Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 686 Prologue Chapter Zero Lighthouse Chaos

Chapter 686 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Lighthouse. Chaos III

11:09 am

Different sounds such as car horns, cries, noises, and gunshots resounded in a city on the western coast of MX. The whole city was in chaos, and smoke and dust kept rising.

No one told the people in this coastal city what happened, but now everyone's only thought is to escape as much as possible. There is a disgusting smell in the black sky. No one knows what this smell is. What, but many people are vomiting and bleeding at the same time.

Behind you, you can already see a wave like a curtain in the distance, pushing towards this side. The wave is approaching the clouds, and a big hole seems to have opened in the sky. In the vortex-shaped sky, there are thick lightning visible to the naked eye. It was crackling, and the sound of thunder could be clearly heard.

The sea surface was completely violent. Huge waves continued to appear on the sea surface. The earth was shaking. Houses began to collapse and cracks appeared to varying degrees.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, the end is coming.

"Idiot, don't take it, hurry up and leave."

A man urged hurriedly, watching his brothers put rolls of banknotes tied with rubber bands into their pockets, and bags of white powder into large bags.

The man didn't want to pay attention to these guys anymore. He picked up a bag full of weapons and ammunition and ran out. The streets were full of people. Most of the people had abandoned their cars. Everyone was running desperately. There were already people. He fell to the ground, bleeding for no apparent reason.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly."

The man roared, raised an automatic rifle, and pulled the trigger toward the sky. However, the sound of the gunfire seemed to no longer be a threat at this time, because behind everyone, the visible threat was still gradually approaching.

Many people had rashes of varying degrees on their bodies. It was obviously a cloudy day, but there was a heat in the air that seemed to scorch people. Some people's skin kept bleeding and they kept coughing.

Everyone now has only one idea: to run to higher altitudes and wait for the country's rescue. This is what most people think now. There are almost no people on the streets near the harbor, and the flow of people is completely blocked in the middle of the city. .

At this time, in a private venue, a gang leader with a large number of subordinates was walking towards his private plane. Someone from outside had already forcibly entered the yard.

"Please, Boss Guman, let us"

Bang bang

Guns rang out, and the people who climbed in from the wall were shot dead immediately. The gang leader looked sideways, and then got on the private plane, and his subordinates also started to go to some small planes and helicopters. After the leader got on the plane, he saw He was looking at his uneasy wife and several children in the cabin, including several relatives at home.

"It's okay. Let's go directly to the capital. I've already made an agreement with the mayor there. We'll go directly to Country A. I can make sure nothing goes wrong."

Soon a large number of people rushed into the leader's mansion and ran towards the planes. However, the planes took off directly. The leader looked at the people below with a smile and laughed helplessly.

"Even if the world ends, as long as you have money, you can still leave safely."

However, less than a minute after the plane took off, all the electronic equipment on the plane failed. The engine stalled directly, accompanied by violent shaking. The leader looked at the rapidly falling plane in horror, and the plane that his subordinates were riding on before The helicopter had crashed and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Don't panic, it's okay, what do you do for food, bastard!"

Guman took out the gold pistol he carried and opened the cockpit door directly. At this time, he looked angrily at the two pilots of the private jet who had already opened the door. Guman raised the pistol and then The next second, accompanied by violent shaking, a gun rang out.

The plane crashed directly into a tall building on the edge of the city. Guman's head was smashed. At this time, he turned around and looked at the wailing in the cabin. His little daughter was crying in fear. Guman waved. A smile appeared.

"It's fine!"

There was a loud boom, and a huge ball of flames spurted out. The plane hit a building directly and burst into flames instantly. There was no one under the building, and everyone was running towards a nearby mountain.

However, at this time, someone also discovered that the waves that rolled up almost directly into the clouds were moving very slowly for some reason. Although they were still moving, they were very slow and not approaching as fast as everyone imagined.

"Come on, Grandpa Banner!"

Many ships in the harbor were crowded together by the violent fluctuations of the sea surface. Many ships had their holes opened due to the fierce collision and were slowly becoming silent. There were a large number of dead birds and fish floating on the sea surface. The ground has cracked, and seawater has risen to the height of the harbor and is beginning to seep in along the cracks.

A young man with handsome features was standing next to an old man with white hair wearing a plaid T-shirt. The old man was sitting cross-legged on the ground. However, at this time, blood rash appeared on the young man's cheeks and hands, and it was getting worse and worse. Too much, he felt very uncomfortable, but there was no way, his grandfather Banner refused to leave.

"Ashe, let's go. I have been living on this coast since I was born. It has been 90 years now. At that time, the country's economy had just taken off. However, the economy declined later and some degenerate elements turned this place into a It has become a paradise for crime, producing poison that poisons nearly half of the country's population. If this is really the end of the world, it comes at the right time."

Ai Xi sat silently next to his grandfather. His parents were publicly executed and brutally killed by a gang member. Because his parents had differences with the gang members on some issues, their parents advocated the eradication of the gang members and received It won the support of most people, but when the momentum just started, the parents were killed. The bodyguards who accompanied him revealed their location. As a result, the parents were caught by the gang members, tortured severely and executed.

Ai Xi has grown up with his grandfather since he was a child. He and his parents basically spend less time together and stay more away from each other. Because his parents are both senators, they plan to let this corrupt country completely change its appearance through this human feat, so their parents have no contact with the outside world. He announced his existence, and the only one who knew about his existence was his grandfather, so he escaped disaster.

Ashe joined the Labor Party when she was just 18 years old. Some followers of her parents in the past also hoped that Ashe could climb up and complete the task of purifying the country in place of her parents. However, now everything is over, just like what grandpa said of general.

At this moment, Ai Xi only felt that his brain was dizzy. He wanted to lie down, but he didn't. Grandpa had closed his eyes, his expression looked a little peaceful, as if he was waiting for his imminent death.

"Can you still run, Ash?"

Banner asked, and Ashe shook his head. He didn't want to leave, even if he was still young. In the face of such a catastrophe, no one can disobey and can only accept all the changes that are coming.

"Run for the hills Ash!"

Banner said and Ash shook his head.

"Let's go together, Grandpa."

Ai Xi glanced at the huge waves that could be fully seen. The huge waves had already covered the lightning vortex that was still visible, and were pushing mercilessly towards this side.

Ai Xi looked back again. Behind her, close to a large mountain near the city, she could vaguely see the moving crowd.

"I'm not leaving, Grandpa!"

Banner looked at his grandson with some regret. He and his grandson had lived together for 18 years. He was already old, but Ashe was still young and still had a future. He wanted to persuade his grandson, but Ashe was lying on the bed at this time. On the ground, he looked quite tired.

Banner said nothing more. In his 90 years of life, he has witnessed countless human sufferings. Originally, further down the harbor, was where he originally lived, but that place has been submerged and the country cannot take it. After spending half a cent to build the separation wall, Banner looked into the distance. Under the gray-black sky, there was a huge wall outside the coast that could not be seen.

Ten years ago, Banner was still living further down, close to the original coastline, but now that land has been submerged by sea water. The country should have been finished long ago, but the neighboring countries are not willing to lend a hand to help at all. Watching this country become a hell on earth, the country has become even more stringent, imposing comprehensive technical and economic sanctions. In order to prevent people from this country from traveling to neighboring countries, neighboring countries have strengthened their original border isolation. wall.

And it uses automatic robot weapons. Once it gets close, it is likely to be shot directly.

This country seems to be cursed. It was abandoned by the world thirty years ago because it has the largest poison business in the world. Countries began to unite and almost killed this country, but the people of this country did not show any signs of it. If you don't want to change, you can't change it, because gang members control everything in this country.

"Sure enough, this country is cursed. A curse called greed has been planted since a long time ago!"

In the past, when the country's economy took off, Banner saw it. The country's economy and technology were already lagging behind, but for their own selfish interests, the country's leaders at the time forced the country, which was still relying on agriculture, to develop too quickly. has entered the era of industrialization, at the cost of sacrificing agriculture, which most people in the country depend on for survival, and the urban area continues to expand. The seemingly rapid development of the country has already laid the seeds of destruction.

When the dividends accumulated by the country for many years were exhausted, technology was completely unable to keep up with the progress of development and was not enough to support everything. Finally, poverty began to fall on a large scale, and a large number of stowaways fled to neighboring countries, just to escape poverty. The extremely poor people in the country began to use every possible means to develop the poison industry, and eventually the entire country became a nest of criminals.

Already getting closer, Banner closed his eyes.

"Sorry, Ash!"

11:13 am

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

A man shouted. He got off the armored vehicle, followed by a group of people. At this time, many city managers in uniforms also came over, and a large number of people were pouring in this direction.

There was a rumbling sound, and the flames of explosions could be seen constantly. In front of them was a huge wall towering into the clouds. This wall made it difficult for people in this country to cross. This is the national border separation wall of neighboring country A. However, today most people They were all happy, because all the robots on the barrier were malfunctioning, and most of the people who came under the separation wall were not attacked.

Bones can be seen everywhere under the barrier. Many people are attacking the wall with their weapons, hoping to open a hole in the wall so that everyone can pass.

In the face of such a disaster, if you want to continue to survive and be rescued, you can only go to country A, the most technologically advanced country in the world. The person who just shouted at this time was carrying an RPG. After walking over, he clicked on the wall. The trigger was pulled.

There was a loud boom, and the wall was dented a little, with rubble flying, but it was very difficult to penetrate the wall because some special metal materials were used as supports inside.

There is only a gate in the middle of the barrier. Many people call that place the Gate of Heaven. Only a few people can step into this gate.

Only those who are talented in various fields are qualified to enter.

"Get out of here or we're going to open fire!"

At this time, a large number of people had gathered outside the Gate of Heaven. Many people were praying for the gate to be opened. The people on the barrier were holding weapons, but they did not shoot, and they did not know what to do. What should I do, because the contact with the above is completely interrupted.

No one knew what was happening. A large number of people were coming towards the barrier and were attacking the barrier with some heavy firepower weapons.

"What should we do, sir? Let's evacuate!"

In a management room, a man in charge of Gate of Heaven management and entry visa work was deep in thought, holding a cup of coffee in his hand. Today they have a more important task, which was strictly explained by the above.

But I didn't expect that such a chaos would happen. The family of a doctor who participated in the landing on the Hope Asteroid, who was granted nationality because of his outstanding ability, will come over today, and they must be responsible for handling it.

Dr. Witte's family, because of Dr. Witte's relationship, had been detained in the opposite country for a long time. However, in the past few days, federal agents had rescued Dr. Witte's family. The order from above was to take over here and bring Dr. Witte family members brought into the country.

But now the electronic equipment has failed, and people in their room have unexplained rashes on their bodies. The situation is terrible. The commander just wants to go back quickly and go to the hospital, but the mission is not completed yet.

The situation became increasingly chaotic. Military personnel had begun to climb onto the city wall. At this time, the door of the room opened and an officer walked in.

"Colonel White!"

The administrator stood up and said hello.

"We are taking over now. Manager House, please continue to perform the mission and go to location C0348 outside the barrier. Please take people there immediately."

House breathed a sigh of relief for a moment. After standing up, he started walking with the people around him. Soon the group left in the elevator. There was a violent explosion behind them. House pressed the brim of his hat with one hand. Many of the men behind him also realized what had happened.

There was a cry in front of the barrier, and shooting on the barrier began. Some people fell to the ground after being hit. For a moment, the scene was completely out of control and chaotic. People who were close to the barrier and were still attacking began to retreat back.

At this time, some trucks were slowly driving over in the distance, and the crowd began to get out of the way. The shooting on the barrier stopped after the crowd receded.

Everything under the originally chaotic barrier was under control. No one dared to attack the barrier at close range. Now that the electronic equipment failed, they could only use the primitive weapons in their hands to suppress it.

The dispersed crowd did not recede, but continued to wait, because for many people, their country could not be trusted at all, and it was even less possible to come up with effective means to fight this disaster.

There were people coughing and gasping in the crowd. At this time, a woman looked at her child in horror. One of the child's arms became hard, and the skin color was not normal. It was a little dark, like a stone, and the skin It is constantly drying out and the arms are losing moisture little by little.

The woman screamed in horror, but no one noticed this, because some people around her were also in the same situation, including those who had more and more hemorrhagic rashes all over their bodies. It started to seep out.

Some people realize that this may be caused by an unknown virus, and have covered their mouths and noses with clothes or gauze. Now many people want to enter the gate of heaven.

At this time, many gang members were driving over in cars. They were approaching little by little, holding up banknotes in their hands.

"We have money, even if it means going to jail, please open the door and let us in."

A gang member held a primitive loudspeaker and shouted at the barrier. However, as he approached, the other side gave a warning.

"Please get back now or we're going to open fire."

The voice on the barrier seemed very strong.

White looked at these guys indifferently, then took a sniper rifle from the soldiers on the side and pointed it at the guy carrying the money box and the banknotes.


The gunshot rang out, and the man who was shouting on a truck fell down after being hit. In an instant, the other party also took out a weapon, but this barrier was very strong. White immediately gave the order, and in an instant the soldiers He took out his heavy fire weapon and started shooting directly.

In less than a few minutes, the gang members suffered heavy casualties and began to retreat.

"These scum have no qualifications to come in. Here's the order, we have to defend this place and let Teams 31 to 49 rush to other locations to guard against anyone."

White stared sharply at the situation outside. He felt something strange. After taking off his gloves, he saw that his palms were covered with red rashes. White was also scared inside at this time, but White knew that. This was caused by severe radiation, and the soldiers had already performed emergency treatment. As for what happened, White knew nothing about it.

What White needs to do now is to stay here. As the top commander of the army stationed here, White knows very well that if these guys are allowed to enter the country, extremely serious problems will occur, even more terrifying than disasters. Now the country should have It's just chaos.

At this moment, White saw several trucks approaching a little bit. The trucks were all wrapped in green cloth, and he realized that something was wrong.

"Asshole guys!"

Looking at the people scattering around, the cloth of the truck was lifted, and a thick missile was exposed. It was a primitive military missile of the past and was not controlled by the system.

"Retreat, let everyone retreat."

White immediately issued the order, and everyone on guard on the barrier saw it. However, the next moment White walked out of the command room, he heard a violent roar and a fire in the corner of his eyes.


Following a loud noise, the Gate of Heaven was instantly enveloped in flames tens of meters high. It creaked and the metal gate was twisted by the huge impact.

After the explosion, White got up in disgrace. Fortunately, the other party only attacked the door. However, White soon realized that because the door was made of a special alloy, the power of this missile was not enough to blow the door open directly. White immediately He stood up and saw that many soldiers were already injured, so he immediately asked the soldiers to get off the barrier.

However, soon followed by a second violent explosion, and immediately after a huge roar, the door collapsed completely.

Thunderous cheers rang out, and the entire barrier was deformed. White climbed up among some rubble. His body was in pain. He held his painful abdomen. His ribs should have been broken by stones. The elevator going down had been destroyed. It fell, and the crowd outside came rushing over like a tidal wave.

White gritted his teeth and looked at the people who were already rushing to the door. Even though there was still a lot of smoke in the air, including the scorching heat that had not dissipated after the explosion, he still could not resist these people who wanted to step into the door of heaven.

White soon became desperate. A large number of people passed through the Gate of Heaven, and even the military base behind would be in danger, because now the information mechanization force has been paralyzed, and White's troops can only use the most primitive weapons to fight back, but The people who rushed in were numerous and many were armed.


White stared blankly at the huge waves on the horizon in the distance, which have now disappeared. A few minutes ago, White could see clearly. However, now the huge waves approaching the clouds have disappeared, leaving only the one in the sky. The lightning vortex I saw before is now shrinking little by little, as if it is closing.

At this moment, White saw a scarlet light rushing out from the lightning vortex.


"it's over!"

Deguna smiled and looked at the few people who were still busy in front of her. In an instant, the spacecraft returning to earth lost its kinetic energy. They were falling violently and rapidly. In a few minutes at most, their lives would be completely over. .

"I think I can do it!"

Ellie stood in the kinetic energy room, and Gene stood aside. Witt and Li Chu were still checking the kinetic energy machine. Ellie stretched out a hand and pressed it on the kinetic energy machine. Gene smiled and nodded.

"It's okay if you can't do it!"

Jean looked a little tired, and at this moment Tang Rao ran in, with Gu Yi looking anxious next to him.

"The location of the crash has been calculated, it's in South Africa!"

Tang Rao said and Gu Yi laughed.

"We had really bad luck."

Wanting to return to the earth, a few people seized the last chance, because the outer material surrounding the earth was solidifying. This was a phenomenon that no one had ever seen, but it was certain that the earth still existed, and it was not because of The asteroid fell and disappeared, so several people, except Deguna, decided to return to Earth.

Rose sat silently in the driver's seat, smoking a cigarette. She looked at the land getting closer and closer without saying a word. However, at this moment, the speed of the falling spacecraft began to slow down, and the kinetic energy machine recovered. Work.

"It's too late. Although I don't know if I can survive, I guess it's impossible!"

Deguna closed her eyes as she spoke. In her mind was a burst of children's laughter and a huge Ferris wheel under the setting sun in the distance. Tears overflowed from Deguna's eyes.

"It's not going to end, we're going to survive."

A harsh sound came over, and Deguna looked at Ellie with a determined look on her face.

"Believe me!"

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