"What's going on? Tell me!"

Monica stared angrily at the group of security guards in front of her. They all looked solemn. The mayor and his family were all killed quietly last night without any witnesses. .

Although there was surveillance, it was done by faceless mutants. Their methods were extremely cruel and they did not spare anyone in the family. The whole process only took less than 5 minutes.

No one in the security team at the door noticed. Now the whole town is in complete chaos. Kramer is still leading people to investigate other people and temporarily let some people serve as mayors, because this town has a lot of trading points. , is a trading town that connects several towns.

There were 58 people in the mayor's family, including 4 mutants, but they all died overnight.

Monica listened to the security team's answer, which was basically the same as what she saw on the surveillance camera.

"Are you pig-brained? Don't you notice even the slightest sign of abnormality?"

"No, Ms. Monica, we really didn't hear any noise. We patrol the mayor's courtyard every night, and we don't slack off."

Monica now thinks that there may be a traitor in the security team, because these mutants who killed the mayor are very aware of all the structures in the mayor's courtyard, and they have perfectly avoided the security team.

The most powerful of these mutants are A-level, and they cannot be perfectly invisible, but they can enter every room of the mayor's house so skillfully, killing all the important people in the town without leaving a trace.

Monica looked at the gate of the town. The mutants invaded from the left side of the mayor's courtyard. The traces of invasion here were very obvious, but Monica was too lazy to investigate. There were other people who would investigate anyway. Nika just needs to find the perpetrator and kill him.

Monica has been doing this in the Special Investigation Team for many years. The investigation matters are basically handed over to other people. Now Monica is 20 years old.

Monica has matured a lot compared to before. Now the Special Investigation Team has been renamed the Bureau of Special Investigations, with Kramer as the director and Monica as the deputy director.

Over the years, the Special Investigation Bureau has been recognized by all the towns. They will not distort things. They are seriously investigating all crime-related matters every day. The methods of doing things have become more and more rational. The concept of doing things is Just and fair.

Watching a bunch of people coming out of the house, Monica yawned and no longer planned to ask the security team something. She never cared about investigating this kind of thing. What Monica cared about was the guys who committed such evil deeds. After all, What is the purpose.

These are the people who robbed the train many times two years ago, but after just a few times they stopped making any moves. Monica and Kramer were already wandering around the train with the most elite mutants in the Bureau. It’s been over a year.

Unexpectedly, something like this happened in this town today, and now the gods no longer care about everything in the town, because the gods basically stay at home in the base.

Even people from the Special Investigation Bureau find it difficult to see gods. Monica probably knows that a certain research by the gods is at a critical stage.

Monica lit a cigarette, sat down comfortably and leaned against the wall, watching Kramer and the others questioning the security team. The scene in the room had been investigated.

"It's indeed that group."

Kramer came over and said, making Monica laugh.

"I told you, how about we conduct a comprehensive investigation, starting from the surrounding areas of the town. They must have an extremely secret base, especially those places under the highway."

Kramer smiled awkwardly. There is simply not enough manpower now. Although the Special Investigation Bureau has thousands of people, there are only less than 200 mutants. The others are ordinary assisting staff.

The salary and benefits of the special investigation team are obtained from the taxes of each town, so now they have begun to hire some ordinary people with good physical fitness and intelligence. They will station in the town and are equivalent to the heads of the security team. They are responsible for some things in the town. They are not under the command of the mayor and belong to the Special Investigation Bureau.

"If we don't have enough manpower, we have to investigate quickly and find them. If we can't, we can mobilize the security team in the town to search with us. According to their crimes, they should be very close to the southern town, not too far away. ."

Monica said as Kramer took out the map, and the two began to study it, leaving the task of investigating some details to their subordinates.

Now we must find out what their purpose is. We know that they looted materials for some industrial equipment, and what happened when they killed the managers of this town.

The two of them had been discussing this point since they came over this morning, but they still didn't come up with any results.

Now there is only one way in front of them, which is to conduct a large-scale search to find these gangs of mutants who escaped after committing crimes in the town. There are quite a few of them.

There are more than 50 mutants who have been identified. They all committed crimes in the town and then absconded. These mutants all went to this mysterious organization.

At this moment, a car drove into the town's yard, and soon the two of them saw members of the Angus family. They were temporarily transferred here to take over the town, which was more than 50 kilometers away from them.

At this time Jed got out of the car and walked over with a cane.

"Mayor Jade, why are you here?"

Kramer was a little surprised, Jade said with a serious expression.

"This matter has nothing to do with the Hillman family."

Jade's words stunned the two of them, and Monica laughed.

"Okay, okay, Grandpa Jed, I think you still"

"Little girl, I'm not kidding you."

Jade said with a serious expression.

Kramer stopped smiling and stared blankly at Jed. Jed angrily held a cane and wanted to hit Monica, but Monica still teased Jed about whether he had Alzheimer's disease.

"Wait Monica, stop making trouble."

Kramer really looked at Jade.

"Are you really sure?"

"I am 100% sure that these things were done by the Hillman family. What they are doing now is the same as when they first started building on this prairie."

Kramer still couldn't believe it, because the Hillman family had disappeared, and their family's original fortress could still be seen here, but now the fortress had collapsed to the point where it was almost unrecognizable.

"You'd better hand over the position of mayor to your son as soon as possible, and then retire as soon as possible and treat your illness."

Monica's words stimulated Jed again, he looked at Monica angrily and said.

"When one day you really see it with your own eyes, you will pay the price for your ignorance."

Jed turned around to leave, but Kramer stopped him.

"Mayor Jed, what makes you think it must be the Hillman family?"

Jed said, pressing his heart.

"There has been fear here. If there is no longer fear here, it means someone else must have done it. But I have been in fear since I heard that the train was hijacked, so I think it was the Hillman family."

Monica laughed.

"Sixth sense? Okay, go back and take medicine. It will be bad if your heart stops."

Jade glanced at Monica and smiled helplessly.

"None of you believe me, but don't forget that this grassland was built by Alan Hillman and I at the beginning. I understand the history of this grassland better than any of you, and I understand it better. The character of the Hillman family, they will not remain silent forever.”

Jed returned to the car. He came here just to remind the people of the Special Investigation Bureau, but it was obvious that none of them wanted to believe what he said. This made Jed feel angry and very sad at the same time.

Jade looked at the ruins of the Hillman family's fortress in the distance, and then asked the young people in the family to drive over.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Jed stepped into the ruins of the Hillman family's fortress. As soon as he entered, there was only a pile of broken garbage. Foundation buried under sand and gravel.

With the help of others, Jed staggered to the foot of the mountain. He took a look at everything around him and remembered that this was the most suitable place for human survival back then.

Just then Jed saw something. His eyes widened in shock, he threw away the crutch in his hand and limped over.

"Grandpa Jed, what's wrong with you?"

The grandnephew behind him shouted, and he could only chase after him. What Jade saw was some sand and gravel that had been dug up. He continued to move forward in a daze, and his grandnephew supported him.

"Don't run around, Grandpa Jed."

Jed saw a hole, and the traces were very new. Jed asked his grandnephew to turn on the light source. He looked down, and the hole continued to extend. Jed touched it bit by bit, and soon saw that it was a buried one. living room, and everything in the living room had been rummaged through.

Most of the things in the living room were rubbish, without anything valuable, but soon Jed noticed a place that had been dug up several times. Although he didn't know what it was, he was sure it was dug out with bare hands. , because there are still traces of fingers.

"Hurry up and get the people from the Special Investigations Unit here, hurry up."

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Monica and Kramer arrived at the fortress.

"Grandpa Jed, have you found any treasures again?"

Jade said, standing next to the cave entrance.

"Other than anyone from the Hillman family, I can't think of anyone who would come back here, dig a hole, and look for something in the buried living room below. You can go down and investigate."

"waste time."

Monica muttered, and Kramer was also doubtful, but still asked people to go down with the equipment to investigate. The investigation was soon over, and the remains of the alienated cells were indeed found at the scene. They were indeed dug up by a mutant, and Some other DNA information.

"Confirm now."

Jed said hurriedly, but he couldn't confirm it for a while, so he could only go to a place with testing equipment for testing, and then start comparing it with the biological data in the server.

The car began to move slowly. Kramer, who was beside Jed with serious eyes, seemed a little sleepy. Monica, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, had already fallen asleep.

At 10 o'clock, everyone came to the town with testing equipment and began to check the DNA collected. It was quickly determined that they were the same person.

Soon everyone began to compare. The comparison work took some time due to the Internet. Jade sat sleepily outside the office, quietly waiting for the results.

Jade knew very well that Allen was 100% alive, and what they wanted to compare now was Allen's DNA information.

"It's Allen's DNA information."

When the words came out, Jade stood up excitedly and started dancing, but Kramer soon shook his head.

"That place was the original residence of the Hillman family. It would not be surprising even to find Allen's DNA information."

"Then let's identify whether it's the latest one or whether it was a long time ago."

Kramer waited quietly, and sure enough, the results came out, and they were the ones that had been left recently.

For a moment, Monica, who was still laughing and joking, lost the smile on her face.

"Are you sure?"

The appraiser said immediately.

"We are very certain that this is the DNA information left in recent days."

Kramer looked at Jade's excited look, and then said helplessly.

"Tell us about Allen, and the Hillman family."

Although Monica was still suspicious, she believed it at this moment, because the DNA information evidence that appeared in front of her showed that Allen was still alive, but his file stated that he had died a few years ago, and everyone in the Hillman family was One by one they keep dying.

"Maybe it's the undead."

Monica teased and Jed tapped his cane.

"Bad girl, by the time Allen officially starts to implement the plan, you will be too late."

Soon, a group of people from the Special Investigation Bureau gathered in the room, listening to Jed talk about Allen and the Hillman family.

They had heard these things mentioned by adults before, but it was another thing to hear them from Jed. Although Jed was old, he was not confused. He analyzed everything about Allen in a clear and logical manner.

Soon the identification team came in and told everyone that the detected abnormal cells and DNA information were from the same person, which meant that Allen was now a mutant.

"And judging from the energy of the remaining alienated cells, he is at least a grade A or above mutant."

Monica asked, raising her feet after lighting a cigarette.

"So Grandpa Jed, what is Allen's purpose?"

"Build a kingdom of his own."

When Jed's words came out, many people were a little unbelievable, but Kramer didn't think so, because he had heard about Allen when he was young. The purpose of building the fortress was to be in the barrier. Obtain the best resources and build your own kingdom with the barrier as the center.

"So where should we check?"

Kramer asked and Jed smiled.

"Check from his next step and just wait and see."

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