Li Wei looked at a group of people who were placing some broken glass in the base outside the city. There were basically very few weapons and ammunition in the city. Li Wei asked many people to break the windows in the city and began to place some broken glass in the base outside the city wall. .

Some nails were also taken out, bent randomly and scattered in some trenches. Many people still looked worried. Li Wei smoked a cigarette and looked at the soldiers who looked better.

After eating a meal, these soldiers felt a little more comfortable. Some of them also drank wine, and their psychological pressure was also reduced. They were about to face rebels who were at least five times their number and had sufficient weapons and ammunition. .

Moreover, these rebels were very powerful in combat, and some of the troops who had come for reinforcements were easily killed by them.

Li Wei looked at the few explosives, and then asked the soldiers to place the explosives near some buildings behind the city wall. Many explosives were placed directly in weak places on the inside of the house.

Once it explodes, it can cause a lot of damage. Many people are puzzled by Li Wei's approach. Li Wei knows very well that on the battlefield, you must not rely on the weapons in your hands, but must do everything you can to kill the enemy. .

After all, only survival is the most important thing. It seems that many people have forgotten this. Many of them joined the army because of the very generous rewards and remuneration promised by the superiors, and many people think that the rebels are just a bunch of rabble. .

It wasn't until they actually set foot on the battlefield that they discovered that their understanding of the rebels was too narrow, because many rebels were criminals or low-level workers who had enslaved many people.

Many people have long hated the upper class, and it would be extremely terrifying to unleash their full anger.

This army that came to protect the small town originally exceeded 10,000 people, but it was reduced by 70% in less than a month.

Ammunition also became less and less due to their crazy shooting and attacks, and the ammunition that was subsequently replenished began to become less and less.

"Can this really stop them?"

Commander Rocco asked. In the past, he had only achieved excellent results in military training operations before being promoted to commander. However, the actual combat during this period has completely subverted Roco's perception. He knew that he had encountered the biggest crisis since joining the army.

The current situation was extremely desperate for Rocco. He had been obeying orders from his superiors and would not retreat from his position on the mountains. But now Roco thought about it carefully. If he had been calmer, he would not have lost so many troops.

Because the troops were too exhausted and supplies were seriously insufficient, especially after entering the city tonight, Rocco was hopeless because the place had been abandoned.

Workers in the city are placing explosives that can be controlled from a distance. Li Wei has asked them to wait for the opportunity, light the explosives and then run away. Li Wei also made it very clear where they gathered.

It's in the residential area of ​​the city, where the houses are very crowded and the terrain is narrow, which is very conducive to defense.

Many soldiers only have a few dozen rounds of ammunition in their hands. This makes many soldiers feel insecure. Li Wei has told them that they must shoot again in the narrow alleys and streets of residential areas. The hit rate will be higher.

Only the congested western residential area of ​​the city has defensive significance, and some workers have placed supplies behind the western residential area.

What follows will be a battle of life and death. If they cannot win, they will definitely be killed by the rebels.

Li Wei exhaled a puff of smoke, smiled and said.

"If we can't stop it, we will all die."

Li Wei knew the current situation very well. It would be difficult for her to leave alone.

Time passed by, and it was already 5 o'clock in the morning. Li Wei began to set up behind the city wall, and designated several fire flanking points on the left and right sides.

Directly opposite the city gate, some teams were arranged to lure the enemy. There were not many people on the city wall, less than 100 people. They could escape along the city wall at any time after attacking.

Moreover, Li Wei has made it very clear that we must not wait for the enemy to come in and attack, but must create an illusion for the enemy. They must run away as soon as the gate is breached.

In this way, when the enemy pursues them and the soldiers behind some simple fortifications run away, they can pretend to retreat.

Rocco didn't quite believe what Li Wei said, because the tactical lessons in the classroom always appeared in his mind. When facing such a huge enemy, such an approach was simply hitting an egg with a stone, and the enemies were not fools.

"Listen clearly, if you want to survive, you must do what I say. I will command the people on the wall. Don't worry, as long as you do what I say, we will definitely win."

Soon everything was ready when the sky lit up. Li Wei leaned against the city wall, drinking hot soup and eating. She yawned happily. Many people around her looked nervous.

Because densely packed people were seen moving in the distance, the rebels had already pulled the cannon over, Li Wei smiled, and the people on the city wall dispersed and did not gather.

"If the enemy attacks with artillery fire later, we will take shelter in some rooms under the city wall."

The width and thickness of the city walls can completely withstand artillery fire. As long as they are not densely arranged on the city walls, they will not be hit by artillery fire.

Li Wei smiled easily, and everyone around him seemed a little scared. In just half an hour, the enemy advanced to the forward base, only seven or eight hundred meters away from the city wall.

"You surrender immediately, otherwise once we attack, you will all die."

Looking at the increasingly dense enemies, Li Wei just smiled, and then her eyes signaled that many people began to move. After a few people showed their heads, they began to shoot at the opposite side.

Li Wei laughed. Some of them couldn't wait any longer. The cannon was pulled up and Li Wei ran quickly.

Sure enough, in less than 5 minutes, the first artillery shell landed on the city wall, with a deafening explosion and rocks flying. Li Wei and a few people hid in a small room. Although they felt the vibration, the room was very strong.

Li Wei also placed obstacles and explosives on the stairs coming up from both sides of the city wall. Even if they start to attack the enemy's subsequent troops entering the city later, they will not be able to get up in a short time. They can buy time to go around the city wall. Go west.

The shells kept roaring and exploding on the city wall, falling behind the city wall. Li Wei kept beating the dust off her body.

After one round of shelling, Li Wei soon heard the cry of killing. She looked out through the ventilation hole. Soon Li Wei laughed out loud and lit a cigarette.

Many soldiers also noticed that the enemies who entered the forward position screamed, and many people shouted in pain. The nails and glass placed everywhere last night had an effect.

Soon the enemy's offensive came to an abrupt end, and Li Wei quickly blew a whistle.

Many people left the room directly, quickly returned to the city wall, looked at the enemy who was planning to pave the road with planks, and quickly started shooting.

Suddenly there was a loud burst of gunfire. After a round of shooting, Li Wei blew the whistle, and everyone began to flee towards the rooms within the city wall.

This time Li Wei moved with his people, because a large number of artillery shells had fallen where they were just now, and some rooms were penetrated. At this time, under the cover of artillery fire, the enemy began to build a road with wooden planks, but Moves very slowly.

Gunshots continued to sound, the enemy was already close to the city wall, and the people around him looked extremely scared, Li Wei said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's no problem. I'll give them a big one later."

Sure enough, the enemy began to blast the city gate. With explosions one after another, and a loud bang, the city gate collapsed.

Gunshots rang out, and many soldiers about 500 meters behind the city gate opened fire, but the enemies began to pour in in large numbers and began to fight back.

Li Wei showed an evil smile, and she blew the whistle. Enemies had already poured in in large numbers, chasing the people fleeing from the front.

Li Wei raised the gun. As soon as he went out, he saw someone trying to clear the obstacles on the stairs, so he pulled the trigger.

Immediately, many people opened the grenades and threw them directly, and some people began to shoot from a high position.

"Shoot all the ammunition and retreat."

Li Wei shouted, and hundreds of people pulled the triggers frantically. Sure enough, the enemies who entered the city began to flee in all directions, but with the sound of explosions one after another, in just a few minutes, the enemies who entered the city were divided into two. section, hundreds of enemies died.

Li Wei and his men looked at the enemies below who were planning to fight back, and just shouted for them to use up their ammunition.

What the people on the city wall took the most were grenades, and the bulging backpacks were emptied out, but people around them were still shot and died.

Li Wei grinned and looked at the people running around with their heads in their hands, and then Li Wei blew the whistle.

"Retreat immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people on the city wall began to evacuate towards the left city wall. At this time, the obstacles were blown open, and the enemies outside the city wall also began to attack on the outside. Soon someone rushed to the city wall, Li Wei smiled Passed a place.

This place was not far from the corner of the city wall. Li Wei saw a red thread with sharp eyes. She lit a cigarette, then ran over, pulled the red rope, and looked at the enemies swarming up the city wall in the distance. , they started shooting and chased after him.

Li Wei just smiled, pulled the red rope, and then quickly ran away.

A few seconds later, with a shocking explosion, a section of the city wall collapsed. With violent screams, many people were swallowed up by the explosion.

Li Wei placed enough explosives in this place just to cut off their path along the city wall to the west.

At this time, explosions continued to be heard in the city, and Li Wei laughed.

"The plan worked."

Li Wei wiped her sweat. Rocco looked at the chaos in the city with a shocked face. Roko had already arranged for people to set up defenses at the entrances to the West District. They would not be able to attack them for a while. of.

After just half an hour, the enemy stopped attacking. They did not even reach the center of the city. Li Wei looked at the section of city wall on the left. Some enemies had already circled the north wall and wanted to take a detour to the west. But it was obvious that the enemy did not dare to get close.

"How about it? The enemy lost at least two thousand people."

Rocco nodded. Indeed, Rocco didn't expect it to be so easy, but he asked.

"What if there are tens of thousands more people?"

Li Wei said leisurely.

"Can their food and drink be guaranteed forever?"

Rocco understood immediately, Li Wei looked into the distance, and then said.

"I don't know how much supplies they brought, but I am sure that if they crossed this mountain, the supplies would not be able to keep up in a short time, and we have emptied all the supplies in this city. What are they doing? Can’t even get it.”

Li Wei said, took out the telescope, stood on the city wall and observed for a while, then handed the telescope to Rocco who was standing aside.

"Really, they're looking for something to eat."

Li Wei laughed.

"This means that their supplies are out of sync. Once their first attack fails, they will definitely withdraw from the city in the future."

There was a smile on Rocco's face, because he really didn't expect that he could win such a victory so easily. Roco felt that he was whimsical in his hasty preparation last night, but the reason why he did this was because he really didn't have the courage to do so. There's a solution.

Rocco looked at Li Wei who was smoking beside him and stretched out his hands excitedly. Li Wei just smiled.

"We still have about half of the weapons and ammunition. Tell all the soldiers that after the enemy enters the alley, they are not allowed to open fire without my order."

Li Wei knew very well that the first defensive battle later would be crucial. If they could kill a large number of enemies, their advantage would be established.

Sure enough, another half hour passed, and the enemy seemed to have found out that there were no explosives. They began to try to move closer. Li Wei quickly returned to the entrance of a residential area facing a mainland, where nearly 300 people were arranged. , and the enemy also plans to break in from this place.

Because I suffered the disadvantage of the narrow terrain before entering, now the enemy is smarter.

Moreover, Li Wei found that many people looked very bad, and it seemed that they had not finished their meal. Li Wei laughed, and the soldiers around him looked extremely nervous.

Li Wei asked the soldiers to go from the third to the fifth floor of the house, not to exceed this floor, because the lethality at this distance is the strongest.

"Take it easy."

Rocco swallowed and touched the gun in his hand. Li Wei looked at many enemies approaching the house, still making tentative attacks.

"They are also human beings, and they will be tired and hungry. Although they relied on supplies from the previous position last night to replenish their supplies, they will also be tired from the past few days of fighting."

Li Wei lit a cigarette. The enemy was less than 300 meters away from them, but Li Wei was not ready to order the shooting. Li Wei would only give the order when the enemy was 50 meters away from them.

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