Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 709 Special Chapter The Weakness of the Winter Queen

Chapter 709 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Weakness

1:13 am

There was a rapid knock on the door, and Gerry woke up from a deep sleep. Sili next to him opened his eyes, and a pair of gentle eyes calmed Gerry's nervous mood.


After Gerry put on his clothes, he opened the door and saw it was dark outside, with only a nearby connected headlight emitting dim light. Mux stood outside, staring at Gerry.

"Is there a problem?"

Gerry asked.

"Take your men and go to the mine immediately."

Gerry didn't know what Mux wanted to do, but he could only nod. At this time, Gerry saw a lot of fast black shadows passing by the road. Gerry didn't know what happened, but he could only go out and close the door. They started to wake up some people, and soon Gerry gathered more than 300 people and took crossbows and some weapons. Everyone looked a little uneasy.

Soon Gerry started walking with the people, and no one knew what was going on. Monsters could always be seen running on all fours on the road, and they were heading towards the mine in groups.

At this time, the only thing Gerry could think of was that there should have been a war at the mine, and Verla should have returned.

Gerry had some admiration for that woman. She was very capable. Although her behavior was annoying at first, but after going to the mine later, he found that everything there was tightly organized, and those imprints were on The pattern people get along well with the original townspeople.

Stability is far more important than anything else. This is the most important point that Gerry has realized during this period.

Mux quietly looked at the leaving Gerry and his group, with a slight grin on his face and a sneer. Now he has less than 200 people in his hands. Although he has fully grasped the power given to him by God, , but not everyone can fully master it. There are now more than 2,000 people who have violent rejection of the power of God.

We can only rely on taking out the divine roots from our bodies every day and adding them to the mixed solution of some "food" to feed these people every day so that the divine roots in their bodies will not completely devour the host.

Mux raised his hand and looked at some black-red tentacles overflowing from the middle of his palm. This was the power of God. If it weren't for this power, Mux would have died.

After obtaining this supernatural power, Mux had a complete epiphany. This is a power that only gods can possess. However, these things are very afraid of strong light, so Mux has destroyed all their activities in the town. range of lighting fixtures.

Looking at the many people who were standing up and watching in the distance, all gathered under the warm yellow headlight, Mux felt a little uncomfortable. This power was not invincible to them, and all the powers they used were It requires the body's energy supply. If you are constantly injured, it may be difficult to suppress the divine roots in your body, and eventually it will be completely devoured.

It's just that Mux recently discovered that the divine root parasitizing in his body can absorb energy not only from a single food, but also from all tangible substances.

Mux raised his hand and pressed it on the wooden house. As fine black and red tentacles appeared, they climbed on the wall of the wooden house. After a while, a large piece of wood disappeared and was completely swallowed up by the divine root. .

Mukes could feel that after eating these things, the divine roots in his body that originally needed to be supplied by his own energy had quieted down, but now Mukes could only swallow some wooden things, metals and stones. Kes tried it and it was extremely difficult to swallow.

Nowadays, Mux feels more and more that the power brought to him by God is still evolving. When he was parasitized in the past, Mux's consciousness was a little unclear, but now it is different. Consciousness is very clear.

During the days he spent in the south of the town, Mux was in great pain every day. The pain of the divine roots biting inside his body was not something that ordinary people could bear, but in the end Mux managed to survive, and his consciousness became more and more... The more he wakes up, when Mux is fully conscious, Mux finds that he can completely control these things.

So Mux can now be convinced that the strength of willpower determines whether or not this power can be used. The nearly 200 people who can already use this power have all relied on their tenacious willpower to survive.

At this time, Mux curled his lips, and he quickly returned to the darkness, and then jumped directly into the forest, and quickly shuttled. Mux's closed left eye could clearly see the situation below the mine, and the strong lights were shining brightly. Under the light, the hunters were shooting, and Mukes didn't want to give the order to retreat yet, because once they retreated, these hunters might gather together. In addition, Gerry's group wanted to rebel in the first place, and their Weaknesses should already be known.

If it continues, big problems will most likely occur. Mux intends to solve everything tonight. Only by completely controlling everything can more people gain this power.

Mux can know the thoughts of the parasitized people, can share their vision and hearing, and control their actions. However, this is extremely difficult, because he will also consume body energy rapidly and feel very hungry. Once hunger strikes, it will be difficult to control the divine roots in the body, so Mux usually just arranges for them to do eyeliner.

The situation was still under control, so Mux increased his speed. As soon as Gerry and the others launched an attack, the hunters should be easily eliminated.

"Don't let them leave."

Mux said viciously, he stopped and closed his eyes.

At this time, Klauer was constantly calling the hunters around. Vila gasped. Everyone had seen these monsters, but one thing they had figured out now was that although these monsters were fast and powerful, , but they are afraid of the light.

Under the illumination of 5 strong lights, hunters have gathered below the slope of the mine. There are already casualties, but more than 20 monsters have died. After these monsters die, only a pile of black remains will be left. dust.

Vila gasped. She really wanted to go to the top of the mine, because she still didn't know the situation of her brother Fred. Claure and several experienced hunters were formulating countermeasures. If they stayed here now, they would be surrounded. Yes, the only way is to evacuate.

"Give me a light and I'll go into the mines."

As Virla said, he walked towards a strong light with a solar power storage box, picked it up and carried it on his back. This kind of strong light can last for 3 hours of high-intensity lighting.

"Wait a minute, Vella, the current situation is unknown. We don't know how many of these monsters there are. We can only find a place to guard them now."

Vila looked at her father blankly.

"What about Fred? I have to at least confirm Fred's life or death."

Looking at his stubborn daughter, Claure walked over.

"I'll go with you, and the others will go to the woodland cabin."

After Kraul said this, several young people in the village volunteered to come over, and finally Kraul agreed to them.

The hunters began to retreat. There were still many monsters running around in the outer areas, but it was difficult for them to get close to the place covered by the light, and the guns in the hands of the hunters could always hit them accurately.

"Maybe that kid Fred."

"It'll be okay."

Vierla had just changed the magazine and looked at her father who was carrying a bright light next to her with a sad look on her face, and she said.

"I have already told Fred that once there is a dangerous situation in the mine, let him hide in the mine pit with a weapon. Those pits with only one passage are relatively safe. These monsters are not immortal. ."

At this moment, accompanied by a miserable howl, a group of 8 people raised their guns. In the distance, there was a monster curled up on the ground, scratching the ground with both hands in pain. At this time, the monster The chance was almost gone. His body was shriveled, with a large number of densely packed black and red tentacles pouring out crazily from his body. These things seemed to be the monster's body, devouring this man.

Claure walked over decisively. Under the strong light, these black and red tentacles instantly emitted smoke and dust, and burned without fire. Soon they turned into dust and disappeared. These black and red tentacles disappeared, and the person's original appearance was revealed. His mouth was wide open, and there was still dry drool at the corners of his mouth. He became like a mummy, ferocious and terrifying. He was completely dead, and it seemed that he was still alive before death. Struggling with something.


While Kraul was speaking, he had already raised his gun and pulled the trigger. Only then did Vila react. The hunters around him all held their hunting rifles and opened fire when they saw the black shadow flying in front of them.

As gunshots rang out, the three monsters fell to the ground after being hit. Everyone immediately aimed at the heads of those monsters and pulled the triggers one after another. They were hit again and again under the huge impact. middle.

Claure rushed over quickly. Under the strong light, the monsters lying on the ground began to feel pain at all, and their bodies began to feel as if they were inflated.

With a bang, a monster's body was stretched open, and its black-red tentacles twisted wildly. Krall immediately approached. Sure enough, the strong light was absolutely lethal to this monster.

Vierra and others followed. These hunters, who had long been accustomed to shooting at high-speed prey, had no hesitation in shooting and were very accurate.

Only during the initial contact there were some casualties, and after the battle with the monsters, Claure immediately identified the monsters' weaknesses, and other experienced hunters immediately knew what to do.

At this time, in the forest to the west of the mine, dozens of monsters were watching eagerly at the hunters below who were wrapped in light. Mux was also among them. He looked at the hunters below ferociously. Things were not going as he did. It went as expected. The hunters accurately and quickly identified the monsters' weaknesses. If they wanted to attack now, they would suffer heavy losses.

These hunters are not like those who first attacked the mine. Their shooting speed, shooting accuracy, and reaction speed are much better than those captured by them.

Looking at the subordinates around him, many of them have begun to feel tired. This is a sign that the mental power has begun to weaken. Once the mental power is weakened, it is easy to be backlashed by the divine roots in the body. More than 60 people have been killed. Muke Si was still thinking about countermeasures. Gerry's group was moving too slowly and it would take a lot of time to get over.


Soon the subordinates around them left one after another, and they needed to find a place to rest immediately, in order to prevent their bodies from continuing to be in a state of fatigue, which would cause their mental power to collapse and eventually be swallowed up.

Soon Mux returned to the road. After moving a short distance quickly, he saw people moving in some lighting equipment. Mux walked over.

"You can go back and do your defense work starting tomorrow. I want you to patrol the outside of the town 24 hours a day."

Gerry nodded. Everyone was afraid of Mux, because everyone had seen the power of this monster. They only had some dim lighting equipment at hand. Mux was not afraid of this less intense light, although It's a little affected, but he can still move freely.

Mux watched the group of people start to turn back. He glanced behind him and smiled darkly.

The plan seemed to have completely failed, but it was impossible for them to attack. The weather these days was a little abnormal, and the sun was a little stronger, but Mux knew that it would not be long before the world would become dark. I have received God’s will in my head.

Mux tried to communicate with this god countless times, but failed because the god had hinted to Mux that he was not qualified yet.

It was very quiet in the mine. You could see a lot of corpses that had been eaten, but the number was not too many. The group of people carefully walked down the road. Vierra shouted a few times from time to time, but all they heard was his own echo. .

Krall was checking the traces in the mine and found some dead monsters, and soon they came to the outside of a tunnel.

"Fred, are you there?"

The sound started to echo, but soon everyone heard footsteps.

"Sister, I'm here, I'm here."

Fred's excited voice came out, and there were many people who heard the voice. After Vila walked in, many people cheered and thanked Vila because Fred had already told the people who ran in. But why did I come here?

Vila breathed a sigh of relief, but Fred was a little nervous at this time and lowered his head in front of Crowl. Fred had been a little afraid of this serious father since he was a child.

"It's pretty good. You have a weak personality and finally picked up a gun."

Claure looked at his disgraced son happily and patted him on the shoulder. At this time, several young hunters came over. They were Fred's friends, and everyone was temporarily relieved.

After they inspected the mine, it was already dawn. Different from Vila's imagination, the number of corpses on the mine was obviously not many, only more than 400 people.

It seemed that a large number of people had been rushed to the other side of the town. After thinking about it carefully, Vila thought about where the remaining people had gone. Then she ate something casually and ran quickly.

The sky is still very bright today. By daybreak, there is basically no need to worry. The weaknesses of those monsters are now completely understood.

Vierla just wanted to find the people who escaped quickly. They could only go to the water plant because it was easier to defend.

While running all the way with the two people, when it was close to 9 o'clock, Vierla saw the gate of the water plant, which had many traces of battles.

"Redes, are you there?"

Just as Verla shouted, someone poked his head out from the wall of the water plant and shouted excitedly.

"It's Verla who's back, Verla who's back."

Then Verla could only climb up the ladder into the water plant. Most of the people had gathered around. Redes and the guards were there, and everyone looked exhausted.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Redes saw that Vila was covered in filth and looked exhausted, and looked at her in confusion.

"We fought off the monsters in the mine last night."

Redes and others looked at them in shock, and then Vila directly told everyone that the weakness of these monsters is strong light. As long as there is strong light, they cannot exert such power beyond human limits.

"What's going on, Redes, I'm just gone for a few days. I went back just to get help from the people in the village."

Redes began to slowly talk about the situation in the past few days. Everyone was moving the obstacles at the gate, planning to go to the mine to help and move some materials here. There was no longer any interest in defending the mine. Yes, but the water plant is different here. It is built outside a big mountain. When you enter, you will find a cave with an underground river, which is very easy to defend.

"I'm afraid the people in the town still don't know the weaknesses of those monsters, so they can only let them slaughter them."

Vila said after listening to Redes' narration, and Redes nodded.

This time, my stubborn father’s long-standing habit saved everyone. Every time my father went hunting, he would bring this kind of strong light. In order to be safer during hunting, in the dark forest, such a strong light is It will make it difficult for some ferocious beasts to approach.

"Then there is only one thing we have to do now. Just go over and inform them of the weaknesses of those monsters now."

Redes said, Vila nodded, and then Redes selected some people, took the strong lighting equipment, and got in the car directly. Vila got in the car directly because she was worried, planning to sleep in the car.

Redes driver's truck drove a large number of people out of the water plant. Now everyone was very excited. They took out all the lights they could use and planned to connect them directly. As long as they have lights at night, they can feel at ease. of sleep.

Verla fell asleep in the truck, she was too tired.

At this time, Redes was thinking about a question, which was the real purpose behind Vila doing all these things. It was not that Redes did not believe in Vila, but that he always felt that Vila had an unknown purpose, and she had to get it. The reason for this, but now Redes does not want to delve into it, but to solve all the problems at hand.

10 am

The whole town was full of people, and monsters drove each person away fiercely, asking them to enter some houses and stay there. Many people had eaten and were not opposed to entering the houses.

Gerry didn't know what Mukes and the others wanted to do. Today's farm work had not been completed yet. Although Gerry had already said it, Mukes asked them to enter the town and stay.

Mukes already knew that they were coming here and wanted to tell these people their weaknesses. Mukes planned to wait for them to come over and directly deal with the woman named Verla.

Today's sunshine is still a bit strong. Mux looked at his tired subordinates. They were the ones who were slightly able to adapt to the light. Redes also felt uncomfortable.

The air was warm, and although the sun above his head was behind the clouds, the light still penetrated the clouds and shone down. Mux patted quickly, closing his left eye from time to time, and soon Mux The fire got bigger, because the truck was about to arrive here, and the people who came brought a lot of strong light equipment.

If he wanted to use the power given by God, these divine roots would overflow from the body, and the only weakness of the divine roots was light. Mux could only quickly return to the town and hide in a room facing the road. In the room, where the curtains had been drawn and almost no light came in, Mux felt at ease.

Sure enough, as soon as the truck came over, the people who got off took out some strong light equipment. Everyone was holding weapons. There were more than 20 hunters, and they were all alert to everything around them.

"No one."

After Redes and Vila arrived near the crop field, they found that the house was empty and there was no one in the field. However, Redes felt a little relieved when he saw the crops growing.

After checking for a while, Redes ordered some people to directly carry some crops harvested in the warehouse.

Verla and more than 20 hunters stood at the entrance of the town with guns and strong light equipment. She looked at the lifeless town and could hardly see any people.

"I want to go in and have a look."

Vila said, and Redes immediately stopped Vila.

"There was no loudspeaker equipment in the car, and those people didn't know where they disappeared to. It was too dangerous to get in."

Vila glanced at Redes.

"This might be an opportunity, if the weather is bad in the next few days."

"Believe me, Virla, although your shooting skills are good, there is nothing you can do if those monsters suddenly jump out from all directions."

Redes asked everyone to carry as much food as possible to the truck, and they planned to walk back. After all, being able to transport the harvested food back was a huge benefit to them, who still have nearly 1,500 people. .

It was almost 12 o'clock at noon, and the sun was a little strong. Vila was still standing at the entrance. She always felt that she had to go in, but Redes kept trying to dissuade her, and other hunters were also trying to persuade Vila. They couldn't deal with so many monsters. , in the end Vila gave up.

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