one day ago

Katerina sat quietly in a combat shuttle. She stared at the flashing light on the display screen quietly, her expression seemed a little solemn. Stukov and Yuna had been surrounded, and the only one The carrier ships that depended on survival were also unable to take off.

The situation is terrible!


Katerina clenched her fists and knocked on the display panel. She said she would find a way, but she couldn't think of any way. Time was very tight. It was certain that the weapons in Stukov's hands were already gone. It can no longer be used, because the Star Air Force has withdrawn their permission to use weapons, and it is certain that the weapons in their hands are no longer able to recognize biological NDA.

The words "finished" appeared in Katerina's mind. Katerina had never been so desperate. Everything in the past kept coming back. A few days ago, everything was fine. Now Katerina is Now I understand why the local star force was suddenly transferred.

What on earth are we fighting for!

Katerina stared at the display screen quietly, her tense expression relaxed, and she smiled.

"Fight to break the shackles of fate!"


Kajerina pressed one hand on the panel, and the entire cockpit fell into darkness for an instant, but immediately a flash of red light appeared. From above, a mechanical helmet slowly fell down and was worn on Kaje On Lina's head, there were many flashing light spots on the helmet.

Please confirm the quantity

A string of numbers appeared on the screen, from 1 to 11. Kajilina clicked quickly and quickly selected 6 combat shuttles.

Please confirm the battle plan

Katerina quietly looked at the structural diagram of Space Station No. 69 on the three-dimensional screen in front of her. Six simulated shuttles had been lined up. The brain control system that Katerina had used at this time could rely on To control six shuttles with consciousness, you only need to choose a combat plan in advance, and the combat can also be temporarily adjusted by the controller.

The airport is less than 5 kilometers away from here, and you can fly there in the blink of an eye. But the key lies in the weapons of the Star Air Force. They have laser automatic defense systems, the unique combat defense system of the Star Air Force, which can Dangerous units are recognized in an instant and an automatic counterattack is triggered.

The performance of the six shuttle fighters is also a problem. This kind of shuttle fighter with relatively old performance is simply powerless in the face of the excellent performance fighters of the Star Air Force.

How to rescue Stukov and Yuna and successfully escape from Space Station 69 is a problem. The number of Star Force should be more than 200 now, carrying heavy firepower weapons. The clone front has suffered heavy casualties, and it is impossible to carry out another large-scale operation. large-scale operations.

As long as there is a slight mistake, this place will become everyone's tomb. Katerina has thought about the day of her death countless times. That day must be the day when she saw the results of their clone front, but it is a pity that everything has failed. it's over.

General Hert betrayed, and at this time, Katerina thought of another Hert. He was the clone of General Hert. His tough eyes always made Katerina think of him. Come to your senses.

Katerina knew that she could not give up even if there was only one percent chance. The mission to seize Space Station 69 was related to the final plan of the entire clone front.

If the spaceship in the airport wants to take off, it needs permission from the console, otherwise it will not be able to take off. Although Stukov and the others hijacked Jinna, Jinna was born as a founder and belonged to the nobility. Her life is very important. Yes, this is the reason why the Star Air Force that surrounded Stukov and the others did not take action.

The original plan was to hijack the space station and drive it directly to a specific cosmic floating group, which was where the Skyland Space Nation conducted experiments in the past. Some large floating rocks were the best experimental objects.

After many weapons tests, that area became a place full of floating rocks, and because of many experiments, a special magnetic field area was formed in that place, which floated irregularly outside the earth. , is a good hiding place.

As long as the clone fronters drive a few captured space stations to that place, they can quickly produce a large number of weapons, launch attacks with the clones hiding in the lunar base, and cooperate inside and outside to directly seize power. Only in this way can they It can win certain rights for the cloned people and end the miserable life of the cloned people.

All of this was the policy set by General Hert, the former organizer of the Clone Front.

Once successful, the original plan was to directly clean up the founders, and then Helt would be in charge of the human side, while the clones would have their own rights system. The two parties would only have a mutually beneficial relationship, eliminating labor exploitation and oppression.

The most important thing is to recognize the existence of human clones and no longer treat them as commodities. According to Hert, the Ministry of Science actually has a way to extend the life of cloned human beings, but the cost will be much higher, so they are discarded. accepted this plan.

The lifespan of the clones will not exceed 2 years, and they will be enslaved throughout their lives until the last drop of blood and sweat is squeezed out, and then they will be tragically recycled and used as cloning materials or directly provided as food to other clones.

When Katerina first learned about such a thing, she was extremely shocked. She didn't believe it at first. Until Helt took her to a place and saw something with her own eyes, Katerina was completely shocked.

Why did Helt betray? Although Katerina no longer thinks about this problem, she is not willing to give in. Everything is clearly prepared and only requires everyone to work together to build a beautiful world. However, At the critical moment, Hertt switched sides.

So Katerina didn't bring the cloned Hert. After General Hert's betrayal, Katerina no longer trusted him from the bottom of her heart. Even he was also a victim and a product of cloning.

"Maybe I should apologize to him."

Katerina muttered that time was running out. She was still thinking about a plan that could rescue Stukov and the others and seize Space Station No. 69.

Katerina knew that her authority had expired. Fortunately, they had rewritten the code permissions of some weapons and equipment before, so that Katerina could control these shuttle fighters.

This is the last chance. Katerina must be prepared for everything. The pressure has made it difficult for her to breathe. Katerina breathed rapidly, constantly thinking about various possibilities. It was impossible to ask other comrades for help. .

"I can't be reckless."

Katerina patted her cheek and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Anxiety had caused her body functions to begin to decline. Katerina could only eat a little something and then lie down. She had to take a good rest. After two hours, my brain was already too exhausted.

Driven by sleepiness, Katerina closed her eyes little by little, and in a daze she saw a familiar face, it was Helt.

"No, still no, what exactly?"

Helt was in the mezzanine room of the external space station. He was sweating profusely. He was only wearing a vest and shorts. In front of him was a large series of dense codes. Helt kept slapping his head. He knew very well that Kajelin Why did Na and the others abandon her and not take her there?

During this period, Hert kept telling himself that he was not the traitor Hert. He was different from that Hert.

The only way Hult can think of is the satellite clusters in the distance near the space station. Those AI automatic mining satellites are automatically controlled by most space stations. They will float in the universe and collect some raw materials needed by the space station. Then return to the space station.

This was the only solution Helt came up with. Only by controlling the satellite cluster to directly attack the Star Air Force could he help Katerina and the others. However, it had been several hours and Helt had still been unable to enter the main control program of the micro-cluster.

Because many of the satellites that collect resources are old and broken, the control of these satellites and the mid-altitude station of the space station adopt two different systems.

The only thing that can control these satellite clusters is the material transfer station at the bottom of the space station. That place is operated by AI. Hult and Stukov once went there for maintenance.

Although the signal of the satellite has been connected and the working status of the satellite can be checked, controlling it is another matter. Hert is still thinking about the plan. He is exhausted.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Helt said anxiously, and continued to move his fingers, but another screen still showed a message that there was currently no permission.

After a while, Hult gave up. He knew very well that he could do nothing. Perhaps he could only watch the situation calm down, and then leave here and return to the space station to live.

Looking back on everything about himself, Helt now finally understands where this false sense of disobedience came from, because it is probably less than a year since he was born.

If Helt really wants to ask his own body, why he created himself, such a high-ranking guy would not need to clone himself at all, and secretly put himself on Space Station 69.

At this time, Hert's mind was full of Stukov and Katerina. They were the most important people to Hert. Now the two of them encountered a crisis, but Hert couldn't do anything.

The flickering light on the screen made Hert stand up again. He came to the screen and stared at it seriously.

Helt had already thought clearly that even if he really couldn't do anything, he would walk out from here. When the space station started to become chaotic, he would rush over and do his best to do something, in order not to leave anything behind for himself. Pity.

Because Hert is very clear, it seems that he has been clear from the beginning.

"To accomplish something, you need to be enlightened! Even death can't stop me."

"To accomplish something, you need to be enlightened! Even death can't stop me."


Feiya quietly stared at Helt who was sitting in the captain's cabin. The battle fleet of the Third Army had already set sail. Queen Katerina had given an order for the Second and Third Army to cooperate with each other to clear out the rebels. them.

Feiya just waited quietly for Helt's instructions. Although she had doubts in her heart, why Helt destroyed the clone front he had built with his own hands.

The fleet is moving slowly towards the secret collective of the clone front, the float cluster, and then directly launches a fierce attack to destroy everything on the clone front.

"General Nigel is already a little suspicious."

Feiya muttered, and Helt shook his head.

"I know my friend very well. We grew up together. He is not only suspicious, but has already convinced me that these problems were caused by our Third Army, but he did not mention it. You know why. ?"

Feya asked, shaking her head.

"Is it because he and the General have been friends since childhood?"

Looking at Helt's expression, it was obvious that they were not in this relationship.

"Because he also has an uneasy heart."

Feia looked at Helt blankly, these remarks were so shocking.

"What have the founders done all these years?"

Feiya nodded, and Hert stood up. At this time, a communication came over, from Nigel's fleet.

"How's the situation?"

"It should be here soon."

The five captured space stations will move towards the floating cluster. The purpose of the two fleets is to eliminate the floating cluster before the space station approaches.

The avant-garde detection flight shuttle fighter has approached the floating object cluster and is confirming something. Once Hult is confirmed, they will speed up.

"Feia, you are probably thinking why I destroyed the fruits I planted with my own hands."

Feiya nodded without hesitation, and Hert stood up and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet on the side.

"Because I have more important things to do in the future."

"Brilliant City?"

Helt nodded. Ever since he knew that he wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Brilliant City, Helt's original plan had been shaken. Especially after knowing that Brilliant City had the means to extend human lifespan, Helt was moved. In the past, he What he wants to do can be temporarily slowed down. As long as his life span is extended, he will still have a lot of time in the future.

"Feya, please remember, we are not mature yet, or the opportunity is not mature yet. If we act rashly, I am afraid Nigel will aim his gun at us immediately. I know that man very well. What are you thinking about?"

Feya nodded.

At this time, in the main battleship of the Second Army, Nigel looked at some numerical values ​​with a smile, and he sighed.

"This will never happen again, Hult. After this problem is solved, we should have a good talk."

Nigel had noticed what Helt was doing a long time ago, but he did not stop him. Instead, he planned to wait for him to be exposed and open fire directly. Unfortunately, Helt gave in in the end.

"You're still the same, Hult! Her Majesty the Queen will be very happy after this trouble is solved."

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