It was approaching 12 o'clock, and Li Wei had just woken up with a yawn. The enemy had surrounded the residential areas in the west. Instead of attacking, they were trying to persuade them to surrender from all directions.

Li Wei could see that some people could no longer hold on. Such huge pressure was unbearable to many people. Li Wei sensed the danger and immediately said to Rocco and other lieutenants beside her.

"You go immediately and inform all the soldiers, ask them to hold on, and tell them that the enemy has no supplies. As long as we hold on, we will win. Once we win, we can get a lot of rewards when we go back."

Rocco looked at Li Wei in shock, and he understood.

"What if such a promise cannot be fulfilled in the future?"

Li Wei smiled.

"Do you want a mutiny and surrender now or do you want to continue to hold on?"

Rocco understood, and the other adjutants also knew that if they continued to be surrounded like this, someone's mentality would definitely be unbalanced. Once such a situation occurred, some people could not bear it and surrendered, and more people would surrender soon after.

Because they had seen such things before, several adjutants left immediately, and Rocco wiped the sweat and asked.

"What are our chances of winning?"

Li Wei smiled calmly, took out a cigarette and lit it before saying.

"Almost zero."

Rocco swallowed, his eyes widened, and Li Wei continued.

"Think about it, although we have sufficient supplies, we only have 3,000 people, and our weapons and ammunition have been reduced by half. The other party has tens of thousands of people. They are now transporting weapons and ammunition over. They have plenty of weapons and ammunition. , once they start attacking, they only need to attack with heavy firepower weapons and then assault."

Rocco pressed his head in annoyance. He didn't know why he believed this woman.

Li Wei saw Rocco's face in pain, she slapped him, and Roko covered his face.


Li Wei laughed evilly, and Rocco immediately understood. He swallowed and asked.

"Are we going to raid their weapons storage site?"

Li Wei nodded.


Rocco exhaled, he understood, and suddenly felt a surge of electricity rushing to his forehead.

"But the question is, is it that smooth?"

Li Wei smiled.

"It's definitely not possible now. We have to wait until they bring the weapons and ammunition. Once they are almost there, we will know where they are mainly concentrated, and then we can formulate plans and programs."

Rocco said with a heavy heart, Levi said.

"They will not attack today. Their commanders have probably experienced many fierce battles and grown up. They have assessed the losses. If they attack today, they will suffer huge losses."

After observing with a telescope for a while, Rocco found that the enemy did not have any intention to attack. Except for people patrolling from time to time on the periphery, most of the others were resting in some houses.

"So we must seize this golden opportunity to eliminate the enemy."

Rocco nodded, but he immediately became confused.

"How are we going to get out?"

Li Wei pointed to the opposite side, and Rocco looked over.

"From the front?"

Li Wei smiled.

"From the outside."

Rocco said in shock.

"How can it be?"

Li Wei smiled.

"Why didn't I blow up the wall connecting the west side and still let people guard it?"

Rocco didn't quite understand.

"Just give me 200 people, and plenty of weapons and ammunition."

Rocco didn't quite understand, Li Wei explained.

"What do you think will happen if we come in through the south gate in a big way?"

Rocco stood up in shock.

"Indeed, if we changed our clothes and put on black cloth belts so that we looked just like the rebels, they wouldn't notice at all."

Li Wei laughed happily and said.

"Today we will try our best to see clearly where they put their weapons, ammunition and supplies before dawn, and then we will start taking action tonight. We will make arrangements immediately to select the most elite people among the 3,000 people."

Rocco laughed happily, and Li Wei exhaled a puff of smoke and stared at the rebels. Now they looked very relaxed, because they knew very well that as long as the weapons and ammunition were in place, they attacked in one round and rushed into the residential area, the battle would be over. .

Then Li Wei took the telescope directly to the roof of the building and began to look at the surrounding movements. A car slowly drove into the south gate, and some people had already begun to eat at the city gate.

Li Wei laughed. There were still many workers in this residential area, and some of them had already run away.

But it was no big deal to Li Wei, Rocco soon came over, he said.

"I have gathered my escort team, they are all well-trained people."

Li Wei nodded, and soon several adjutants came over. Li Wei told them to keep an eye on the rebels and where they were gathered.

After a while, Li Wei and Rocco came to a small square in a residential area. Many soldiers looked confused, and then Li Wei shouted.

"Go find someone or clothes immediately and change your military uniforms into your daily clothes."

Rocco had already ordered people to find white cloth and paint, and sure enough, another soldier came over carrying paint and some white cloth.

The soldiers could only do as they were told. An hour later, the soldiers in the small square all changed into clothes that looked very ill-fitting, Li Wei shouted.

"Walling on the ground to make myself look dirty, some of my clothes were torn in some places."

The soldiers were confused. Rocco immediately gave the order, and soon the soldiers did it. After a while, more than 200 people looked dirty and their clothes were in tatters.

Li Wei nodded with satisfaction.

"Now it looks decent."

Rocco breathed a sigh of relief, and then Rocco began to tell the plan. The soldiers looked at Li Wei in disbelief, and Li Wei said.

"That's the thing. When we enter the city at night, we must appear calm, relaxed and joyful. Now let's practice it together as a group."

Rocco admired Li Wei very much. He didn't expect Li Wei to think so carefully. Soon the soldiers were talking and laughing and walking around the square. After an hour of such drills, Li Wei nodded.

"Now everyone grab weapons and ammunition, and then we'll leave the city at almost nightfall."

At around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Li Wei led a group of people to the bottom of the city wall. Everyone had black cloth bands wrapped around their arms. They looked similar to rebels. Many soldiers were in disbelief, but more The soldiers showed joyful expressions.

Because this plan is really good, many soldiers see hope in this plan. Ropes have been prepared on the city wall, and the soldiers only need to slide down slowly along the ropes.

The soldiers are quite familiar with the terrain nearby, because they have been stationed here for three months, and their daily training is around the city wall.

Soon the sky darkened. Li Wei looked at the intelligence collected by several adjutants. The rebels placed weapons and ammunition in the south near the west side. There were a lot of artillery shells piled up there, and the cannons were also there. They were probably repairing them. Overnight, the attack will begin.

After the telescope could no longer see too far away, Li Wei immediately gave the order, and the soldiers carrying weapons and ammunition descended along the rope one by one.

In less than 20 minutes, Li Wei led the people to stand outside the city wall. There were many areas outside the city wall, and there were few roads. There was also a river blocking the way. After Li Wei led the people across the river, they began to move towards The south side took a roundabout way.

Time passed by, and there were still a large number of soldiers moving in the wilderness outside the south gate. Many of them were carrying a lot of supplies. Li Wei quickly led the people over.

"It's exactly what I thought."

Li Wei smiled proudly, and they easily blended into the crowd. No one doubted their identity. Li Wei was among the soldiers, following the sparse flow of people.

Many soldiers felt unbelievable, and some rebels even greeted them proactively. Li Wei also said that just let the soldiers fool them.

After arriving at the outer position, someone shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Never walk under planks, there are lots of nails and broken glass."

Li Wei looked at her masterpiece happily. The reason why the car took a whole day to enter the city was because this place needed to be laid with thick enough wooden boards for the car to pass. Some places could only be filled with stones.

Li Wei led the soldiers carefully across the plank. Many soldiers felt very happy. They successfully entered the city, and they also inquired about some things during the process.

Now they plan to rush directly into the West District after the artillery attack early tomorrow morning.

Li Wei became more and more happy, and then, led by several soldiers who were familiar with the city's structure, they headed towards the east district near the residential area, where there was a relatively large square.

Li Wei lied that they were the first troops to charge tomorrow morning, and some commanders did not pay attention. At around 8 o'clock in the evening, Li Wei led people to the edge of the square, and then found some empty houses and took people in. rest.

Li Wei and more than a dozen squad leaders went upstairs and closed the door. Li Wei looked at the vehicles parked in the square and a lot of ammunition that had been transported.

"Success or failure depends on tonight. We can only use this method once. Listen clearly. Once the attack is over, we can just run back to the residential area."

Many people looked very excited. There were not many enemies here, only a few hundred. If they suddenly launched an attack, the enemy would have no choice but to attack silently.

Time passed by, and Li Wei saw that it was already past 11 o'clock, and the soldiers had gotten enough rest. Because the rebels did not have uniform uniforms and unit numbers, Li Wei and the others did not have to worry.

Some of the patrolling soldiers didn't seem to feel anything strange. Li Wei had assigned a team and all of them were equipped with daggers.

"Do you have anything to eat here?"

A soldier walked over with a smile, and Li Wei looked at the three people chatting under the light in front of him. They looked very happy, and one of them said.

"We haven't eaten enough yet. You'd better go and ask somewhere else."

Suddenly Li Wei took action, and several other soldiers rushed forward. In an instant, the three soldiers standing here had their throats cut. Things went surprisingly smoothly.

Li Wei looked at boxes of gasoline and some explosives, and then quickly began to arrange them.

"Move quickly."

More than ten minutes later, Li Wei looked at the people around him who had retreated to the periphery, then raised his gun and looked at the gasoline on the ground.

"It's time to start."

At this time, someone noticed something was wrong, and seven or eight enemies ran over.

"What are you doing?"

Li Wei suddenly turned around and pulled the trigger, and with the sound of gunshots, the fire suddenly lit up.

After several enemies fell, Li Wei quickly ran with his men. There was a roar behind him, and along with the steaming flames, the entire square was filled with flames.

At this time, gunshots were heard from the front, and the response team arranged by Rocco had already begun to attack this side. Li Wei had already told everyone not to run out in a hurry, but to wait until the situation stabilized before the soldiers arranged by Rocco came over. , go back again.

Soon Li Wei saw the street connected to the residential area, followed by the sky-high flames and gunshots.

Across the street, soldiers were attacking some enemies here.

Seeing that the gunfire began to weaken, the soldiers from the opposite side had already rushed over. Li Wei immediately rushed over with people, and the responding soldiers from the opposite side started to cover the fire when they saw the people coming.

Just half an hour later, Li Wei returned to the residential area with more than 180 people. Everyone was cheering, and Rocco was so excited that he cried. The fire in the distance was still spreading, and the enemy was completely in chaos. .

Some enemies pressed forward, but in such a dark night, they were unable to break through the fire network.

Time passed by, and at about 1 o'clock in the morning, everything calmed down. A large number of enemies rushed to the opposite side of them, and the fire gradually became smaller. Li Wei stood on the city wall and smiled, exhaling smoke.

"I didn't expect them to be so vulnerable."

Rocco also didn't expect that originally they could only hold out against these strong-willed and very brave enemies for less than a month, and 70% of their troops were lost. But now they can make the enemy pay a heavy price so easily. cost.

"There are at least 40 cars in that square and a lot of artillery shells. They are finished now."

Rocco smiled happily.

"This kind of strategy can only be used once. What we need to do next is to wait for the enemy to collapse. If the enemy still makes some moves, we still need to think of his methods. It only takes three to five days at most, and the enemy will be completely defeated. Collapsed.”

Rocco nodded. Now the cannonballs have been destroyed. Although there are still some enemies, it is certain that the enemy's cannonballs can no longer hit them densely, and if the enemies want to rush in, they will definitely pay a heavy price.

Li Wei laughed.

"Okay, now I'm going back to rest. If you have any questions, just call me."

Li Wei scratched his head. The situation just now was very dangerous, but the enemy was too careless, because in the past month, they had easily killed too many soldiers. (End of chapter)

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