If they continue, they will only It's dragging us down."

Lu Jin said and walked over directly and sat on the table in the office.

"Aren't there several empty rooms up there? Let them live here."

Without waiting for Redes to agree, Lukin had already asked some of his men to take more than ten women upstairs. Redes became furious for a while, and Lukin immediately walked over and put his arms around Redes' neck.

"Okay, old man Redes, don't be angry. Those women are pretty good. You can do whatever you want anytime, anywhere. They won't refuse. Just treat them as rent."

Lukin said and left the office with a smile. Redes felt that things were getting worse and worse. Regarding Lukin's problem, Redes had talked to Gerry several times, and Gerry always said that he He is still young, but he has good work ability and can do many things well.

But Redes knew very well that Lukin's current behavior was actually destroying the order of the town. Once the order collapsed, the entire town would be in chaos again, and it would only be very bad.

At this time, the only way Redes could think of was to compromise with Vila and let her people come over to manage the town, but it was obviously impossible now.

"That bastard Gerry, why aren't you back yet?"

Redes cursed, and when he heard bursts of laughter upstairs, Redes closed his eyes.

Time passed by, and at around 5 o'clock, the whole town basically fell into darkness, but the lights came on, and the town was filled with the aroma of food. Many people who had been hungry all day finally Can eat now.

A long queue lined up at the point where each group distributed food. Many people held cutlery and complained dissatisfiedly when looking at the little bits of food put into the bowls, but in the end they could only take the food and leave. I ate hungrily on the street.

At this time every day, the food on the farm is the best. Many people can eat well and even have wine. This is the reason why many people are angry. Everyone is already full, but those people actually There is also unused food to make wine.

After Redes had eaten, he planned to patrol the town. He led his people to look at many people on the street, and they all looked at Redes with somewhat angry eyes.

"You will be full, please don't worry, just be patient for another month or two."

Redes looked at some of the people who came up to ask, and immediately comforted him. Just when Redes was about to say something, a gunshot rang out, and Redes turned around in a daze. Group 8 should be over there. The place was on the north side of the town, where the mechanics gathered. Redes and his men ran over quickly.

At this time, the riot had begun. Redes didn't know what was happening, but he had already seen someone lying in a pool of blood.

"Everyone stop it, stop it."

Redes shouted with a loudspeaker, but no one stopped. The people with weapons around Redes didn't know what to do, and just when more than 30 of them were attracted by the commotion in front of them. , behind them, and on both sides, many people had already approached.

Redes was still shouting, but at this moment, a few people at the end of the team noticed the people approaching. Just when they were about to speak, more than ten people suddenly attacked them. They even Before they could react, they were held down, and then a sharp weapon was stabbed into their necks.


The people behind Redes noticed the situation and fired immediately. Several of the attackers fell to the ground after being hit by crossbow arrows, while people around him, including men, women, old and young, swarmed forward.

Redes immediately took out his pistol and shot at several people who rushed towards him. After the two people fell to the ground, Redes was held down and he screamed in pain.

Lu Jin, who had just eaten and was lying on the bed with two women, woke up from a dream. He immediately led people downstairs. However, at this time, many people had fallen in the hall of the executive office. More than ten people under him were holding on to them. There are guns, threatening people outside.

"Fuck, don't you want to live?"

Lu Jin said, at this time, people outside did not dare to rush in rashly, but surrounded the ruling office. After a while, Lu Jin smelled the smell of fire smoke, and he reacted instantly, and immediately After further reading, it was found that these people lit some fuel and threw it directly in. The executive office caught fire.

"I just listen to the people above."


A man defended himself, but was soon hit directly on the head by a rock. Blood spurted out instantly like running water. Angry people from all around immediately rushed up, and soon the man lost his voice.

Gunshots rang out sporadically, and many people on the farm could only hold weapons and start fighting back while they were eating. However, everything was in vain. Someone cut off the power and the lights went out.

A large-scale riot began, and screams continued. These angry people did not give these managers the slightest chance. Once caught, they would be killed directly.

At this time, Lu Jin and his group could only defend themselves against the houses in the farmland. Seeing the riots in the town, everyone woke up from a dream. Although some people proposed to go to the town to suppress it, such proposals soon It was rejected by the people around him, and no one dared to enter the town that was already in complete chaos.

However, the riot in the town was temporarily over. In just half an hour, many cheers rang out. Redes was hanging on a pole while dying. He had been stabbed many times. His head was also hit, and he was dizzy. He looked at the rioting crowd below, and everyone was cheering.

Most of the former subordinates were dead, and some who were still alive were crying and begging for mercy. After being tied up by these angry people, the people around vented their anger in their own way.

Humanity had long been wiped out in all the actions in front of him. At this time, Redes saw Lu Jin being brought out not far away. Lu Jin was soon brought over. They were the two women Lu Jin had hugged before. One of them picked up a knife, tore off Lu Jin's pants, and in full view of the crowd, he moved the knife directly toward Lu Jin's lower body, and cheers broke out all around.

Lu Jin howled in pain. He was already begging for mercy, and this group of people seemed not to let Lu Jin die so easily.

Redes looked to the northeast. It was over. Redes still had a little hope at this time. If someone could contact Vila, maybe Vila could bring someone over to suppress it.

At this time, the power in the town was restored again. Redes didn't know who planned this action, but he was sure that the other party's thinking was very clear.

Many people armed with weapons have surrounded the farmland.

"Surrender immediately, otherwise, once we catch you, you will only become fertilizer on the farmland."

Someone shouted with the loudspeaker Redes used before. At this time, more than 600 people who were still guarding the farmland and housing area already felt that something was wrong. Some people were already talking about surrender, but many people were still awake. Yes, now they will die no matter whether they surrender or not. They are guarding the farmland and there is absolutely no way they will starve to death.

"Mr. Gerry is back."

At this time, someone shouted, and many people looked back excitedly. Sure enough, it was Gerry. He led more than 30 exhausted people through the farmland and returned to the crowd. Gerry listened solemnly. Report to these people.

"You two, please stay safe and don't let anyone rush in. I'll go to the water plant."

Gerry immediately thought that the only way for them to be rescued now was to find Verla.

Gerry quickly took the people away. Then Gerry got into a car, started the car and drove towards the water plant.

Gerry was in pain at this time. They had already found the water source. They had found the water source more than 9 kilometers away from here. As long as they spent everything and put up the water pipes, they would not need to be controlled by the water plant. The threat was made, but now Gerry also figured it out and could only leave everything to Viera.

This riot will continue to escalate, and the people in the town will be in trouble, especially those in the privileged class, who will definitely not end well.

There was not much fuel left in the car, so Gerry accelerated his speed. After a while, he saw the water trading station and aimed his weapons at it.

"Let me go over, I want to see Viera."

After Gerry explained the reason, the other party saw that there were only 8 people in the car, handed over their weapons and let them go.

Gerry's expression at this time was serious. At 6:39 in the evening, the car drove into the water plant. Gerry saw the neatly lined up people holding weapons around him and the various situations in the water plant. He was tired. got out of the car, raising his hands.

Not far away, Verla, wearing a large fur coat and surrounded by more than 30 hunters, walked over.

"There's chaos over there in town, Virla. I hope you can help solve the commotion. I can give you everything."

Vila looked at the tired man in front of her with a stern expression.

"It's too late now, why should I risk helping you."

As Virla spoke, he immediately ordered some people to cut off the water supply, and Gerry became anxious for a moment.

"Listen to me first. Vila, that town can develop as long as it restores its previous order. I"

"Why do you have to go now? Why don't you go back after the situation calms down over there? You can go back."

Gerry swallowed. This woman was indeed as Redes said, very cruel. She paid for the pros and cons in an instant, and the conflict in the town would only continue. After the conflict was almost over, they would go there again. , can completely receive everything, and can also effectively reduce the number of people.

"Virla, there are many more over there."

"Let's go back!"

Vila turned around as he spoke, and then under the threat of weapons, Gerry could only return to the car.

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