Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2781 Take the initiative

Night fell quietly, and the hillside two kilometers away from the military camp outside the city was brightly lit, and bursts of cheers continued to be heard. The rebels were celebrating. This city is currently an important material transfer hub for the army. Once it is breached, The army will definitely suffer from a serious shortage of material supplies on the frontal battlefield.

Li Wei looked at the soldiers eating beside him. More than two-thirds of the people in the city behind him had fled, and they had been holding on here for almost a month.

Many people could no longer hold on. Li Wei looked at these pairs of empty and numb eyes. She knew that if the rebels attacked tomorrow, they would not be able to hold on.

Li Wei asked someone for a cigarette and smiled helplessly. At this time, a woman next to her who looked in a hurry asked.

"Can you still laugh?"

Li Wei shook her head.

"What's the use of crying? Will the rebels disappear tomorrow?"

Li Wei's words made a man next to him cry, and he wailed.

"I want to go back, and I want to go back now."

However, everyone knows that they cannot leave here. The city gate behind them is closed tightly. Even if they want to enter the city, it is impossible because the city is currently undergoing distribution and transfer of materials.

Li Wei exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at the desperate faces. Not far away, the commander and several adjutants were discussing something in frustration. They looked drunk. Many soldiers were nearby, staring at them. .

Many people's emotions seemed quite unstable, the woman next to Li Wei said at this time.

"The treatment promised to us has not been fulfilled so far."

The woman wiped her tears, but Li Wei still raised her head and looked at the dark sky. Now she just wanted to escape quickly, then go around to understand the situation, and then go back and report to Tommy.

What Li Wei didn't expect was that in less than two months, the world would become like this. The south had begun to enter a full-scale war, and the north was also in danger because some forces in the north had gathered.

The all-out war in this world will soon come. After Li Wei understood what happened, he just felt incredible. After all, it was because of himself that the situation here was like this.

Li Wei didn't expect that her mere start would have such a big impact. Although it was partly designed like this because Tommy wanted the army, Li Wei still found it incredible.

"I really want to see what I am now."

Li Wei laughed and then asked.

"What does the leader of the rebels look like now?"

Li Wei asked, and the woman next to her took out a reward notice from her backpack. Li Wei was startled. She looked at herself in the photo, with a ferocious expression and terrifying eyes. One eye was already blind, and the reward was as high as 1 million D, this amount is shocking.

After all, Li Wei has been in this world for so long, and she knows the general situation. The per capita salary in this world is only two to three hundred D, she asked with a bitter smile.

"Isn't there anyone who wants this money?"

The woman shook her head.

"That devil has now taken an extremely extreme approach. If we resist and do not surrender, we will all be killed."

Li Wei scratched her head and probably understood why Tommy wanted her to come here in danger. This was because the war had exceeded his expectations, so Tommy didn't know the real situation at all, and what Eddie said about going through the war. To train strong-willed soldiers, is it true?

Li Wei glanced at the situation of this army. Many of them seemed to be wanting to run away, not to mention their determination.


Gunshots rang out and there was a moment of confusion.

"Don't panic, everyone is calm. The enemy did not attack, but someone escaped."

After a while, Li Wei followed a group of people. There were more than a dozen soldiers holding their heads in their hands and crying. An officer raised a gun in his hand and gritted his teeth as he looked at these deserters, while everyone around him showed fear. They also looked like they wanted to run.

"Escape from battle is a capital offense."

The officer said, holding the gun in his hand to a man's head, and the man suddenly broke down and started crying.

"We are inferior to each other in terms of weapons and food. If this continues, we will starve to death even if we don't die in battle."

However, the officer had no intention of showing mercy to the soldier and kept his finger on the trigger.

"Everyone, please listen to me clearly. The consequence of fleeing is that your military expenses will be reduced to zero and you will be dealt with according to military law."


The safety was lifted, and many soldiers closed their eyes for a while. At this time, Li Wei quickly passed over and grabbed the gun. Suddenly, the people around them raised their guns and pointed them at Li Wei.

Li Wei stared at the people around him casually, and then sneered.

"In this situation, let alone holding on, it's good to not starve to death."

After Li Wei finished speaking, the man who was pointing the gun at Li Wei softened. The officer wanted to get the gun back angrily, but Li Wei suddenly punched him in the stomach, and then suddenly grabbed the man's arm. His hair and knees were hit directly.

"Even if you kill them, some will still escape before dawn."

After Li Wei finished speaking, many people were at a loss for a while. The commotion made the commanders of this army come over.

"What are you doing?"

The commander roared angrily, and the officer shouted in pain, covering his cheek.

"What are you doing? Take action, shoot. How dare you hit me? You..."


The gunshot rang out, and Li Wei pulled the trigger. Everyone around him was stunned. The bullet pierced the officer's ear, and he screamed in pain. Li Wei then laughed while holding the rifle in his hand.

"Are you awake? Or do you need a hole in your head?"

The officer showed fear, and the people around him looked at Li Wei in shock. Li Wei looked at the completely confused commander, and then more and more people gathered around.

"If you want to eat, let's go to the city."

The commander's face turned pale, and he waved his hand. Some of his escort soldiers came over and wanted to arrest Li Wei, but Li Wei suddenly stepped over and grabbed the commander's head.

"Idiots, do you want to die or live?"

The commander swallowed, sweat dripping down his face.

"Now we don't have enough to eat or sleep well. We are exhausted from the past few days and have no strength to defend ourselves. We will be killed by them tomorrow. If we continue like this, we will definitely die."

Li Wei's words touched the hearts of many people, the commander said angrily.

"Our order is."

"Bullshit orders, why are we in such a situation now? Because the supplies for us are getting less and less, and they know very well that they can't hold on here, so we have been abandoned and can only be used as bait to help them hold them back. Rebels, just after their transfer is over.”

After Li Wei finished speaking, she put away her gun. The commander lowered his head. The soldiers behind him all put their guns in their hands. Li Wei continued.

"If you think about it carefully, since when did the weapons, ammunition and supplies for us start to decrease?"

Many people knew this well, Li Wei pointed to the city behind her, and then said.

"Follow me. If you want to eat and drink enough, there should be a lot of supplies inside."

Li Wei said and started walking. Many people also picked up weapons at this time. The commander collapsed on the ground exhausted, and his desperate fingers dug into the soil. The situation at this moment was already a desperate situation for him. .

Everyone actually knew it, but no one dared to break the order. At this time, Li Wei stopped and said.

"If something happens, just blame it on me."

As soon as Li Wei said this, the commander breathed a sigh of relief, and then more and more people followed Li Wei and started walking, Li Wei shouted.

"All armed."

Soon Li Wei led a group of people to the city gate. The city gate was closed tightly, and some soldiers above became alert.

"Open the city gate immediately, we need to enter the city to replenish supplies."

At this time, several soldiers seemed hesitant, but soon a drunken officer came up.

"No, your task is to continue to hold the position outside the city and go back immediately, otherwise military law will be engaged."


Li Wei fired directly, and everyone on the city wall was shocked. The officer even more sobered up, and he shouted.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Wei waved his hand directly, and then someone brought explosives, Li Wei said.

"If you don't open the door I will blow the door open, we are very hungry now."

Li Wei's words were met with extremely severe rebuttal, and the people on the city wall also raised their weapons. At this time, the people below were completely awake and took up their weapons. For a while, the two sides were at war with each other.

Li Wei quickly came to the gate with the explosives, fixed them and warned again.

"If the door is not opened, we will fight in. We have been hungry for many days."

At this time, the officers on the city wall panicked.

"Wait, wait a moment, let your commander come out, I."

"I am the commander now, and our commander has been injured."

The officer looked at the woman below in disbelief, but he still didn't intend to open the door. The soldiers on the wall seemed even more nervous, and the soldiers around Li Wei started shouting.

"Since you don't open the door, there's nothing you can do."


Five minutes later, the city gate opened. Li Wei raised the gun in his hand. Soon soldiers began to pour into the city. The place in the distance was very lively. It seemed that supplies were still being distributed.

And many people were extremely angry. There were more than thirty soldiers on the city wall. They looked very frightened. The officer who opened the door came over angrily.

"What do you want, you have already violated the order, now"

The gunfire rang out again, and this time the officer shut up. He fell in a pool of blood, and the soldiers around him were horrified. Li Wei asked.

"Where is there something to eat and drink? Take us there."

The soldiers guarding the city nodded, and soon Li Wei and the others came to a warehouse where supplies were still being transported. Many workers were still busy, and they looked solemn. Li Wei fired and shouted.

"Everyone stop, we are hungry now and we need to eat first."

Li Wei shouted, and a group of soldiers swarmed over and started to pick up some boxes. After opening them, many soldiers saw the food and picked it up and ate it.

"Do you see clearly?"

Li Wei asked, and their original commander nodded. There are almost no troops in this place now, only a small number of soldiers, and there are many workers. According to several workers, they will evacuate tonight after transporting the previously transferred materials. .

The city is already empty, almost everything that can be moved has been moved away, and it has become an empty city.

Li Wei asked some people to heat up the food. After all, eating it coldly was not good for the body.

Soon, with the aroma of food, many people seemed to come to life, and many people started crying. At this time, the commander handed a bottle of wine to Li Wei.

"What do we do now?"

Everyone saw Li Wei's courage, many people stared at Li Wei, Li Wei smiled.

"If this city is attacked, I'm afraid it won't be able to survive for a day. After all, even the ammunition has been transported away. It seems that the upper levels have completely abandoned this place."

Many people looked solemn, and Li Wei continued to analyze.

"They should have found a new supply line, so this line in a strategic location was abandoned."

Li Wei stood up after speaking.

"Those who have enough to eat and drink should immediately stop the transportation of supplies. If the supplies are not available, we will be even more unable to resist."

Following Li Wei's order, many people moved. Li Wei called several officers over. They nodded and obeyed Li Wei's order. The officer whose ear was pierced before also nodded.

Soon thousands of workers in the city were gathered together, as well as more than 100 trucks, some of which were already loaded with supplies and ready to go. The workers looked very scared and they all wanted to run away.

"Now I need everyone's help. Follow me out and repair the outer defenses. Now get all the ammunition that can be used. We need to count it. If there are extra, we must increase the number of soldiers. "

Many workers panicked and shouted that they had not received training at all. Many people just wanted to escape and did not want to go to the battlefield at all, Li Wei said with a smile.

"It's not up to you now. If we leave, we won't be able to run far."

Li Wei's words made many people realize, and many workers also knew that they could only rely on their legs to evacuate and could not leave with the truck.

"Okay, don't think too much, everyone. This place has been abandoned by the higher ups. No one will care about our life or death, and there will be no support. So many of us are just talking nonsense."

Li Wei continued after finishing speaking.

"You should have seen the number of rebel vehicles at the foot of the mountain. Once they catch up, we will all be doomed."


Li Wei fired a shot into the air and then shouted.

"If you don't want to die, come with me. The rebels should have driven around tonight and plan to completely surround us. This siege will be completed before dawn."

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