Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 526 The Path of the Sun (Part 1)

Under the gray-black sky, the cold wind was howling, and the air was filled with coldness. A pair of eyes full of expectation stared at the huge light and shadow screen in the sky.

The girl on the screen has a calm face. She always maintains a sincere smile on her mouth. She is full of vitality. She presses her hands on the table. The people standing around her are also smiling, but for some reason, everyone’s eyes are focused on her. On the girl in the middle, everyone in the barrier area heard this voice last night.

I was so anxious that I was about to cry, shouting at the top of my lungs. This voice was full of sincerity and not a trace of falsehood. Someone once said that there are only two kinds of voices in the world. They either pass by the ears and disappear in the wind, or they are not heard. A voice that sinks deep into my heart and evokes hope.

Many people heard this voice last night, and their chills were gradually dissipated by the rays of the sun. Many people walked towards the guard station in unison. From being excited and excited at the beginning, to lying on the hard ground exhausted and calming down, Doubts began to stir in the hearts of many people again. However, the light of the sun was not short-lived and did not extinguish quickly. It was so dazzling and dazzling all night long, but the bright city seemed to be sleeping, like a black hole. Quietly wrapped in light.

All this is incredible for people who live in a dark place all year round. The thing called hope that has been sleeping in their hearts for a long time has urged many people to speed up their pace. The original three days of food collection, such a grand occasion, only It will only appear on the third day. Some people who are far away from the guard station will not come so quickly.

When many people sat on the ground exhausted, they realized that the distance was not too far.

"Last night's test was a success!"

Le Xiao's slightly joyful voice came out. For a moment, the expectations in the eyes of the people outside the four guard stations changed slightly. Hope was steaming little by little, and many people looked at the city in unison. .

"The city needs to develop. As human beings, we are driving the process of the city time and time again. As you can see now, we live in a highly developed city. Unfortunately, I am only 26 years old this year. I cannot witness this with my own eyes. How did this dazzling city develop?"

Le Xiao smiled easily, choked and raised a hand, clenched it into a fist, and pressed it on his heart.

"But I enjoy everything I have! When I get up early in the morning, I open the curtains and bathe in the sunshine. After I go out, I walk on the clean and spacious streets, go to a small shop, and eat a snack made of fresh wheat flour. After breakfast, I take a smooth and comfortable underground train and take a nap. After arriving at the station, I start a new day of work. At lunch, I can enjoy a delicious meal and continue to work in the afternoon. When the sun sets , I occasionally get together with some friends, maybe go to a quiet little restaurant on a certain street corner, or maybe find a comfortable bar and restaurant. When I return home, under the brilliant lights, I can take a bath and relax I lie comfortably on the soft sofa, read a book, listen to music, or watch entertainment programs, movies, TV series, etc. But when sleepiness comes, I will lie on the bed, pull up the quilt, and sleep peacefully! I was actually a kid who loved to sleep in since I was little. If I wasn’t working, I would wait until the sun hit the quilt, smell the sun, hear the hustle and bustle on the street, and feel the warmth of the sun before I got up!"

Le Xiao laughed easily as she spoke. She blushed for a moment and smiled with a slightly naughty expression.

"It's a pity that I'm a little troubled now because I don't have a boyfriend yet!"

In a restaurant located in the city, many people's expressions were slightly gentle at this time, and some even raised the corners of their mouths slightly.

The city became quiet again, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Le Xiao on the screen and the chief and secretaries of the administrative department behind him.

"thank you all!"

Suddenly Le Xiao placed her fist on her chest in front of her body and bowed vigorously. When she raised her head again, there was a touch of sadness on Le Xiao's face.

"thank you all!"

The second sentence of the same sentence made many people confused. After Le Xiao straightened up, he pressed his hands on the seam of his trousers and bowed ninety degrees again. At this time, the section chief next to him and the secretaries behind him followed Le Xiao's ninety degree bow. They bowed and shouted in unison.

"thank you all!"

After saying the same thing for the third time, Le Xiao sniffed, pressed her right fist tightly on her chest, and her expression became serious.

"The reason why I can enjoy all this is because each of you who are older than me, after years of hard work, make the city behind me dazzling and give me the right to enjoy happiness. Each of you has contributed to the flow of the city. People who have passed blood and sweat, whether they are still alive or those who have passed away! Without you, I would not be able to enjoy everything I have now!"

Le Xiao stretched out her right hand and made a slow circle.

"There used to be a lot of cement workers in the city, but now there are only workers. They have disappeared. Because the city wants to develop, convenient machinery has replaced many people. At the same time, it has also cruelly deprived people who make a living from cement craftsmanship of everything. They were expelled! There used to be many workers in the city. They relied on their own physical strength and used their blood and sweat to carry stones and dig the land in that era when mechanical resources were scarce. But now they have disappeared , because the city needs to develop! I was lucky enough to see some old photos from more than 50 years ago of the criss-crossing subways, transportation pipelines, and sewage pipes!"

Le Xiao said and pointed to the left, and in an instant, pictures appeared on the corner of the huge light and shadow screen.

In an underground tunnel, with the lights on, a bunch of dirty people wearing hard hats sat around a makeshift dining table made of boxes, talking and laughing, and they looked full of hope. .

"These have all disappeared. When the city's underground construction pattern is completed, these workers who have worked hard for decades and can only rely on their own blood and sweat to continuously excavate the soil underground, shuttle back and forth in the dirty underground The city has disappeared, the city has developed, and I am now lucky enough to ride the subway! There is no room for these workers to dig in the city. After they put in their blood and sweat, when they came to the ground, they were unable to accept the freshness all year round. Things have become what many people call useless people, because the city needs to develop! We need a better life, more convenience, and better quality, but they can no longer provide any value to the city. When the disease These people are tortured day by day. When they get old day by day, they can no longer work. Later, they will be accompanied by the outrageous argument that useless people have no value in survival. Stop joking! The path you are taking now, what you are enjoying Everything was built by these so-called useless people in your mouth with their own lives, blood and sweat!"

Le Xiao's hands slowly dropped on the table, and tears flowed out uncontrollably. She remained silent and did not continue speaking. Her throat was constantly choked. After a while, she wiped her tears.

"Because we are human beings, living on this land, but as long as we are human beings, we will all grow old one day! And when we grow old, everything we have done in the past, even if it is just a small effort, will But it was defined as useless by later people, and our lives were denied! Don't be kidding, please take a look, please take a good look. The city behind us is bathed in the sun during the day and blooms in the lights at night. It was you, you and everyone else who built it up bit by bit with your hands. However, if the city wants to develop, useless things will naturally be eliminated. This is a huge paradox. I have worked hard for the city. But when the city was shining brightly, people stepped on the Bridge of Weeping, because they were useless? Because they were born low? If a person is useless to the city, then why can the city be built!"

A breeze blew by, Le Xiao raised her head, with two lines of tears hanging on her cheeks. At this time, Locke winked at Michelle, she nodded slightly, and pressed the middle of a round machine with her hands behind her back. .

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