"Really, is what this old man said reliable?"

Monica muttered, and Kramer stared at her and told her not to speak. At this time, the two of them were sitting in a noisy tavern at night. They were staring at a mutant criminal. A few days ago, he assaulted a woman and killed another person in a town and then fled.

Now they have sorted out the clues. The place where these mutants after committing crimes will come is Town No. 38 in the west.

After a series of visits and investigations, it was determined that many mutant criminals had visited this town before.

Moreover, mutant people will stop in this tavern and stay in the rooms above the tavern, and then they will disappear.

According to what Jed said, Allen's favorite thing is to play such tricks. He will even instigate some people to commit crimes, and then give them advice, and then make these people's only way out after committing crimes is to follow him.

Kramer looked at everything around him calmly. They had been in this town in disguise for ten days. After finding out the source of these problems, Jed said that Allen's past series of crime methods were taken seriously. talked to them about it.

So the Special Investigation Bureau customized a plan to let Allen take the initiative to surrender. Now they must figure out where this criminal will go.

At this time, Monica got up, walked to the bar to get a drink, and chatted with the boss whom she had met and chatted with a few days ago. The mutant next to her didn't notice anything. He just lowered his head and drank a lot of wine. Cup.

After Monica got two glasses of wine, she easily placed a small tracker on the mutant's body.

After returning to the table, Kramer raised his thumb, and a light spot appeared on a tracking screen in his arms. The range of this tracker is based on the range of the network, that is, no matter where the mutant goes, They all know his location as long as he is within the area covered by the town network.

The two of them will follow the mutant quietly, and some special investigators who have been deployed around him will also follow up.

"It's better to wait for them to contact you and catch him directly. Why did you go to such trouble? If you catch him and interrogate him, he will tell you everything."

Kramer shook his head.

"If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome. If we can know where they go and where they gather, we can catch them all."

Monica still felt troubled. She instinctively felt that the criminal this time was obviously different from what they had encountered in the past. Judging from the several crimes he had planned in a row, he had no idea about committing crimes. Instead of disgust and fear, committing crimes will make him feel excited.

For such a guy, Monica's idea is to directly destroy him. If you want to catch this guy, you will pay a very high price.

Monica has discussed this with Kramer many times, but it is obvious that everyone supports Kramer's approach and caught these criminals bit by bit.

"Really, how long do we have to wait."

Monica took a sip of wine and complained, and Kramer smiled helplessly.

"We will conduct this kind of investigation not once or twice. We will eventually find their base gradually."

If it's still the same, Monica can't bear to think about it anymore. Now she just wants to find Allen quickly and kill him, so that everything can be over. As long as Allen is killed, everything will stop.

At this time, the man on the bar went upstairs, and the two of them could only go back to the room and stare at the surveillance camera in the man's room. Now they could only take turns watching the man, where he would go.

"I'll sleep first."

Monica fell asleep as soon as she entered the room, and Kramer could only stare. He knew he would probably have to stare at her all night long, and Monica would not get up.

It was not until 5 o'clock in the morning that Kramer was a little sleepy. The mutant in the room was motionless and did not go out. Only then did Monica get up with a yawn.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier."

Kramer lay on the bed tiredly and fell asleep quickly.

Monica looked at the mutant in the video. He remained motionless. It was not until 9 o'clock in the morning that the mutant got up. Kramer was still sleeping, so Monica followed him directly.

Everything was still the same. The mutant ordered a breakfast and then sat at the bar. He looked very cautious and kept looking around.

Monica was extremely irritable. She couldn't stand this kind of investigation where she kept staring at others and doing nothing. As long as she caught this mutant and interrogated him, she would definitely gain something.

Just when Monica was about to take action, a hand pressed her shoulder.

"Why so nervous?"

Monica took a moment to sigh.

"Really, why did you come down all of a sudden?"

Kramer laughed.

"I knew you wanted to take action. This is already the third day. It's hard to survive until now. Let's continue to be patient."

It wasn't until dusk that the man put on his mobile phone and watched a day's worth of TV shows and movies. Then the man got up, but still didn't leave the pub.

After a while, the tavern became lively. The man took out his mobile phone again and ordered some food and drinks, and then began to eat while watching.

At this moment, the man acted differently, as if he had eaten something hard, and then he put down the bread in his hand, but everything happened normally. However, the man's unusual behavior did not escape Monica and Kramer. s eyes.

Finally the man got up and left the tavern. Monica and Kramer immediately got up and followed him out. As soon as they went out, they quickly became invisible. They quickly followed the man and walked out of the town, heading towards the south block. Went to the Fengqiang area.

The wind-blocking wall had many sides, and they were not in a straight line. Soon the mutant in front of them sped up, and the two of them followed quickly.

Gradually, we have walked nearly 10 kilometers, and the man in front of us has no intention of stopping.

Kramer laughed and muttered under his breath.

"See, I told you, they must have a base under the road further south."

After a while, they came to the almost invisible road. The man was looking around, as if waiting for someone. The two of them were about 100 meters away from the man, and they were not too close. They can shorten the distance instantly, and they brought thermal imaging cameras, so they can find the mutant's location even if he is invisible.

In the open wilderness, the wind kept whistling by. It was already 10 o'clock in the evening. The man seemed a little cold. He found a big stone and leaned on the leeward side. At this time, at the end of the road not far away, a man suddenly appeared. Looks like a mutant.

The man in front of him was short and slender, wearing an old black suit and leather shoes. He walked over slowly.

The crisp sound of leather shoes sounded in the wilderness. At this time, Kramer and Monica also closed the distance. Sure enough, the mutant leaning against the stone heard the sound and hurriedly got up and came out.

"You're finally here, Mr. Jerry."

The man named Jerry who came over looked very young, less than 20 years old, but his cold eyes were intimidating. The mutant looked at Jerry without saying a word, and then he said.

"I'm at the end of my rope."

Jerry laughed.

"If you have figured it out, you can come with me."

The mutant nodded, and then Jerry turned around. He quickly followed him. The two did not speak, and Kramer and Monica followed.

The two people in front of him didn't walk very fast. They quickly went down the road. After walking for nearly 3 kilometers, Jerry took the mutant to the north near the road above. At this time, Clay Mo pulled Monica because she was very impulsive and wanted to arrest these two guys directly.

"How long do you have to endure it?"

"Follow us first and take a look."

The two continued to follow, and after a while they came to the edge of the mountain wall. Jerry moved a stone with telekinesis, revealing a lighted passage. This was their base. If you didn't look carefully, from the surrounding environment, I can't even find this base.

The tunnel was not long, probably less than 20 meters, but once they entered, they saw a cave underneath. There were at least three to four hundred people inside. There was a planting area in the middle, with living quarters on both sides, and some machinery was running. With.

Through preliminary observation, it should be temperature and water-type machinery.

"This place seems to be quite large, and it's not just a day or two. Fortunately, we went to the old place of the Hillman Family Fortress a few days ago to see it, otherwise we would be in trouble."

Monica was excited at this time because she didn't expect that what the old man Jed said was actually true. This young man in a suit should be a member of the Hillman family, because someone called him Mr. Hillman. .

And Jerry should be the manager here. Maybe there are many places like this. The new mutant quickly integrated into some people, and they also welcomed the mutant very much.

Jade soon recognized some absconding criminals. They were really here before they arrived, and most of them should be criminals. When they gather together, they will form a force that cannot be underestimated.

"You are all arrested. If you don't want to die, you should all lie down on the ground with your hands on your head."

Kramer was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Monica to stand directly on the railing and shouted loudly. Monica turned her head and smiled.

"Don't let anyone get away. Just watch. I, the deputy director of the Special Investigation Bureau, will clean it up and watch the entrance."

In an instant, Monica's body was exuding red particles, and she had already jumped down. Facing some people who had picked up weapons, she did not hesitate at all and directly used telekinesis to break their necks.

Soon some mutants rushed out, but these mutants were chopped into pieces as easily as tofu in front of Monica.

Red blade-like telekinesis continuously took away the lives of mutants one after another. Even if some ordinary people took up arms, they had no advantage in front of Monica.

In just a few minutes, there were hundreds of corpses in the cave, and there were more than a dozen in front of Kramer. These people didn't seem to want avatars at all.

"Hurry up and surrender, this is your only way out."

Monica shouted, and suddenly she jumped to a place on the left. In an instant, accompanied by a fierce red light, a red thunder and lightning flashed across. In an instant, some people who wanted to enter through a hole turned into coke.

"I said you have no chance of winning. You are just ants in my hands. If I can, I can get rid of all of you in 2 minutes."

Kramer looked helplessly at the corpses on the ground. It was certain that many people had given up resistance, but there were still mutants who wanted to escape, but their invisibility was not perfect at all. Monica found their location instantly , and get rid of them easily.

At this time, Jerry suddenly jumped towards another hole. Monica laughed when she saw it. Jerry was just a low-level mutant. In an instant, Monica ejected and kicked him.

There was a loud bang, and Jerry screamed. Although he wrapped his arms with scabs to defend himself, Monica kicked his hands at the end. Jerry flew out, but Monica took one step. Moving forward, he immediately grabbed Jerry's feet and pushed him to the ground, then stepped on his knees.

Jerry screamed again, and everyone raised their hands in surrender.

Kramer ran directly outside the cave. Accompanied by a rising signal flare, Kramer soon jumped directly onto the road, and then sent a message to everyone in the Special Investigation Bureau. They should be there in 20 minutes at most. Arrive.

Then Kramer returned to the cave. The mutant who had just joined today was begging for mercy. His hands and feet were pierced by Monica's thunderbolt, and he was already in great pain.

"I was really bewitched by their people."

The man wailed, and Monica looked at the dying Jerry, and then laughed.

"Is your father Allen? Where is he?"

Jerry gritted his teeth and did not answer, his eyes were still angry. He stared at Monica. Monica smiled and suddenly raised a finger, and red lightning instantly penetrated the knee of Jerry's other foot. After screaming, he fainted.

Kramer glanced at the man who was still begging for mercy. The man kept insisting that someone had tricked him into committing the crime, and he also left a way out for him.

This kind of thing made Monica extremely angry at this moment. He looked at many people around him who were also begging for mercy. Suddenly, Monica rushed into the crowd, and red thunder and lightning was instantly released in all directions.

People who are struck by lightning will immediately become charred and die.

"Monica stop."

Kramer shouted, but still could not stop Monica. It was not until more than 100 people died that Monica finally calmed down.

"You scumbags, listen up, you will never have a chance in this life."

Kramer sighed. It was true that they had committed too many crimes and then escaped, seriously endangering the security and construction of the town.

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