Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 685 Prologue Chapter Zero Lighthouse Light

Chapter 685 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Lighthouse. Light II

"People in costumes are parading! Today is the seventh day for the heroes of the universe to log on to the asteroid Hope! What do you think of Tom!"

"Jerry! Of course, mankind is about to usher in a new era. We have suffered too much, and now we finally see the light, Tom! I heard that the president will award the Congressional Medal of Honor to all returning astronauts, but What do you think this is?"

"Of course it's a cover. Isn't the president busy with many things recently? Of course he wants to use this incident to divert attention!"

On a TV station, two news anchors were making fun of the president.

"Of course, this president can go down in history. After all, he was the last president of country A to complete the construction of the separation wall. Of course, because his actions caused hundreds of thousands of people to lose their jobs, he will soon have to slap his butt. Let’s go! Right Jerry.”

"Well, yes, it has nothing to do with him. Didn't he say he was sick recently? I guess he should be lying in Miss L's arms now, maybe watching our news!"

The two hosts laughed out loud after making funny expressions.


On a street, a large number of people wearing well-made sci-fi-style clothes were parading. The names of some astronauts were placed on the parade cars, as well as their portraits.

This is basically the case all over the world, because a huge piece of news was sent back from space yesterday. Astronauts found a new substance for the continuation of life. A large number of scientific commentators have been publishing articles all day yesterday. The video explains that in the future, human lifespan will be much longer, even exceeding 300 years.

The scientists who landed on the asteroid are hailed as heroes. Although they come from different countries, they shoulder the huge mission of continuing mankind. They landed on this asteroid for the sake of all mankind.

Today is the seventh day of landing, and the astronauts will return in six days. Major breakthroughs have been made in biology, chemistry, and physics, and considerable achievements have been made in other aspects.

In a hexagonal hall

One by one, old-looking men and women were sitting on chairs wrapped in metal shells. They looked a little tired and their breathing was not smooth. There were a large number of bodyguards and some doctors in black next to them. .

"It's almost successful, just wait six more days."

An old man said and coughed. He was 109 years old. If it were not for the genetic life extension vaccine, he would have died 10 years ago. Most people here suffer from varying degrees of disease, and many people have already died. He had his organs replaced many times and survived.

An old woman said with a cheerful smile.

"I just had heart surgery and I don't know how long I can last."

An old man next to him shook his head.

"As long as we can hold on, we will win. Our company's stock price has risen a lot recently. The oil fields in the Middle East have been exhausted. We have to start opening up another battlefield."

Everyone else in the room nodded, and an old man said.

"The organs of clones often have fitness problems and fail quickly. By the way, the president hopes to meet with us tonight. What do you think?"

A skinny old woman laughed dryly.

"That little guy seems anxious. After all, his approval rate is less than 30%. The president of ME has already expressed his stance. Next, I think it is time to take over. Just find a reason. For example, the president was hijacked by criminals. You guys What do you think of this plot?"

Many people in the hall laughed, but at this time a female nurse felt something strange because she saw a glimmer of light in the blue sky.

Inadvertently, the female nurse dropped the nutrient solution bag she was about to replace on the ground. She hurriedly bent down to pick it up in horror. The old man sitting on the medical cabin in front of her turned his head angrily.


The female nurse was horrified and just about to speak, she was taken away by two bodyguards. Her mouth was gagged. During the struggle, a dark green pattern with an inverted triangle and an Ouroboros was exposed on her neck.

"what happened?"

Someone in the room finally realized that the sky was getting brighter and brighter, and the brightness of this light had exceeded that of the sun.

Didi didi

As the phone rang, a bodyguard immediately opened the 3D communication in front of him. Soon, among the 13 people, a man in a suit and tie, who looked to be in his sixties or seventies, appeared.

"Everyone, the earth will be severely attacked in the next three minutes. Please evacuate to the bunker immediately."

The call ended, and an angry old man wanted to question him, but at this time several other people also received the same message.

"Evacuate to the underground fortress immediately."

One of the old men spoke, and the bodyguards and doctors began to move around and move the old men.


A red balloon broke away from a little girl's hand and flew into the sky. The little girl immediately jumped up with her feet and wanted to catch the balloon, but the balloon flew up. The little girl looked at the blue sky, but this time At this time, her originally happy expression showed a confused look.

"Mom, mom, what do you think that is?"

The adults were all admiring the grand parade on the street. The woman just held her daughter's hand without raising her head.

Many people are watching various programs and celebrating this event that belongs to everyone on this planet.

near a strait

The two brothers looked at the submerged city below. There was a lot of garbage floating on the sea, as well as the dead bodies of some animals. The brothers were holding a long pole and constantly hooking up the floating garbage on the sea.

Behind the brothers, there is a large area of ​​low and chaotic houses in the distance. The brothers come here every day to pick up treasures. The sea water will bring a lot of things, some of which can be exchanged for money. There are no fish here for a long time. .

In the past, many people on the coast relied on fishing for a living, but gradually, the seawater began to become more and more smelly, the color of the seawater began to turn darker, and there were fewer and fewer fish.

"Brother, look at this!"

The younger brother caught a bag of something with his long pole. The two brothers worked together excitedly to pull the thing over. After opening it, they found a bag of moldy and rotten fish and shrimp. The brothers threw the thing back into the sea in disappointment.

"Don't worry. As long as we keep picking up, we will definitely find something valuable. The Black Panther has said that as long as we can afford weapons, we can join them as pirates."

The younger brother laughed happily. This was the brothers' dream. They only needed to rob some passing merchant ships to live a good life. This coast was destroyed by the waste dumped by developed countries.

There is no political power here, no one cares about it, and no one will come. The two brothers are still working hard to catch things. Behind them is a large wasteland with nothing left. There used to be forests here, but wood can be exchanged for money. Animals can be eaten and exchanged for money.



In a dilapidated house, several disgraced soldiers were holding guns in their hands, and the deafening sound of artillery fire could always be heard outside.

"How about we retreat too?"

One of the young soldiers said, and the captain who was smoking silently laughed.

"Retreat? If we withdraw, our commission will be less. It's okay. This place I found is relatively safe. Besides, there are robots cleaning, we just need assistance."

The man laughed loudly as he spoke. Most of his cheeks were covered with thick oil. He had been on this battlefield for three years. In order to earn high commissions on the battlefield, the man moved around countless times in the flames of war. , he has seen many tragedies in this land, but none of them have anything to do with him. Looking at the few new recruits, they also came here with the dream of making money.

The commissions given by large companies are very high. As long as they can help complete some small tasks, they can get a lot of money. The man plans to retire soon. There are thousands of large and small forces in this land.

Nowadays, the place still retains the appearance of the last century, which is completely different from the civilized world. At this time, a recruit shouted.

"There's a kid captain!"

The man looked over and immediately exhaled a puff of smoke helplessly.

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with us."

The captain looked at a child dressed in black, who seemed to be rummaging for something in the ruins. Not far away, a missile fell, and flames shot into the sky instantly, but the child looked anxious, and the man laughed.


With the sound of gunfire, the man watched the child being beaten into a sieve by a nearby automatic robot, and he smiled bitterly.

"not my business."

The battle was getting more and more intense. The man just listened to the sound of artillery fire quietly and planned to take a nap, but a sound from the radio station came, explaining the unusual ceremony. The man smiled.

"This bullshit festival, humanity is hopeless!"

As soon as the captain finished speaking, he saw a red dot on the horizon in the distance, getting bigger and bigger. The captain's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately took out the AI ​​WeChat navigator.

An unknown object approaching at high speed was detected, and the distance was not at a normal height. The captain panicked a little, but at this time other team members also noticed. Everyone stood up and stood at the broken wall, looking at the increasingly distant sky. The bigger the red dot.

The earth is under attack!

For the sake of all mankind, please join hands together!

Let me repeat this is not a joke, the earth may disappear, do not hesitate, use all your strength, hope that the asteroid has fallen rapidly, ask all countries to work together, request the use of annihilation-class nuclear weapons.

This is no joke. In 4 minutes and 31 seconds, the asteroid will crash into the Pacific Ocean.

Request an attack!

Request an attack!

Request an attack!

The accurate calculation of the fall trajectory has been released, and we ask for the cooperation of all countries!

Request again!

This is not a joke, this is not a joke, please all countries work together!

on a port

"Boss, this is not good!"


An aggressive man slapped a young man.

"Don't worry about it. I asked you to take the waste to the high seas and dispose of it. Just dispose of it. The money has already been paid."

The man lowered his head helplessly, and at this time both of them noticed the huge light spots appearing in the sky. More and more people noticed the light spots appearing in the sky.

More and more people raised their heads. No one knew what happened. At this time, the voices of people on some streets that were still jubilant suddenly stopped.


Someone shouted and pointed to a place. In the distance, beams of fire shot up instantly and flew towards the sky. More and more fires rose from various places, dragging long strips. The long tail flew towards the sky.

"It's a missile!"

Someone realized something and took out his cell phone to take pictures, but then an alarm sounded.

"Dear citizens! The earth will be impacted in the next few minutes. Please don't panic. Please go home and wait in an orderly manner. May XX bless everyone!"

In a large conference room

The building was already empty, and there were documents scattered on the ground everywhere. Several staff members walked out in a panic, but on the big screen in the middle, there was an eye-catching countdown, with 2 minutes and 38 seconds left.

"Are you crazy!"

Deguna, whose face was covered with blood, looked at the flight route that Gu Yi had set, heading for the earth.

Gu Yi said with a smile.

"I still have my family on that land, and maybe there is a chance of survival."

Gene and Ellie were in the observation room next to the cockpit of the spaceship. Gene put his arm around Ellie's shoulders and could already see the asteroid approaching the earth.

The quarreling stopped, and now the spacecraft was in a stable stage, just moving forward slowly. Witte and Gu Yi came over first.

Deguna, who was wiping the blood on her cheeks, and Rose, who was still smiling, also came over, followed closely by Tang Rao and Li Chu, and the eight of them looked at everything in front of them quietly.

They are likely to witness the destruction of this planet. No one speaks, and everyone's expressions are grim.

Everyone knows clearly what the consequences will be if a small nova of this size falls. It will only take an instant for the planet to be destroyed. No life will be able to survive this huge catastrophe. .

Deguna looked at several people very angrily. The operating system had been encrypted by Gu Yi. If Gu Yi didn't change the route, there would be no way to change the route. Now their only destination is Tianji Space Country.

It is important to save one's life now. This is what Deguna considers to be a top priority. However, Gu Yi has set his destination on the earth. It is not that Deguna cannot understand what Gu Yi wants to do, but at this time, it is not possible to rely on his heart. The emotion in it can do something.

"Stupid choice!"

Deguna said something and raised her middle finger, and Gu Yi smiled.

"So what if I go?"

Witte said with a bitter smile. They are all in their fifties. They have spent most of their lives on science and devoted all their efforts. However, this time the asteroid landing finally turned into Such a result is difficult for everyone to accept.

Whoever can control the means of extending life is equivalent to controlling the future. This is what the large consortium behind the asteroid landing plan urgently needs.

"here we go!"

Jean said with a serious expression, and everyone looked over.

On the surface of the blue planet, a little light began to pierce the clouds. Looking through the dark universe, one could see dense light spots one after another.

"Sure enough, the inventory of each country is more than a few thousand!"

Li Chu said teasingly.

Everyone watched in shock as more and more dense red light spots covered the surface of the earth, and the number became more and more dense.

"This amount."

Gu Yi did not continue speaking, because the night sky in front of him was instantly lit up in the next second. Groups of mushroom-shaped lights opened up one after another, and soon the original blue planet was no longer visible.

Groups of blooming mushroom-shaped rays of light connected together, becoming more and more numerous and dense. The superimposed light made the dark universe look like daylight.

The asteroid that was still visible just now has now been completely swallowed up. Ellie leaned into Gene's arms and closed her eyes. Gene smiled and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"It's all over, even if the asteroid is prevented from falling, the planet is over."

As Tang Rao said, the eight people present all knew that such a large-scale nuclear attack, a scene that only existed in science fiction movies in the past, appeared in front of their eyes.

"Is everything really over?"

Gene asked suddenly, but there was no answer.

Everything in front of him could only see the light spreading continuously. Gu Yi turned around and walked towards the control panel. Soon the spacecraft stopped. A large amount of radiation could be detected, and the value was getting higher and higher.

10:14 am

The streets were in chaos, shouts were everywhere, some people were covering their heads, and their skin began to feel hot, as if they were being burned by flames. The streets were full of people running around with their heads in their hands.

There were creaking sounds everywhere, and in an instant everyone found that all their electronic equipment was malfunctioning, and some equipment was broken directly. No one knew what happened, there was only daylight in the sky, and these lights seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

"my face!"

A woman screamed in fear, her cheeks were scorched black. She didn't know what happened, and the same thing happened around her. With a violent roar, a plane burning with blazing flames crashed down.

In an instant, the plane hit the top of a building. With a deafening roar, scattered debris and a large amount of dust spread around.

Not only did the light not dissipate, but it continued to expand. The whole world was like daylight. Some people became blind instantly after witnessing the light.


A man stood on the top of the building, his body completely charred. He laughed and raised his hands to look at the things bulging in the light.

The next second someone screamed in horror, because everyone saw a sphere breaking through the light and slowly falling.

With a sizzling sound, a large amount of white mist appeared on the sea surface, and the water surface began to flutter. A large number of fish fell off the surface of the water, and their belly turned white, but their bodies soon began to turn black and scorch.

There were only shouts on a cruise ship on the sea. Everyone felt very hot. The cruise ship was being pushed little by little by the strong airflow. The captain stood quietly on the crowded deck and silently put on his hat, and then pressed the brim of the hat, as if praying for something.

A huge sphere in the sky has appeared and is falling. The hot air has caused many people's skin to be burned to varying degrees.

Soon everyone on the deck was covering their cheeks in pain, and the surface of their bodies showed varying degrees of damage, as if they had been pierced by something. The frightened screams became less and less, and many people fell to the ground helplessly. , vomiting violently.

The captain lay on the deck, his hands peacefully pressed on his chest, as if waiting for death.

The behemoth in the sky was getting closer and closer. It was a huge sphere burning with flames. The sea surface was boiling, and a large amount of water mist was evaporating.

There was a rumbling sound, and the violent sea water suddenly rose to a height of tens of meters, and the cruise ship was swallowed up in an instant.

"Did you fail?"


Accompanied by the sound of electricity, a man in a suit with brown hair, who looked to be in his fifties and had broad cheeks, was sitting on a desk. The metal panel above was still flashing a faint light. blue light.

"Your Excellency, please don't worry. This facility is enough to withstand an annihilation-level nuclear attack."

The man nodded, and behind him was a flag with stars and stripes. At this time, the man stood up and walked out of the room. As soon as he walked out, he saw a huge downward-facing facility, surrounded by metal and a large number of mechanized objects, with different features. Few people are busy.

The external sounds and images are gone, and all contact with the outside has been lost.

Many people didn't know what exactly happened. The man pressed on the guardrail and knocked sadly.

"it's over!"

The fiery red light disappeared, and a little bit of colorful color began to appear. On a huge pothole on the sea, a large number of particles of various colors were floating, and at this time the entire world was covered by these particles.

A large number of particles began to fly towards the sky like a rising tide.

The whole world seemed to fall into silence for an instant. There was no sound at all, only a large number of colorful particles floating in the sky, covering everything.

Large tracts of raised particles covered the sky, and cloud-like substances began to appear one after another. These substances were multiplying infinitely.

"What's going on?"

Gu Yi ran into the observation room, and everyone felt incredible, because at this time, a large number of colorful substances appeared in front of their eyes, like colorful vortices, which were constantly spreading and gathering.

Ellie stared blankly at everything in front of her. Many things appeared in her mind. For a moment, Ellie lost consciousness. Gene immediately supported Ellie, and Gene looked at Ellie in panic.

"She's dead!"

Tang Rao said a few minutes later, Gene was holding Ellie, but the next second Ellie suddenly came back to her senses. At this time, the seven people discovered that some white particles appeared on the surface of Ellie's body, and her skin was slightly shaking. Glowing.

"Go back to that planet, we have to go back!"

Didi didi

The mechanical beep sounded, and as soon as Gu Yi turned around, he saw that the spacecraft had begun to fly at maximum acceleration, and began to fly uncontrollably towards a place that was already like colorful clouds in front of him.

"Ellie, what happened to you?"

Gene asked, and Ellie slowly closed her eyes.

"The cage is about to be constructed!"

After saying this, Ellie fell into a coma, and her heartbeat and breathing resumed.

Everything in front of them was extremely dazzling in the eyes of everyone. They could no longer see the original appearance of the earth. They could only see a large area of ​​colorful cloud-like material appearing in front of their eyes.

The spacecraft began to approach, and everyone felt uneasy in their hearts. What was going on with this strange phenomenon, but what was certain was that the earth should be finished, and the thing that made everyone feel strange the most was Ellie's Changes, after resurrecting from the dead state, now there are changes again, as well as what Ellie said before she fell into coma.

"What do you mean, a cage!"

Tang Rao murmured, and Gene smiled and hugged Ellie.

"No matter where it is, even hell, as long as Ellie is here, I will go there!"

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