Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 710 Special Chapter The Winter Queen’s Proposal

Chapter 710 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Proposal


A rocking chair on the wooden floor made a sound, and a black figure stood up in the darkness. There were rustling sounds on the ground, as if something was crawling densely across it.

The curtains were opened a corner, and the light came out. An old man with gray hair walked quietly to the window. The old man was wearing thick, damaged glasses, and his expression looked a little worried. At this time, there was a tearing sound, As if something had been torn off from the adherent thing, black meridians swelled under the old man's cheeks and were squirming slightly.

"What on earth is that guy Mux doing?"

As the old man spoke, the eyeball of his left eye began to twist, as if it were alive, moving up, down, left and right.

The old man's name is Kuris, a Ph.D. in biology. His arrival here was by chance. Kuris looked at the black-red grass ball behind him in the room in a special glass vessel for experiments. There was a touch of scarlet in the center. Just like an eye.

This was obtained the day after the disaster. This kind of unknown object suddenly appeared on the coast and drifted over with the tide. Kuris and his team did not know it after receiving the first notification from the military. The aircraft that was destroyed by the nuclear radiation impact went over and was intended to be brought back for research.

But when he entered the base, Kuris felt that something was not good, because just a few hours after the disaster, huge chaos occurred. The first chaos broke out in several large slums, and finally the chaotic flames The whole city was burned, and the military sent out a suppression, but the effect was minimal. Without the help of mechanized weapons, they could only use those old weapons to suppress, and the results were shocking.

The issue of nuclear radiation made many people aware of the danger. The outbreak of nuclear radiation spread much faster than Kuris and others calculated.

Fear caused the military camp to collapse in an instant. In the chaos, Kuris and his team could only leave under the protection of some military personnel, intending to drive back to the research institute. However, they hardly stopped along the way. Many people died in the chaos.

Those who had suffered from hunger and poverty in the past had their inner demons released, and the demons turned into the flames of war, swallowing up cities in an instant.

The controllers of information terminals had decided twenty years ago that birth would determine a person’s class and most of their future destiny. The gap between rich and poor around the world was infinitely magnified. Finally, when this disaster broke out , materialized and spread out.

After being notified by military researchers, Kuris could have chosen not to go there, but he just wanted to take a look at creatures that did not belong to this planet before he was buried.

However, now Kouris feels that this decision was a bit wrong. The first thing Kouris thought of was the rocket launch base in Europe. That was the only way for him and his family to escape from the destroying planet, but now everything is over. , and I am still parasitized by this damn object, and I will be in great pain every day.

The reason why Kuris calls this thing an object is because it has no obvious characteristics of a living thing, but it can move as if it is alive, but it has no such thing as cells.

This kind of parasitic thing in one's own body is more like a product of technology, or a product of biotechnology. It is something that humans currently have no ability to figure out.

But there is one thing that Curlis feels good about now. That is that his body is no longer as weak as before. He seems to be 50 years younger. His physical condition is very good, but one thing that needs to be paid attention to is that he cannot be absorbed by the body. Devoured by this parasitic organism.

Kuris has dissected some parasitized people, but he still has no way of knowing how this kind of object changes the human body and how it proliferates.

But these problems are no longer important now. What is important is that the weakness of this parasite has been discovered by those in the mine, which is a great threat to them.

If this threat cannot be solved now, everything that follows will be out of the question. Mux, like himself, has completely suppressed this parasitic organism. As long as his willpower is strong enough, he will be able to dominate and will not be swallowed up. Lose.

This is a very interesting thing. According to Koulis, all the information transmission of this kind of object is close to the electrochemical transmission of human nerves. It will take a lot of time to study this kind of object.

Looking at the strong light outside, Kuris became a little worried, because if those guys launched an attack today, they would not be able to defend it. The number of adapters was very small, about 20 to 1, or even more. There were many people After being parasitized by such an object, the consciousness will completely disappear and become a walking zombie. If the parasites in the bodies of adaptors who have been able to control are not separated and eaten every day, they will be at most one. It will be devoured in two days.

To Kuris, this thing looks somewhat similar to a virus. It is looking for a host, then destroys all functions in the host's body, and finally causes the host to die.

At this time, there was a noise outside the house, and then the door of the room was pushed open. With a bang, Mukes gasped and leaned on the floor. Kuris glanced at him.

"Why are you launching an attack? The time is not ripe now. If they attack, we will be finished."

Mux's cheeks were a little black, as if he had been burned. He sat up with a gasp, closed the door and laughed.

"Don't worry, Dr. Kuris, they won't attack rashly. In order to obtain more powerful power given to us by God, you can conduct more research starting from tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Those people are good experimental materials. Isn’t it?”

Kuris hummed, but he still looked outside worriedly. The whole town was shrouded in weak sunlight. This was an extremely unfavorable day for them.

"Days like this will continue for at least ten more days, because due to the revolution and rotation of the earth, there will always be a place where sunlight can penetrate."

Mukes laughed, looking at Kuris sinisterly and said.

"I have heard the voices of the gods, and they tell me that this planet will eventually become dark."

Kuris didn't want to argue with this ignorant, self-righteous lunatic. He was a staunch atheist, and Kuris had already gotten preliminary answers to everything that was happening now.

If you want to continue to survive on this planet in the future, you can only make good use of this alien object. This is the future blueprint that Kuris has conceived. Although he does not know how many years he can survive, this thing may be human beings. The object that I have always dreamed of that can achieve immortality.

"Watch those guys."

As Kuris said, Mux stood up. On his burnt cheeks, a large number of black and red tentacles were dancing, like needlework, and Mux's cheeks soon returned to their original shape.

"I have already told others to keep an eye on them."


Nearly 2,000 people were crowded in the only supermarket in the town. Gerry was sitting at the door of the supermarket. He leaned against the glass door and looked at several monsters standing next to them. They seemed to be immobile corpses. Usually, with eyes closed.

Gerry is now thinking about a question, why did they drive everyone into the house? What is certain is that Virla and the others have repelled those monsters. Gerry confirmed one thing before entering. Those who were wandering on the street before The number of monsters has decreased a lot.

What Gerry wants to know most now is what kind of method can defeat these monsters, but he can't think of it for a while. There are so many people here, and it shouldn't be difficult to deal with the few monsters guarding them. But the difficulty is that no one wants to be the first to die.

This is the most desperate problem that Gerry has seen in this period of time. Everyone has become accustomed to life here, especially after witnessing everything these monsters do, no one will want to resist, Gerry The same is true for myself.

Now that Gerry has completely lost the idea of ​​resistance, the same goes for the people here. Everyone has fallen into a strange mentality. If they had not been so aggressive in entering the town and starting a war against the local townspeople, Things may be better now.

Especially those who were captured after being attacked the day before yesterday. They all said that after going to the mine, under some measures taken by Verla, they were not like they were in the town. Those of them with brands on the backs of their hands were not like those in the town. No inhuman treatment was suffered.

Gerry now understands that Vila's toughness at the beginning was not unreasonable. It was just to straighten out everything in chaos and force them to work. Now everyone in the town can eat something every day because of Vierla's toughness created it.

The fields were already producing crops, and some of the power generation equipment that had been modified before were also running very well. However, today's situation made Gerry a little panicked. Why did the monsters gather them together? Gerry still couldn't figure it out. , in front of him, Mux walked towards Gerry. Gerry looked at Muke's appearance in confusion. He was holding an umbrella in such weather, which made Gerry very confused. He had no idea what Mux planned to do.

"Come out Gerry!"

Mux's deep voice made Gerry feel a little pressure. Gerry could only get up and leave the house. After leaving the house, Gerry was taken to a house by Mux.

"Listen up Gerry, I'm going to give you one chance, just one chance."

Gerry looked at Mux with some doubts. At this time, he saw some red tentacles appearing in Mux's body. The color was as bright as blood. Gerry swallowed a mouthful. He didn't know what Mux wanted. do what.

"Eat it and you will gain the power of God and become one of us!"

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