Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 527 The Path of the Sun (Part 2)

"Section Chief, the signal has been sent, we can start."

A female clerk stood next to Noah. Noah had a bandage on his head and cheek. He was silent and stretched out his hands to adjust the scope of the sun on the light and shadow screen, and began to expand it little by little. Got up and adjusted directly to the 10 kilometers outside the gully.

But at this time, Noah's eyes were full of doubts and confusion. He mumbled and grinned slightly. The pain on his face instantly made him miserable.


"Yes, this speech can indeed enter people's hearts, yes!"

In the Congress hall, the six gods who were watching Le Xiao's speech, as well as a large number of congressmen present, all had complicated expressions at this time. Some young congressmen looked a little excited. Wu Qun was silent, resting his chin on his hands. Looking at him, he is already so old, but the last speech of this little girl just now made his calm heart waver.

Born to be entitled? It seems that being on stage is no accident.

In Wu Qun's understanding, there are two types of powerful people. One is the type who talks nice but actually does something else. Under the circumstances, he overcame all difficulties and finally accomplished everything he said, and was praised by everyone. The former is like most people who have set foot in the world of power, while the latter is like those who have left a strong mark on history. On Xiao, Wu Qun saw the latter's appearance.

No matter how beautiful a lie is, if there is no truth to set it off, it will always be just a lie, and it will eventually become a laughing stock. But if you want to use truth to set off lies, you not only need determination and perseverance, but sometimes good luck is also needed.

Many people have been born in history who have made great progress in human history. Once in a certain war, a powerful country annexed the surrounding small countries and planned to annex some of the surrounding big countries. At that time, a powerful country , but those in power all unanimously opposed it and signed a so-called peace agreement.

Just when everyone couldn't decide, a madman in the eyes of everyone was pushed forward. Everyone just wanted him to take the blame. Unfortunately, this madman's determination to go to war with that inhuman country has not wavered at all. That madman Eventually left alone, even the royal family decided to flee and seek refuge abroad.

But in the end, this madman did it. Through repeated uncompromising efforts and running again and again, he finally declared war on that inhumane country and finally won.

Wu Qun smiled slightly. When he saw Le Xiao for the first time, he realized that this little girl looked like an idiot, but she had determination and courage that he had never seen before.

"No matter what happens after today ends, if I can see it in my lifetime, it can be regarded as a brick in the great process!"

The sun's rays slowly passed through the Weeping Bridge little by little. At this time, a large number of people in the barrier area who were waiting to receive food stood up in the cold wind. Everyone's eyes were the same, watching the Weeping Bridge pass by quickly. Bridge, in the blink of an eye, the sun shone on him, and the cheers of joy began to slowly become one.

Many people in the city watched everything in front of them seriously, looking at the jubilant sea of ​​​​people hugging each other in the sun. Many people were moved and kept wiping their tears.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long. This is a little compensation for everyone waiting in the cold wind for 3 hours!"

Le Xiao wiped the tears on her face with the handkerchief handed over by Michelle, then adjusted her voice and looked at everything in front of her seriously. After a while, the excited crowd gradually quieted down.

"Unfortunately, with the development of the city, many people are unable to adapt and are even unable to change. Eventually, when they grow old, they cross the Bridge of Weeping because there is no place for them in the city. I believe Everyone who has crossed the bridge of crying must be unwilling in their hearts! Maybe many people have thought that if I didn’t go to the construction site to work, maybe this wouldn’t be the case. Maybe I should choose something else, so that I I will never cross the Bridge of Weeping!"

Lexiao pursed her dry lips and swallowed.

"But! Without the blood and sweat you all have put in, the city cannot be dazzling. When the city needs workers, if everyone becomes a shop assistant, a doctor, a lawyer or a businessman, then the city will be left with nothing. What is falling? No one makes each brick and tile, no one carries it, and no one is even willing to put the bricks and tiles together. What we see now will not be a dazzling city, but a ruin. !”

Didi didi

Accompanied by a harsh mechanical sound, Le Xiao hurriedly looked to the right. At this time, Locke opened a light and shadow panel next to him. There were huge split screens on it, with subjects 12 and 10 on them. The members were lying on the hard ground under the gray sky, conducting detection.

Groups of values ​​​​that the land had been exposed to sunlight last night were transmitted back. Some hard soil had already produced a certain amount of microorganisms due to the sunlight last night.

"Early this morning, our operational department conducted a large-scale land sampling of the entire barrier area. Based on one square kilometer of land, we collected the irradiated data of the land within 100 kilometers of the outer circle of the gully. It will be decided within a month. , the location to build an agricultural base in the barrier area!"

As Le Xiao's words fell, the crowd that had been silent for a while began to make noises, but immediately Le Xiao clenched his fists and pressed them on his chest.

"So, please give us some time, whether it is the citizens in the city who are worried that the plan to establish a food base will affect the city's economy and lower everyone's quality of life, or whether they are involved in urban construction because of the development of the city, and ultimately because of old age And the people who are unable to do anything and are expelled, or the criminals who just want to get something for nothing!”

The last sentence of Le Xiao's words emphasized the tone.

"This is your last chance. Please think carefully about the criminals who have been expelled in the past 50 years. When you arrived in the barrier area, you still relied on violent crimes to squeeze the weak in the barrier area. The reason why you were expelled Eviction is a series of evil deeds that finally made you lose your place in the city, but the city gave you another chance, and now, you people have never been grateful to the city, but you are still here It threatens the peace of the city from time to time!"


Le Xiao slapped her hand on the table, seemingly too hard, and her cheek twitched slightly in pain.

"Our department's attitude towards criminals has always been the same and there will be no compromise, but this is an opportunity. Please be kind to everyone around you. Those who participated in the construction of the city will be expelled after getting old and having a citizen level of zero. People who are out, please at least be a little grateful to them, instead of using violence to continue to squeeze them. It is because of them that you got this opportunity. Criminals, please listen, now There is a small group of rioters in the city, which is constantly threatening everything in the city, and our business department has 0 tolerance for this, from now on!"

Le Xiao emphasized her tone and slapped the table again.

"From today on, if any of you collude with the rioters in the city again, I don't care who you are, who is the instigator, and why you want to collude with them. Once our operations department finds out, this time it will no longer be a conversation. "

Le Xiao swallowed and became a little panicked, but she still gritted her teeth and continued.

"It's destruction! For those of you who are holding the city's supplies but still posing a threat to the city, you are the real bed bugs, and our business department will spare no effort to clean you up. People living in the barrier area, please, If you have evidence that they will collude with the rioters in the future, you can report these people during the monthly food collection. As long as the evidence is implemented, you can unconditionally obtain the citizenship of Brilliant City!"

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, the faces of a large number of armed people near the convoy five kilometers away suddenly changed. The old man who was sitting on the roof of the car smiled.

"Anyway, I don't plan to cooperate with the creator anymore. We are just their pawns, not even pawns. Just keep listening to what that little girl has to say!"

For a while, many cadres around him nodded. At this time, in the south, Potter, who was sitting on a chair with bandages all over his body, stared quietly at the light and shadow screen in the distance. At this time, I had mixed feelings in my heart.

"Zhu Fei, please tell the people in the business department in detail the details of our transactions with the creators in the past few years."

Zhu Fei smiled and nodded.

"You should be able to get a lot of food in exchange. If you just have to be patient for a while, everything will become dazzling when the food base is established!"

Potter hummed and smiled slightly.

"Please give us a little time, just wait patiently. When the sun fills the barrier area and you can see the golden wheat fields, everything will be fine, everyone in the barrier area!"

Le Xiao bowed seriously, and the section chiefs and secretaries also followed suit.

"You may still not be able to return to the city by then! But in the small town beside the farmland, when you get up early in the morning, you can go out of the house to pick up harvesting tools, work relaxedly in the wheat fields, and then have a delicious meal After a fresh lunch, you can return to the farmhouse in the afternoon and take a comfortable nap. At the end of the day, you and your family can sit together in the afterglow of the sunset and have a delicious dinner!"

Le Xiao laughed happily, and then continued.

"Of course, if you are able to live in the city, the city will naturally accommodate you and give you a safe place. Please wait. Just wait. In the meantime, on behalf of the Business Department, I will report to the barrier area Everyone promises that while you are waiting, there will be no shortage of supplies, and you only need to exercise moderately. At least when the agricultural base is established, everyone can come and help build it. This is not for anyone, It is not for the people in the city, but for everyone in the barrier zone to build a home of their own, this land belongs to you, so please just wait! And the people in the city, today."

Le Xiao quietly stared at the city behind him and took a deep breath.

"Today everyone knows the truth, a cruel and hard-to-accept truth. No children have been born in the city for a long time. Because the city wants to develop, it cannot stagnate. There is no room for children to survive. But now the aging society is pressing us step by step. Think about it, what will we do when we all get old? Everything you see in the barrier zone today may be a microcosm of your future. The plan has been decided Now, our business department will do everything possible to come up with a comprehensive plan to build a golden wheat field in the barrier area and plant a variety of fruit trees, tea gardens, and coffee gardens. This land is so It is so vast that no one cares about it. We obviously have such a vast land behind a huge barrier, but this land is dying year by year. Until now, our land can no longer supply more and more people in the city. , it will be difficult for us to survive if we continue, so please give us some time. I believe that all kind-hearted people, what you have seen today, maybe one day in the future, when the sun's rays shine on the barrier area, it will be the same as the barrier area. People in the district are connected together, this is the road of the sun, the only road that belongs to us living in this vast land!"

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