Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 565 Prologue Chapter Zero Helt at Space Station 69

Chapter 565 Prologue. Chapter 0 Hult at Space Station No. 69


Colorful vortices and slightly shining light spots exist on the huge black curtain, and the end cannot be seen at a glance.

Does the universe have an end or is it finite? Or is it infinite? If it is finite, where is the end? If it is infinite, is it possible to move forward without stagnation and without an end?


"Yo ho!"

There was a shout, and a man in a white and bulky spacesuit jumped down from a hexagonal metal deck, swimming slowly, and made a hug with his open arms.

"Helt, what are you doing!"

An old but energetic voice came from the long strip-shaped intercom embedded in the space cover on the left side.

"Stukov, please keep your voice down. My ears are going to explode. Of course you are hugging the earth!"

Hert's open arms were aimed at a large colorful ribbon-like air mass above his head. From the air mass, the gray and black exposed could be vaguely seen. That is the earth, the hometown of mankind!

But for Helt, it is a hometown that is out of reach, and he may never be able to return to it in his lifetime.

Dazzling and dazzling luminous colored substances, like clouds, surround the earth. These brightly colored, psychedelic-looking substances are called solid, gas, and liquid mixtures. They have been orbiting the earth for two centuries. Science Research shows that these solid-gas-liquid mixed states can absorb light and convert it into the energy required for their own light, similar to the photosynthesis of plants, but the specific composition analysis is not qualified for a bottom-level repairman like Hurt to know.

A steel cable floated crookedly in space. Hert moved his arms and twitched his feet as if dancing. Directly opposite him was a tubular metal cabin with a height of 100 meters, a huge metal cabin. There are all hexagonal bright metal decks on it.

This is Tianji Space Station No. 69

"You brat, come back to work quickly. If you can't go back on time today, I'm afraid we will have to pay twice the price to buy water from others."

Helter shook his head with a smile. Inside the mask was a young and handsome face, with blue eyes, diamond-shaped cheeks, high cheekbones, golden hair, and a hint of mischief on his expression.

In front of Hert's eyes, the high-density crystal mask showed a face that was about to explode with anger. The old man's name was Stukov. He was the oldest repairman in Space Station 69 and Helt's adoptive father.

Hert's parents were both cosmic resource porters and were third-class citizens. They encountered an accident during a trip to search for resources for the space station, but Helt did not remember it. After his parents' accident, Hert He was adopted, but most of his childhood memories are vague. He can only remember things from the past two years. Many things in the past only have some vague memory fragments, because he is a patient with memory troubles.

Most people who live in the space station have this disease. Because they live in the universe for a long time, they are often disturbed by unknown cosmic rays and sleep in a closed space cabin. Long-term closure will cause a certain degree of psychological damage to people. Influences include electromagnetic centripetal force chips implanted in the body.

"Stukov, those people at the moon base are really stingy. There is so much solid water on the moon, which is enough for all of us to live on, but they still have to spend money to buy it!"

"Stop talking nonsense to me, you brat. We have received the red star coins this month. Now that we have received them, we have to work. We have to be responsible for replacing more than 300 damaged power generation panels in this area. The workload is huge! "

Stukov, who was more than ten meters away from Hert, had already started to pull him back. Hert made a face at him with a playful smile.

"I think you don't need it anymore, right? If you don't need it, you can rest or have fun now. I'll do it by myself."

Hult apologized hurriedly. After standing back on the deck, Hult looked at the colorful air mass in front of him. Soon they would go around the back of the earth. The orbit of the 69th space station they were in was orbiting the earth. One circle takes 10 days, 11 hours and 25 minutes. The power generation panels outside the space station must be repaired when it reaches the back of the earth.

Behind Hult is a group of neon steel houses in the shape of a round pancake, the highest of which is only three floors. It is the residential area of ​​Space Station 69 where they live, with nearly 100,000 people living there.

The huge Space Station 69 has an area of ​​20 square kilometers. On the outside is the power generation ring tube of Space Station 69. At the bottom, there is a huge black cover. This is the defense wall of the space station and also a light-blocking power generation panel. When facing the sun, the 8 hours of darkness in a day will be rotated over the city because of this light shield, completely cutting off the light from the distant sun. When encountering some huge meteorites, the defensive wall can prevent the meteorites from being destroyed. Defend the space station before it is destroyed by weapons.

In some places, you can see a lot of transmission tubes connecting from the power generation ring tube to the almost transparent ecological space cover. The black ones are conductive tubes and serve as fixed frames, and the white ones are the channels for people to enter and exit the space station. Hull Te and Stukov came from these tubes. These tubes not only undertake the work of conducting electric energy in the power generation board, but also undertake the role of heat conduction and cooling. When the temperature of the ecosphere inside the space station rises, The tube will automatically open some small holes, and use the air in the small holes as a medium to conduct the temperature of nearly minus 300 degrees in space through the heat conduction rod, thereby cooling the overheated ecosystem, including cooling some overheated machines. cool down.

When the interior is supercooled, the electrical energy in the conduction tube will begin to heat, and the heat conduction rod will begin to introduce heat energy into the ecosystem. The temperature of the space station has been maintained at around 22 to 25 degrees all year round.

"Hurry up Hult!"

Stukov said that he had already pulled the rope from the entrance of a passage they came up from and fell down. Below is a 30-meter-wide circular passage. There is no gravity in the passage. At this time, a pile of hexagonal edges A 1-meter-long power generation panel is fixed by a rope at a small hexagonal door. The power generation panels look like they are floating slightly, but they actually weigh 200KG and are made of high-density alloy.

These power generation panels must basically be replaced once a year. In such a harsh environment in the universe, extremely cold temperatures, floating metal particles, metal garbage, cosmic rays and other things will continue to corrode the outside of the external power generation tubes of the space station. Therefore, they must be replaced. Both Hert and Stukov are fourth-level citizens, ranked second to last, and the only things they can do are repairs to the space station.

In the Skyland Space Country, there are extremely strict citizen level restrictions. Level five citizens can only provide food, water and entertainment in the space station, level four citizens are space station maintenance workers, and level three citizens can transport and explore external resources. Workers, second-level citizens are material processing workers, and first-level citizens are machine manufacturers, producing various machinery required by the space station.

Further up are the Star Forces, who are the managers of the Skyland Space Nation, and then there are the scientists and country founders who live in the lunar base.

It's just that Hult has only seen those scientists and founders on TV, and only the more annoying Star Force is an integral part of his life.

In the Skyland Space Kingdom, intelligence tests will begin when you have basic cognitive abilities at the age of seven or eight. The test results will determine which class of citizen you are. You will be taught from an early age all the things that a citizen needs to do, including Technical training, Hert remembers these things very clearly, but in his impression, Stukov's shadow is vague.

The two of them had already pulled a stack of power generation panels with fixed ropes each, and came to the power generation ring tube again. Hert was one step ahead of Stukov and stood in front of a power generation panel.

“First come, first served!”

Stukov stretched out his foot and kicked Helt's mask slowly.

Hult directly pressed the button on the neck of the mask, and with a burst of air spurting out, the backpack of Hult's bloated spacesuit directly stretched and opened, like a giant spider, with tentacles fixed on the power generator next to it. On the board, in the upper left corner of Helt's mask, there is a reminder that the repair mechanical package is being charged.

There were quite a few replacement and repair tools that were stretched out in front of Hert and connected to the wires. Hert started to take an electric screwdriver and began to remove the dense screws on the power generation board and replace such a small piece of power generation board. It will take at least half an hour.

The disassembled waste screws were directly put into a recycling can on the leg. At this time, Hert looked at the function buttons on the screen. Soon the mechanical bag behind him began to deform, and the four robotic arms stretched out and turned into He found a seat and sat down comfortably.

"Move faster, you stupid pig!"

"Asshole old man!"

Helter laughed loudly as he spoke, and directly cut off contact with Stukov through the eye recognition control system.

Time 14:03

The two people, who had worked hard all morning, were floating in the annular space of the power tube. They used steel cables to fix their bodies near the doorway back to Space Station 69.

"Why, it's potatoes again, I want to eat meat!"

Hurt said that Stukov next to him suddenly looked gloomy and his eyes were distracted, as if he was thinking about something.

"It's better not to eat it. Meat is not good for your health."

The originally good mood was gone, and Hult was a little angry. Although they were level 4 citizens, 1,000 red star coins a month, 200 blue star coins, and 1 gold star coin a year were enough for them to live a good life. .

Red star coins are a currency that can be used to purchase food, water, entertainment, and some special services. Blue star coins are used to purchase mechanical equipment, ranging from their repair kits to small space shuttles, but the former is their lifeblood. , need to be replaced regularly, but the latter is not necessary for them. If you have a better relationship with Level 3 citizens, you can secretly take a ride on this small space shuttle and have a wild ride in the universe. Experience it. Hurt last year He almost had an accident and was arrested by the Star Force.

You only need to own 10 of the last Venus coins to own a residence on the moon. Hurt has been officially working for two years and has two coins in his hand.

Stukov reached out a hand and patted Hult on the shoulder.

"If you really want to eat, I will take you to have barbecue in the evening."


Hert smiled brightly like a child, and Stukov hummed, but the expression inside the mask showed a hint of sadness, and then he coughed. Stukov has been feeling very unwell recently. good.

Hult hurriedly patted Stukov on the shoulder.

"I don't really want to eat it. Forget it, just eat potatoes."

As he spoke, Hert began to press down on the mask. At this time, the mask began to expand. After a while, it increased by more than one meter. Hert took a small black box handed over by Stukov. At this time, the mask display screen, which had expanded several times, prompted that the gravity space was activated.

After Helt stuffed the small black box into another space item storage device on the leg, the machine in the leg was sealed after putting it in. After a while, Helt felt a chill. After a few dozen seconds, Along with the beeping sound on the screen, Hult's expanded spacesuit had become much looser. He stretched out his hand to get the small black box from his leg. After picking it up, he held it in his hand.

The gravity coefficient is 9.8N/KG, which is the gravity of the earth. There are electromagnetic gravity devices inside the spacesuit, which can produce a state that simulates the gravity of the earth. People cannot be in a state of no gravity for a long time. If they are in a state of no gravity for more than a week, their bones will be damaged. Density will decrease, muscle loss and vision will decrease, including the person's own immune system will also be affected, especially sleep. The inability to maintain the balance of the pituitary gland in a state of weightlessness will often lead to inability to sleep. Astronauts who have landed in space before, They can only rely on long-term use of sedative drugs to help them sleep. After returning to the gravity state, many people suffer from various physical illnesses, and some even develop psychological problems.


The black box in front of him was opened, and a burst of hot air spurted out, accompanied by a faint fragrance. Helter licked his lips, preparing to enjoy this sumptuous meal. He cut the steaming pieces into pieces and soaked them in the seasoning liquid. The potatoes were the staple food at noon today, with a lot of sesame pepper and green onions sprinkled on them. Hert picked up the spoon on the back of the box and ate them hungrily.

The reason why he lost his temper was because he had not eaten meat for half a month and had eaten potatoes every day. Although he brought you fruit and vegetable salad for several meals, Helt still wanted to eat meat.

Meat costs about 10 Red Star Coins per 100 grams, and 1,000 grams of meat costs 100 Red Star Coins. This is unaffordable for two level four maintenance workers. Their wages are basically the same. Potatoes are the cheapest in the space station. For food, 1 kilogram of prepared potatoes only costs 10 red star coins. If you eat potatoes every day for a month, even if you eat one kilogram per meal, you only need 600 red star coins. The remaining 400 red star coins and 100 red star coins can be used to purchase water, and the rest can be played in virtual games or having fun in some pub dance bars.

It's just that Hurt basically spends every cent of his remaining red star coins in the space dance bar every month just to have the opportunity to dance with Katerina. She is The most beautiful dancer in Space Station 69 has countless suitors, but Katerina never responds to anyone. She always rejects suitors coolly.

"Thinking about Katerina again?"

"Can you not think about it? That princess is the most shining gem in my heart!"

Stukov smiled and patted his head.

"Maybe I can get you to talk to her alone."

"Are you bragging? How can you, a bad old man, do anything? We have no money, and Katerina's income is even lower than ours. Most of the money has been taken away by the state, and she doesn't like money."

Stukov waved his hand.

"Don't forget it."

"Yes, if you can help it, I will treat you to meat."

As soon as Stukov heard about meat, he suddenly vomited in disgust, but he still nodded calmly, with determination in his originally cloudy eyes.

At 20 o'clock, all 13 power generation panels were replaced. The two people stood exhausted at the entrance of the passage back. They had to go back now, take a comfortable bath, rest for a while and then eat. At 10 o'clock, the block below the space station The light panel will rise and the neon lights in the city will light up. If they go back late, they will have to sleep here all night.

"You brat, I exchanged it for 8 yuan, but you only exchanged it for 5 yuan. What do you mean?"

As soon as it passed 18 o'clock, Hert became restless. He wanted to go and see the gem quickly. In her heart, it was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, Katerina.

Stukov stretched his hand to the left side of the hexagonal passage. After pressing it, beams of light shot out. After the system recognized it, the door opened.

"Move quickly."

Helter once again checked whether the power generation board was firmly fixed before floating over. Because of a mistake he made before, he came over early the next morning. The power generation board floated all over the entire ring-shaped metal cabin. It took them a whole day to find it. All metal plates recovered.

After all, this ring-shaped power-generating metal cabin is more than ten kilometers long. Stukov cursed Hult countless times throughout the day.

The hexagonal transmission pipe is 6 meters long. The upper part is for people to move, while the lower part is for transmitting electricity. Two people sat down on two fixed seats on the rails.

After Stukov pressed the button, the two began to move side by side towards the bottom of the pancake-shaped space station at a constant speed.

Hult shouted excitedly, looking very happy. The transmission pipe connecting to the space station was not far away, only 500 meters away.

The two of them moved directly into the lower part of the space station, which looked like a discus from a distance but looked like a hemisphere from a close look. The same hexagonal hatch opened in front of them. It was a place with a lot of light. After they entered, the sealed The space will begin to heat up their spacesuits. After the spacesuit material has been in an extremely low temperature environment for too long, it will heat up very slowly. If it cannot quickly return to normal temperature, it will damage the service life of the spacesuit. Under normal circumstances, a set of such a work spacesuit costs 100 to 200 blue star coins and must be replaced every three months.

The spacesuits of the two looked relatively old. At this time, some gas was sprayed from the small holes on both sides. According to the crystal screen on the wall, the vacuum environment was being filled.

The two were still floating. After a while, the two began to take off their spacesuits. Hult looked back at the dark universe behind him and the earth that could be seen through the window, and kissed him.

"What are you thinking about all day long?"

Hert, whose body was exposed, had strong arms, a height of 1.8 meters, and a thin figure. His blue eyes were always staring at the earth.

"In my lifetime, I really want to go back and take a look, even once. To be honest, I have had enough of this dark environment. Even if I die on that colorful ball, it might be better, real soil. what does it look like."

"Silly boy!"

Next to him, Stukov was taller than Hult, already over fifty, with a thick brown beard. His body looked relatively strong, but it was a little white and had bruises in some places.

"I think it's better for you to let the Red Star Army check your body."

Hert looked at Stukov with some worry. The signs of space sickness have appeared. People living in space will have such diseases. After a period of time, they will feel dizzy and weak. Recently, Stokov Cove has done this several times.

"It's just that the treatment cycle is a bit long. I remember that the guy next door came back in full swing after three months of treatment."

Stukov nodded and was silent for a moment.

The door in front of the two people opened, and there was a way up. The spacesuit was thrown inside. Later, the secondary citizen material processing union came to collect the screws removed from the power generation board. They can still be used after reprocessing. As for Those broken power generation panels can only be temporarily left in the external ring-shaped metal cabin, and will be sent back after the repairs are completed.

The two of them were floating swaying like this. Suddenly, after walking out of a polymer gel door that could be passed through, the two of them landed instantly and felt the gravity.

In front of me is a large area of ​​almost identical metal houses. There are people everywhere on the street. Everyone is wearing a standard space station plastic suit, a blocky one-piece uniform of gray white and black. You can clearly see the prints on the chest and shoulders of the uniform. The red numbers on the left are the levels of citizens.

Herter and Stukov's clothes were not zipped up at this time, but were wearing cloth waistcoats, and their whole bodies looked slimy. At this time, a pair of 10-man Star Forces could be seen not far away, just inside a house. There was a crowd gathering at the door of the drink bar.

Blue Star troops were wearing blue block-shaped uniforms, carrying black guns on their backs, and some square hanging bags on their legs. Many of them were not wearing helmets, but were teasing at the door of the store. There are several waitresses inside.

Hert couldn't stand it anymore, but Stukov stopped him. The two pulled up their clothes and walked to the left, intending to go home first.

Hert took out a roll of something from his trouser pocket, and opened it to reveal a crystal panel 10 centimeters long and wide. After he clicked softly, a computer screen appeared on the panel, and then the beam of light was projected directly in a three-dimensional manner. A 3D computer interface is formed in the air. These computers are crystal light-emitting computers that can be controlled with eyes or fingers. They can communicate, play games, listen to songs, watch movies, and pay bills. These can be dragged around with your fingers. , is made up of incorporeal light. If there is no image, it will be like making random gestures in the air. Many people on the street are looking at their computers while walking.

Some seemed to be chatting, others were looking for a place to eat.

Hult quickly pulled out an icon of a spinning dancer. When he clicked on it, it showed information about tonight's dance bar. It costs 10 red star coins to go, and there is wine and some soy products including meat cubes. Yes, there is still a chance to dance with the dancer, but you must be invited by the dancer.

The Blue Star Army manages city security and patrols the city every day, while the Red Star Army manages city supplies and medical care. There is also a Venus Army, which protects scientists and founders and only operates on the moon base. , or when a certain founder comes to inspect, he will accompany him and serve as the royal guard.

The two walked along and soon came to the entrance of a downward staircase. Two Blue Star troops were guarding the door.

"Helt, I see you sticking your butt out and asking for help. Katerina didn't even look at you. Instead, she danced with me last night, hahaha."

In an instant, Hert stared angrily at a Blue Star Army member on the left. This group of people is very annoying. They are usually domineering. They are the managers of the space station. They don't need to do anything. They only need to carry guns every day. , patrol everywhere, and then you can go to some special service centers to enjoy yourself at night.

In the past, these guys even attacked ordinary women. In Hert's memory, when he first came to this space station two years ago, he saw a riot because the governor of the Blue Star Army attacked a woman. The result was that It caused a riot, and finally the riot was suppressed. A member of the royal family came, calmed everyone, and punished the consul. Then everything returned to daily life. The woman also had some psychological problems and was taken away from the royal family. The royal family did a good job in receiving the lunar base unconditionally. Some reports of the woman regaining her smile at the lunar base were broadcast before.

Seeing that Hult was about to get angry, Stukov grabbed him and walked down. After going down, there was a residential area. The independent rooms were neatly arranged in order. Soon the two came to room 10868. , after opening the door, there are some metal sofas with cotton padding on them. The room is not big, only 36 square meters. There are two chairs in the middle, a long table in the middle, and a horizontal window directly opposite. The universe can be seen. The two live in the outermost layer at the bottom of the space station. The universe can be seen from here. It is relatively expensive and requires 1,000 blue star coins to buy. The two saved for a year before finally buying it.

As the space station rotates around the earth, you can see the earth wrapped in color in the distance. Hert was very happy. As soon as he entered the room, he sat towards the horizontal window, lying on the table and looking at the universe. On the left hand side are two sleeping cabins. Hult asked for the one with a small window that could see the universe.

On the right side of the door is a bathroom. There is a large jar with blue crystals at the door. There is solid water in it. At this time, the big jar is almost bottomed out. This solid water will pass through the pipe connected to it. The released chemicals turn into liquid water after completing the degradation reaction.

"I'll wash it first."

Stukov walked into the small room, and Hert opened the dance bar, and soon opened a 3D image of a dancing person wearing a luxurious colorful dress.

With exquisite and intoxicating facial features, extreme beauty, big clear blue eyes, and graceful and slender body, Katerina is even more beautiful in the dance. For Hert, Katerina is in such a space station. The only flower in the endless tedious repair work.

At this time, Hert felt dizzy and pressed his forehead. He has been feeling dizzy from time to time recently. He has been working for two years.

Hurt fell asleep after a while, and it was already 21:35 until Stukov woke him up.

"Why don't you wake me up."

Hurt hurriedly started taking a shower, then trimmed his beard, and then walked onto the street with Stukov. At this time, you could hear the humming sound of machinery and feel the slight rumble of the ground, which was coming from the lower part of the space station. The sound of the light shield rising.

With excitement, Helt and Stukov had dinner at a spicy potato shop and then went straight to the center of the space station.

The reason why Level 5 citizens are the lowest level of citizens on the space station is because many of them are not very smart and cannot adapt to the complex overall maintenance work of the space station. The only thing they can provide is food, drink and fun, which are of no use in space. It's meaningless, but if human beings lack entertainment, they will be extremely prone to psychological problems over time.

Therefore, these lowest-level citizens who are responsible for the social entertainment of the current space station only have a pitiful 500 red star coins and 50 blue star coins every month. It is impossible to have gold star coins. Unless they are particularly outstanding in talent, they may be eliminated by the moon. The entertainment company brought them there to perform for scientists and royals, and they would receive certain rewards. Katerina was obviously so outstanding, but she had never been invited. Instead, those talents who did not seem to be outstanding were invited. After a while, they will come back smiling.

Not long after, the two of them stood at the entrance of a huge dance bar connected by three large block metal houses. Man Dancer is the name of this dance bar covering an area of ​​300 square meters. It is also the hottest dance bar on Space Station 69. Hert had already bought the tickets, but what surprised Hert was that Stukov actually bought the tickets today. On weekdays, he would watch some entertainment programs broadcast on other space stations at home.

The two of them walked into the dancer. As soon as they entered, they could see the dim lights on the outer circle. The dancers had not started performing yet, but the large stage in the middle was already crowded with people, including citizens from level 1 to level 4. You can see that many people come here to chat or date, both men and women. When the mood strikes, people below will also come on stage to dance with the dancers.

After Helt and Stukov found a seat and sat down, a female waiter wearing a tulle skirt came over immediately with two red drinks. Under the soft light, the color of the drinks was a bit enchanting.

"Tomato juice again!"

Helt seemed a little dissatisfied. Potatoes and tomatoes are two common foods, but Helt wanted to eat meat. After a while, the waitress brought up a plate of snacks mixed with dried fruits and meat. Erte picked up the pieces of meat with quick eyes and hands and stuffed them into his mouth. The fragrant and crispy meat pieces made a crunching sound in his mouth.

"No one will compete with you. I don't want to eat a bite of this!"

Hert couldn't understand Stukov. Stukov didn't like eating meat much a year ago. A long time ago, they used to have a barbecue every month, but now no matter what Hert yells, Stukov, he won’t even go.

Finally, after all the lights outside the venue were extinguished, a soft light hit the middle stage, followed by a slow mechanical rising sound, and soft music also sounded from all around. It was Beethoven's music. I heard that he was a five-year-old. A relatively famous musician on earth more than a hundred years ago.

The tune is gentle and slightly sad, and Hert keeps clapping his hands. Every day starts the same as before. Tonight, Katerina is wearing a light blue gauze dress, with little lights reflecting on the dress. Katerina, who was already so beautiful, looked even more radiant now.

The soft and melodious music, coupled with Katerina's gentle and graceful dance, made everyone immersed in it. The lights were changing softly with Katerina's dance posture from time to time, and the venue was completely silent. Jelina suddenly moved from the middle of the stage towards this side, taking graceful dance steps, spinning slightly, and her every move was filled with light.

Just when Helt was so excited that he could finally see Katerina up close, the song ended and Helt was a little disappointed.

"Sir, can I invite you to dance?"

A slender and white hand stretched out. Helter was flattered and stood up reflexively, then bowed.

"Of course, princess!"

Katerina was a little surprised. Helt jumped onto the stage in one step. The Katerina in front of her was almost as tall as herself. A slender arm held Helt's waist. In order to learn to dance, Helt But after practicing for a long time, every time he danced, the only person he danced with was Stukov behind him.

At this time, there was a sense of fear in Stukov's eyes. He stared sideways at the Blue Star Army not far away from them. There were more than 30 people sitting there.

The world seemed to be silent. Helter smiled, and a stream of fragrance came to his nostrils. The two danced on the stage amidst the melodious music. Katerina's body was very soft, and it was difficult to see her at such a close distance. It was the first time to see Katerina's face.

"Can I ask you to ask me out later?"

The sudden Helt returned to reality from his intoxicated fantasy, his cheeks were red, and he was a little afraid to look at Katerina's sapphire-like eyes, but he still nodded, feeling the sudden arrival of happiness. At that time, Hert felt as if he was drunk and dizzy.

"What are you dancing for, Katerina? Your dance partner made the wrong steps several times."

At this time, the Blue Star Army in the audience burst into laughter, and Hert was a little angry.

"Don't look away! Let me take a good look at your eyes."

Hult's heart was beating violently, and after a while the dance ended.

"Invite me in public."

"Miss Kajie Lingna, can you please go for a walk with me!"

Amidst the confused shouts from all around, Katerina suddenly grabbed Helt's arm and stepped off the stage. Many people started to boo, and it was obvious that Katerina was very anxious.

Although Hert didn't know why good luck suddenly came to her, he looked at Katerina in a sky blue dress in front of him and just stared blankly at this beautiful side face.

Most of the places where couples go on dates are on the edge of the city. Katerina and Helt have been running in some places away from people. Soon Helt saw the earth in the distance. He and Helt Katerina arrived at the edge of the space station.

"Can you date me, Miss Katerina, on the condition that I get married."

As soon as he arrived at the place, Helterton immediately spoke up and vomited out all the things he had been holding in his chest for the past two years.

However, at this time, Katerina turned around coldly, let go of Helt's hand, and distanced herself.

"Please allow me to refuse, Mr. Hult!"


Accompanied by a loud noise, Hert was startled. He looked at the place near the center of the city in the distance, and black smoke was rising. At this time, a large number of Blue Star troops began to move towards that direction.

Just when Helt was confused, not far away, a panting Stukov ran over.

"Is it finally starting Stukov?"

Stukov's eyes widened, and for a moment he seemed to have something unspeakable.

"Hert knows nothing."

The moment he finished speaking, a scimitar dagger was pressed against Helt's neck. The cold blade scratched and blood spilled out.

A strong hand squeezed Katerina's hand. Hert didn't dare to say a word. Katerina, who had been so gentle just now, seemed to be a different person at this moment, exuding murderous aura. Stukov coughed and forcefully pushed Katerina's hand away.

"He is not your son, nor is he anyone of yours. If such a person stays, if he goes to notify the Blue Star Army, we will be finished."

Stukov looked at Helt blankly.

"Will you tell the Blue Star Army about what happened tonight?"

Katerina's hand holding the blade still didn't relax. She was already planning to kill this kid.

"Stay awake Stukov, he is just a product of your memory, the real you should not know him at all."

Hert's head was dizzy, and he fainted from discomfort.

"This is the first time I've been sent back Katerina."

Stukov said, pulling Katerina away and placing the unconscious Helt on the ground.

"This is already the 29th time."

Stukov raised his head, indescribable sadness showing on his face.

"Have I died 29 times already? I almost lost count of the times."

Stukov said and Katerina nodded.

"My body has also started to have problems. It may not be long before I am taken away by the Red Star Army. It will take up to half a year. I have already contacted my comrades from other space stations. If I want to resist, , we must agree on a time point to seize control of the space station."

Stukov nodded.

"I'm afraid the royal family will not let us do this. In the worst case scenario, when we seize the space station, we must attack the moon base, otherwise the royal family will launch quantum weapons and directly destroy us."

Katerina glanced at the unconscious Helt. The blade she was holding was still stained with blood. Stukov shook his head.

"Even though I only got along with him briefly for a few months, this kid is very innocent and doesn't have any bad intentions."

"But he can't remember everything on his own, so it's better to get rid of him and destroy the memory chip on the back of his head."

After hesitating for a while, Stukov pressed Katerina's hand and shook his head.

"Even if we didn't say anything to him, he wouldn't report us."

Katerina was still worried, and Stukov looked at Helt on the ground.

"Katerina, the power of love is great. When I first met this boy, your shadow lived in his heart. Now this shadow is getting stronger and stronger, radiating light. Although It’s just short-lived, maybe only a few months, but for him and you, maybe you can smell the fragrance, see the light, and feel the warmth. He likes you very much, Katerina!”

Katerina's hand holding the knife slowly loosened her grip, and finally she turned around and walked away.

"I will trust you once, Stukov, but I don't like weak men very much!"

Stukov smiled.

"Maybe he's surprisingly strong!"

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