Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 688 Prologue Chapter Zero Smile

Chapter 688 Prologue. Chapter Zero. Smile V

"A variety of high-energy radiation has been detected. Your Excellency, this is the value recorded by the instrument before the disaster. It is no longer possible to estimate the maximum value. No one knows what the current situation is on the West Coast."

In a circular conference room, hundreds of congressmen, military officers, and businessmen from large companies were quietly listening to the report of a young scientist in a white coat. Everyone was watching the video playing on the screen at the bottom of the hall. The following pictures are edited videos of the seven days of logging onto the asteroid Hope.

No abnormalities were found, and all research was ongoing. On the third day, scientists from the country announced that they had discovered the worm creature that could program its own DNA and RAN, as well as the crystal material that sealed those worms. The ability of worm cells to proliferate indefinitely is the immortality that humans have always pursued.

This was accidentally discovered by the country's NAS detection robot while analyzing matter. This hope that the asteroid landing plan will be quickly put on the agenda, as well as the current extremely tense situation among countries and natural disasters around the world. , war and other factors contributed to the success of this asteroid landing plan.

The heroes who were supposed to welcome the planet in a few days returned with all the newly discovered materials. However, on the seventh day yesterday, an asteroid burning with blazing flames fell. What exactly happened? Many people at the scene Everyone knows it.

dong dong dong

Accompanied by a knocking sound, one of the elderly people sitting on the outermost floor of the venue tapped his cane and said in a weak voice.

"Mr. President, you should be responsible for this. We have invested 20 years in this plan and allowed you and your father to be re-elected as president. But what is the situation now!"

For a moment, the president felt helpless. He didn't know what to say. The congressmen also began to discuss. No one knew what the current situation was.

This place is the safest underground facility in the country. Under more than 100 meters of solid rock formation and more than 100 meters deep, the underground nuclear-proof facilities have excellent performance, enough to support more than two centuries of nuclear kinetic energy, and are connected to the outside. The system of absorbing water molecules, as well as a large number of high-quality crop seeds, is enough to feed the sunlight fields of 10,000 people.

This facility was planned at the end of the last century, but was shelved indefinitely because the world situation was stable at that time. Thirty years ago, when the situation became unstable, the construction of this facility was restarted. It was not until last year that Completed.

All the core of the country have been moved to this underground facility. A large number of important people have been qualified to enter here as soon as the disaster occurred. Now, in addition to the guards and scientific researchers, there are nearly 100 important people in the entire country. 1,000 people, more than 3,000 people in total.

"Everyone! Please listen to me."

The president standing on the central stage pressed his hands on the table with a very solemn expression. At this time, an unspeakable expression appeared on the president's cheeks that were already showing wrinkles. He bit his lips and grinned slightly, as if he didn't know what to say. That's good, but what the old man at the highest edge of the venue just said to him seemed to make the president extremely uncomfortable.

And the few words that were whispered but noisy around him also made the president look extremely uncomfortable.

During this period of time, the overt and covert fighting within the president's faction has become increasingly fierce, and other factions are also eyeing him, trying to oust him.

dong dong

The old man at the top tapped his cane on the table again.

"Your Excellency, what do you want to say! This time has caused such huge losses, shouldn't you say something? We need to know the situation outside immediately. Please order the soldiers to investigate outside immediately. Now, immediately !”

The old man had a ferocious expression and glared angrily. He held the cane with trembling hands and started tapping again. At this time, an old woman next to him who seemed to be half dead spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Why can't we get what we were promised as soon as possible? We have paid so much. This country would have been finished without us."

For a time, the old people sitting around, including the middle-aged and elderly people in front of the old people, all started to criticize.

Suddenly, the president raised his head, made a V-sign with his fingers, pressed it on the corners of his mouth, and held up the corners of his mouth to make himself look like he was smiling. However, this look was extremely funny, and for a while, the noisy voice gradually died down. The president pursed his lips bitterly and opened his hands, frowning slightly and pouting one side of his mouth, looking full of provocation.

"Very good, I can tell you, I can also be responsible, FU"

The whole place was in an uproar for a moment, and the president raised his middle finger to everyone.

"listen to me!"

The buzzing sound of electricity instantly made many people present cover their ears. For a moment, people on the stage were in a hurry. An old man looked very painful and covered his heart. The doctors next to him began to check.

"The world has ended!"

In an instant, the president turned around and walked off the stage. The congressmen in the faction watched in disbelief as the president walked up to them and danced the waltz gracefully. Then he turned around and was surrounded by bodyguards. He left the venue directly.

"Your Excellency, President!"

"Don't you understand my order?"

The three non-commissioned officers in front of them looked at the president solemnly.

"Your Majesty the General is still inside."

"Colonel Myers, now I am announcing that you will be relieved of your military rank and all positions in the army. Captain Roll, now I am announcing that you will become the new commander of the base and grant you the rank of colonel. Please arrest Myers immediately. And to carry out my orders as I say.”

A tall man next to him swallowed, but he immediately stood up and accepted the verbal award, immediately handed over Myers' gun, and then immediately ordered the soldiers to arrest Mayers.

"Major Zola, bring out my cabinet members. The rest of the people are not allowed to leave the conference hall. They can only eat, drink or have sex in the hall. Anyone who dares to disobey will be shot!"

For a moment, the lean man named Zola looked at the president in shock. The president started walking. He put his hands behind his back comfortably and looked up at the sky. At this time, a close bodyguard came over.

"Your Excellency, this is inappropriate. If communications are restored, we will"

"Communications will not be restored. Even if they die here, no one will know because the world is over."

The president sobbed and laughed bitterly. At this time, his mind was full of his divorced wife and two adult children, but they would never come back. The president cried, and then laughed. He got up and returned to his sturdy office, where several generals were waiting.

"Your Excellency, President!"

A general said. At this time, there was a string of numbers on a screen, 000019, and in front of it was a lot of numerical values ​​and a string of eye-catching words, 150214 missiles had been fired.

150,000 nuclear-level missiles hit their target in just a few minutes, and then exploded near the atmosphere. However, the asteroid still fell. In addition, the number of nuclear bombs launched instantly by other countries exceeded 1 million. .

This number is terrifying and shocking at the same time, because half a century ago, the countries holding nuclear weapons disclosed information to the outside world that they only held a few hundred nuclear weapons. However, half a century later, after this catastrophe, In the face of disaster, everything is revealed.

The instrument can no longer display the numerical value of nuclear radiation. It is impossible for the president to disclose all this to the people in Congress. Only his cabinet, a group of reliable partners, knows everything.

Bang bang

As the gunshots rang out, the faces of several generals became serious.

"We don't need any opposing voices now. Generals, I hope you can understand."

Then the president walked out of the office and planned to go to his private room to have a good night's rest. Last night, he discussed a lot of things with the cabinet and most of the generals. How to persuade these people to just come here for refuge and know nothing about the current situation. Known people, those who come here control 99.9% of the country's wealth and are the top plutocrats in all fields.

"We can understand the President, but he should at least trust us a little!"

When the president came to the door, he smiled and shook his head, then raised a finger, touched the sweat that had soaked his face, and then exhaled a long breath.

"I am a sinner, my finger started all this, disaster still happened, disaster"

The president held his cheek in pain, and then shouted sharply.

"From now on, I am the supreme commander here, watch the generals! No one is allowed to leave this combat conference room without my order."

The president walked out and looked at the place where the metal floor extended. The corpses had been covered with white cloth. The president let out a long sigh of relief. He was indeed right to choose Zola.

At this time, Zola was holding up the gun in his hand. There was silence in the Congress Hall. Most people were lying under the table, not daring to show their heads. There were many corpses lying on the steps going down from the door. Zola was holding up a gun. Hold the automatic rifle and stand at the door.

"It's too much, Zola, no matter what, it won't happen"

Zola burst out laughing, then looked at her commander, Roll, shook his head, leaned against the door, and suddenly raised the gun and pulled the trigger again. A sudden sound sounded, and Zola shouted excitedly. .

"Roel, everything is over. If you think about it for a moment, you will understand why the President dared to issue such an order. That is because when we see the outside world again, everything is over."

Rohr swallowed. He had already felt it. After the generals and the president entered the war conference room with solemn faces, just a few minutes later, several people came out. However, everyone looked lost, as if they had encountered something. There are things that people cannot let go of at all, especially the president who breaks down and bursts into tears as soon as it comes out.

At this time, Zola came over, pulled Rohr and said.

"There can only be one king here, and we are actually pretty good as a royal family. Don't you like that girl in the research room very much? As a royal family, we naturally have the right to enjoy everything, and everything is the king's order. We must resent it. The target will be clear, the only person to worry about is Wang, and we can do whatever we want, right?"

Rohr stared blankly at Zola, who had a somewhat crazy expression. He didn't know what this man meant by his words.

"Look, those guys inside who were incredibly wealthy in the past, what are they doing now?"

Zola said, raising the gun in his hand as if he was joking, and fired at the table for a while, and then laughed and said.

"Gentlemen, the president has ordered that you are not allowed to leave here even if you are dissatisfied or want to leave."

Zola said, blowing on the muzzle of the gun, blowing a kiss, and then closed the door directly.

Rohr swallowed, his nostrils expanded slightly, and as he kept swallowing, Zola continued.

"How about it, she has rejected you countless times, should you give her a little punishment?"

Rolle immediately returned to his seriousness.

"Zola, what exactly happened?"

"At least half of humanity will be extinct! At least."

Rohr looked at Zola in shock, and he started walking with an evil expression.

"Let's go, Sir Rohr, we should communicate with our subordinates properly."

The president sat quietly in the office. There was a bottle of whiskey beside him, with ice cubes still floating on the surface of the glass. The president picked up the wine, took a long sip, bottomed it out, and then refilled it.

There shouldn't be any mistakes in the plan. This plan had already been started when his father was the president. Everything was carefully arranged. The selected personnel were all products of the national genetic project and had far more advanced genes than normal people. They have brains, knowledge, and strong bodies, and they are also scientists.

Under the control of the chaebols, they were able to enter the academy, and the intelligence collection of various countries made no mistakes. The president never expected that this plan would fail.

The president knew exactly what was on that asteroid 15 years ago, and the leaders of the plutocrats also knew it. That's why he was able to rise from a little unknown congressman to a high-profile figure just like his father. Standing at the top of the country.

What exactly happened in the short few minutes of the accident is unknown, but what the president can be sure of is that the planet is experiencing a tragic catastrophe.

He will need to live underground for the next ten, twenty years, or even longer. The president held the wine glass, took a sip, and laughed.

"We have been on the wrong road from beginning to end, moving on the wheel of history called destruction!"

The president looked at the time. At 10:31 in the morning on April 11, he walked to the metal wall. After clapping his hands, an old phonograph protruded from the wall. The president took a vinyl record. He put it on and then turned on the gramophone. The melodious music was accompanied by a hoarse and deep voice, as well as the sound of electricity. The president leaned back in his chair comfortably. He knew very well that listening to a personal concert was so pleasant. It can relieve the pressure in your heart.

The president has had enough of all this. For the past eight years, he has lived in hell and suffering every day. The internal pressure and external pressure have made the president physically and mentally exhausted.

At this time, more than 500 researchers in the facility were still discussing some of the values ​​returned when the signal was interrupted. Among them, a PhD nuclear physicist was in a classroom, analyzing some existing information.

In the morning, the members of Congress urged the doctor to clarify the matter and told them that he would have to speak in the National Conference Hall this afternoon at the latest.

It's just that the doctor frowned at this time. He always heard the footsteps above because the sound insulation effect of the metal floor was not very good, and he didn't know what the people above were busy with all morning.

This is a deep, tower-like underground facility. All building facilities are built on the solid rock walls on both sides. There are many hexagonal facilities going down layer by layer in the middle, which are all sun fields or Research facilities, facilities on each floor, are connected to the surrounding areas in the middle, and there is only one elevator in the middle. People's activities on each floor are restricted. If you want to go to the restricted area, you must first submit Just apply.

At this time, suddenly a large number of military personnel with weapons came down, and a corporal ran in.

"Doctor, go up first. Your Excellency the President will make a speech later, which is on the first underground floor."

The doctor became confused, but he still got up with his students, including colleagues in the research team. After going out, the doctor noticed that a large number of people had been called out, and all the researchers were waiting near the elevator to get up.

The elevator, which was like a revolver magazine, finally rotated to the doctor and the others. The doctor took the people up in the elevator. As soon as he got out of the elevator, the doctor heard a scream. It was from a female scientist, quite a few. The man looked solemnly at the pile of corpses of congressmen lying nearby.

As well as a large number of trembling members of Congress coming out of the conference hall, a piece of old music was playing, which sounded melodious and sweet. What was even more shocking at this time was that the president was standing on a stage, singing along with The music waltzes.

No one knew what happened, the only thing they knew was fear. The soldiers still had hesitation on their faces, but this was the president's order, and the generals were standing behind the president.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, good morning!"

The president held the microphone and suddenly raised it high, as if he had won some great trophy.

At this time, many people noticed that the old people of the chaebol looked on in pain, while their dedicated doctors were already standing in the distance, being watched over by soldiers.

"I believe you all want to know something!"

The president said, raised his hand and bowed gracefully, and then showed a bright smile.

"At about this time yesterday, I personally activated the nuclear button, and we fired a total of 150,214 into the sky!"

As soon as the president finished speaking, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then the president continued.

"I pressed it with my own hand, this finger!"

As the president spoke, he raised his right hand, extended his index finger, and then smacked it in his mouth, making a smiling face.

"I pressed it, doctor, do you think this number is correct?"

For a moment, everyone looked at the nuclear physicist. He stood up and shook his head.

"That's because I didn't tell you the number of nuclear bombs launched by other countries. Before the disaster occurred, our countries finally acted in unison to protect mankind. In fact, we did it. I was thinking about the power of the explosion of 1 million nuclear bombs to prevent The speed of the asteroid's fall has been reduced, so we can continue to be safe and sound now."

Suddenly the crowd became excited, and everyone looked at the president in horror.


The president became more serious at this time and said with a wine burp.

"Everything human beings no longer exist. From today on, this is the only gathering place where we can survive. In a few days, as the president, I will introduce a reasonable system for everyone. Please strictly abide by it. The system here, from now on, Lieutenant Colonel Zola will be in charge of the keys to the floor. A few patriarchs of the scientific research team will stay, and the rest of the people please go back to where they live and wait for me to promulgate the new system."

For a moment, everyone looked at the president numbly and despairingly. The president raised his hands, stretched out ten fingers, and pulled the corners of his mouth apart, giving him a scary smile.

"Starting from today, I hope to build a country where everyone can smile every day. Well, please keep smiling and let us get through this disaster together. I believe we will be able to return to the ground in the future."

The dim light of the sun shone on the ground, and bursts of noisy sounds came. Many people were walking on the street, running fast, shouting everywhere, and there were many people lying on the ground. It seemed He seemed to be sick, so no one paid attention to him. Everyone was in the supermarket grabbing some daily necessities.

Cars that rely on electronic ignition are all doomed. Instead, old-fashioned cars appear on the streets. Many of them have been abandoned for a long time, but they are still able to move.

Everyone just wants to get enough daily necessities quickly, return home, close the doors and windows, and wait for the arrival of national rescue. All the electronic equipment here is malfunctioning, and many people are vomiting and sick to varying degrees. Human beings are in the face of disasters. , has a natural survival instinct, everyone wants to survive.

The sun at this time makes many people uncomfortable, because it is gray and only a circle of light can be seen. No one knows what will happen tomorrow or what will happen in the next second, but the only thing that everyone knows is that only by surviving can Can see tomorrow.

"That's mine, mine."

A little girl yelled angrily, but no one paid attention to her. She looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, and there were many small red blisters on her cheeks. Many people had such symptoms after bathing in that light yesterday. .

"Sari, remember what grandma told you, no matter what difficulties you encounter, never forget to smile!"

The girl covered her cheek, feeling the burning pain. She remembered what her dead grandma had said. She didn't know what to do next, because she lived alone in her grandma's trailer house in the suburbs, but no matter what, she didn't know what to do next. Li could only continue to look for things in the supermarket that could be taken away.

Bitterness filled the girl's cheeks, but gradually, Sari began to smile. She recalled the things that were happy enough to make her laugh, and she still laughed. At this time, Sari caught a glimpse of a pile of fallen people. There was a large box of things on the shelf. Covered by a piece of cloth, Sari hurried over and opened it. He was surprised to find a large box of flattened bread.

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