Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 687 Prologue Chapter Zero Resurrection

Chapter 687 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Resurrection IV

"Altitude 110930! The speed is slowing down. It will take up to 3 minutes until landing."

Deguna looked at the values ​​on the panel in a panic. The entire spacecraft was shaking violently, and now everyone felt strange that a large amount of radiation was not detected, which everyone was a little confused about.

The spacecraft is still falling rapidly. Although the kinetic energy machine has resumed work, the speed of entering the atmosphere is too fast. It is very difficult to reduce the falling speed in a short time. Deguna gritted her teeth and looked at the few people who were still busy. personal.

"Don't you think this decision is wrong?"

No one said anything. Tang Rao and Gu Yi were trying to find a way to open the entrance to the safety cabin. This was the only place where they could survive. However, when passing through the material that was solidifying in the outer circle of the earth, the spacecraft's equipment failed. Suddenly, the spacecraft began to fall when it entered a large hole in the atmosphere.

The safety cabin is made of extremely strong alloy. The outside of the alloy is also wrapped with elastic cotton made with the latest buffer technology, including the spacesuit. This is the only place that can guarantee the life of the astronauts when something goes wrong with the spacecraft. .

At this time, Witte and Li Chu came closer, while Rose walked to Deguna's side and started trying. Everyone took the tools and began to disassemble.

A violent cutting sound sounded. The key to the safety cabin was not on the spacecraft at all. It should be in the hands of the original astronauts of the spacecraft. If there is an emergency and the safety cabin cannot be controlled electronically, the key can be opened manually. of.

"Are you sure it's okay Rose!"

"I have clearly told you about the design of this safety cabin. You only need to pay attention to it, and it can be opened without damage. Although it is a bit rough, after all, this safety cabin is manufactured by the company where my parents work, and I am also involved. Over part of the manufacturing.”

Rose quickly explained that now Gene and Ellie are still in the kinetic energy room. No one knows what happened to the resurrected Ellie. What happened to Ellie is very strange. She can use telekinesis. This ability only exists in science fiction movies, and now Ellie is still trying to get all the units of the kinetic machine back to work.

"Is this here? Come and take a look, bastard."

Li Chu shouted hurriedly. At this time, everyone had used tools to cut a hole directly on the right side of the hatch in front of him. Thick cables were exposed inside. Rose walked over quickly. , took a knife and quickly distinguished the circuit lines of different colors and a circuit board.

"It should be fine."

Rose said, taking the knife and starting to cut.

"There are only 1 minute and 31 seconds left, hurry up."

Entering the safety cabin is the only way for a few people to survive, but this method has to be greatly discounted now, because they are very unlucky. The crash location has been calculated, and it is on the grasslands of South Africa, not the ocean. If they crashed in In the ocean, their chances of survival will be greatly improved.

"Unit 2 has restored power."

Deguna said, feeling a little relieved. The speed of her fall was slowed down again. At this time, with a creak, the safety door behind her opened.

Rose breathed a sigh of relief. Witte and Tang Rao ran in. They took off the spacesuits fixed on the spring cotton. Although the space inside was not large, there were as many as 20 spacesuits.

"Hurry up and call those two guys."

Li Chu said that Tang Rao ran out quickly. Deguna had already gotten in. After quickly changing into a space suit, she fixed herself on the spring cotton.

"There are 2 minutes left, hurry up."

Gu Yi shouted anxiously, and Jean ran over first with Ellie. Although the two crews had restored their power, the height was no longer high enough for them to slow down. Falling was inevitable, but now there was more safety. one cent.

Gene first helped Ellie put on the space suit, and then put on one himself. Rose and Werther worked together to close the door of the safety cabin.

"Hurry, it's less than 30 seconds, hurry up and fix it."

All eight people fixed themselves on the metal bracket of the spring cotton. Gene looked at Ellie aside. She seemed extremely tired at this time and had fallen asleep. Gene said with a smile.

"If it's really over, we'll probably go to hell!"

"Hell? Hahaha, if it really exists, I would like to see it."

The moment Tang Rao finished speaking, the spacecraft shook violently, followed by a creaking sound, and everyone closed their eyes.


Accompanied by a violent roar, everyone felt as if their bodies were about to be torn apart. The safety cabin was shaking violently, and the metal brackets began to bend. The huge impact instantly made everyone People lost consciousness.

Jean stared blankly at his body, which was pierced by the metal frame in an instant. However, before he could feel the pain, Jean lost consciousness.

The rumbling flames were burning, and the spacecraft was in pieces, with parts scattered all over the floor. Under the gray-black sky, the brown-yellow land was scorched black, and no one survived.

In the flames, one could see the torn apart safety cabin, as well as corpses wearing spacesuits that were twisted out of shape. Blood seeped out of the damaged spacesuits.

Gradually the flames extinguished, and black smoke continued to emerge. With a click, a corpse suddenly moved, and then a man in a space suit stood up.

Ellie took off her spacesuit and stared at everything around her. Soon Ellie found Jean.

"Feel sorry!"

As Ellie spoke, her tears kept flowing out. She huddled up on the dry land and looked at the dead Jean. However, the corners of Jean's mouth were raised. Ellie lay on Jean's side. On the corpse, he could only cry silently.

Gradually, the tears from Ellie's training were dried by the wind. She looked at the corpses quietly. The others, like Gene, had their bodies twisted directly in the spacesuits under the violent impact. In an instant, Then he died.

It's just that Ellie didn't know why she was still alive. She looked at her arm, and there was no scar at all. It was a wilderness with nothing, and the wind was blowing violently on the grassland.

She didn't know how much time had passed before Ellie stood up. She looked at her arm, picked up a fragment, and cut it hard. Blood began to flow out. However, the next second, the blood flowing out was... It stagnated in the air and quickly returned to the wound, and with the blood flowing back, the wound began to heal.

Ellie had realized that something was strange about her body. She looked at the corpses on the ground and thought that they might be able to be saved.

Then Ellie opened Jean's spacesuit in a panic, raised her hand and cut her wrist again, along with the blood flowing down. However, the blood had no effect and soon returned to Ellie's body. Ellie roared hysterically. She kept cutting her wrists with fragments, but the blood had no effect.

After a while, Ellie gave up and started sobbing again. She had obviously come back to life, but now Gene was dead.

"what to do!"

Ellie curled up next to Gene's body, pressing her forehead in annoyance. There was a voice in her head, always reminding herself to return to this cage.

The originally stable spacecraft began to move towards the Earth uncontrollably. Then everyone realized that the material that was gradually covering the Earth was very strange. If it did not come back, it might never be possible to return to this planet.

That's why everyone didn't quarrel, but Ellie knew very well that she was the one who made them realize this. This feeling was indescribable and very weird. It was as if she had affected their thinking. When the spacecraft left the asteroid, At that time, Ellie had the feeling that her consciousness had affected the consciousness of seven people.

"Why on earth, what happened to me?"

Ellie looked at her body. She could breathe and have a heartbeat just like a normal person, but her body was experiencing this incredible rapid recovery.

Ellie held up a finger, and a trail of white light spots floating in the air moved towards the distance. Then with a thought, Ellie lifted up a piece of the wreckage of the spaceship in the distance.

Ellie felt something in these incredible white light spots. She looked at Jean, raised a hand and pressed it on Jean's body, praying in her heart that Jean could be resurrected.

At this time, something incredible happened. Wishes of bright white dots entered Jean's body. A miracle happened. Jean's already twisted and broken body began to appear alive. With a thought, Ellie penetrated Jean's body. The metal was pulled out directly.

Then an incredible scene appeared. Gene's body was being repaired bit by bit. Ellie swallowed. Gradually, Gene's broken body returned to its original state, leaving only blood-stained and torn clothes.

dong dong

Ellie's eyes widened in shock. The sound of Gene's heartbeat was heard in her ears. Ellie straightened up and looked at Gene who seemed to be sleeping. She stretched out her hand and touched Gene's cheek, although there was still some It was cold, but her body was gradually recovering its temperature. Ellie felt something strange. She felt that something was constantly passing through her head.

There were a lot of things in her mind that Ellie didn't know at all. These things Ellie had never seen before. She covered her aching head, but the abnormality soon disappeared.

"From today on, everything will be slowly handed over to you, the caretaker of the cage!"

"Who are you anyway?"

Ellie heard a voice and stood up in horror. She looked around, but there was nothing. The sky had begun to darken.

"Nurturer! From today on, you are the same!"

The sound gradually faded away, and Ellie couldn't feel anything abnormal. Her tired body regained its vitality again. Ellie looked at Gene. At this time, everything about Gene was stable. Then Ellie saw She hesitated about the corpses in the distance.

It was these people who landed on the asteroid with different purposes that finally led to this disaster. Ellie did not intend to let them survive, as long as Jean could be safe and sound.

However, the next moment, Ellie hesitated. Everything in her mind gradually became clear. She could clearly know what kind of things were happening in the world today.

"Perhaps we will need them in the future!"

Ellie walked over step by step.

Soon she saw Deguna's body, which looked like a ball of Rouni, and she squatted next to Deguna's body.

"This is the best gift for you, and it is also the cruelest punishment! It is also the last trace of mercy for mankind."

White light began to be released from Ellie's body, and the light became like glass, spreading out in all directions.

Gradually the light disappeared, and Ellie fell to the ground. Some memories in her mind began to disappear, and Ellie gradually fell into a coma.

With a slight chill, Gene opened his eyes, gasping and looking at the bright fire not far away. He was lying in a metal shell, and a fire had been lit outside, bursts of laughter came.

Jean touched his body in disbelief, always feeling very strange, because at the moment of falling in his memory, Jean clearly saw the moment when several other people died, including himself.

"Is this hell?"

After Gene walked out, he discovered that Ellie was also there. She was still sleeping in a damaged spacesuit next to the campfire.

"It would be okay if it was hell! But we were lucky enough to survive."

Deguna said with a smile, and then handed Jean a bag of things. Jean was a little surprised. This was special food for astronauts, and it was special for space. Jean looked over and saw a broken iron box standing aside. , containing bags of straw food.

Several other people seemed to be in a good mood. Gene sat over. Under the firelight, several people's expressions were smiling, but soon Tang Rao said with a bitter expression.

"We can survive probably because of her!"

Several other people nodded, and Gene snorted. It was impossible for them to survive such a violent impact. It was impossible to even think about it with their toes, but this was what made several people feel incredible and terrifying at the same time. The place.

"Are we really alive?"

Deguna looked at her body, which was still the same as before, and Li Chu laughed.

"Depending on the altitude and the speed of the fall, there is a 100 percent chance that we would be burnt to a pulp."

Gu Yi laughed.

"At least that's what the situation at the scene looks like. We are already dead."

Everyone knew it, because the seven people were top scientists in human society. In the last few minutes, a few people still tried hard to do everything they could, but everyone knew that they would not survive. , once we knew that the crash site was on land, our hope of survival was extinguished.

"This matter can't be so unclear. Wake her up and then..."

"If you dare to wake Ellie, I will kill you!"

Jean threatened and Deguna laughed.

"It's a miracle that this planet can continue to exist. We have to figure out what happened, and we have to contact our respective countries."

Everyone nodded, but now under such a large-scale nuclear impact, it is impossible to contact them in the short term, and what is happening to the world now is also a big problem.

"What do you think is going on with us now? As a biologist, you have some idea."

Gu Yi looked at Tang Rao and asked, and Tang Rao shook his head.

"What about you? What do you think of Jean?"

Werther said and Gene shook his head.

"We have no clue at all. Although we have studied living worms in crystals, we can be sure that the cells of that kind of worm can repair themselves cyclically. They will be the same regardless of any damage, even if they are cut to nothing but The next small piece of tissue is also part of it. I think it is somewhat similar to HeLa cells. The only difference is that humans have not yet completely conquered the full application of HeLa cells, but this thing has a self that far exceeds HeLa cells. Phagocytosis and proliferation ability.”

Tang Rao chuckled.

"Our research here has not found any clues at all."

Li Chu stared sideways at Tang Rao opposite him. He knew that this cunning and cunning woman was still unwilling to tell the truth. After all, she was a notorious double agent in the past.

Li Chu has a good mind. He discovered very early that why some things in the XQ seminar were leaked because of this woman. In the beginning, Li Chu only knew her identity because of the slightest hint of Tang Rao's flaws. , but Li Chu did not report her, but planned to wait until one day when he had a problem, and then rely on such useful information to threaten Tang Rao and ask Tang Rao to help him.

The other people are not simple, especially the bastard Ji En, who in Li Chu's view is very dangerous. There was a mercenary kidnapping incident in the past, and the target was this guy named Li Ji'en, but those responsible The kidnapped mercenaries were eventually wiped out.

"I think how about we all talk openly and honestly now?"

At this time, Witte suggested, but everyone looked at each other hostilely, and for a moment everyone was speechless.

"If you want to have an honest conversation, it's up to you to start. At least show some sincerity!"

Rose said, picking up a broken cigarette, lighting it and taking a puff. Gene went over and took out some usable parts from a pack of cigarettes that had become rotten. After lighting one, He sat next to the sleeping Ellie.

"Okay, I admit, it was indeed me who installed the bomb. You all probably went up there with different purposes. You all know this, so there's no need to say it again. If it weren't for those polar bears, I might have been killed. It’s in the Skyland Space Country.”

"Who told you to do this?"

Witte asked, and Li Chu laughed.

"Didn't the United States assign you any tasks?"

Werther pondered for a while and then said.

"They only asked me to kill some of the astronauts, but they didn't ask me to carry out a larger-scale incident because they promised to take my family over."

Li Chu laughed.

"I have no choice. My wife and children are pointed at guns every day. I don't want to, but either you will die or my wife and children will die."

Gene listened quietly, and then Tang Rao raised his hands and said.

"Now that you all know my identity, you should know the purpose of the global technological and economic blockade and suppression in recent years. I won't tell you the reason. The wars in this land have not stopped since the last century. , the average life expectancy is 40, and third world countries also have problems to some extent. I feel that even if we discuss these complicated matters for a whole year, there will be no results. Now I feel that the only thing we need to do is survive."

Everyone stopped discussing anything, because this is indeed what a few people are about to face now. Although there is a city nearby where they fell, it is impossible to determine the location now. The most important thing is that the sun does not know whether it will be there tomorrow. Can't see it.

The night was getting colder and colder, and several people also felt sleepy, but they couldn't sleep now because they didn't know what unknown dangers would be waiting for them in this wilderness. In the end, everyone decided to stay vigil.

Gene took Ellie back to the metal cabin where he had rested before. Ellie was sleeping deeply. Gene looked at several people outside looking for places to rest, while Li Chu and Werther stayed vigil.

It is impossible to know the time. The dark sky is like a curtain, and there is no light spot at all. If you know the position of the moon, everyone can calculate the time. There is nothing that can be used at hand now.

"Secure the water source first!"

At this time, Witte said, Li Chu nodded.

"Are you sure you can find it?"

Werther hummed.

"I have lived in this land for many years in order to track down viruses."

For a moment, Werther looked into the distance with a serious expression.

"Maybe they're still alive."

Li Chu laughed.


"My students and I were held hostage for several months, but I was rescued later, and the students were still in a rebel camp, which should not be far from here."

Li Chu laughed.

"They may have died long ago, but the woman will definitely survive."

Witte frowned, then took a torch in his hand, carefully lay on the ground, and started searching. Li Chu stared at Witte coldly.

"I remember, you betrayed your country, right!"

Werther didn't answer, just shook his head.

"That's not the case, it's just that I didn't have any ability at the time to protect my family or even my own life."

Li Chu laughed.

"It may be very cruel for us in the future. If we want to survive, I think we have to cooperate well with each other. According to my inference, there will be nothing left on this planet and everything will collapse. of."

Werther laughed.

"Let's talk about it then!"

Gene couldn't sleep with his eyes closed. He stood up, walked out, and started adding wood to the burning fire. Outside, Li Chu and Werther were not far away.

"What exactly do you think?"

Tang Rao's voice sounded behind Gene.

"I know a secret meeting point. It's a small base. You and Ellie come with me. As for the other guys, just leave them behind. Carrying them is a burden."

Jean stared at Tang Rao sideways and laughed.

"It's come to this time, do you still want to go back? Maybe there is no place for us to go back."

Tang Rao said with a serious expression.

"In our country, there is an extremely secret base. There is no problem at all in dealing with such a disaster!"

Gene shook his head.

"Let's talk about it then!"

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