"Helt, remember, only those with strong willpower can overcome everything, open their eyes and never stop."

There was a rapid gasp, and Helt swallowed, and slowly opened his eyes. There were sharp steel thorns under his eyes, and his cheeks were wet with sweat. Helt did not dare to move. What was on the rope in front of him was The flying robot used for training is only about 1 meter away from Helt. As long as Helt moves, the automatic robot will attack.

This is the middle point of the rope. Hert glanced back at the high platform that extended all the way behind him. His vision became a little blurry. There was still half the distance. Helt knew very well that he could not continue forward. After walking through this Halfway through the journey, all his strength had been exhausted. If he continued, he would fall and be pierced directly by the steel needle.

"Hurry, Helt, move forward!"

The stern voice behind him urged. Helter tried his best to move, but his feet on the rope could no longer move.

"What's wrong? Hult?"

This voice that was too serious for Hert sounded again and urged.

"Move forward Hult, if you can't move forward, nothing will change, nothing will be solved."

In a daze, Helt saw that his originally thin skin had become rough. He stood up straight and slowly turned around. In an instant, Helt came in front of a man who was much shorter than himself. In front of the old man.

"Father, I am no longer young!"

Hert looked firmly at his father Stukov, who was turning into a desert in front of him. He had been very strict since he was very young and treated everything extremely harshly with Hert. All of this was to allow Hert to develop steel. general will.


Stukov smiled and laughed, and Hert nodded seriously and bowed slightly.

"Father, I have grown up!"

At this time, Stukov, whose appearance was blurry, slowly raised his hand and pointed behind Hert. As soon as he looked back, he saw that it was his younger self, not standing still, but He took a step forward and roared angrily. He was not afraid of the current situation, nor did he choose to retreat because of the enemy blocking the road in front of him. He directly charged forward.

"Keep moving forward Helt, you are still young at any time!"

The father in front of him disappeared. When Helt stretched out his hand and looked back, there was a vast white fog in front of him. At this time, Helt saw his young self who had penetrated the training machine weapon. He was confident Smiling, he looked back.

Their eyes met, and the corners of Helt's eyes were twitching slightly.

"No one can decide my future, only I can decide it. The future is not the sand in the hourglass falling infinitely, but the countless stars scattered on the black screen, shining with brilliance. What should I use to grasp it?"

There is only one answer. Your hands!

In a daze, Hert opened his eyes. He looked tiredly at the cold metal ceiling. There was a dim light in the room. Hert felt a little wet in his eyes, but the next second he saw the person lying on the bed. The smooth back and the protruding small bones beside him were accompanied by a light murmur.

A touch of fragrance hit my nose, and a beautiful and touching sleeping face appeared in front of my eyes. A pair of slender arms stretched out from the quilt, and the fluffy golden hair came over. The woman leaned into Helt's arms, her cheeks were soft. He placed it on Helt's chin and opened his eyes slightly.

"Are you crying General!"

A slender finger brushed away the tears that overflowed from Helt's eyes.


Hert shouted softly, and the woman smiled and closed her eyes again, as if she was planning to sleep for a while. Hert glanced at the lower right corner of the screen on the left that was lit up and could see the external situation. It was already morning. It's 8:13.

Helt did not get up in a hurry, but planned to let Maggie sleep for a while. After a while, Helt got up gently. Maggie was still sleeping soundly. He leaned down and kissed Maggie on the lips. After that, he stood up. His strong and strong body was covered with many scars. Helter walked into the bathroom, and after a while, the steaming water poured down.

Today is November 6, 2276

"It's over!"

Helt muttered that everything on Space Station 69 should have ended last night. Helt was less stressed. After all, that place had very special memories for him. It was the place where Helt was ten years ago. He decided to place his father's clone. Although he had only set foot on that space station for the first time a few days ago, he knew everything there clearly from the communications with Stukov over the years.

Perhaps it was just because of his own selfishness that he created a clone of himself and placed it on Space Station 69. In fact, Helt really wanted to see how Helt, who was his own clone, would interact with him. Getting along with his father's clone.

But now all this is no longer important. At this moment, Hert is still thinking about the words that the Queen once said that day. He was not confused by those words, but flinched. Hert knew very well that the war would begin. What this means is that all of Asgard will be involved, and no one will be spared.

Perhaps it was the long-term peace that made Hult retreat. The anger, hatred, and unwillingness of the past have become dispensable because of these years of peace. When he decided to deal with the clone front, Hult Te was quite hesitant, but finally nodded in agreement.


Helter walked out of the bathroom and quickly changed into the general uniform that had been washed nearby. He glanced at Maggie who was still sleeping in the dim light. He turned around with a smile and looked back again.

In the past, Hert was undistracted, but since he met Maggie two years ago, he has begun to hesitate in subverting the empire, but it was this hesitation that made Hert see more things. Third, Everyone in the group army is just like me, they have people they care about, relatives and loved ones.

Helt admitted that he had indeed become more and more cowardly, but these things were irrelevant. He was the one who made the decision to overthrow the empire, and he was the one who made the decision to obey the queen, and none of his subordinates had any rights. Complain, because everyone knows that war only breaks something apart.

Now Helt has seen another way to help the queen successfully obtain the core medicine of Brilliant City and extend her lifespan. The queen has vowed to abolish the human cloning system.

From Hert's point of view, although he still couldn't believe it, at least the Queen had expressed her position. Hert opened the door to the room, and combat shuttles roared past his eyes. Below was a large metal runway. There are moving figures everywhere. This is the daily training routine of the Third Army.

There is a maintenance hangar around the square. Hert is on the top floor of a huge metal building. In front of him is the dark universe, and behind him is the translucent moon. This is the artificial satellite of their Third Army. The base is located in the universe dozens of kilometers away from the moon, revolving with the moon.

The entire artificial satellite is very large, fully enough to accommodate more than 200,000 people. The satellite is directly built into a battleship structure. There are 11 escort warships around it, and the satellite is equipped with a black hole cannon. It is an extremely powerful lunar base. Important defense corps.

Any objects flying from outer space that may cause an impact on the moon are within the scope of their third group army's clearance.

Helt stood quietly on the balcony, overlooking his army. It felt good every time. At this time, with a click, the door of the room opened, a breeze blew by, and a red dress appeared. Slowly floating up, Maggie came over gently. She just casually put on a red skirt and held Helt's arm sleepily.

"General, are you unhappy about something?"

Hurt shook his head.

"it's nothing."

Maggie leaned on Helt's arm and rubbed it coquettishly.

"Let's get married!"

At this time, Maggie suddenly spoke, and Hert was caught off guard. He looked at Maggie blankly.

"Are you serious Maggie?"

Maggie nodded.

"I was serious."

Helt was a little happy and wanted to laugh, but he held it back in the end. He was 20 years older than Maggie. He met this lively and cheerful girl at a banquet two years ago. Maggie came over on her own initiative. Te didn't take Maggie seriously at first. After all, he had other lovers. Being able to become the general's lover was very happy for many women.

However, during the communication process, Hert found that he and Maggie could get along very well. Although the age gap between the two was a bit large, Maggie gradually proposed that she wanted to visit here, and Hert agreed. Although Hert agreed, Walter knew why Maggie wanted to approach him. After all, Maggie was just the daughter of an insignificant merchant.

The relationship with Maggie quickly warmed up during the first visit. Hult has only had Maggie for the past two years. Basically, wherever Hult goes, Maggie will go with him, but now Maggie has mentioned getting married. The incident surprised Hert.

"What's wrong? General, aren't you willing?"

Maggie looked at Helt seriously. At this time, Helt was in a dilemma. He glanced at the sky in the distance. Maggie was still waiting for Helt's answer.

Didi didi

"General! The cleanup mission of Space Station 69 failed."

Along with the emergency call, Jin Na's voice came over clearly. Hert's face tightened, and he immediately turned around and walked quickly.

"Sorry Maggie, come back and talk about this again and I'll give you an answer."

Maggie smiled and blew a kiss, then waved goodbye to Helt.

Soon Helt came to the military headquarters on the 13th floor. Several commanders who had just entered the group army were there, and Feiya was talking to them about something.


After seeing Helt, everyone stood up and bowed slightly. Helt nodded and walked over. Feiya immediately began to explain what happened at Space Station 69.

Hult listened silently, and many people were surprised. 19 people from the clone front successfully escaped, and the space station suffered great damage.

This kind of thing caught Hert off guard. Now, including Space Station 69, eight space stations have failed in their mission to clean up. Seven of them were captured by the Clone Front. The Star Air Force above them only had to suppress the space station after failing to suppress it. They can choose to retreat, but now the seven space stations have begun to leave the Earth orbit and move closer to a floating object gathering place more than 1,000 kilometers away from the lunar base.

"General, General Nigel wishes to have an urgent meeting with you. He has already arrived on the mass-energy machine of the Second Army and is expected to arrive in 5 minutes."

Hart nodded.

"Confirm identification signal."

Everyone began to prepare and get busy. The current situation was far beyond their control. Helt smiled bitterly. The clone front that he had spent ten years cultivating was so powerful in combat. He had known it for a long time, so he adopted the method of suddenly launching an attack and focusing on handling it, but it seemed that many people on the clone front had already noticed it.

A few minutes later, the door of the headquarters opened, and Nigel walked in directly. He waved his hand and motioned for the military commanders inside to sit down.

"Things seem pretty bad."

Helt hummed, and Nigel knew that the situation was terrible without him having to say anything.

The current situation is not a problem that can be solved easily. Once the people on the clone front know about it, they will definitely gather together and continue their plan to overthrow the empire.

"Take a step to speak Hert!"

Nigel said, pulling Helt out of the headquarters, and the two of them went to a separate meeting room. At this time, Nigel put away the relaxed smile on his face and spoke.

"Based on our on-site investigation and the oral accounts of the surviving Star Forces, I suspect that there is a traitor in your Third Army. He told the Clone Front some information, including the Third Army's high-level identification code."


Helt immediately denied it, and Nigel patted Helt on the shoulder.

"I know, I am not slandering your subordinates, but this is the actual situation. Now the clone front has been assembled. Our Second Army, Fourth and Fifth Army have received the Queen's order to unite and destroy Clone Front.”

Hult was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty does not."

"Your Majesty is very happy. After all, such actual combat is rare. Although some sacrifices may be required, it is a good training for us in the future when we may launch a large-scale war."

Helt looked solemn and clenched his fists.

"It's the guys at the back."

Nigel scratched his head.

"It is true that the founders and businessmen of this war must take a good look at it. The annual military expenditure is not wasted."

Hurt hummed.

At this moment, the door to the room was knocked open.

"General, there is a pair of merchant ships approaching us. The identification signal has been confirmed. They are merchant ships from Sid Mining. Do you want to check and intercept them?"

Feya looked at Helt with a puzzled look on her face. Helt immediately opened a crystal panel on the wall and soon saw merchant ships approaching slowly more than 80 kilometers away from them. There were more than 11 large and small merchant ships. , is approaching them, and its destination is the Sid Mining Company at the lunar base.

Nigel looked at it with confusion. A piece of data retrieved showed that these merchant ships of Sid Company left the lunar base more than ten days ago and went to those space stations to purchase some ore, but they came back so soon. Nigel was a little surprised.

Looking through the electronic telescope, it has the trademark of Sid Company on it, and there seems to be no problem. The most important thing is that they know the identification code to enter the lunar base.

"Something's wrong!"

Nigel said, and then Feiya nodded immediately.

"I will confirm with the Sid Mining Company on the lunar base right away."

Hert and Nigel returned to the headquarters and saw that the commanders had sent communications and were still waiting for the communication codes of these merchant ships.

On-site inspection and inquiry are necessary, even for a mining company owned by a certain founder. Anything entering or leaving the lunar base needs to be inspected and inquired before it can be entered or exited.

"The general is connected."

Hurt immediately walked over.

"I am General Hert of the Third Army. May I ask why your company has to go back and forth from the lunar base in such a short period of time?"

"Something went wrong. We didn't acquire much ore this time. There's something going on with the company. We have to go back as soon as possible."

The voice sounded a little panicked, and Nigel immediately asked.

"You all stop, we need to conduct inspections."

After some negotiations, the other party agreed to dock at the Third Army's airport for inspection. Looking at the carrier ship getting closer and closer, it was no longer within 30 companies.

At this time Feiya hurried in.

"General, I have confirmed with Mr. Sid himself that the wilderness company purchased the carrier fleet and has lost contact more than ten days ago. Moreover, they have given the carrier ship's departure cycle, which is more than 41 days on average."

Just when everyone was at their wits' end, an unidentified distress signal was sent, and Hurt immediately connected it.

"I am Klonev, the leader of the fleet. Our ship has been hijacked. Please save us."

The communication was disconnected while he was speaking, and everyone present was panicked for a moment, but looking at the ship getting closer, Helt turned around.

"Deploy Annihilator troops to conduct boarding operations and rescue hostages."

Helt felt more and more strange, but at this moment, Nigel stopped Feiya who was about to issue an order.

"Hid Company's carrier ship is equipped with a highly intelligent laser weapon that can resist the impact of floating objects. Now it will inevitably be damaged in the past. I think it is better to fight quickly!"

Helt looked at Nigel blankly. He understood what Nigel meant. It only took one shot to destroy the approaching fleet instantly, but wasn't this the same as letting the people of Sid Company die?

There were only 5 humans on the ship, and the rest of the employees were clones. Helt hesitated.

"General, they're speeding up."

Hert immediately realized something was wrong, and the other party accelerated their movement and was less than 20 kilometers away from them.

"We have to do it quickly. There is still a range of 9 kilometers. If we don't make a decision, the loss this time will not be a small amount."

"Activate the black hole cannon."

In an instant, Hult had already taken out a small crystal panel. After entering his permission code and his NDA certification, a violent roar sounded.

"The ships ahead, please stop immediately, otherwise, we will destroy them directly!"

Feiya immediately sent out the contact, but this time there was no response. Instead, the other party speeded up. In the blink of an eye, the other party had already arrived in front of the third group army.

There was a creaking mechanical sound, and at this time the entire Third Army's satellite battleship began to change its shape. At the lowest end, a huge hole opened, accompanied by bursts of creaking and roaring sounds.

"Confirm signal, launch!"


Following a violent shaking, Helt closed his eyes. In front of him was a huge black spherical object.

"Confirm! Arrived at the target location."

Along with a violent roar, fire appeared in front of me. However, before the fire was completely released, the flames were swallowed up and disappeared. Only a black vortex was seen, sucking everything around it. .

"Target cleared!"

The AI's mechanical voice sounded in the room, and Hert swallowed a gulp. If he hadn't fired it just now, they would have already rushed over. Once within ten kilometers, if he fired this black hole cannon, he would also be in danger. .

The black hole in front of me that was spinning crazily and sucking everything into pieces was slowly disappearing.

The magnitude of this black hole cannon shell determines the duration of the black hole. Now they are firing the smallest black hole cannon, which can last for 30 seconds within the range, but is enough to swallow up all matter around four or five kilometers away.

This is the most effective defensive weapon for the lunar base. Even if it encounters a large-scale cluster of collision floating objects, it can be easily dealt with.

"Back to the question I just mentioned, Hult, I think it is necessary to pay attention to it. After all, why did they hijack the transport ship more than ten days ago? They obviously did not get your order."

At this time, Hert stared blankly in the direction of the lunar base.

"Have the clones already infiltrated the lunar base?"

Nigel suddenly woke up, and Hert felt that the clone front in front of him was not the clone front he was familiar with, and was different from the clone front he had cultivated.

Didi didi


Feiya just looked at the crystal panel and saw the report on it.

"Five more space stations have been captured by the Clone Front."


Nigel exclaimed, and Hert was waking up from a dream.

"Send the order and have the whole army ready to meet the enemy at any time."

Helt realized that the current situation was completely different from what he thought. The clone front in front of him that could launch such a sudden disguised attack was not something he was familiar with, and was even a bit unfamiliar.

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