Allen stared quietly at the cave that was being searched not far away. Hundreds of people were outside the cave. He stood 300 meters away from the crowd, near a big rock.

"Is it Jade again!"

Allen sneered, watching everything he had worked hard for ten years turn into ashes. One day ago, people from the Special Investigation Bureau raided their base. Allen and his group were caught off guard. Although they fought desperately, they were soon followed by As more and more people died, most people chose to surrender.

Allen couldn't understand how the Special Investigation Bureau found them. It had been many years and they couldn't find him.

After thinking about it, Allen felt that there was only one possibility, and that was Jed. Countless thoughts gathered in Allen's mind.

Everything became clearer and clearer. Allen remembered that he had returned to the fortress a month ago, dug up the old house, and retrieved his wife's necklace from inside.

Allen's wife just passed away three months ago. He probably guessed that after they organized and planned to kill the mayor and his family of a town, clues were revealed, and only one person would realize that he was still alive. That person was Jade.

There was a noise behind him, and his youngest son, Curt, walked up.

"Father, what should I do?"

Allen did not answer, but looked coldly at the people of the special investigation team in the distance. Among them was a young woman, Monica.

Allen is no match for this woman. She is amazingly strong. Although most of the Hillman family are still alive, a few people have been arrested, including his eldest son. Allen is not doing much now. Instead, he planned to wait.

Allen knew that the opportunity would come again, and he could feel why Jed paid so much attention to him, because he had shown off his strength in front of him a few years ago.

Allen just wanted to remind Jed that he didn't lose and Hillman would always exist.

"It's okay, Curt, it's okay, our Hillman family will exist forever, as long as there is evil in this world."

After Allen finished speaking, the youngest son behind him also laughed contemptuously and coldly like him.

For Allen, everything in front of him is just a bump in the journey of life. As long as evil breeds, everything will return to its original point.

The intervention of the Special Investigation Bureau will only allow this hidden evil to grow crazily in the dark, and they don't seem to be aware of it yet.

After the rectification of the Special Investigation Bureau in the past few years, the family's power has become stable again. Some powerful mutants have been suppressed. They are constantly squeezed by the family, and they cannot resist at will, because if they commit a crime, the special investigation will People from the bureau will come and arrest them.

Many mutants will be sent to work in some farmlands created by the gods specifically for mutants. They will be required to work day and night without any human rights. This is unbearable for many mutants.

Mutants are so trampled under their feet, then ordinary people's lives will be even more difficult. Even if there is a stable financial system, the family is now above everything, and the stability that the gods think is just a countdown to destruction. And now they don't even appear in front of people.

Allen smiled and patted his son Curt on the shoulder, and then said.

"Remember, Alan, what is the essence of human beings?"

"It's sin, Father."

After listening to his son's words, Allen nodded with satisfaction, and then disappeared into the night with his son. Now Allen and the others have about 100 people left, and the family members account for more than half. That is only known to the core members of Allen's family. There is a secret base in the abandoned city below.

A large amount of supplies have been stored in the base, which is enough for 100 of them to live for a long time.

Allen always has something to prepare, so everything at present is not difficult for Allen.

After this incident, the family can continue to exercise their rights without worries, continue to accumulate wealth, and then exploit everyone outside the family.

Allen and his son walked slowly along the road. There is still more than 40 kilometers away from the city. This is not too far for mutants. They only need to keep ejecting and jumping, and it only takes up to half an hour to arrive. .

"Father, why don't we just go and kill all the families in those towns."

Curt suggested and Allen shook his head.

"At first we targeted the management of that town because they were an extremely important middleman for trade negotiations. If this middleman was destroyed, the entire line would be disrupted. Although later the Angus family sent someone to take over. But obviously the line is not that easy to fix."

Allen looked at everything that was dark in the distance. He had a feeling in his heart that something was coming here. There had been some changes in the world that people had not noticed yet. This might be happening with the gods staying at home. Research has a certain relationship.

After the father and son walked a certain distance, Allen stopped and looked back at the bright sky behind him. He felt a little helpless at this moment. Just because he wanted to get back a necklace from his wife, he was completely exposed. .

In the dim light, his son's face was still full of worry, and Allen said with a smile.

"There's no need to worry, Curt. There are some things that won't change no matter how much we worry about them."

Kurt asked, nodding.

"Aren't you worried about big brother?"

Allen did not answer the question. His eyes were cold. It was not that he did not want to answer the question. After all, he was his own son, but there was nothing he could do now. He should have been imprisoned.

This stronghold will not be exposed for the time being, because there are no more than 5 people in the Hillman family who know about it, and the eldest son does not know about it. This is also for the sake of defense.

"Don't mention this again Curt."

Then Allen leaned down and bounced quickly along the road, and his son Curt also followed, but his eyes looked a little stunned.

10 at night

Monica held a cigarette in her mouth and watched some things being moved out of the cave. Most of them were dirty things, all of which were stolen from some towns. These things will be returned to the towns, while some large equipment will not be used for the time being. If we move, a group of people will settle in this cave tomorrow and start living here.

After all, it is rare to find such a well-equipped cave, and it will be managed by people from the nearest town, and the Special Investigation Bureau will station people here because Allen and other members of the Hillman family have escaped.

Although the number of people who escaped was small, there were powerful mutants among them. Monica also planned to stay for a while and have a look. If those guys came back for revenge, she could catch them all.

Looking at the darkness in the distance, Monica laughed, and Kramer asked beside her.

"What's wrong? Did you think of anything happy?"

Monica exhaled a puff of smoke and laughed.

"It's nothing, I just thought they might be in the city below. Don't we go and look for them?"

Kramer also has this idea, but currently there are not enough manpower. With so many criminals arrested, they need people from their Special Investigation Bureau to sort out each crime and then publish it.

And they are too far away from the city below. If they search in the city, they will be easily attacked. They can deal with it no problem, but some low-level mutants and ordinary people will suffer.

"I don't think they can make any big waves."

Kramer said, and Monica nodded, having completely destroyed the Hillman gang. Looking at some of the equipment and machinery in the two caves, including food, it can be imagined that they spent a lot of time to build it, but Everything they had spent years building was wiped out overnight.

Those who were responsible for contacting the criminals and providing them with escape were also exposed. Because they received benefits from Allen, usually money or raw materials, they would help some criminals and take them in first. , and then wait for Allen to contact him and tell the criminal where to go.

According to one of the people, this situation has been going on for seven years. This is unimaginable because most of the people who provide help have their own stable industries, but they still get involved and want to make money. Extra money.

At this time, a car was slowly approaching not far away, getting closer and closer. It was an off-road vehicle.

"Aren't you going to continue the investigation?"

Jed got out of the car and Monica and Kramer leaned over, Jed looking annoyed.

"Old Jed, now we have destroyed everything in Hillman, they are completely finished."

Jed said tapping his cane.

"You can't stop. Once you stop, your efforts will be in vain, and Allen will come back."

Monica laughed.

"Why did he come back? The old man told me that they only have more than 100 people left, and everything has been destroyed by us."

Jed said angrily.

"When they left the fortress, there were not even 100 people, but they still developed into a threat to the entire town in just a few years."

Kramer is also on Monica's side this time, because he also feels that no matter what Allen does, he will not be able to continue to plan anything, because after this time, this grassland will be stable, as long as With the existence of their Special Investigation Bureau, those mutant people cannot escape after committing crimes.

As long as they continue to work hard, they will definitely eradicate everything on this grassland.

From Kramer and Monica's point of view, as long as the power is consolidated, everything will be fine.

The previous events where mutants began to attack power will be suppressed, the mutant people will become honest, and the families will lead the town to prosperity.

Jed is very angry now because he sees the smiles on many people's faces, but he has been the mayor for so many years, and he knows better than anyone what the current problem is.

And Allen will definitely continue to cause trouble, because Allen exists to nourish crime.

"If the sparks are not completely extinguished, the fire will still ignite."

After Jed finished speaking, Monica waved her hands and said.

"Speak slowly to our director."

Seeing that Monica was about to leave, Jed held up his crutch to block him.

"Don't take my words for granted. It was the same last time. If I hadn't reminded you, would you have really been able to catch the Hillman family?"

Jed was so angry that he looked towards the dark place in the distance, where there was a small city.

"If you are afraid of investing too many people and causing unnecessary losses and trouble, you two should go over and investigate it yourself. At least you have the strength to protect yourself."

Monica put out the cigarette butt and lit another one. He stared coldly into the darkness in the distance and then said.

"How about we leave tonight."

Kramer coughed.

"You're kidding me."

Monica looked at Jade with fear still in her eyes.

"What are you afraid of?"

Jade hesitated for a moment and then sighed.

"You have never come into contact with Alan Hillman, so naturally you don't know what kind of existence he is. I have known him since I came here when there were problems in this world, and we have been with him for a long time. Everything he did had nothing to do with survival or money or power, he was just simply enjoying the evil he had devised."

Monica laughed disapprovingly.

"What do you mean by born bad?"

Jade nodded.

"Although I don't know how to tell you, Allen does everything for the sake of committing crimes. This is the root of his actions. Maybe he was not like this before the world was safe, but I am sure that he was My heart is filled with extremely evil thoughts.”

After Monica heard this, she stood up. She asked one of her subordinates to bring some food and drink, then she ran away. Kramer hurriedly caught up with her, but Monica was already there. There was no trace.

"Jade would be in danger if she goes alone."

Kramer said, Jade lowered his head at this time.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do it. I didn't expect her to be so impulsive."

Kramer directly asked people to bring water and supplies, picked three elite mutants on his back, and then led them directly over.

Jed also knew that they might be in danger, but they had to completely eradicate Allen, or the Hillman family that had been assimilated by Allen.

Jed went to see Allen's eldest son Jerry. He had become just like his father. Even when he was caught and interrogated, he still looked evil because the Hillman family had become a family of crime. Will slowly become like Allen.

Jade is very clear that if the Hillman family is not eradicated, this grassland will be full of crime and violence in the future, because the root problems on the grassland have emerged. The family is a very big reason, but this is also There is no way.

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