Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 576 Turn against each other


Along with a burst of mechanical sound, a circle of blue light flashed, and the lights in an underground metal hall came on. Katerina quietly looked at the nearly 2-meter-tall individual combat shuttle in front of her.

It has a triangular structure, with the cockpit in the middle, which can accommodate one person. The lower end is two retractable mechanical legs, equipped with ground laser strafing weapons. On both sides are long arc-shaped wings like blades, with six on each side. The laser transmitter has average firepower. The tail is equipped with 6 high-mass mixed fuel thrusters, and the maximum speed can reach 56KM/s.

At the ends of the wings of the combat shuttle, anti-missile tracking projectiles are mounted. The K011 combat shuttle, which was researched and manufactured by the Clone Front, is very dexterous and has cut off many weapons to make its speed performance more stable. , is an assault shuttle.

This kind of shuttle was successfully developed three years ago. It was completed by relying on some technical parameters of the Star Air Force provided by the supporters behind the scenes. Among them, the most core independent AI computing system independently developed by ourselves can help the operation very well. In fierce and fast battles, the user can more effectively identify and launch attacks.

There is also a linkage operating system. An excellent pilot can control his own shuttle and at the same time control other shuttles to launch attacks with the help of AI.

Katerina has gone through countless driving and control trainings and conducted a large number of simulated combat trainings. Her control data has been entered into the system and she can control six combat shuttles at the same time.

Katerina plans to wait here today. If a situation arises, she can immediately drive the combat shuttle up and reverse the situation of the war as soon as possible.

She was very grateful for Vasily's trust. If it weren't for Vasily's trust, she really didn't know what to do. But as long as she had these 11 combat shuttles, Katerina was confident that she could repel the Star Force. , once successful, they can only seize the space station, find a way to establish contact with other space stations, and then directly start a decisive battle with the empire after getting closer. This is the last chance for their clone front.

Katerina hasn't been this anxious for a long time. She has experienced many crises in the past, but never like this one, with no hope at all.

The sudden betrayal of the supporters behind the scenes left Katerina at a loss. The only way to end the tragic chain of clones was to overthrow the empire.

Katerina knows very well that clones have this power. From production to industry, all grassroots output is controlled by clones, and the number of clones far exceeds the number of humans. When clones know the truth In the end, I will no longer continue such a hypocritical life.

Your friends, parents, and lovers may all be just a false product of your memory. Katerina has seen scenes of tragedies countless times over the years. The two people who were lovers the day before, because of memory control, woke up early in the morning. They no longer knew each other. They were still father and son in the morning. By the afternoon, they were just strangers, separated without knowing it.

The joy of school days in the memories of all clones does not exist at all. They are just like storage, stuffed with some corresponding knowledge and life, and then start to live their lives in a practical way.

Katerina once liked a clone man, but the man no longer remembered her, and even died without knowing she existed.

From the day she opened her eyes, Katerina knew everything. She didn’t know who made her know everything, how many times she had been cloned, and who her real body was. She didn’t know any of this. It wasn't until she met Stukov that Katerina found the meaning of survival after joining the Clone Front four years ago.

Putting an end to all this tragedy is the will of the entire Clone Front, and it is also what everyone wants to see the most.

"That's it, Katerina!"

Vasily's voice sounded from behind, and Katerina looked over. She was carrying a box. Katerina nodded and walked over with unwavering eyes.

The mechanical box opened with a creak, and inside was a translucent disk object. This was a sky battle suit. It could liquefy in an instant, wrap around the body, and form a hard armor. With a propeller, it could be used when the shuttle was damaged. , ejected into space.

After Katerina took it over, she directly pressed the battle suit into the groove on the chest of the dark hard jumpsuit she had put on. Vasily nodded slightly.

"What on earth are we fighting for!"

"I know Vasily, each of us knows that fighting for our own tragic fate, I will no longer think about the reasons behind the betrayal. In the past, they supported us and were our friends, but at the moment of betrayal, they That’s the enemy.”

Vasily hummed. He just hoped that things would go smoother and smoother. Yuna had already sneaked into the ruling building and should not be discovered in a short time. They had done some tricks secretly over the years. Several sets of Star Force uniforms and corresponding identification codes were mixed among them. As long as they were careful, they would not be discovered. Yuna had conducted such missions countless times in the past.

"If Stukov is not allowed to see the truth, maybe he will not accept it."

Vasily said with emotion, Katerina walked directly to the front of the shuttle, stretched out her hand and touched it.

"How many people do you think will be left in the end?"

"I definitely won't be on the list!"

Vasily said and put some dry food and water on the ground.

"Get some rest Katerina! I'll be ready."

"What are you going to do Vasily?"

Vasily said with a smile.

"If necessary, you can find a way to escape. There is a small carrier ship over there at the airport. I have already debugged it."

Katerina said nothing more, because she knew very well that the Star Forces' weapons and equipment were much better than theirs, and their AI systems were more advanced than theirs. The key to victory was only at the beginning, and there was only one chance.

8pm sharp

Yuna quietly lurked in the room of the underground weapons depot with some people from the Star Air Force. From time to time, there was the roar of machinery outside. Sure enough, the people from the Star Air Force would take action tonight.

In the afternoon, a resident ban was issued, prohibiting some residents from traveling. Now the entire space station has fallen into silence.

Yuna is still thinking about what to do. The armors worn by the Star Air Force have built-in synthetic metal armor that can resist laser weapons. The PPG39 in their hands is a high-energy laser automatic weapon and is equipped with a high-energy The purpose of the flame grenade is to wipe out the people on the clone front at once.

The testing of new weapons and equipment has begun in full swing outside. It seemed to be relatively smooth before, but only one permission code is needed to prevent the people on the clone front from controlling these new weapons. Although many of them are carrying weapons, , but it is basically impossible to survive such a fierce sudden attack.

All the pathways have been blocked by Star Force personnel. Yuna quietly held the high-quality flame grenade in her hand. She was already planning to strike first. The captain was still talking about some combat plans later.

After lurking for several hours, Yuna was a little surprised, because their deployment was very precise, and from their conversation, it seemed that the annihilation operations of other space stations were not going well. This was the only place Yuna could think of.

From the surveillance video in front of you, you can see that Stukov is listening to a Star Air Force technician explaining next to a nearly 6-meter-long heavy-duty shuttle.

Some members of the Clone Front have already entered this heavy combat shuttle, which can carry three people. One person is responsible for driving, one is for defense, and one is for attack. This trinity of heavy shuttles is the most popular in the empire today. Latest products.

This is the first time Yuna has seen this type of combat shuttle. It looks flat and long, with 36 propellers on the tail. The sharp body is covered with various weapons. What surprised Yuna most What I feel is a bit confusing is that this kind of shuttle will have a white bright spar protruding from the surface every certain distance, which looks a bit weird.

And you can see some embedded lenses in many places, which should be lenses used for AI observation and calculation.

This time it is obvious that the Star Air Force has brought a lot of new weapons and equipment. These weapons and equipment all require identification codes, and personal NDA information must be entered before they can be used. Today they seem to have the model. In this way, he helped a large number of people on the clone front log in biological DNA information, and also talked about how to use weapons.

"Can we test it in the field?"

Stukov said, picking up a somewhat heavy gun, weighing nearly 30 kilograms and more than one meter long. This gun is very strange. The gun body is like an irregular key, with circles on each section. The disc-shaped thing, with a convex crystal at the muzzle, looked like an electromagnetic pulse weapon, but Jin Na explained that it was a new type of energy-guided weapon, and Jin Na did not explain the specifics.

Now everyone is still adapting to this heavy shuttle, because the war will start in more than four days, and everything must be prepared.

Stukov has heard of the magnetic nuclear bomb. Looking at the cylindrical bombs, the electromagnetic pulse released by these bombs in an instant can destroy mechanical equipment within a radius of 10 meters. The mass energy they hold Laser guns may malfunction in an instant, as well as some weapons and equipment carried on the body that need to be driven by electrical energy.

There are only three heavy shuttles now. Jin Na said that once the war starts, the general will directly transport more weapons. They must know how to use these weapons within a period of time.

"The actual test will be carried out tomorrow morning, Mr. Stukov, you climb up and try it."

Jinna said that Stukov had no doubts, and then Jinna raised her hand and pressed it on her neck. Soon some Star Force members at the scene took out magnetic nuclear bombs and let some clones People on the front line went over and told them the capabilities of this bomb and the conditions for its activation.

Everything looked very normal, and there was nothing wrong with it. Jin Na looked at the more than 100 members of the clone front in front of her. It was obvious that there were still people who were not present, but she was not in a hurry, and planned to deal with these people before returning. Slowly searching from house to house, the space station only has so much space. No matter where they escape, it will be useless. The airport has been blocked by them.

Even the small carriers prepared by the Clone Front early in the morning have been manipulated. Their chance of escaping is zero. Those captured space stations were the result of other Clone Front members who had been cleared of space stations notified immediately after their escape.

Jinna looked at Stukov who was sitting in the cockpit. He looked serious. The battle plan was supposed to go smoothly, but problems occurred because of some people who were not on the list. Jinna looked at the time and saw that it was almost up. .

She stayed away from some people on the clone front, and then casually pressed her hand on a laser weapon on her back. Their laser weapon had been specially processed and would not be affected by electromagnetic pulses. Such a weapon It is much more expensive than ordinary laser weapons, and is worth more than 50 laser weapons of the same type.

"Stukov! Can I ask you a question?"

Jinna suddenly shouted, and Stukov, who was sitting in the cockpit, looked over in confusion. At this time, Stukov felt something strange. Many people in the Star Force put on helmets and stood on the ground. On the periphery, some people from the clone front also noticed it, but there were more people from the clone front still near the heavy shuttle, looking at the values ​​​​on some panels.

"What's wrong, Miss Jinna!"

"If, and I'm just saying if, Mr. Stukov."

Jin Na said, then took a deep breath.

"I can only say sorry."

Didi didi

In an instant, there was a beeping sound, and the magnetic nuclear bombs placed on the ground were activated one by one. Jin Na directly raised the gun, but the next second, a fierce white light lit up, and a violent explosion sounded. , in an instant, a maintenance room exploded behind Jin Na, and huge waves of flames directly impacted.

There was a whooshing sound, and beams of bright white lasers flew instantly. Some people on the clone front fell to the ground just as they realized what had happened.

"Annihilate them."

The moment Jin Na finished speaking, she only saw a strong figure suddenly attacking her from behind. Jin Na immediately turned around, but before she could pull the trigger, a sharp blade had already cut open Jin Na's helmet. , the blade was directly in front of Jin Na's eyeballs, one hand grabbed Jin Na's neck, and then with a crunching sound, Jin Na's helmet was taken off.

Before most of the Star Air Force people could react, they saw a person wearing a Star Air Force uniform holding Jinna hostage. She only had a few high-quality flame grenades in her hand. At this time, the Star Air Force people in the maintenance room When they came out, they had not suffered any actual damage in the fire explosion just now, only the outside of their armor uniforms was scorched black.

Yuna directly stuffed a grenade into Jinna's neck and pressed the start button with one hand.

"I told you Stukov a long time ago, you should believe me."

At this time, Stukov and some members of the Clone Front were hiding behind the large shuttle. Looking at a large number of Clone Front members who had fallen, Stukov stared at the scene in front of him. They The weapons in their hands could no longer be used, and the members sitting in the cockpit also found that they could not control the shuttle at all.

"Take us to the airport and let us leave."

Yuna said and Jinna nodded.


After saying that, Jinna gave the order. Looking at the clone battle line with more than 30 people left, many of them looked at her in disbelief. Stukov was silent and came out from the back of the shuttle, his eyes dim. He quickly walked to Yuna's side.

Yuna looked at the dead members of the clone front and knew that there was no best-of-both-worlds option in this matter. The only thing she could do was to suddenly attack and attack the opponent's commander at the moment of the opponent's attack. This was what Yuna could do. It's as far as it can go.

No one asked the reason, because most people knew that even for the sake of it, they would not say anything. Hundreds of people from the Star Air Force surrounded more than 30 people, and Yuna kept sternly asking Jinna to take them to the airport.

After a while, Yuna, who held Jinna hostage, led everyone back to the street. At this time, there was no one on the street, the light shield was not activated, and it was still daytime outside.

Jin Na raised her hands and looked at the person in front of her who was about the same height as herself. She should be the escaped Yuna. She took advantage of the chaos and rushed over to kidnap her. She was indeed a very capable clone. Her choice was correct. Instead of using any weapon, he used a particle cutting blade. This blade is made of a special alloy and is very sharp. It can indeed cut through a helmet. Although it can defend against lasers, it is actually weak in ability to withstand hits. s things.

A group of people moved slowly, and there were more and more Star Forces around. Only then did Stukov notice that the number of Star Forces here was far more than he thought. Originally, there were only about 300 people. Star Force, looking at it now, there are at least more than 500 people.

Half an hour later, the group arrived at the airport, and Jin Na laughed.

"I have brought you here as promised. Should you let me go before you take off?"

"Yuna, kill her."

Someone immediately said, and Jin Na laughed. Yuna had no such intention. If she really killed this woman, if any problems occurred, they would only be annihilated.

Stukov, who had not spoken for a long time, looked at Jinna.

"Miss Jinna, is this arbitrary on your part, or..."

"If you are willing to continue to believe the general, I can tell you that this is my arbitrary decision."

Stukov was silent and did not intend to ask any more questions. Yuna couldn't help crying at this time. This was the second time she had experienced such a thing. Those comrades who were alive a few minutes ago have now become There were corpses one after another, and she could do nothing. It was up to Katerina whether she could escape. Since they had made plans to wipe out the clone front, they would not let them escape so easily.

Jin Na was still thinking about the solution, but it seemed more difficult. If the helmet was still there, she wouldn't have been kidnapped so easily.

But Jin Na soon thought of a way, and she showed an imperceptible smile.

Soon Yuna and the others came to an underground hangar. A somewhat old-looking carrier ship docked quietly in the hangar. This was the carrier ship of their clone front. It was enough to carry more than three hundred people. Its appearance was A material transport ship.

As the hatch of the carrier opened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Jinna was also held hostage and brought in. Stukov entered the cab tiredly, and soon a group of people were in a hurry. Launched the carrier.

"Where's Katerina?"

"Don't worry, she will follow."

Yuna said, never letting down her guard. However, the next second, everyone looked at an error startup appearing on a crystal screen. The power system of the carrier ship had been damaged.

The second Yuna relaxed, Jin Na suddenly moved and pushed Yuna's hand away. At the moment when everyone was still thinking about how to solve the problem, Jin Na immediately raised her left hand and swish With a whooshing sound, small missiles were launched from under the armor of Jinna's hands.

Following the bursts of small-scale explosions, Jin Na fell backwards in advance and protected her head with her hands. After the smoke and dust passed, Jin Na subconsciously raised her arms to block it.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the outer layer of the uniform on Jin Na's arm was scratched, revealing the dark metal underneath. She kicked Yuna away from her eyes, turned around without any hesitation, and rushed directly into the passage. Soon Just left the carrier ship.

A large number of Star Forces gathered around, and immediately everyone raised their weapons and aimed at the carrier ship, but did not fire, because they also knew that if the carrier ship exploded, the space station would be damaged, Jin Na wiped it. Wiped the blood on his forehead, and then laughed.

"Bring a weapon, follow me in, and just kill them."

At this time, the control room of the carrier ship was in a mess. Many people had died in the small explosion just now. Yuna supported her body in pain. They had no idea that such small missiles could be carried in the uniform armor. , Yuna took off her helmet and saw that there were only more than 20 people left. Everyone looked at the entrance of the passage with some despair.

The Star Force force that had surrounded them outside was constantly getting closer.


Yuna looked at the sky in the distance and took out a communicator. Katerina's voice came out, and Yuna quickly explained the situation.

"The situation is quite bad. Leave us alone, Katerina, and leave directly."

As Yuna said, many people around her began to leave the control room, intending to pick up weapons directly for the final counterattack.

"Wait a minute, I'll find a way. There's still a chance."

Katerina said and ended the communication directly. Yuna looked out with a complicated mood. People from the Star Force had already begun to enter the interior of the carrier.

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