Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 711 Special Chapter The Winter Queen Visits

Chapter 711 Special Chapter. Winter Queen. Visitor

On a path under the warm sunshine, more than 10 exhausted people were walking. They were carrying large bags, including 3 children and 8 adults.

Everyone looked extremely tired, and behind these people, in the distance, followed a man with his face wrapped in gauze. These people looked very weak and tired, and they all looked as skinny as wood. On a road full of parked vehicles, a bunch of people were looking for things in their cars along the road.

Several children seemed to be in better spirits. At this time, a man leading the group looked behind them with disgust. The man was leaning on a tree trunk and his body was covered with bandages.

"Phyllis, how long are you going to follow?"

The man leading the group asked, and the bandaged man behind him stopped. A woman in the crowd looked back and closed her eyes bitterly.

"Tori, if it wasn't for Phyllis, we would be dead, at least."

"Yes, if it weren't for Phyllis, we would have died long ago, but the situation is similar now. We no longer have the ability to take care of other people."

The group of people just walked with their heads down, hoping to find something to eat at the end of the road. There was not much food left on them. A large-scale epidemic broke out in human society. This virus called annihilation has destroyed the city. It has become a no man's land.

They finally escaped. There was a town called Ace in front of them. This was their only hope. They saw the light in the night sky in the distance at night, and they were sure that there was someone there.

At this time, the man named Phyllis still started walking. He knew that he might be about to die. Phyllis glanced under the bandage he was wrapped in, and his eyes became frightened. The strips looked like cracked rocks. The wounds with cracks on the surface are all over the body. Before, the body would ooze blood all the time. Now these wounds are still there. Although the blood will not seep out, the bones, flesh and even blood vessels in the cracks can be clearly seen.

It's a miracle that Phyllis can survive. He is a carrier of the annihilation virus, but this virus has not been transmitted to other people. Phyllis has never told others what happened to him because he looked like this. I don’t dare to say it, for fear that others will kill me.

In the early stages of being infected with the virus, Phyllis had the same symptoms as those who died, but on the 10th day, Phyllis felt that her body seemed to be lighter. She originally thought that her body had antibodies, but on the 10th day, Ten days later, Phyllis' symptoms were different from those of other people who had annihilated the virus. The skin on the surface of her body began to crack and bleed.

This situation lasted for three days, and then Phyllis became like this. She was still able to live and move normally, but she felt very tired, and it was as if there was a ball of fire about to burst out of her body.

As for the reason for his appearance, Phyllis and others explained that it was caused by strong radiation. Although the radiation disaster caused almost all humans to suffer from cancer, such cancer will not cause human death in the short term. .

In particular, most people who have received some controllable cancer vaccines can even heal themselves from cancer in certain parts of the body. The biggest threat comes from ships coming from North and South America. Phyllis used to be a taxi driver.

A few months ago, he was called over by the military and asked to drive a truck to deliver some supplies to the seaport city. Phyllis did not have cancer. Phyllis only agreed for the long-term supplies promised by the military. Go to.

But when Phyllis arrived at the harbor, chaos happened. A new virus spread on a docked ship. The days after that were simply hell for Phyllis.

During these few months of walking in this hell on earth, Phyllis originally wanted to die, but in the end she did not choose to commit suicide because of fear.

At this time, some cars that looked like they had been dismantled appeared in front of them, and many people became excited. Looking from a distance, they saw a large number of dismantled cars. More than ten people ran excitedly, and they were busy. Walking, hoping to meet people and get some food.

Phyllis looked at the people gradually going away. He could only walk hobblingly. Phyllis hadn't eaten since the day before yesterday. He knew that Tori did it on purpose. The man he had sacrificed his life to help before, now But he didn't even want to give himself a piece of biscuit.

Although Phyllis was a little angry, this was for sure, because everyone was about to starve to death. Phyllis could only rely on willpower to support herself forward, because there was a little hope. After a flash of light, everyone walked towards this side excitedly. There should be still living people in this small town called Bingxue.

The cars on the road said everything, but Phyllis was a little scared because of the appearance of her body, and whether the annihilation virus in her body had disappeared was a question.

"As long as you pay attention, you should be fine."

Phyllis walked hard, almost losing sight of the people in front of him. Phyllis was a little anxious, and then he stumbled to the ground. At this time, Phyllis noticed a place not far away. Phyllis hurriedly crawled over to the small bag. This was Susie's small bag. There were some biscuits and a small bottle of water in it. Phyllis was so moved that she picked up the biscuits and ate them, and then drank half the bottle. Water, the body feels like a spring breeze for a moment.

"thanks, thanks"

Big, hot tears flowed from Felice's eyes. At this moment, Felice felt that his body was a little warm. The moment he lowered his head, he saw a touch of fiery red appearing in the open wound. Felice Si was startled. This situation has been going on for a month. When he is emotional, his body will emit light. Phyllis doesn't know what this means, and there is no explanation.

Soon Felice's mood stabilized, and the light emanating from the wound disappeared.

After resting for about half an hour, Phyllis felt a little stronger. Now that the sky was getting a little dark, it was already past 5 p.m., and Phyllis continued to walk.

It wasn't until the sky began to darken that Felice swallowed a gulp and looked at a group of light shrouded in the distance. He excitedly walked over with a cane, but just after taking a few steps, Felice suddenly Si was stunned. There were several people lying in front of him. Phyllis immediately limped over and ran over, but immediately he covered his mouth with his hands, and then staggered and fell on the body.

It was Tori and the others, all of them were dead without exception, and there were obvious wounds on their bodies. It looked like they were not caused by guns, but pierced directly by something sharp. In front of them were people holding Crossbows patrolling the people.

Phyllis climbed to the back of a car, stood up, covered her mouth, sweat had wet her forehead. In the dim light, Phyllis saw the guys holding crossbows, each of them looked expressionless. nervous.

At this time, Phyllis saw people who looked like they were sick, walking over crookedly. The way they walked looked very abnormal. Phyllis was stunned for the next second, and even almost Shout out.

He stared blankly at those people lying on the corpses, and his stomach was churning. The scene made Phyllis unable to look directly at it. Although he had seen it along the way, it was hard to get used to this kind of thing no matter how many times he saw it.

The feeling of fear completely eroded Phyllis's body and mind. He was now very worried about Susie. Thinking of the water and food that Susie deliberately put down today, Phyllis felt desperate. Fortunately, he did not see Susie and several others. Phyllis felt a little more at ease with the child's body. He didn't dare to move at all. It wasn't until these people left that Phyllis finally lay down next to a car that had been dismembered until nothing was left, and looked at the town. inside.

There are a lot of people on the streets, and a large number of guys with abnormal behavior like the one just now are wandering in the town, and those who look relatively normal and are holding weapons, with a look of fear, are working under the command of these abnormal people. , Phyllis didn't know why the armed party was so afraid of these people who looked poor and weak without weapons.

At this moment, Phyllis noticed a magazine that fell on the ground, which Tori had been carrying. Perhaps the reason why they died was that they took out their guns because Tori was a little impulsive.

There was no time to be sad. Phyllis stood up, pulled up his hood, and then found an opportunity to run into the town. The town exuded a disgusting smell, which came from the right side of the town. of.

On the left hand side, there were many places with lights on. Phyllis limped to the left. There were almost no people on the left. Phyllis could only look for opportunities to move. He had to You have to find a way to sneak in.

"Why don't you go back to sleep? Do you want to die?"

At this time, a man holding a crossbow came to Felice. He lowered his head, swallowed and said.

"I'm so hungry that I can't sleep."

The middle-aged man behind him came over, took out a potato from his pocket, and handed it to him. Phyllis took it in his hand gratefully and couldn't help but devour it.

"You're from outside, right?"

For a moment, Phyllis looked at the middle-aged man next to him in shock. He looked around, then pulled Phyllis and walked away.

"Those monsters asked us to watch the night. I will find a place for you and you can go to work tomorrow."

Phyllis excitedly pulled the kind-hearted middle-aged man and asked.

"There should be a few women and children among the people who entered the town today. Where have they gone?"

The middle-aged man then said that the guys who entered today started shouting first, and then the monsters passed by. They asked the monsters to bring out food, but they were killed by the monsters.


Phyllis looked at the middle-aged man with confusion, but he still insisted on hoping that the middle-aged man could take him there to see the women who came in and survived today.

Phyllis was soon taken to a place that seemed to be a warehouse. An unpleasant smell came out, but soon Phyllis saw Suzy among a lot of women under the light. As well as several children, Phyllis ran in excitedly.

"What do you want to do?"

For a moment, several women with weapons guarding the door stopped Phyllis. He immediately smiled awkwardly. After a while, Susie came over. She looked sad. It turned out that it was just as she thought. Under the leadership of Li, they shot first and were killed by the monster.


Susie pursed her lips and shook her head, not knowing how to explain.

"You'll know in a few days."

Phyllis could see that the people here had a certain order, but he didn't know what the monsters they were talking about were.

Phyllis was taken to a place where many men lived. These places were spliced ​​together with some metal plates removed from cars. Phyllis greeted many people and found that many of them looked quite ordinary. , but the word monster was always used in the discussion. Phyllis had no idea what happened, but the lights went out, and the people next to him advised Phyllis to have a good sleep and start work when they get up tomorrow morning.

It's just that Phyllis is injured, so he can rest for a few days.

At night, Phyllis heard a lot of people whispering and shadows passing by outside from time to time. The speed was very fast. Phyllis felt a little surprised. He didn't know what was going on outside, but there wasn't much. Thinking about it, Phyllis fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Phyllis was woken up by the noisy sound. He felt a little better. Someone brought some food to Phyllis. Phyllis was very grateful to these people, but Phyllis What I don’t understand is that everyone obviously lives in such harmony, why many people look sad in the morning.

Later, Phyllis learned that there were many people like him who came here a while ago, and some people came here immediately after the disaster occurred, and the monsters they talked about were basically there during the day. They rarely come out, only at night, and those monsters are no longer human.

Although Phyllis thought at first that maybe they were bewitched and their minds were abnormal, it seemed that things were not that simple.

At this time, several people with guns on their backs took Phyllis out. Soon Phyllis saw a large planting field where everyone was busy, and Phyllis was taken to a small nearby In the cabin.

A powerful-looking man sat at the table.

"Your name is Phyllis, right? I asked you to come here to ask how the situation is outside. My name is Gerry."

Phyllis nodded. After sitting down, someone brought water to Phyllis. Many people came into the room. Phyllis began to talk about some of the things he had seen in the past few months, including viruses. thing, but everyone was wondering what happened to these wounds on Phyllis's body.

Phyllis can only say that he was caught by a group of people before, and he was tortured like this after resisting. No one doubted it, because the wounds on Phyllis's body looked like they had been cut open little by little with a knife. .

But at this time, Phyllis felt extremely uncomfortable because he didn't know whether the annihilation virus in his body would be transmitted to other people.

Until now, Phyllis did not dare to talk about the annihilation virus, but everyone was still asking about the situation of this virus. Phyllis simply talked about some people he had seen who were infected with the virus. .

Soon Gerry asked the injured man to rest. He pressed his forehead silently. Everyone in the room was the same. During this time, people from outside kept coming in. Every time they asked something They are all similar.

The outside world is in ruins. There was still a shred of hope that the country could be restarted, but now everything can no longer go back to the past.

"What to do Gerry?"

Gerry hummed.

"We can only take one step at a time."

The biggest threat now is the monsters. Those monsters must be dealt with, and the only thing they can do in the mine is find opportunities to contact them.

Gerry did not agree to Mux. Even if he died, he did not want to become that kind of walking zombie. Gerry thought that now is not the time at all. He must wait for the next round of harvest and have enough food before he can take action. , and the people from the mine should come again.

The morning sun was a little warm, and many people were busy. However, a man suddenly felt something strange. He lifted up his sleeves and found a lot of red rashes on his arms. He scratched them. Maybe he was allergic to something, but the man didn't pay attention and continued to work. However, after a while, the man felt dizzy and collapsed in the farmland.

People fell down one after another at noon.

"It's an annihilation virus, it's a virus"

Someone shouted in the farmland. Some people who came here last month suddenly shouted. For a moment, everyone in the farmland panicked. Gerry immediately ordered that all people with symptoms be isolated.

For just a moment, Gerry seemed to have thought of something, and he immediately ordered these infected people to be taken to the south of the town.

"What's going on Gerry?"

Outside a house, Mux opened a corner of the curtain and saw a group of people wearing gas masks and their bodies wrapped tightly.

"These people are sick, it may be an infectious disease, so..."

Mux had no doubt, nodded, and closed the curtains. At this time, among a group of people, Phyllis lowered her head and entered a grain warehouse next to the auditorium. One person was let in, and many people begged. Don't do it, they'll die, but Gerry didn't hesitate.

This virus is only in its early stages. People who have seen it before have said that the best way is to isolate the sick people as soon as possible, so that there will be no problems. There are ways to avoid this virus. As long as there is no physical contact, you will not be infected.

That's why Gerry brought all these people in with peace of mind. Phyllis looked desperately at the angry people with red rashes on their bodies. The middle-aged man who handed Phyllis food last night also exist.

"You bastard."


Phyllis was punched hard. Susie looked at the angry people in front of her in horror, and looked at the people coming over one by one in despair.

Gerry kept swallowing. He didn't know if he would be infected, but soon the people who followed Gerry to send the patients there didn't care either. They were either killed by monsters, viruses, or starved to death. There is just one more option. Many people no longer care. They have earned it if they can live one more day.

Until the evening, there were no patients with early symptoms in the north, and Gerry breathed a little. It seemed that the people who came in before did not lie to them. As long as they did not come into contact with infected people, they would not be infected. The one who entered before People have said that they were locked in a room with an infected person. Over the next few days, the infected person died, but they survived.

Gerry's current idea is very simple. If the viruses can kill those monsters, everything will be fine. There has been no news from the mine for several days, and Gerry plans to send someone to contact them tonight.

It's just risky, because once discovered by the monsters, it's over. Gerry tried it before, but the people who passed by were captured by the monsters. Those monsters were guarding the mountains on both sides of the road, watching. them.

In the past few days, Mux has not organized those monsters to attack the mine. Gerry really wants to talk to the people in the mine. Maybe they have found a way to fight the monsters.

The whole day was over, and when he fell asleep at night, Gerry felt a little more at ease, but he was a little uneasy inside. There were nearly 40 people sick. No one knew what they would do to those outsiders. .


A long queue formed outside the auditorium again. Mux continued to drink black water for everyone. He looked at the barn next to him. He didn't know how Gerry brought the sick people here today. Then Mux Kes walked out and walked outside the barn. He looked in through the gap with a grin. It was quiet inside.

"what happened?"

Mukes shouted, but there was no response. Then Mukes planned to open the barn door, but in the end he gave up and licked his lips. It didn't matter even if the guys inside died. After all, they could be used as food. source.

Soon Mukes returned to the auditorium. In the past few days, many people have gradually adapted to this power. This is something that Mukes is happy about. He plans to continue to visit the north.

At this time, in the barn, Phyllis was sitting quietly in the corner. Suzy next to him had already fallen asleep. Phyllis quietly looked at the pile of corpses in front of him. He didn't know why, but he felt inexplicably. Feeling uncomfortable, accompanied by a faint blue light, Phyllis raised a hand, and a light blue light appeared in the cracked skin.


Then Phyllis smiled bitterly. He didn't know what he did today, but the only thing he knew was that he saved Susie and several other women and children who had passed through before. Those who attacked them were all killed by Phyllis. died.

Phyllis didn't know what was wrong with her. After bursting out with abnormal strength today, she no longer felt hungry or cold.

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