Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 566 Helt at the Moon Base

Colorful cloud-like luminous substances flow quietly in the distance, and vortex phenomena can be seen in many places. There are a large number of flashing light spots in the curtain-like sky.

A man stood quietly at the edge of a garden. There were roses and tulips in the garden, as well as many brightly colored flowers. The neat roadside trees were swaying in the sun and the breeze.

The man looked to be in his 40s. He wore a gray uniform with a row of golden buttons in the middle. Under the raised collar, there was a golden badge in the shape of a ring-shaped vortex galaxy. There was a sword pattern on both sides of the arms of the uniform.

The man's face looked tough and handsome, with a touch of sadness in his somewhat aged eyes. There was no one in the garden behind him. The man stretched out his hand to touch the translucent cover in front of him. Outside the cover, there were scattered like jellyfish. A half-meter-tall robot glowing slightly was floating around.

These robots are all translucent, and in the translucent coating, you can see the black metal spines. This is the lunar base of the Sky Space Kingdom, a corner of the founder's palace.

The man took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a puff. At this time, the man's face looked uncertain. He seemed to be hesitating about something, as if he had decided on something, but could not make up his mind. .

"What should I do!"

The man looked at the still burning cigarette butt in his hand. The ashes were about to fall off. The man's eyes looked extremely solemn.

Today is October 31, 2276

Just after 9am

Behind the garden, there are giant translucent covers one after another. Inside are majestic buildings of different colors with round and full domes. You can see many circular guard robots floating in the air, as well as on the streets. Robots used for each service.

There is an extremely important military meeting today, and the content of the meeting is to have a dialogue with a country that still exists on a planet wrapped in colored objects in the distance.

United States of the World!

This code-named docking plan was implemented more than ten years ago. Skyline Space used gravity cannons to successfully open a hole in the sky over North America in the past, and then delivered a contact machine to the past. It has been conducting negotiations with the United States of the World for more than ten years. Countless exchanges, but the two sides have never reached any consensus. However, just a few days ago, the other party proposed that they want to visit Tianji Space Country, and hoped that the two parties could have a brief video exchange meeting.

There is not only one country on that planet, but also another country called Brilliant City. Over the years, men will talk to an interesting man who calls himself Noah from time to time. He claims to be a scientist.

An agreement has also been reached with Bright City. In January next year, the man will lead the visiting delegation to Bright City to formally establish diplomatic relations.

In the passage leading from the garden to the palace, a woman wearing a uniform with a moon and star badge under her collar ran over quickly. The woman looked about 30 years old, with a flower-petal head, a handsome face, and a sweet smile between her eyebrows. Heroic.

"General Hert! The meeting will begin soon. Her Majesty the Queen wants you to come over as soon as possible!"

After the woman came over, she put her hands close to the seam of her trousers, bowed formally at ninety degrees and looked at the man in front of her seriously.

"Feya, what do you think I should do?"

The woman named Feiya's eyes instantly became serious.

"General! Didn't you decide long ago?"

Feiya looked around, and from time to time looked at some values ​​on a small crystal panel at her waist, carefully guarding her surroundings.

"If we take action now, the formal establishment of diplomatic relations with Brilliant City next year will fall through. I really want to meet Mr. Noah!"

"In fact, there is nothing interesting to see in that primitive country. General, we have to act quickly. All members of our Third Army will follow the general's instructions. Absolutely no one will back down!"

Hart nodded, lowered his head and looked at his shoes. He closed his eyes, took a puff of cigarette, and threw away the cigarette butt. The ground next to a flower bed not far away opened with a creak, and a cylindrical The cleaning robot immediately moved over and directly cleaned the cigarette ashes and cigarette butts, and the two of them walked quickly.

Feiya is the chief of staff of the Third Army, a confidant of Helt, and an alien in the founder family, who was expelled from the family.

Helt walked very slowly, Feiya could see that Helt was still hesitating. Although today's meeting was very important, for the two of them, domestic matters were the top priority.

A large number of clone rebels are ready. As long as Hert gives an order, they will seize power in various space stations. But the biggest threat now is the 28 clone rebels floating near the moon. Turrets, gravity cannons, plasma cannons and small black hole cannons are the most troublesome. Hult only has control of 3 turrets.

There are nearly 20,000 people in the legion under his command. Over the years, through Feiya's plan, a large number of key members of the legion have been placed in the management of the space station.

Hult started preparing the plan several years ago, and now the plan is almost ready.

"Feiya, do you really think that Brilliant City is a primitive country?"

"General, everything on that planet has been destroyed. It is very difficult for humans to establish a highly civilized society in such a harsh environment."

Fea also knew what Helt was talking about, because in the education she received since she was a child, the disaster history course described the situation in great detail, as well as many photos of the time.

And the reason for the disaster was due to mutual distrust between countries and the desire to monopolize special materials for the advancement of their own technology. Finally, a battle broke out on the asteroid, causing the material on the asteroid to explode, and then directly collided with the planet. .

All this has been clearly recorded in the history of disasters. Given the extremely difficult conditions at that time, the human population on earth should have been reduced to one-tenth of the original 8 billion in 50 years. In the next 30 years, It may become extinct immediately.

This was the answer given by the top scientists of the Tianji Space Agency at that time. A large number of them were witnesses of the asteroid landing. In just over ten minutes after the asteroid exploded and became unstable, they Escaped to this space station country, Asgard.

These top scientists in the past have taken Asgard's already excellent technology to a higher level. However, if technological capabilities want to increase, labor is indispensable.

Therefore, under the decision of the first queen at that time, Skyrim Space State officially launched the human cloning labor bill, increasing the labor force through unlimited cloning. The result was very successful, and a large number of clones built Skyrim. The glory of space country.

As for human cloning, there is no need to feel any guilt at all. This is the consensus of all non-cloning citizens. They are just copies cloned from the citizens' own genes.

According to the Human Cloning Act, all citizens who provide cells for cloning can receive 10% of the output of their own clones. After all, providing stem cells that can be fully cloned will damage your body, but with such a reward mechanism, Many people are still willing to provide some of their effective cells.

It's just that the founders don't have clones, including some of the country's top secret personnel. Hert broke this taboo two years ago. He secretly arranged his clones in the remote space station No. 69, and also Stealing the cells of another important person, the 51-year-old queen, Ye Katerina.

This approach is actually just to preserve the queen's cells for emergencies when a coup is officially launched one day. All control of the Sky Space Kingdom is in the hands of each queen or king. It requires biological identified.

Although the clone cannot be the same as the original body, as long as you have the most important cells of Queen Katerina, you can create unlimited Katerina. Some low-level space stations and some special databases require the queen. to view the biological information.

His own clone and the Queen's clone are currently living in peace, mainly because a small number of managers at Space Station 69 are from other armies, and the other managers are all from his own army.

The biggest problem now is the command crystal inherited by Katerina. This is an item that can control everything in the space station. It is very difficult to crack this thing. Otherwise, the queen can assemble 28 floating space station turrets in an instant. , can destroy all rebel forces in an instant.

The two quickly passed through the translucent passage and arrived at a criss-crossing street in an instant. They were surrounded by buildings with domes. Many citizens immediately bowed slightly after seeing the two. .

Helt walked quietly on the streets made of huge gray and black stone slabs. There was peace everywhere. Currently, there are only more than 600,000 official citizens and more than 2.4 million clones in the Sky Space Country.

Basically every citizen will provide cells to cultivate their own clones every three to five years, and the life cycle of clones is very short. In order to control the clones within an effective time, they will rewrite the clones. The memories constantly allow the clones to live in the world in their own memories.

Occasionally there will be some clones that feel inconsistent, but as long as there is the slightest problem, the clone will be immediately arrested by the Star Force, and then sent to the incinerator for biological decomposition, and then create new clones.

Originally, Hert thought there was no problem with such a system. Until ten years ago, when he was the commander of the Third Army, a major event happened.

Several major groups had violent conflicts. Although the conflicts subsided in the end, someone needed to stand up and take responsibility for the results of the conflict. In the end, Hert's father, who was one of the groups, stood up and took over everything. In the end, Exiled.

Helt knew very well that once he was exiled, it would be impossible to come back, and he would only turn into dust in the universe. Because of his father's actions, Helt, who could only reach the position of legion commander, was promoted to that position. Hert loyally took care of many things for the Queen. He only became the general of the Third Army six years ago, and then Helt started his own plan.

The subordinates are very supportive of Hert replacing him, because the founders' excessive dissoluteness has made many people complain, but their third army is very popular among the people.

The most critical thing is because of the suppression of them by several other groups. Many times the Queen did not stand on his side. Helt was like a tool man, being constantly ordered around. He had had enough of it all. , I am now over 40 years old and don’t have many years left.

What Hert finds most incomprehensible is that the Queen announced in a recent meeting that she would go to war against Brilliant City, requiring the five major armies to carry out all aspects of preparations and manufacture warships and weapons as much as possible.

This is incomprehensible to Hert, but it is certain that there is something in the Brilliant City that the queen wants very much, but these things cannot be easily obtained now, so they can only be obtained through war.

Gradually, a huge palace appeared in front of the two people. Many people gathered at the door. As soon as Helt passed by, the subordinates came over and followed Helt respectfully. .

"Hey, Hult, do you want to have a drink together tonight?"

In front of him was a middle-aged man wearing glasses. His name was Nigel. He was 4 years older than him. He was Herter's childhood playmate and the general of the Second Army. The subordinates around him bowed slightly. , to show respect, Nigel smiled gently and hugged Helt.

"Helt, how about a drink tonight?"

"Nigel, I still have preparation tasks tonight, so I can only..."

Nigel laughed, and then pulled Hert away from the crowd. On the side of the palace, Nigel's men and Hert's men were standing in the distance.

"What are you planning recently?"

Hurt laughed.

"Really, I really can't hide it from you."

Nigel let go of Helt, then adjusted his collar and put a hand on Helt's shoulder.

"I can tell you for sure that war may be on the agenda, because there is something in Brilliant City that all of us dream of."

Helt looked at Nigel blankly. He was from another group. Although the two had a good relationship when they were children, it was different when they grew up.


Because Nigel married a princess of the Founder clan, he naturally became a Founder clan. He had the right to enter and leave the palace, so he would naturally know something at the Founders' banquet.

"Did you know that the lifespan of humans in Brilliant City has long exceeded the normal limit of human lifespan? According to intelligence, some of them have lived for more than 200 years, and there are gods in Brilliant City."

Helt's eyes widened and he looked at Nigel in disbelief, and he laughed.

"I don't need to say anything about this. Her Majesty the Queen will announce it herself later. This is why the war is going to start."

"Where did you get the information from?"

Nigel shook his head.

"I don't know about this, but do you have any thoughts about God? Helt?"

Nigel said, and Hert looked suspicious.

"God? What is that?"

The sound he just heard really shocked Hert, but he didn't believe in God. There was nothing that could be called God.

"Things beyond the scope of human common sense are called gods. Based on some inferences you don't know, it can be determined that Brilliant City is a theocratic country."

"A country that relies on faith? What a nonsense."

As Helt said, Nigel took out a box of cigarettes and handed one to Helt. What Helt cared about the most was the limit of life span that Nigel said. Genetic improvement methods can successfully allow humans to live between 100 and 110 years old, but basically only the founders and some high-level officials can survive. However, after humans reach the age of 80, it is basically difficult to take care of themselves, and living is a waste of time. kind of pain.

"I don't know the specifics. Don't you often chat with Noah? Didn't you ask anything?"

"I don't know about this. There are chat records in the military department. Our exchanges often seem like chatting, and rarely involve other things. But the only thing I know is that the people in Bright City Managers are an organization called the administrative department, and there are also members of the council."

Nigel leaned against the wall, raised his head and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"You're looking more and more like a conspirator Hert."

Hurt immediately said with a smile.

"Nigel, why do you say that?"

Nigel smiled and moved his head to Helt's ear.

"I know what you want to do and what you are doing! Have you ever thought about why you can place your people so smoothly?"

Hult's expression suddenly changed for a moment, but he immediately returned to his smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you like a drink tonight? We can bring our friends."

Hert's face became serious. If the top leaders of the two armies came into contact, it would be detrimental to them if word spread.

"I have already thought of a plan. During the banquet later, let's have a drink and discuss it slowly. It's very important, Hert. After all, we have been playmates since childhood, right?"

Helt swallowed. He didn't know how to answer Nigel, because this guy had been unpredictable since he was a child.

"You don't have to choose Helt! The knife is already on your neck. If you don't know it yet, it will happen when the time comes."

Nigel did not continue speaking, but stretched out his left hand and turned it into a hand knife and moved it on his neck.

"Please enter the palace, the meeting is about to begin."

Accompanied by a majestic and slightly old voice, the two men immediately started walking with their subordinates.


As the huge door of the palace with golden and red carvings slowly opened, the leaders of the five army groups stood in a row and slowly stepped onto the aisle covered with red carpets with gold edges. In front of them was a palace with huge columns. There are seats on both sides. On the left are people from the founder family, nearly 500 people, and on the right are people from the Army Group, Science Department, Commerce Department, Engineering Department, Procurement Department and Energy Department.

Soon Helt was sitting on the right side in front of a golden throne inlaid with various gems. As the door next to it opened, a noble and elegant woman wearing a formal tulle skirt came out, even though she was already 51 Although she is old, Queen Katerina still has a proud figure, beautiful face, and a kind smile on her cheeks.

"Everyone! Good morning."

As soon as Katerina finished speaking, everyone bowed to the queen.

Katerina glanced around everyone, and finally her eyes fell on the leaders of the five armies.

"I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I was back when I was a little girl."

As Katerina said, many people smiled. Hert's smile seemed a little stiff because he noticed that the queen's eyes were directed towards him.

"Okay, next is a small communications meeting between us and the United States of the World. General Hult, General Nigel, you two will speak on my behalf."

The two stood up immediately. Accompanied by a creaking mechanical sound, a huge crystal ball slowly fell from the open ceiling. After the two people left their seats, they stood in front of the Queen. The crystal ball Pictures appeared on the surface.

It was a circular hall, surrounded by formally dressed MPs, and in the middle of the hall, on a stage, stood a man who looked to be only in his 40s.

"President Brown, you look different from the previous photos. You look very young!"

Katerina stood up and squatted down gracefully to salute. At this time, the voice came over, and the president named Brown standing on the stage laughed.

"Of course, after all, I am only 38 years old! On behalf of all the United States of the World, I would like to pay tribute to you, Queen Katerina."

Brown said and bowed solemnly. Hert and Nigel looked at everything on the screen. Katerina also introduced her two generals.

"This is not a simple meeting. I believe President Brown should be aware of this."

Katerina said, Brown nodded, and everyone was observing each other. Although they had been communicating with the United States of the World for more than ten years, the people of the Skyland Space State still knew nothing about them.

"Of course, we here want to ask, is the existence of Brilliant City true?"

Brown asked and Nigel smiled.

"Of course it is true, Mr. President, that city tens of thousands of kilometers away from your United States of World really exists. However, according to your current situation, it may be difficult to get there."

Brown said with a gentle smile.

"Of course, after all, the environment we live in is quite harsh. But there is one thing I want to confirm. Her Majesty the Queen said, is it true that Bright City has a lifespan that is two to three times that of a human being?"

Nigel nodded immediately.

"It is indeed a fact. We have received clear information here, so this time I think it is necessary for both of us to have an in-depth exchange and discussion on the issue of Brilliant City!"

Hult quietly stared at a person on the screen. He blinked slightly. For a moment, a ball of flame appeared in his mind. The world may be about to undergo huge changes. After more than two hundred years of silence, the world has begun to change again. One connection at a time!

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