Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 528 The Path of the Sun (Part 2)

"I think what Secretary Le Xiao said is right. If I am unable to work when I grow old in another 30 years, what should I do?"

A middle-aged man sitting in the office said. At this time, many people in the office nodded slightly, but there were different voices.

“Isn’t it enough to save enough for your own pension?”

A man said, but someone immediately retorted.

"When you are over a hundred years old, you will gradually be unable to work at the age of 110. In the next twenty or thirty years, do you plan to rely on liquid food until you die of old age?"

Many people in the office were silent for a while, and bursts of discussion and cheers came from outside the room.

A large number of people are discussing the issue of aging in the future, and the lowest tax is a problem that everyone needs to face. Food, clothing, housing, and transportation require money. Many people do not have children. It will be difficult to afford their own lives when they grow old. , and once falling ill, it is a nightmare for many people.

The voice of the discussion began to change significantly. If an agricultural base is really established in the barrier zone, it will be beneficial to most people in the city. Food can even be cheaper. This is something that will accompany many people throughout their lives. , and the commerce in the city will also grow with the increase in food production.

But at the same time, some people are afraid that if the food base really drags down the city's economy and causes high inflation, everyone will have a hard time. Many people still hold back on this extremely difficult establishment of a food base. with strong skepticism.

But at this time, what was playing on the screen was cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami. People from the barrier area were shouting excitedly.

"It's pretty good, isn't it!"

King Xue was holding a glass of wine and looking at the picture on the screen with a smile. In his office at this time, Heathcote and Li Ang were both there. The three of them were currently using the office of Section 1 as a temporary command room to handle some necessary tasks in various places. Information to be reported.

"Indeed, this little girl who has won the hearts of the people will work hard to create her image from now on, just like acting. Someone needs to play the role of a good guy, and someone must take on the role of a bad guy, so that the audience's movie-watching experience will be improved! "

Li Ang said, and Heathcote next to him also agreed.

"Many problems in the past were due to the harsh approach of the Xingke. Although the problems were solved, they lost the hearts of the people. But now it is different. This little girl who can turn magic can just play the role of the righteous Xingke that the people like. The conflicts will gradually be resolved, and all the previous problems can be dealt with!"

King Xue smiled and said nothing, always maintaining a gentle smile.

"As long as waste is used properly, it can really become a weapon!"

The three section chiefs clinked their wine glasses together.

"Your Excellency, the manager, is still thinking far-reaching. When he told the plan last night, none of us present could make a decision. After all, this was a dangerous move, but instead of letting the problem continue to be suppressed by this side, it would come up again from the other side. , it’s better to put the problem on the table, now it seems like a great move!”

Heathcote looked at the two people next to him. He had never seen such relaxed expressions on their faces in so many years. They were obviously very happy inside, but speaking was another matter.

These two guys, just smile happily and don't talk so much nonsense!

At this time Le Xiao in the middle of the screen spoke again.

"My name is Le Xiao, and I am the secretary of Section 13. I am 26 years old, and the colleagues behind me are the same!"

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, the secretaries bowed one by one and spoke.

"My name is Zi Yuer, I am the secretary of the No. 1 City Management Section, I am 51 years old!"

"My name is Lilian, I am the secretary of the Crisis Analysis and Countermeasures Section of the Second City, I am 57 years old!"

"My name is Seema, I am the secretary of the 3rd Military Section, I am 53 years old!"

"My name is Gu Ningning. Yes, I am the secretary of the 4th Medical Department. I am 48 years old this year!"

"My name is Qin Dong, I am the secretary of the 5th Public Security Management Section, I am 53 years old!"

"My name is Yincai, I am the secretary of the Information Management Section of the 6th City, I am 58 years old!"

"My name is Ye Jiao, I am the secretary of the 7th Wallet Management Section, I am 55 years old!"

"My name is Letty! I am the secretary of the 8th Legal Affairs Division. I am 58 years old!"

"My name is Chloe, I am the secretary of the 8th and 9th Business Section, I am 46 years old!"

"My name is Guoguo. I am a genius. I am the secretary of the 10th Science Research Institute. I am 59 years old this year!"

"My name is Song Xuan, I am the secretary of the 11th Crime Management Section, I am 51 years old!"

"My name is Larry, I am the secretary of the 12th Agriculture Section, I am 57 years old!"

After each of the secretaries said their names without being surprised or dissatisfied, Locke signaled to Michelle, Le Xiao quickly stood aside, and Michelle stood in front of the table, bowed and said.

"My name is Michelle, I am the Secretary-General of the General Affairs Department, I am 6 years old."

Michelle hesitated for a second with a solemn expression and then said.

"I'm 59 years old this year!"

The cheering crowd below calmed down, and Michelle looked at the people below with a smile.

"In the future, the city will usher in changes. The people in our department who have worked hard to serve the city in the past are getting older day by day, and the work of our secretaries has just begun. Today! is the day when the city will usher in a new life. In the future , as city managers, we will go all out to serve the city that is about to usher in a new life and serve every one of you. I have too much to say today, but you have been waiting in the cold wind for nearly 4 hours, so please believe in us and give us time, because we are still young and we still have a lot of time and energy to change everything!"

As soon as Michelle finished speaking, the secretaries behind her immediately got off the stage. Several section chiefs stood at the back. The secretaries began to stand on the left and right sides of Michelle. Le Xiao slipped in panic, but Immediately, several secretaries used telekinesis to keep her balanced. The secretaries put their hands on their chests and bowed slightly.

"Youth is the capital of our generation's members. The members who participated in urban construction and management in the past have grown old. Just like you who have worked hard for the city, you have also aged. Please give us some time. , as managers, they have put in too much effort for the city day and night. The city has developed, but they are old, so as old people, they can only give the city stability, only stability. Only then can the city prosper. Now it is our turn. Our younger generation will take over the big stick of urban construction from the hands of the previous generation. What everyone thinks is rotten and outdated, but they don’t know that it is what built the city. The cornerstone, but now the cornerstone is fading and getting old, and everyone is always complaining, feeling that it is not good enough, not perfect enough, and we hide the truth!"

Michelle bowed solemnly.

"I'm sorry for concealing the truth, and what the truth is is no longer important. On behalf of the new generation of members of the administrative department, I would like to apologize to the old members of the administrative department who have given everything for the city in the past. , times are progressing, cities are developing, what we can do is to make the whole city better and relatively fair!"

Michelle raised her fist and slapped her chest again. The secretaries around her followed suit one by one, and Le Xiao clumsily kept up with the beat.

"No matter how you see our actions in the future, please believe in us and believe in Congress. Changing the status quo can never be achieved with a slogan or an oath, but requires us to follow the plan for a bright future little by little. Okay, just like what Le Xiao, our secretary in Section 13, said just now, a road leading to the future, full of sunshine, requires each of us to work hard, pay, and strive for it in a down-to-earth manner. Each of us must You have the right to pursue happiness! And every day that follows, we will give this right to you, whether it is you, you, you, or us. Pursuing happiness every day is the most important thing for us as human beings. Good character! Because happiness will not come suddenly because of your misery, because you have suffered unfair treatment, or because you are struggling to move forward in difficulties. Use our hands to seize happiness. As human beings, we need happiness, and I promise once again that all of us in the business department will serve every citizen of the city every day!"

Thunderous applause erupted from time to time from all over the city, and Michelle smiled quietly.

"We will be here all day long today, until the sun goes out, and we will personally distribute food to you. If you have anything to say, please tell us. We are not here to say a nice talk. The words let everyone be immersed in hope, but to solve problems, and this is also the meaning of the existence of our business department, to manage the city, solve problems, and help every citizen who is willing to live under the sun! Thank you for being able to work in this Hours, listen to our voices!”

Michelle led the secretaries to bow again, and then he immediately picked up the phone.

"I know you can't wait. It's just 12 o'clock now. Please don't push. We will quickly distribute food to everyone. Market transactions can also start simultaneously. We will go downstairs for a walk later. This is our attitude in business and our determination!”

Michelle said, the lift slowly came over, and a director came out carrying a box of food.

"Now it's meal time. We will eat the same food as everyone here. After the meal is over, we will go down below and listen to everyone's voices!"

While Michelle was speaking, Leona glanced at a few secretaries who had expressions of extreme reluctance, sighed and laughed.

"Even if you swallow it, you have to eat it for me. If anyone dares to spit it out, I will screw your mouth open when I go back later!"

Mo Xiaolan said and was pushed into the lift by Leona. The section chiefs all left. Michelle pulled out a chair and sat down first. At this time, everyone in the city and in the barrier area I was shocked to see these powerful people opening cans of food for the people in the barrier area.

"What's wrong, you all, it actually tastes pretty good!"

Le Xiao was already the first one to hold the spoon, ate a small spoonful, and showed a happy smile. At this time, a large number of members of Section 3 and some businessmen began to pass the Bridge of Weeping in trucks.

Although Michelle was very resistant in her heart, she still took the can and started eating it, because every secretary except Le Xiao knew what this thing was made of, and the picture was clearly focused on the thing in their hands. There is absolutely no way to get by with canned food.

"Eat quickly. If you are full, you have to go down. Listen carefully. Just like the drill before, complete the work according to the order. Eat quickly when you hear it!"

Michelle took the can and drank it gurglingly, while Le Xiao chewed it carefully and uttered his words from time to time.

It seems to taste pretty good. It would be great if eaten with rice!

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