The entire palace hall fell into silence, and on the circular screen in the middle, everyone in the United World also fell into silence.

Nigel released a video, which is an ordinary video of a hospital visit. The people in line don't look weird in their clothes.

However, in the next piece of login information with names and ages, "young people" ranging from 20 to 100 years old appeared.

The video lasted for more than 20 minutes and seemed to be shot in a hospital. Some information about the registrant was clearly visible, including the age, which shocked everyone.

"Her Majesty the Queen, have you confirmed the authenticity of the video?"

Brown asked and Nigel nodded.

"Please rest assured, this is sent here by a person who is familiar with Brilliant City. A lot of information about Brilliant City was sent by him."

The video was still playing, and at this time someone saw people wearing black uniforms with the number 4 and a red cross pattern. They looked like doctors and managers.

At that moment, those uniformed people in the hospital hurriedly formed a line. In the short video, it can be seen that these people are both managers and doctors, Nigel explained.

"These people belong to the 4th Medical Division of the Medical Department. They manage everything related to medical care, and the logos on their hat brims represent the level of their official positions."

At this time, when the video was about to end, a smiling woman walked in, followed by a bunch of people, including media reporters and many people from other departments. This woman looked young and only looked like She was pretty, but everyone present felt something was wrong because the woman in the video was wearing the uniform of Section 13.

What also made many people present feel that something was wrong was that this woman looked young and could sit in such a high position. The hat she was wearing had a silver five-pointed star on it.

"This woman's name is Le Xiao. I heard from Noah, the scientist from Brilliant City who often talks to me, that she is only 26 years old and is a genius that is rare to see in Brilliant City for thousands of years."

Nigel continued to explain, and Brown, who was standing in the middle of the stage, became a little suspicious. Then Nigel explained some things about the business department, and everyone present also understood it.

The Executive Section has 13 sections, of which 13 section chiefs and 13 secretaries are responsible for the city's large and small issues. There is also a General Affairs Section that is responsible for the docking work between the 13 sections and Congress, as well as handling most matters. Above the Parliament are seven gods.

Suddenly, the people on both sides who were still whispering were stunned. At the end of the video, the secretary of Section 13 fell face first to the ground. A bunch of people ran over in a hurry, as if they were stepping on water. The video it's over.

"Is he really a genius?"

Helt was a little unbelievable. Seeing that this position was probably similar to his own, an important figure in the country could easily slip to the ground and fall solidly.

"There are other videos, if you want, we can continue to play them."

Nigel said, smiling easily, and then said.

"Please don't question the authenticity of the information. As I just said, the person who is familiar with Brilliant City also mentioned the power of this genius."

Brown smiled and nodded.

"Please continue to play some videos. We have a lot of time today, and we also hope to have a more in-depth conversation with Asgard."

The next video is a short video about the 13 section chiefs and secretaries of the administrative department. Their ages are clearly stated. Some are private videos and some are interview videos.

Lu la la la la la

At this time, Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, appeared in the video again. She was singing with gestures in front of the reporters. The singing sounded ordinary because the reporters asked Le Xiao how she relieves stress. She then gave a live demonstration of a lame-looking dance and sang childish children's songs.

Complex expressions were written on everyone's cheeks, and Katerina smiled slightly.

"She is really a young girl full of energy, sitting in such a position at such a young age."

Nigel smiled and nodded.

"President Brown, do you have any other questions? We can answer them for you."

Brown's face still showed suspicion at this time, his hands were always tapping the table, and he seemed to be still thinking about something.

"My Majesty the Queen, have you ever talked to Noah, the liaison person in charge of Brilliant City? About lifespan."

Nigel stared sideways at Helt beside him, smiled and shook his head.

"We haven't talked about it directly, but we have discussed this issue. How long can the end of human life be extended? Mr. Noah completely avoided many of my questions."

Brown nodded.

"So, Your Majesty, what exactly should we talk about today?"

Brown asked, and just as Nigel was about to speak, Katerina stood up.

"The problem of war!"

For a moment, everyone present looked at Katerina, and Helt stood up.

"We have carried out all aspects of weapons preparation and personnel training, and can launch war at any time."

Hert's back felt cold at this time. He did not expect that Katerina had really planned to use force. It was clear that the war was still in the discussion stage, but she actually raised it directly at such an important meeting.

Sure enough, the other president seemed speechless.

"Your Majesty the Queen, it may not be easy to launch a war in such an era. The situation in our country may not allow it for the time being."

Brown said with a look of embarrassment, and Katerina said with a smile.

"War is not the only way to solve the problem. War is just the only method after negotiations are fruitless. We only hope that you can make some preparations and cross the ocean to Brilliant City."

Brown laughed awkwardly, then shook his head.

"Such an issue cannot be decided by me alone. Your Majesty, our political system is not different from yours. It is not a dictatorship!"

Brown's words seemed a bit harsh, and Katerina laughed.

"I can tell you clearly, Your Excellency, that Bright City has successfully developed life-extending drugs that can increase human survival time by more than five times."

Katerina's words caused the two sides who were originally silent to start commotion, and even Brown showed a shocked expression.

However, the meeting did not come to a substantive conclusion. Brown soon terminated the video conference on the grounds that he had to discuss energy issues, and Katerina returned to the throne.

Both Hert and Nigel returned to their seats, and the chatter in the hall gradually stopped.

"Everyone, there will be a grand banquet in the palace tonight. Please enjoy it. I hope you can prepare for the war."

The meeting was over, and Katerina didn't say anything else. After everyone stood up and bowed, they waited for Katerina to leave, and then went into the passages on the left and right sides. Hert was in a bad mood, inexplicably. Feeling uneasy.

Nigel winked at him again, and Hert nodded in agreement.

Soon, people from several departments came to a spacious hall, where food was already placed. Most of the food was plant-based, with only a small portion of meat. Most of it was meat produced using biological proliferation technology.

Hert took several of his army commanders and staff to find a place with few people. He did not intend to have too many interactions with people from other departments. He had had quite a few incidents with people from several departments before. friction.

"General, we need to speed up."

Hurt shook his head.

"Just follow the original pace and don't act rashly for the time being."

Then Hert ordered everyone to disperse and not to gather. He led Feiya towards the garden next to the banquet hall.

At this time, in the queen's private room at the back of the council hall, Katerina was holding a glass of red wine and quietly staring at some divided pictures in front of her, which showed the situation in the banquet hall. She took a sip of the wine and looked at Staring at Helt and his adjutant Feiya.

"Call Nigel in."

Katerina said, then walked to the sofa and sat down, holding the wine glass in her hand, feeling the bright red color of the wine, she showed a cold smile.

After a while, the door to the room was opened. Nigel walked in and bowed respectfully.

"Your Majesty the Queen, do you have any business with me?"

"Sit down Nigel."

Nigel sat on a chair in front of Katerina, sitting very formally and looking a little reserved.

"Want to drink?"

Katerina asked, Nigel stood up with a smile, bowed again and poured himself a small glass of wine.

"You and Helt have a good relationship, don't you!"

Nigel nodded.

"We had a good relationship when we were children, but now we rarely communicate."

Katerina laughed.

"Hert is very capable!"

"Indeed, the Third Army was a burdensome corps in our military headquarters ten years ago, but it is different now."

Katerina signaled Nigel, who was holding the wine, to drink. Nigel took a small sip and then put down the glass with a smile.

"Your Majesty, if you have anything to say, you can tell your subordinates directly. Your Majesty is willing to go through fire and water for your Majesty!"

Nigel stood up and bowed ninety degrees, and Katerina motioned for him to sit down.

"General Hult is well-liked by his subordinates and well-liked by the citizens, isn't he?"

Nigel didn't nod or shake his head, just smiled awkwardly.

"The people also like you, Her Majesty! You are the Queen of Asgard!"

"A very correct answer, but also very stereotyped. Nigel, I didn't come to you to hear this compliment."

Nigel hummed, feeling a little uneasy about this matter. The queen in front of him was different from the previous queens and kings. She was more like the first queen, tough and cold-blooded.

At the beginning of taking power, most of the people were purged. During the decades of rule, they were purged countless times. At least in Nigel's memory, Katerina had already carried out 6 major purges. , three of which were secret.

Although many people are loyal on the surface, they privately criticize the queen, and even do things that go against the queen's wishes. The situation in Tianji Space Kingdom has now become very delicate.

As far as Nigel knows, the five major armies all have ulterior motives, because they are backed by different interest groups, and the same goes for other departments. On the surface, everyone is in harmony, but in fact, secretly, there are often some intrigues. .

"Everyone is very keen on fighting for power."

Sweat began to form on Nigel's forehead, but he could only continue to endure it. He probably knew what the queen wanted to say, but Nigel knew even more clearly that he had to endure it.

"I heard recently that many space stations are not peaceful."

"Please don't believe these rumors, Your Majesty, the space station is operating normally. Although there will be some minor disturbances, the entire country."

Katerina drank the wine in her glass in one gulp, then giggled.

"Helt is more suitable to be the king here than me, isn't he?"

Nigel's heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he immediately laughed awkwardly.

"Your Majesty, please don't make such a joke."

Katerina laughed loudly.

"Nigel, if you want to get together with someone next time, please tell me a message so that you can take care of yourself!"

Katerina said, waving her hands, Nigel stood up, bowed and slowly stepped back. The moment he exited the door, sweat dripped from both sides of Nigel's forehead, and he swallowed After one sip, a sense of fear rose from the bottom of my heart.

The banquet lasted until 8 o'clock in the evening. Except for the founders, everyone from other departments left the palace one after another.

Helt was a little drunk, and Feya supported him. Feya looked very bad. Although it was a banquet, at the banquet, you had to deal with all kinds of things, especially the busybodies who kept coming over one after another. , although Hert has been enduring, he seems to have reached his limit.


At this time, on a floating car, a fat man waved with a smile.

"Helt, a few days ago, you said you would buy the batch of goods produced by our company at a higher price than other group armies. The result is not only lower than the previous price, but you are still unwilling to pay!"

Helt said with an awkward smile.

"Mr. Ino, I'm really sorry. There may be a little problem in the middle, but I promise that I will give you an explanation within the next month, Mr. Ino."

Helt said, and Ino snorted coldly.

"Explain? No need. Helt, you should think carefully about which side you are on and where you are. You should think clearly about these things."

Helter could only bow slightly, closed the car door directly, and the car slowly flew away into the distance.

At this time, Hert winked at Feiya, and the two of them immediately got into a car. The moment they got into the car, they quickly opened a hole in the middle of the car and jumped directly. Below was a drainage pipe. .

Soon the car flew away into the distance. Hert planned to go to the sewer pipe to see Nigel. As soon as they arrived underground, lights flickered in the distance. The two of them touched the wall and walked away quickly. stand up.

Soon they came to a place covered by a light source. Standing in front of them was a young man who looked smart and capable. He was Hughes, the staff officer of the Second Army.

"General Hult, Miss Feia, please come with me."

The Second Army is responsible for the daily maintenance and inspection of the sewers in Founder City, so they can easily shuttle through the underground drainage system.

The two of them followed Hughes in the long and dark sewer. There was an unpleasant smell in the water, but they could only endure it now.

"We've arrived, please come in."

At the door of a dressing room, the two of them walked in. Hughes immediately closed the door and the bad smell disappeared. Nigel sat on a chair with a smile on his face and a bottle of good wine on it. , and four wine glasses.

"Is it really okay?"

Helt asked, and Nigel nodded.

"It's going to last tonight. Let's catch up on old times slowly."

As soon as Nigel finished speaking, Hert walked over, took the bottle, poured a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp.

"No need to reminisce about old times. Nigel, what did you mean by what you said during the day?"

"You're planning a rebellion!"


In an instant, Feia had already taken out the gun and pointed it at Nigel's head, and had released the safety. This action was very fast, catching both Hughes and Nigel who were present a little off guard, and they both raised their hands obediently.

"Is this really good?"

As Nigel said, Feya's finger holding the trigger was already pressed on the trigger, and Hert's expression turned cold at this time.

"Convince me Nigel or else"

Nigel nodded, and then he directly took out a video and placed it directly on a crystal panel that was slowly growing in size. It was the conversation between Nigel and Queen Katerina today. When it comes to the video In the end, Nigel felt horrified by the Queen's words of self-interest.

"Your affairs have been exposed. What are we going to do about Hert? Do you know why the Queen hasn't dealt with your third army yet? She even came to help you purchase some armaments in the name of the Queen."

Feia stared at Nigel with a solemn expression. Hert pressed Feia's hand. After a confrontation, Feia put down the gun in her hand.

Nigel smiled and poured a glass of wine, then took a sip, and Hert figured it out.

"It's because the queen wants to get the life-extending medicine from Brilliant City."

Nigel smiled and nodded.

"You know, besides me, there are many founders and people from the army who have talked with people from Brilliant City. They call each other aborigines. Do you know what this means?"

Helter nodded slightly. He naturally knew that the technological power of Tianji Space Kingdom was not comparable to that of the dazzling city on the ground.

"Countries can only negotiate on an equal footing. If they are not equal, it will turn into a dialogue between barbarism and civilization. This is inevitable. The Queen has decided to go to war, and she naturally does not want this. At that time, a war broke out within the country, and the Queen has praised you several times today, which is enough to show that she still has expectations for you."

Hurt laughed dully.

"Expectation? How did she treat my parents, how did she treat our clan? Now, among our clan, I am the only one who is still intact."

Nigel naturally knew that this was the knot in Helt's heart. For Helt, Katerina was not the object of loyalty, but the object of revenge.

The tragedy that happened to the Helt family in the past was caused by the queen. The members of their family worked conscientiously for the queen, were used like pawns, and were cruelly abandoned in the end.

Although Hert was promoted to where he is today by the Queen, his ability and charisma are the reasons why he is able to stand in this position.

Nigel admitted that he was not as capable as Hert. He only relied on the shadow of his family to stand in this position. Now, according to the evaluation of the generals of the five major armies, the other four can only serve as Hert's subordinates. foil.

"Don't be anxious yet, Hert. Your opportunity will come, and I can help you."

"What's the meaning?"

Hurt asked, and Nigel smiled and poured a glass of wine.

"The best time for you is not now, but after the war begins. I will go to Brilliant City with you next year. Then we can discuss some things in the future. Only then will the opportunity be real. of maturity.”

Hult swallowed and Nigel continued.

"Although you have made adequate preparations, a wise man will always make mistakes. How much do you think the Queen knows about your plan?"

Hurt shook his head, and Nigel held out ten fingers.

"She already knows 100% of your plan, and don't hesitate to abandon the chess pieces in your hands. I just want to warn you tonight. Although your subordinates support you, once problems arise, , if the plan fails, they can abandon you at any time, you have to think clearly about the pros and cons."

Feya stared at Nigel angrily, but she had to admit that what Nigel said was the truth.

Nigel stood up after taking a sip of wine and patted Helt on the shoulder again.

"I have a plan. The Queen will turn a blind eye to certain things, and then just push some to those clones. The person who knows your identity, I remember it is Stukov. Bar!"

"Have you known this far?"

Helt looked at Nigel in surprise.

"After all, Stukov is your father. Although the clone knows everything about you, it only needs to create some rebellions that are beneficial to all of us at the appropriate time, and then we will solve these problems ourselves, Queen Of course I won’t say anything.”

Hult hesitated, but finally nodded.

"What's the plan?"

"Of course. Let's discuss the future distribution tonight."

Feya still didn't quite believe Nigel, but after seeing that he didn't say anything in the video, she felt a little relieved.

"Brilliant City may not be just some aborigines as we thought."

Nigel laughed.

"Although I'm not too sure, one thing is certain. Creatures like gods really exist in Brilliant City."

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